/Copyright (c) 1987, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. / / NAME / plwus.msg : Warning Message File / FUNCTION / / NOTES / ===================================================================== / / PL/SQL WARNINGS / / ===================================================================== / / Now we have PL/SQL warnings in the compiler. At this moment there / are three categories of warnings. / / SEVERE -- For this category the warning number should be between / 5000 and 5999. / INFORMATIONAL - For this category the warning number should be between / 6000 and 6249. / PERFORMANCE - For this category the warning number should be between / 7000 and 7249. / / / PLEASE UPDATE THESE COMMENTS WHEN YOU ADD A NEW CATEGORY. / / ================= END WARNINGS ======================================= / [Portfolio] To match the style of RDBMS error messages: / - don't capitalize the first letter of the message text (keywords excepted) / - don't end the text with a period / - surround identifiers with double-quotes instead of single-quotes / eg: "\"%s\" is not in SQL scope here" / / / MODIFIED / jmuller 05/13/11 - Backport apfmgr_blr_backport_11792624_10. / from st_recommended_10. / apfmgr 05/13/11 - Backport jmuller_blr_backport_11792624_10. / from st_recommended_10. / sagrawal 11/21/08 - bug 7538484 / cwethere 04/24/08 - 6990740: Code sure to raise exception gets warning / cwethere 04/15/08 - 6727923: Adjust message 5005 for inlining. / brwolf 03/25/08 - RELIES_ON deprecated / cwethere 03/12/08 - 6522196: Warn if authid clause is missing / astocks 09/21/07 - warn if turning off native / sagrawal 04/06/07 - warning for Generalized invocation / cwethere 11/29/06 - 5675353: Repair level 1 and dead assignment. / kmuthukk 10/19/06 - inlined sql in plsql (xbranchmerge from 10.2) / jmuller 10/18/06 - Fix bug 5589275: throw warning on cursor decl w/ / BULK clause / cwethere 10/03/06 - 5374587: Make debug flag obsolete. / astocks 09/19/06 - Bug 709811 - warning if debug IDL overflows / gviswana 08/07/06 - Add FG Diana overflow warning / jmuller 08/03/06 - Fix bug 5242317: good idea, but can't break existing / Apps / astocks 04/06/06 - Make format of inline messages consistent / dbronnik 11/01/05 - Add mixed modular arithmetic warning / jmuller 05/26/05 - Fix bug 3998025: psdtygen can (sort of) raise / warnings / mxyang 01/14/05 - Add PLW-6003 / jmuller 07/28/04 - Fix CAUSE and ACTION for PLW-5001: labels too / sagrawal 08/25/03 - sagrawal_split_plsql_message_file / sagrawal 08/19/03 - create warning message file / / / This file is converted to header/message files using lmsgen.c. / / The first col is the PL/SQL warning number. / The second column is reserved and must (for now) be x00000 / The remainder of the line is the warning text / / ===================================================================== / / PL/SQL SEVERE WARNINGS / / ===================================================================== / / / SEVERE -- For this category the warning number should be between / 5000 and 5999. / / ======================================================================== 5000, 0, "mismatch in NOCOPY qualification between specification and body" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0 // CAUSE: The indicated parameter was declared with the NOCOPY hint in the // subprogram specification but not in the body, or it was declared // with the NOCOPY hint in the body but not in the specification. // ACTION: Ensure that the specification and the body agree in their use of // NOCOPY. If this mismatch is not corrected, the program will obey // the declaration given in the specification, ignoring that in the // body. // 5001, 0, "previous use of '%s' (at line %s) conflicts with this use" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0 // CAUSE: While looking for prior declarations of a variable, constant, or // label, the compiler found another declaration with the same name in // the same scope. Or, the headers of subprogram in a package // specification and body were not identical. // ACTION: Check the spelling of the variable, constant, or label name. Also // check the names of all parameters and exceptions declared in the same // scope. Then, remove or rename the object with the duplicate name. // Or, change the headers of the packaged subprogram in the package // specification or body so that they are identical. // 5002, 0, "same actual parameter(%s and %s) is not a good programming practice" // Document: NO // MANUAL: ***** DO NOT DOCUMENT ************* // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0 // CAUSE: DO NOT DOCUMENT // ACTION: this message is available only when an event is set. // 5003, 0, "same actual parameter(%s and %s) at IN and NOCOPY may have side effects" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0 // CAUSE: The indicated parameter was declared with the NOCOPY hint in the // subprogram specification but not in the body, or it was declared with // the NOCOPY hint in the body but not in the specification. // ACTION: Ensure that the specification and the body agree in their use of // NOCOPY. If this mismatch is not corrected, the program will obey the // declaration given in the specification, ignoring that in the body. // 5004, 0, "identifier %s is also declared in STANDARD or is a SQL builtin" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0 // CAUSE: The indicated identifier was also either: // o) declared in package STANDARD, or // o) a SQL builtin function, or // o) a pseudo-column. // This situation can result in name resolution issues since the // STANDARD/builtin declaration will be chosen over the local // declaration in SQL statements; however the local declaration will be // chosen over the STANDARD/builtin declaration outside SQL scope. (See // the documentation on PL/SQL name resolution.) // ACTION: Either: // o) rename the given identifier, // o) qualify any references to the identifier with the containing // scope's name, or // o) make sure the intended resolution occurs if using the // identifier in SQL scope. // 5005,0, "subprogram %s returns without value at line %s" // MANUAL: A PL/SQL function must always terminate in a RETURN statement that // returns a value. // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0.2 // CAUSE: A function terminated without a return value. RETURN statements with // values are required for all PL/SQL functions. // ACTION: Inspect function source code to ensure that every RETURN statement // returns a value and that a function does not terminate by executing // its END statement. Notice that this message may appear at the // call site for a function if the function call was inlined and if // the called function did not terminate properly. 5006,0, "shadow type generation resulted in warning: %s" // MANUAL: PL/SQL // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.2.0 // CAUSE: Compilation of a table function causes the creation of internally- // generated types. A problem occurred during creation of these types // which was not severe enough to prevent the creation of the types, but // which may impact the usage of the table function. See the // accompanying error message for more information. // ACTION: Fix the issue reported in the accompanying error message. 5007, 0, "first parameter to pragma INLINE must be an identifier" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.1 // CAUSE: The first parameter to the pragma INLINE must be an identifier // denoting a procedure or function. // ACTION: Use a procedure or function name 5008, 0, "illegal number of arguments for pragma %s" // MANUAL: this PRAGMA was passed an illegal number of arguments. // INDEX: pragma // RELEASE: // CAUSE: The number of arguments (actual parameters) passed to the named // pragma (compiler directive) is incorrect. A required argument was // omitted from the argument list, or the pragma syntax is faulty // (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters). // ACTION: Supply the missing argument or correct the faulty syntax. 5009, 0, "pragma INLINE may not appear in a declaration list" // MANUAL: // INDEX: pragma // RELEASE: 11.1 // CAUSE: Pragma INLINE applies only to the following statement, and can // not appear immediately prior to a declaration // ACTION: Remove the pragma. 5010, 0, "duplicate pragma INLINE on procedure '%s'" // MANUAL: // INDEX: pragma // RELEASE: 11.1 // CAUSE: Pragma INLINE was applied twice to the same procedure in the same // statement. The procedure will be inlined only if all duplicates specify // a control value of 'YES' // ACTION: Remove the duplicate pragma. 5011, 0, "pragma INLINE for procedure '%s' does not apply to any calls" // MANUAL: // INDEX: pragma // RELEASE: 11.1 // CAUSE: A pragma INLINE was provided, but there was no call to the mentioned // procedure in the next statement. // ACTION: Remove the unnecessary pragma. 5012, 0, "pragma INLINE for procedure '%s' could not be applied" // MANUAL: // INDEX: pragma // RELEASE: 11.1 // CAUSE: A pragma INLINE(<name>, 'yes') was used, but the named procedure // could not be inlined. // ACTION: Eliminate the reasons which are blocking the inlining. See the // documentation for possible problems. // // NLS_DO_NOT_TRANSLATE [5400,5401] 5013, 0, "second parameter to pragma INLINE '%s' is not 'YES' or 'NO'" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.1 // CAUSE: The second parameter to the pragma INLINE governs whether or not // a procedure call can be inlined. The only legal values are 'YES', // meaning that the compiler should attempt to inline the call, and // 'NO', meaning that the compiler must not inline the call. // ACTION: Use 'YES' or 'NO' as appropriate. / 5014, 0, "Pragma %s cannot be specified here" // MANUAL: // INDEX: PRAGMA // RELEASE: 8.1 // CAUSE: The pragma was specified in an inappropriate context. // ACTION: Remove or relocate the misplaced pragma. Check the documentation to // determine the correct context for this pragma. // 5015, 0, "implementation restriction - too many debug records" // MANUAL: // INDEX: PLSQL_DEBUG // RELEASE: 11.1 // CAUSE: The program is so large that it overflowed a compiler limit on the // size of the debug symbol table. The module was compiled with partial // debugging information. // ACTION: Compile the module with PLSQL_DEBUG=FALSE, or split it into // multiple modules // 5016, 0, "INTO clause should not be specified here" // MANUAL: // INDEX: BULK // RELEASE: 11.1 // CAUSE: The INTO clause was incorrectly specified on a cursor declaration. It // should have been specified on the FETCH statement. // ACTION: Relocate the misplaced clause. // 5017, 0, " prefix of the expression will be ignored" // MANUAL: // INDEX: OBJECTS // RELEASE: 11.1 // CAUSE: Generalized invocation with explicit SELF and a // dotted name was used to call the type method causing the // prefix of the dotted name to be ignored. // ACTION: Do not use a dotted name to invoked type method in this context. // 5018, 0, "unit %s omitted optional AUTHID clause; default value DEFINER used" // MANUAL: // INDEX: AUTHID // RELEASE: 11.2 // CAUSE: The AUTHID clause is missing. The unit is allowed to have an AUTHID // clause. If the clause is missing, DEFINER's rights are used by // default. Good practice suggests that an explicit AUTHID clause // should always be used. // ACTION: Write an explicit AUTHID clause for the unit. // 5019, 0, "the language element near keyword %s is deprecated beginning with version %s" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: See the error message text. // CAUSE: A deprecated language element was used. The particular language // element is deprecated in PL/SQL versions greater than or equal to the // version number given in the message text. // ACTION: The deprecated language element should be deleted or rewritten. // Deprecated PL/SQL language elements become obsolete one version // after they are deprecated. An obsolete language element will no // longer be supported and use of the element will result in an error. // // // 5020, 0, "parameter name must be an identifier" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.2 // CAUSE: A string literal was used as the parameter name in a call that used // named notation. // ACTION: Change the code to use an identifier for the parameter name. // 5024, 0, "Do not use BULK COLLECT clause in a cursor declaration" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 12.1 // CAUSE: A BULK COLLECT clause was specified in a cursor declaration. // ACTION: Remove the BULK COLLECT clause from the cursor declaration, moving it // to the FETCH statement or statements, if appropriate. // 5400,0, "This is a severe warning #1" // Document: NO // MANUAL: None // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0.0 // CAUSE: this is a test message // ACTION: Not to be documented // 5401,0, "This is a severe warning #2" // Document: NO // MANUAL: None // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0.0 // CAUSE: this is a test message // ACTION: Not to be documented / 5999, 0, "implementation restriction (may be temporary) %s" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: // CAUSE: // ACTION: // / ===================================================================== / / PL/SQL INFORMATIONAL WARNINGS / / ===================================================================== / / / INFORMATIONAL - For this category the warning number should be between / 6000 and 6249. / / ======================================================================== // NLS_DO_NOT_TRANSLATE [6000,6001] 6000,0, "This is a informational warning #1" // Document: NO // MANUAL: None // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0.0 // CAUSE: this is a test message // ACTION: Not to be documented 6001,0, "This is a informational warning #2" // Document: NO // MANUAL: None // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0.0 // CAUSE: this is a test message // ACTION: Not to be documented 6002,0, "Unreachable code" // MANUAL: Code can not be reached. Unreachable code is removed. // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0.1 // CAUSE: Static program analysis determined that some code on the specified // line would never be reached during execution. This may have been // caused by expression evaluation at compile time. // ACTION: Inspect program logic for possible defects. Disable // the warning if much code is made unreachable intentionally // and the warning message is more annoying than helpful. 6003,0, "unknown inquiry directive '%s'" // MANUAL: PL/SQL // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.2.0 // CAUSE: An unknown inquiry directive was used. The inquiry directive is // neither predefined nor user-defined. // ACTION: Use a predefined inquiry directive or define the inquiry directive. // 6004,0, "inlining of call of procedure '%s' requested" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.0.0 // CAUSE: A pragma INLINE(, 'YES') referring to the named procedure was // found. The compiler will, if possible, inline this call. // ACTION: 6005,0, "inlining of call of procedure '%s' was done" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.0.0 // CAUSE: A call to the procedure was inlined. // ACTION: 6006,0, "uncalled procedure \"%s\" is removed." // MANUAL: A local procedure is never called so its code is removed. // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.0.0 // CAUSE: Static program analysis determined that the procedure can never be // called or executed. Therefore, it has been removed to save time // during compilation and space during execution. // ACTION: Inspect program logic for possible defects. Disable // the warning if the procedure is useful but simply not being used // right now and the warning message is more annoying than helpful. 6007,0, "procedure \"%s\" is removed because optimization removed calls" // MANUAL: A local procedure is never called so its code is removed. // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.0.0 // CAUSE: Static program analysis determined that the procedure can never be // called or executed. Therefore, it has been removed to save time // during compilation and space during execution. // ACTION: Inspect program logic for possible defects. Disable // the warning if the procedure is useful but simply not being used // right now and the warning message is more annoying than helpful. 6008,0, "call of procedure '%s' will not be inlined" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.0.0 // CAUSE: A pragma INLINE(, 'NO') referring to the named procedure was // found. The compiler is prevented from inlining this call. // ACTION: 6009,0, "procedure \"%s\" OTHERS handler does not end in RAISE or RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.0.0 // CAUSE: The OTHERS handler can exit without executing some form of RAISE or // or a call to the standard procedure RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR. // ACTION: Good programming practices suggest that OTHERS handlers must always // pass an exception upward. Inspect the program logic to determine if // the handler code needs revision. // 6010,0, "keyword \"%s\" used as a defined name" // MANUAL: keyword <MI>name<D> used as a defined name // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.0.0 // CAUSE: A PL/SQL or SQL keyword was used as defined name. // Although legal, this is not recommended. // ACTION: Choose another name for the defined item. 6011,0, "detailed dependency information discarded due to size limitations" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.1.0 // CAUSE: The compiled unit was so large that the compiler could not // store detailed dependency information that could be used to // quickly recompile the unit if it was invalidated. // ACTION: Break up the unit into smaller units. // 6012,0, "SQL statement cannot be inlined. %s" // MANUAL: PL/SQL // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.1.0 // CAUSE: The SQL statement could not be inlined. // ACTION: // 6013,0, "deprecated parameter PLSQL_DEBUG forces PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL <= 1" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.1.0 // CAUSE: The PLSQL_DEBUG parameter was set to TRUE forcing the optimization // level to 1 (or 0 if the user selected 0) regardless of the setting // of the PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL parameter to a higher level // ACTION: Do not use the PLSQL_DEBUG parameter; it is deprecated. Instead, // set the PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL parameter to 1. // 6014,0, "PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL <= 1 turns off native code generation" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.1.0 // CAUSE: Native code generation was not done because the optimization was // set to 1 or less. // ACTION: The goal of native code generation is high performance and a low // optimization level defeats that purpose. Either request a higher // optimization level or remove the request for native code // generation. Note that using the deprecated parameter PLSQL_DEBUG // also forces the optimization level to 1; do not use this parameter // when native code generation is desired. // 6015,0, "parameter PLSQL_DEBUG is deprecated; use PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL = 1" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.1.0 // CAUSE: The PLSQL_DEBUG parameter was specified. // ACTION: The parameter PLSQL_DEBUG no longer controls the generation of // debugging information by the PL/SQL compiler; debugging information // is always generated and no special parameter is needed. // 6016,0, "unit %s is too large; native code generation turned off" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.1.0 // CAUSE: Because the program was extremely large, analysis took an // excessive amount of time or space to complete causing native // compilation to be turned off. // ACTION: The goal of native code generation is high performance and the // compiler does extensive analysis of the program. If possible, // reduce the size of the largest procedure, or split the program // unit into multiple units. // 6017,0, "an operation will raise an exception" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.2.0 // CAUSE: An operation near this location is certain to raise an exception // during execution; it may be a programming error because it is not // an explicit RAISE. // ACTION: The compiler has determined that some operation near this location // is certain to raise an exception during execution. This may be a // programming error; consider rewriting the code. If the intention // is to raise an exception, use an explicit RAISE statement. // 6018,0, "an infinity or NaN value is computed or used" // MANUAL: // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.2.0 // CAUSE: An operation near this location computes or uses an infinite // NUMBER, BINARY_FLOAT, or BINARY_DOUBLE value or a NaN BINARY_FLOAT // or BINARY_DOUBLE value. // ACTION: The compiler has determined that an operation near this location // computes or uses either an infinity or a not-a-number (NaN) // value. This may indicate a programming error; consider rewriting // the code. If the intention is to use a BINARY_FLOAT or a // BINARY_DOUBLE non-numeric value, use the appropriate constant // from STANDARD rather than computing the value. Some valid // uses exist for these values; the warning will still appear in those // cases. The use of infinite NUMBER values is not well-defined and // should be avoided. // / / ===================================================================== / / PL/SQL PERFORMANCE WARNINGS / / ===================================================================== / / / PERFORMANCE - For this category the warning number should be between / 7000 and 7249. / / ======================================================================== // NLS_DO_NOT_TRANSLATE [7200,7201] 7200,0, "This is a performance warning #1" // Document: NO // MANUAL: None // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0.0 // CAUSE: this is a test message // ACTION: Not to be documented // 7201,0, "This is a performance warning #2" // Document: NO // MANUAL: None // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0.0 // CAUSE: this is a test message // ACTION: Not to be documented // 7202,0, "bind type would result in conversion away from column type" // MANUAL: PL/SQL // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0.0 // CAUSE: The column type and the bind type do not exactly match. This // will result in the column being converted to the type of the bind // variable. This type conversion may prevent the SQL optimizer // from using any index the column participates in. This may // adversely affect the execution performance of this statement. // ACTION: To make use of any index for this column, make sure the bind // type is the same type as the column type. // 7203,0, "parameter '%s' may benefit from use of the NOCOPY compiler hint" // MANUAL: PL/SQL // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0.0 // CAUSE: The mode of the specified parameter was IN OUT or OUT. Use of // the NOCOPY compiler hint may speed up calls to this subprogram. // ACTION: Change the mode of the parameter to explicitly use the NOCOPY // compiler hint. For example, if your subprogram declaration is: // PROCEDURE proc(p1 IN OUT CLOB); // you can change it to: // PROCEDURE proc(p1 IN OUT NOCOPY clob); // to get the benefit of the NOCOPY hint. // For member procedures or functions in object types, you may have // to explicitly declare the SELF parameter as illustrated in the // following: // MEMBER PROCEDURE proc(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY MY_TYPE); // 7204,0, "conversion away from column type may result in sub-optimal query plan" // MANUAL: PL/SQL // INDEX: // RELEASE: 10.0.0 // CAUSE: The column type and the bind type do not exactly match. This // may result in the column being converted to the type of the bind // variable. This type conversion may prevent the SQL optimizer // from using any index the column participates in. This may // adversely affect the execution performance of this statement. // ACTION: To make use of any index for this column, make sure the bind // type is the same type as the column type. // 7205,0, "SIMPLE_INTEGER is mixed with BINARY_INTEGER or PLS_INTEGER" // MANUAL: PL/SQL // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.0.0 // CAUSE: Using SIMPLE_INTEGER and BINARY_INTEGER or PLS_INTEGER arguments // in the same arithmetic expression may inhibit certain optimizations. // ACTION: Try using SIMPLE_INTEGER values only if the expression is // computed on a performance critical path. // 7206,0, "analysis suggests that the assignment to '%s' may be unnecessary" // MANUAL: PL/SQL // INDEX: // RELEASE: 11.0.0 // CAUSE: This assignment may be unnecessary; the PL/SQL optimizer could not // find any further use of the variable which was being set. If the // assignment was being done for some side-effect such as raising a // specific exception, the compiler may not have been able to // understand the side-effect and this warning may be inappropriate. // ACTION: If the assignment sets a variable whose value will not be used again // and there are no side-effects (exceptions or calls) to consider, // remove the assignment for better performance. If the assignment was // in place to raise a specific known exception, replace the // assignment with a RAISE statement.