CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW WB$_IV_MODULES AS SELECT project.elementid AS project_id, AS project_name, schema.elementid AS information_system_id, AS information_system_name, schema.elementid AS schema_id, AS schema_name, schema.logicalname AS business_name, schema.description AS description, schema.status AS status, schema.platform AS platform_id, AS platform_name, v.valid AS valid, decode(v.valid, 1, 'Y', 0, 'N', 'Not Validated') AS is_valid, loc.elementid AS location_id, AS location_name, mloc.elementid AS metadata_location_id, AS metadata_location_name, schema.updatetimestamp AS updated_on, schema.creationtimestamp AS created_on, schema.updatedby AS updated_by, schema.createdby AS created_by FROM cmpwbvalidationresult_v v, cmpinstalledmodule_v schema, cmpplatform_v plat, cmpwbproject_v project, (select u.installedmodule, u.location from cmplocationusage_v u where deploymentdefault=1) lu, cmplogicallocation_v loc, (select u.installedmodule, u.location from cmplocationusage_v u where metadatasourceflag=1) mlu, cmplogicallocation_v mloc WHERE schema.owningproject = project.elementid AND schema.platform = plat.elementid(+) AND schema.elementid = lu.installedmodule(+) AND lu.location = loc.elementid(+) AND schema.elementid = mlu.installedmodule(+) AND mlu.location = mloc.elementid(+) AND schema.validationresult = v.elementid(+) WITH READ ONLY;