Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/a1101000.sql /main/19 2009/09/29 06:17:50 jklein Exp $ Rem Rem a1101000.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem a1101000.sql - additional ANONYMOUS BLOCK dictionary upgrade Rem making use of PL/SQL packages installed by Rem catproc.sql. Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Additional upgrade script to be run during the upgrade of an Rem 11.1.0 database to the new release. Rem Rem This script is called from catupgrd.sql and a1002000.sql Rem Rem Put any anonymous block related changes here. Rem Any dictionary create, alter, updates and deletes Rem that must be performed before catalog.sql and catproc.sql go Rem in c1101000.sql Rem Rem The upgrade is performed in the following stages: Rem STAGE 1: upgrade from 11.1 to the current release Rem STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release Rem Rem NOTES Rem * This script must be run using SQL*PLUS. Rem * You must be connected AS SYSDBA to run this script. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jklein 09/25/09 - fix uet/seg ref check Rem cdilling 08/03/09 - invoke 11.2.0 patch upgrade script Rem bkuchibh 07/21/09 - fix bug 8502349: modify the fk_filter Rem jklein 07/14/09 - run dictionary check rules on upgrade Rem gagarg 03/28/09 - Drop PLSQL notification queue and queue table Rem sanagara 03/03/09 - compile invalid AQ types Rem gagarg 12/02/08 - Bug 6016633: AQ changes recreate AQ_F view Rem absaxena 07/03/08 - create dequeue logs and recreate base views for Rem old multiconsumer queue tables Rem pyoun 12/11/08 - bug 7423840, create dummy salt key in props Rem dollar Rem sjanardh 10/15/08 - SCN_AT_ADD new column in subscriber tables Rem gssmith 10/15/08 - Upgrade Access Advisor for lrg 3651498 Rem achoi 10/01/08 - move drop user to the a script Rem qiwang 07/10/08 - BUG 6909095: logical standby ckpt Rem upgrade/downgrade Rem dvoss 06/26/08 - bug 7033630 - resolve duplicate segcols Rem gagarg 02/18/08 - Bug4241238 AQ changes:recreate AQ_S view Rem mjstewar 01/04/08 - Add DRA upgrade Rem hosu 08/06/07 - 6320985: create unique index on sql$text.signature Rem rburns 07/10/07 - required for 11g upgrade Rem rburns 07/10/07 - Created Rem Rem ************************************************************************* Rem BEGIN a1101000.sql Rem ************************************************************************* Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 1: upgrade from 11.1.0 to the current release Rem ========================================================================= Rem ************************************************************************* Rem Drop user TSMSYS Rem ************************************************************************* DROP USER TSMSYS CASCADE; Rem ************************************************************************* Rem ====================================== Rem SQL Plan Management (SPM) BEGIN Rem ====================================== CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_sql$text_pkey ON sql$text (signature) TABLESPACE sysaux / Rem ====================================== Rem SQL Plan Management (SPM) END Rem ====================================== Rem ======================================================================= Rem Data Recovery Advisor (DRA) BEGIN Rem ======================================================================= Rem Rem Maintenance job HM_CREATE_OFFLINE_DICTIONARY should be disabled. Rem BEGIN sys.dbms_scheduler.disable( name=> 'HM_CREATE_OFFLINE_DICTIONARY', force=> TRUE); EXCEPTION when others then if sqlcode = -27476 then -- Does not exist NULL; else raise; end if; END; / Rem ======================================================================= Rem Data Recovery Advisor (DRA) END Rem ======================================================================= Rem========================================================================= Rem Begin Advanced Queuing upgrade items Rem========================================================================= Rem ================================================================== Rem Compile any invalid types that have queue tables dependent on them Rem or else the views created in the following pl/sql blocks may get Rem compilation errors Rem ================================================================== DECLARE CURSOR typ_cur IS SELECT qt.schema,, d.referenced_owner, d.referenced_name FROM$_queue_tables qt, dba_dependencies d, dba_objects o WHERE qt.schema = d.owner AND = AND d.referenced_type = 'TYPE' AND o.object_name = d.referenced_name AND o.owner = d.referenced_owner AND o.status = 'INVALID'; BEGIN FOR typ_rec in typ_cur LOOP BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter type "' || typ_rec.referenced_owner || '"."' || typ_rec.referenced_name || '" compile specification reuse settings'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'a1101000.sql: Error while compiling type' || typ_rec.referenced_owner|| '.' || typ_rec.referenced_name); END; END LOOP; END; / -- Bug 4241238: Recreate AQ$_S subscribers view to drop QUEUE_TO_QUEUE -- column. DECLARE CURSOR qt_cur IS SELECT qt.schema,, qt.flags FROM$_queue_tables qt; BEGIN FOR qt_rec IN qt_cur LOOP -- for multiconsumer newstyle, recreate. IF (bitand(qt_rec.flags, 1) = 1 and bitand(qt_rec.flags, 8) = 8) THEN sys.dbms_prvtaqis.create_subscriber_view(qt_rec.schema,; END IF; END LOOP; END; / Rem =============================== Rem Add Subscriber Table columns Rem SCN_AT_ADD Rem =============================== -- Turn ON the event to enable DDL on AQ tables alter session set events '10851 trace name context forever, level 1'; DECLARE qt_schema VARCHAR2(30); qt_name VARCHAR2(30); qt_flags NUMBER; -- Select the 8.1 style multi-consumer queue tables CURSOR find_qt_c IS SELECT schema, name, flags, objno FROM$_queue_tables WHERE bitand(flags, 8)=8 and bitand(flags, 1)=1; subtab_sql VARCHAR2(1024); add_col_sql VARCHAR2(300); sel_queues VARCHAR2(300); qcur INTEGER; ignore INTEGER; q_name VARCHAR2(30); no_cmprs_sql VARCHAR2(300); rebuild_idx_sql VARCHAR2(300); tab_sp1 NUMBER; CURSOR rbi_c(tab_owner VARCHAR2, tab_name VARCHAR2) IS SELECT owner, index_name FROM dba_indexes WHERE table_owner=tab_owner AND table_name=tab_name AND status= 'UNUSABLE'; BEGIN FOR q_rec IN find_qt_c LOOP -- iterate all 8.1 mcq queue tables qt_schema := q_rec.schema; -- get queue table schema qt_name :=; -- get queue table name -- Cannot add/drop column from compressed table if 9.2 compatible, -- so first uncompress the table if it is compressed. BEGIN SELECT t.spare1 INTO tab_sp1 FROM tab$ t, obj$ o, user$ u WHERE t.obj# = o.obj# AND u.user# = o.owner# AND = 'AQ$_'||qt_name || '_S' AND = qt_schema; DBMS_SYSTEM.ksdwrt(1, 'Upgrade Queue table subscriber format' || 'AQ$_'||qt_name || '_S') ; IF BITAND(tab_sp1, 131072)=131072 THEN -- table is compressed no_cmprs_sql := 'alter table ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(qt_schema, FALSE) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('AQ$_'||qt_name || '_S', FALSE) || ' move nocompress'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE no_cmprs_sql; -- uncompress the table -- rebuild any unusable indexes for the table FOR r IN rbi_c(qt_schema, 'AQ$_'||qt_name || '_S') LOOP rebuild_idx_sql:= 'ALTER INDEX ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(r.owner, FALSE) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(r.index_name, FALSE) || ' REBUILD'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE rebuild_idx_sql; END LOOP; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'Upgrade Queue table subscriber format:'|| 'Error Msg in table objno select "' || qt_schema || '"."' || 'AQ$_'|| qt_name || '_S"' || SQLERRM) ; END; add_col_sql := 'ALTER TABLE '|| dbms_assert.enquote_name(qt_schema, FALSE) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('AQ$_'|| qt_name || '_S', FALSE) || ' ADD (SCN_AT_ADD NUMBER )' ; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE add_col_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'Upgrade Queue table subscriber format:'|| 'Error Msg Add Col "' || qt_schema || '"."' || 'AQ$_'|| qt_name || '_S"' || SQLERRM) ; END; END LOOP; END; / -- Bug 6016633: Create deq_view compatible with 11.2 releases. -- In 11.2 onwards, timestamps are adjusted to session timezone whereas -- in pre 11.2 view timestamps are with reference to queue table timezone. -- During upgrade, recreate the views compatible to 11.2 DECLARE CURSOR qt_cur IS SELECT qt.schema,, qt.flags FROM$_queue_tables qt; BEGIN FOR qt_rec IN qt_cur LOOP BEGIN IF dbms_aqadm_sys.mcq_8_1(qt_rec.flags) THEN sys.dbms_prvtaqim.create_deq_view(qt_rec.schema,, qt_rec.flags); ELSE sys.dbms_aqadm_sys.create_deq_view(qt_rec.schema,, qt_rec.flags); END IF; EXCEPTION when others then dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'a1101000.sql: recreate deq view ' || 'failed for ' || qt_rec.schema || '.' ||; END; END LOOP; END; / -- create dequeue logs and recreate base views for old multiconsumer qtables declare cursor qt_cur is select schema, name, flags from$_queue_tables; begin for qt in qt_cur loop if (sys.dbms_aqadm_sys.mcq_8_1(qt.flags)) then begin if not sys.dbms_aqadm_sys.object_exists(qt.schema, 'AQ$_' || || '_L', 'TABLE') then sys.dbms_prvtaqim.create_dequeue_log(qt.schema,, qt.flags); end if; sys.dbms_prvtaqim.create_base_view(qt.schema,, qt.flags); exception when others then dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'a1101000.sql: create dequeue log or recreate base' || ' view failed for ' || qt.schema || '.' ||; end; end if; end loop; end; / -- Drop PLSQL notification queue table DECLARE BEGIN BEGIN dbms_aqadm.stop_queue('SYS.AQ_SRVNTFN_TABLE_Q'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'a1101000.sql: stopping of queue ' || 'SYS.AQ_SRVNTFN_TABLE_Q failed.'); IF SQLCODE = -24010 THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'Queue does not exists.'); ELSE dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'sqlerrm= '||sqlerrm); END IF; END; BEGIN dbms_aqadm.drop_queue('SYS.AQ_SRVNTFN_TABLE_Q'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'a1101000.sql: dropping of queue ' || 'SYS.AQ_SRVNTFN_TABLE_Q failed.'); IF SQLCODE = -24010 THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'Queue does not exists.'); ELSE dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'sqlerrm= '||sqlerrm); END IF; END; BEGIN dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table('SYS.AQ_SRVNTFN_TABLE'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'a1101000.sql: dropping of queue table ' || 'SYS.AQ_SRVNTFN_TABLE failed.'); IF SQLCODE = -24002 THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'Queue table does not exists.'); ELSE dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.alert_file, 'sqlerrm= '||sqlerrm); END IF; END; END; / -- Turn OFF the event to disable DDL on AQ tables alter session set events '10851 trace name context off'; Rem========================================================================= Rem End Advanced Queuing upgrade items Rem========================================================================= Rem========================================================================= Rem BEGIN Logical Standby upgrade items Rem========================================================================= Rem Rem BUG 6909095 Rem Convert Logical Standby Ckpt data from 11.1 format to 11.2 format Rem begin sys.dbms_logmnr_internal.agespill_11to112; end; / Rem========================================================================= Rem End Logical Standby upgrade items Rem========================================================================= Rem ======================================================================= Rem Begin Changes for Logminer Rem ======================================================================= execute dbms_session.reset_package; begin dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('system','logmnrc_gtcs', METHOD_OPT => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', no_invalidate => false); end; / declare cnt number := 0; bugtab number := null; now timestamp := current_timestamp; begin select count(1) into cnt from system.logmnrc_gtcs a where exists ( select 1 from system.logmnrc_gtcs b where a.logmnr_uid = b.logmnr_uid and a.obj# = b.obj# and a.objv# = b.objv# and a.segcol# = b.segcol# and a.segcol# <> 0 and a.intcol# > b.intcol# and a.colname = b.colname and a.type# = b.type# and a.length = b.length and =; if cnt > 0 then -- bug encountered select count(1) into cnt from sys.obj$ where owner# = 0 and type# = 2 and name ='BUG_7033630_FIX'; if cnt = 1 then -- rename old table select obj# into bugtab from sys.obj$ where owner# = 0 and type# = 2 and name ='BUG_7033630_FIX'; execute immediate 'alter table sys.BUG_7033630_FIX rename to BUG_7033630_FIX_' || bugtab; end if; execute immediate 'create table sys.BUG_7033630_FIX ( logmnr_uid number, obj# number, objv# number, segcol# number, intcol# number, colname varchar2(30), type# number, length number, precision number, scale number, interval_leading_precision number, interval_trailing_precision number, property number, toid raw(16), charsetid number, charsetform number, typename varchar2(30), fqcolname varchar2(4000), numintcols number, numattrs number, adtorder number, logmnr_spare1 number, logmnr_spare2 number, logmnr_spare3 varchar2(1000), logmnr_spare4 date, logmnr_spare5 number, logmnr_spare6 number, logmnr_spare7 number, logmnr_spare8 number, logmnr_spare9 number, COL# NUMBER, XTYPESCHEMANAME VARCHAR2(30), XTYPENAME VARCHAR2(4000), XFQCOLNAME VARCHAR2(4000), XTOPINTCOL NUMBER, XREFFEDTABLEOBJN NUMBER, XREFFEDTABLEOBJV NUMBER, XCOLTYPEFLAGS NUMBER, XOPQTYPETYPE NUMBER, XOPQTYPEFLAGS NUMBER, XOPQLOBINTCOL NUMBER, XOPQOBJINTCOL NUMBER, XXMLINTCOL NUMBER, EAOWNER# NUMBER, EAMKEYID VARCHAR2(64), EAENCALG NUMBER, EAINTALG NUMBER, EACOLKLC RAW(2000), EAKLCLEN NUMBER, EAFLAGS NUMBER, gtcs_rowid rowid, when_record_found timestamp)'; execute immediate 'insert into sys.BUG_7033630_FIX select a.logmnr_uid, a.obj#, a.objv#, a.segcol#, a.intcol#, a.colname, a.type#, a.length, a.precision, a.scale, a.interval_leading_precision, a.interval_trailing_precision,, a.toid, a.charsetid, a.charsetform, a.typename, a.fqcolname, a.numintcols, a.numattrs, a.adtorder, a.logmnr_spare1, a.logmnr_spare2, a.logmnr_spare3, a.logmnr_spare4, a.logmnr_spare5, a.logmnr_spare6, a.logmnr_spare7, a.logmnr_spare8, a.logmnr_spare9, a.COL#, a.XTYPESCHEMANAME, a.XTYPENAME, a.XFQCOLNAME, a.XTOPINTCOL, a.XREFFEDTABLEOBJN, a.XREFFEDTABLEOBJV, a.XCOLTYPEFLAGS, a.XOPQTYPETYPE, a.XOPQTYPEFLAGS, a.XOPQLOBINTCOL, a.XOPQOBJINTCOL, a.XXMLINTCOL, a.EAOWNER#, a.EAMKEYID, a.EAENCALG, a.EAINTALG, a.EACOLKLC, a.EAKLCLEN, a.EAFLAGS, rowid gtcs_rowid, :1 when_record_found from system.logmnrc_gtcs a where exists ( select 1 from system.logmnrc_gtcs b where a.logmnr_uid = b.logmnr_uid and a.obj# = b.obj# and a.objv# = b.objv# and a.segcol# = b.segcol# and a.segcol# <> 0 and a.intcol# > b.intcol# and a.colname = b.colname and a.type# = b.type# and a.length = b.length and =' using now; execute immediate 'delete from system.logmnrc_gtcs a where (a.logmnr_uid, a.obj#, a.objv#, a.segcol#, a.intcol#, a.colname, a.type#, a.length,, rowid) in (select b.logmnr_uid, b.obj#, b.objv#, b.segcol#, b.intcol#, b.colname, b.type#, b.length,, b.gtcs_rowid from sys.bug_7033630_fix b where when_record_found = :1)' using now; commit; end if; end; / Rem ======================================================================= Rem End Changes for Logminer Rem ======================================================================= Rem ======================================================================= Rem Begin Changes for SQL Access Advisor Rem ======================================================================= Rem Rem Move new default task parameters to existing tasks. Rem Rem This is a 3-level loop. Rem 1. For each task, fetch its task id and advisor id Rem 2. Fetch default task parameters Rem 3. For each default task parameter, we fetch related tasks Rem 4. For each task, we move a copy of the new default Rem task parameter to the task, if it does not already Rem exist in the task Rem declare cursor task_cur IS SELECT id,advisor_id FROM sys.wri$_adv_tasks a where advisor_id in (2,7); cursor param_cur (id NUMBER) IS SELECT * FROM sys.wri$_adv_def_parameters a WHERE a.advisor_id = id; l_adv_id binary_integer; l_task_id binary_integer; l_cnt binary_integer; param wri$_adv_def_parameters%ROWTYPE; l_data varchar2(2000); begin open task_cur; loop fetch task_cur into l_task_id,l_adv_id; exit when task_cur%NOTFOUND; open param_cur(l_adv_id); loop fetch param_cur INTO param; EXIT WHEN param_cur%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into l_cnt from sys.wri$_adv_parameters where name = and task_id = l_task_id; if l_cnt = 0 then if = 'ANALYSIS_SCOPE' then select value into l_data from sys.wri$_adv_parameters where name = 'EVALUATION_ONLY' and task_id = l_task_id; if l_data <> 'TRUE' then select value into l_data from sys.wri$_adv_parameters where name = 'EXECUTION_TYPE' and task_id = l_task_id; end if; if l_data = 'TRUE' then param.value := 'EVALUATION'; elsif l_data = 'FULL' then param.value := 'ALL'; elsif l_data = 'INDEX_ONLY' then param.value := 'INDEX'; elsif l_data = 'MVIEW_ONLY' then param.value := 'MVIEW'; elsif l_data = 'MVIEW_LOG_ONLY' then param.value := 'MVLOG'; else param.value := NULL; end if; end if; INSERT INTO sys.wri$_adv_parameters (task_id,name,datatype,value,flags,description) VALUES (l_task_id,, param.datatype, param.value, param.flags, param.description); end if; end loop; close param_cur; end loop; close task_cur; commit; end; / Rem ======================================================================= Rem End Changes for SQL Access Advisor Rem ======================================================================= Rem ======================================================================= Rem Begin Changes for authentication confounder Rem ======================================================================= insert into props$ (select 'NO_USERID_VERIFIER_SALT', RAWTOHEX(DBMS_CRYPTO.RANDOMBYTES (16)), NULL from dual where 'NO_USERID_VERIFIER_SALT' NOT IN (select name from props$)); Rem ======================================================================= Rem End Changes for Authentication confounder Rem ======================================================================= Rem ======================================================================= Rem Sql dictionary check rule upgrades Rem ======================================================================= update sql_tk_coll_chk$ set expr='not between 0 and 101' where table_name = 'OBJ$' and col_list = 'type#' and expr = 'not between 0 and 95'; update sql_tk_row_chk$ set col_list='user#,role#' where table_name = 'DEFROLE$' and col_list = 'user#' and constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'; update sql_tk_ref_chk$ set fk_filter='node is null' where table_name = 'SYN$' and pk_table_name = 'user$' and fk_col_list = 'owner' and pk_col_list = 'name'; update sql_tk_ref_chk$ set fk_filter='file# != 0 and file# != 1024' where table_name = 'TAB$' and pk_table_name = 'file$' and fk_col_list = 'file#' and pk_col_list = 'file#'; update sql_tk_ref_chk$ set fk_filter='file# != 1024' where table_name = 'CLU$' and pk_table_name = 'file$' and fk_col_list = 'file#' and pk_col_list = 'file#'; update sql_tk_ref_chk$ set fk_filter='obj$.type# = 2 and remoteowner is null and linkname is null' where table_name = 'OBJ$' and pk_table_name = 'tab$' and fk_col_list = 'obj#' and pk_col_list = 'obj#'; update sql_tk_ref_chk$ set fk_col_list='ts#,segfile#,segblock#' where table_name = 'UET$' and fk_col_list='ts#,file#,segblock#'; Rem ========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 1: upgrade from 11.1.0 to the current release Rem ========================================================================= Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release Rem ========================================================================= Rem Invoke patch upgrade script @@a1102000.sql Rem ========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release Rem ========================================================================= Rem ************************************************************************* Rem END a1101000.sql Rem *************************************************************************