/ / $Header: o2fus.msg 24-sep-97.16:50:43 pthiesen Exp $ / / Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 by Oracle Corporation / NAME / o2f.msg - / DESCRIPTION / / RETURNS / / NOTES / / MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) / pthiesen 05/17/98 - fix NT diff in to2e24gc / pthiesen 09/24/97 - add IN PACKAGE to INTYPE file / pthiesen 01/03/97 - modify messages 335-337 / pthiesen 11/23/96 - generate INITFILE / jnewman 11/22/96 - edit text of OTT Cause and Action statements / erohwedd 11/08/96 - add messages 335-337 / pthiesen 11/08/96 - error messages for beta2 features / pthiesen 11/07/96 - use new terminology in error messages / erohwedd 11/04/96 - add internal o2f errors / pthiesen 07/02/96 - tkpoiat bug / pthiesen 06/24/96 - add error messages / pthiesen 06/09/96 - betterMessage / pthiesen 06/22/96 - add error messages / pthiesen 05/25/96 - caps / pthiesen 02/21/96 - caseOption / pthiesen 12/01/95 - name translation / pthiesen 09/17/95 - read TYPEFILE part 2 / pthiesen 09/12/95 - Creation 301,0, "Error attempting to read from the INTYPE file" // *Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to read from // the INTYPE file. // *Action: Try opening the INTYPE file with an editor to make sure you // are able to access the file. 302,0, "Unable to allocate memory" // *Cause: OTT was unable to allocate memory. // *Action: Contact ORACLE customer support. 303,0, "No INTYPE file was specified" // *Cause: The required option INTYPE was not specified. // *Action: Set the INTYPE option to the name of the file containing names // of types for OTT to translate. The INTYPE option may be specified on // the command line or in a CONFIG file. 304,0, "Invalid filename for the INTYPE file" // *Cause: The filename specified for the INTYPE file is not syntactically // correct. // *Action: Make sure you spelled the filename of the INTYPE file correctly. 305,0, "Error opening the INTYPE file for reading" // *Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to open the // INTYPE file. // *Action: Make sure you spelled the filename of the INTYPE file correctly. // Try opening the INTYPE file with an editor to make sure you have // access to the file. 306,0, "Unable to close the INTYPE file" // *Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to close the // INTYPE file. // *Action: Try opening the INTYPE file with an editor to make sure you // are able to access the file. 307,0, "Unable to read the INTYPE file" // *Cause: The first token of the INTYPE file was not read. Either an operating // system error occurred while attempting to read from the INTYPE file, or all // lines of the INTYPE file are blank lines or comment lines. // *Action: Try opening the INTYPE file with an editor to make sure you // are able to access the file. Make sure the INTYPE file contains one or // more type specifications. 308,0, "No type specifications were seen in the INTYPE file" // *Cause: Either there are no type specifications in the INTYPE file, // or the first type specification could not be read due to a previously // reported error. // *Action: Fix any previously reported errors. Make sure there are one or // more type specifications in the INTYPE file. 309,0, "Name of user-defined type is illegal or missing" // *Cause: The name of a user-defined type is expected following the keyword // TYPE at the beginning of a type specification. No legal type name was seen. // *Action: Make sure that the type specification is syntactically correct, // and that the type name is spelled correctly. 310,0, "Illegal or missing identifier name" // *Cause: A legal C or C++ identifier was expected following AS, but was not // seen. // *Action: Use a legal C or C++ identifier, consisting of letters, digits, // and underscores not beginning with a digit. 311,0, "Illegal or missing file name" // *Cause: A legal file name was expected, but was not seen. // *Action: Make sure your TYPE file syntax is correct. Use a correct file name. 312,0, "Illegal or missing type version string" // *Cause: A type version name was expected, but was not seen. // *Action: Make sure your TYPE file syntax is correct. Use a correct version name. 313,0, "Illegal or missing attribute name" // *Cause: An attribute name was expected in the INTYPE file, but was not // *Cause: An attribute name was expected in the INTYPE file, but was not // seen. // *Action: Make sure your TYPE file syntax is correct. Use a correct // attribute name. 314,0, "AS expected but not seen in the INTYPE file" // *Cause: Incorrect syntax in the INTYPE file. // *Action: Make sure your TYPE file syntax is correct. 315,0, "An attribute of a type is listed twice in a type specification" // *Cause: An attribute of a user-defined type is listed twice in a type // specification in the INTYPE file. The second occurrence is ignored. // *Action: Remove one of the two occurrences of the attribute. 316,0, "An unexpected token was seen at the end of a type specification" // *Cause: There is a syntax error in the INTYPE file. // *Action: Check your documentation to make sure the type specifications // in the INTYPE file are syntactically correct. // *Action: Check your documentation to make sure the type specifications 317,0, "Error opening the ERRTYPE file for writing" // *Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to open the // ERRTYPE file for writing. // *Action: Make sure you spelled the ERRTYPE filename correctly. Try // creating or modifying the ERRTYPE file to make sure you have write access // to the file. 318, 0, "Error writing to the OUTTYPE file" // *Cause: An operating system error occurred when attempting to write to // the OUTTYPE file. // *Action: Make sure you have operating system permission to write to the // file. Also, make sure disk space is available. 319,0, "No OUTTYPE file specified" // *Cause: The required option OUTTYPE was not specified. // *Action: Set the OUTTYPE option to the name of the file to which the // TYPE file produced by OTT should be written. The OUTTYPE option // may be specified on the command line or in a CONFIG file. 320,0, "Invalid filename for the OUTTYPE file" // *Cause: The filename specified for the OUTTYPE file is not syntactically // correct. // *Action: Make sure you spelled the filename of the OUTTYPE file correctly. 321,0, "Error opening the OUTTYPE file for writing" // *Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to open the // OUTTYPE file. // *Action: Make sure you spelled the filename of the OUTTYPE file correctly. // Make sure you have operating system permission to open the the file. 322,0, "Unable to close the OUTTYPE file" // *Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to close the // OUTTYPE file. // *Action: Try opening the OUTTYPE file with an editor to make sure you // are able to access the file. 323,0, "Internal error in OTT facility O2F" // *Cause: An internal OTT error occurred in the O2F component of OTT. // *Action: Contact ORACLE customer support. 324,0, "Unable to convert from the database character set to the compiler character set" // *Cause: The name of a type, attribute, or method cannot be converted from // the client character set in effect when OTT was invoked to the compiler // character set (typically ASCII or EBCDIC). // *Action: A name is translated first from the database character set to // the client character set, and then from the client character set to the // compiler character set. The client character set is specified in a // platform-dependent manner (On UNIX platforms, the client character set // is specified by setting the NLS_LANG environment variable). Use a // client character set that can be translated to the compiler character // set. The compiler character set itself is one such character set. // Specify synonyms in the INTYPE file for any names of database objects // that cannot be successfully translated to the client character set. 325,0, "None of the characters in a name were legal identifier characters" // *Cause: None of the characters in the name of a database entity could // be translated to a character that may begin a C or C++ identifier, // such as a letter or an underscore. // *Action: Specify an explicit translation for the name in the INTYPE // file. 326,0, "Some characters in this name were not legal identifier characters" // *Cause: One or more characters in the name of a database entity could // not be translated to a character that may appear in a C or C++ // identifier, such as a letter, an underscore, or a digit. The // characters that could not be translated were replaced with // underscores. // *Action: Make sure that the name is spelled correctly, and that it is // terminated by a blank, the end of a line, or an equals sign ("="). // You may use the translated name with added underscores, or // you may specify an explicit translation for the name in the INTYPE // file. 327,0, "CASE option has an illegal value" // *Cause: The value given for the CASE option in the INTYPE file is // not legal. // *Action: Change the value given for the CASE option to one of the // following legal values: SAME, LOWER, UPPER, or OPPOSITE. 328,0, "Illegal INITFUNC name" // *Cause: The function name given for the INITFUNC option in the INTYPE // file is not a legal C or C++ identifier. // *Action: Specify the name of the INITFUNC function as a legal C or C++ // identifier. This name can be given in the INTYPE file, given on the // command line, or derived from the INITFILE name. 329,0, "Type or option specification expected" // *Cause: A type or option specification was expected in the INTYPE file, // but was not seen. // *Action: Check the INTYPE file for syntax errors. Supply a type or // option specification. A type specification begins with the word // TYPE. An option specification begins with the word CASE, INITFILE, // or INITFUNC. 330,0, "Name exceeds 265 bytes in length" // *Cause: A name seen in the INTYPE file exceeds 265 bytes in length. // *Action: Choose a shorter name. 331,0, "A syntactically illegal name was seen in the INTYPE file" // *Cause: A syntax error occurred in a name used in the INTYPE file. // *Action: If the name is quoted, make sure that the quotes are at the // beginning and at the end of the name. If a period // (which separates a schema name from a type name) // appears, make sure that the schema name and the type name are both // present. 332,0, "A database link may not appear in the name of a user-defined type" // *Cause: A database link was seen in the name of a user-defined type. This feature is // not yet supported. // *Action: Declare the user-defined type in the database to which OTT connects. 333,0, "An unexpected token appeared where a keyword was expected in the INTYPE file" // *Cause: A keyword such as TYPE was expected in the INTYPE file, but // an incorrect or misspelled keyword was seen. // *Action: Verify that your TYPE specification obeys the syntax // described in your documentation. Verify that your keyword is // spelled correctly. 334,0, "A user-defined type is listed more than once in the INTYPE file" // *Cause: The same name of a user-defined type appears in more than one // type specification. The duplicate specifications of the type name will // be ignored. // *Action: Put all of the information about the type, including all type name // and attribute name translations, in a single TYPE specification, and // eliminate the duplicate TYPE specifications. 335,0, "Internal error in O2F component of OTT" // *Cause: A request was made to generate declarations for all the types in the // database schema. An internal error occurred when initiating access to the // *Cause: A request was made that all types in the database schema are to // database. // *Action: List the types to be processed in an INTYPE file. // Contact ORACLE customer support. 336,0, "Error reported by subsystem:\n " // *Cause: A request was made to generate declarations for all the types in a // database schema. An error occurred in a subsystem when accessing the database. // *Action: Examine the error message reported by the sybsystem to // determine its cause. List the types to be processed in an INTYPE file. 337,0, "Schema not found, or no types found in schema" // *Cause: A request was made to generate declarations for all the types // in a database schema. Either the schema was not found, no user-declared // types were found in the schema, or unable to connect to Oracle. // *Action: Ensure that a login/password string was specified for OTT and that // the Oracle database can be accessed with it. Ensure that the // USER_TYPES table contains at least one row. 338,0, "Illegal or missing package name" // *Cause: A legal Java package name was expected following IN or PACKAGE or // IN PACKAGE, but was not seen. // *Action: Use a legal Java package name. 339,0, "CODE option has an illegal value" // *Cause: The value given for the CODE option in the INTYPE file is // not legal. // *Action: Change the value given for the CODE option to one of the // following legal values: C, ANSI_C, KR_C, JAVA, NATIVE_JAVA, ORACLE_JAVA. 340,0, "Name was null" // *Cause: A name had a length of 0 characters. // *Action: This error should never be reported to the user. Contact // ORACLE customer support. 341, 0, "An error occurred for which no message is available" // *Cause: The cause of this error was not reported. // *Action: Contact ORACLE customer support.