CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dataflow_dependency_v AS SELECT a.target_comp_id as source_comp_id, null as source_entity_id, a.target_param_id as source_param_id, null as source_item_id, b.target_param_id as target_param_id, b.target_item_id as target_item_id , b.target_comp_id as target_comp_id, b.target_entity_id as target_entity_id from ( SELECT -- for Maplet dataflow source_comp.parentid AS source_comp_id, NULL AS source_entity_id, intralink.linkto AS source_param_id, NULL AS source_item_id, intralink.linkfrom AS target_param_id, NULL AS target_item_id, target_comp.parentid AS target_comp_id, NULL AS target_entity_id FROM intralink, pctree source_grp, pctree target_grp, pctree source_comp, pctree target_comp, cmpmapoperator_v a WHERE intralink.linkfromrole = 'ChildAttribute' AND intralink.linktorole = 'ParentAttribute' AND intralink.linkto = source_grp.childid AND source_grp.parentid = source_comp.childid AND intralink.linkfrom = target_grp.childid AND target_grp.parentid = target_comp.childid AND target_comp.parentid = a.elementid ) a, ( SELECT -- for Mapping dataflow source_comp.parentid AS source_comp_id, source_entity.linkto AS source_entity_id, intralink.linkto AS source_param_id, source_item.linkto AS source_item_id, intralink.linkfrom AS target_param_id, target_item.linkto AS target_item_id, target_comp.parentid AS target_comp_id, target_entity.linkto AS target_entity_id FROM intralink, pctree source_grp, pctree target_grp, pctree source_comp, pctree target_comp, interlink source_item, interlink target_item, interlink source_entity, interlink target_entity, cmpmapoperator_v a WHERE intralink.linkfromrole = 'ConnectTo' AND intralink.linktorole = 'ConnectFrom' AND intralink.linkto = source_grp.childid AND source_grp.parentid = source_comp.childid AND intralink.linkfrom = target_grp.childid AND target_grp.parentid = target_comp.childid AND source_item.linktorole = 'ReferencingObject' AND target_item.linktorole = 'ReferencingObject' AND source_item.linkfrom = intralink.linkto AND target_item.linkfrom = intralink.linkfrom AND source_entity.linkfrom = source_comp.parentid AND target_entity.linkfrom = target_comp.parentid AND source_comp.parentid = a.elementid AND a.strongtypename like '%SubMap' ) b WHERE a.source_param_id = b.source_param_id AND a.source_comp_id = b.source_comp_id UNION SELECT -- for Maplet dataflow source_comp.parentid AS source_comp_id, NULL AS source_entity_id, intralink.linkto AS source_param_id, NULL AS source_item_id, intralink.linkfrom AS target_param_id, NULL AS target_item_id, target_comp.parentid AS target_comp_id, NULL AS target_entity_id FROM intralink, pctree source_grp, pctree target_grp, pctree source_comp, pctree target_comp WHERE intralink.linkfromrole = 'ChildAttribute' AND intralink.linktorole = 'ParentAttribute' AND intralink.linkto = source_grp.childid AND source_grp.parentid = source_comp.childid AND intralink.linkfrom = target_grp.childid AND target_grp.parentid = target_comp.childid UNION SELECT -- for Mapping dataflow source_comp.parentid AS source_comp_id, source_entity.linkto AS source_entity_id, intralink.linkto AS source_param_id, source_item.linkto AS source_item_id, intralink.linkfrom AS target_param_id, target_item.linkto AS target_item_id, target_comp.parentid AS target_comp_id, target_entity.linkto AS target_entity_id FROM intralink, pctree source_grp, pctree target_grp, pctree source_comp, pctree target_comp, pctree parent_map, pctree parent_folder, interlink source_item, interlink target_item, interlink source_entity, interlink target_entity WHERE intralink.linkfromrole = 'ConnectTo' AND intralink.linktorole = 'ConnectFrom' AND intralink.linkto = source_grp.childid AND source_grp.parentid = source_comp.childid AND intralink.linkfrom = target_grp.childid AND target_grp.parentid = target_comp.childid AND source_item.linktorole = 'ReferencingObject' AND target_item.linktorole = 'ReferencingObject' AND source_item.linkfrom = intralink.linkto AND target_item.linkfrom = intralink.linkfrom AND source_entity.linkfrom = source_comp.parentid AND target_entity.linkfrom = target_comp.parentid AND source_comp.parentid = parent_map.childid AND parent_map.parentid = parent_folder.childid AND parent_folder.parentid not in (select elementid from cmpprofile_v) UNION -- for unique key and foreign key connection SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, source_rel.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, keyRef.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, keyRef.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, target_rel.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink keyRef, pctree source_rel, pctree target_rel WHERE keyRef.linktorole = 'UniqueKey' AND keyRef.linkfromrole = 'ForeignKeys' AND source_rel.childid = keyRef.linkto AND target_rel.childid = keyRef.linkfrom UNION -- for external table and file/record/field connection SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, source_file.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, field_item.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, field_item.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, target_exttab.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink field_item, pctree source_file, pctree source_rec, pctree target_exttab WHERE field_item.linktorole = 'ExternalTableField' AND field_item.linkfromrole = 'ExternalTableItem' AND source_rec.childid = field_item.linkto AND source_file.childid = source_rec.parentid AND target_exttab.childid = field_item.linkfrom UNION -- for dimension and cube SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, dim_level.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, level_dimref.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, level_dimref.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, cube_dimref.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink level_dimref, pctree dim_level, pctree cube_dimref WHERE level_dimref.linkfromrole = 'ReferencingCubeDimRef' AND level_dimref.linktorole = 'ReferencedLevel' AND dim_level.parentrole = 'OwningDimension' AND dim_level.childid = level_dimref.linkto AND cube_dimref.parentrole = 'OwningCube' AND cube_dimref.childid = level_dimref.linkfrom UNION -- for implementation table and cube SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, source_table.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, column_measure.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, column_measure.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, target_cube.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink column_measure, pctree source_table, pctree target_cube WHERE column_measure.linktorole = 'BindingAttribute' AND source_table.childid = column_measure.linkto AND target_cube.parentrole = 'OwningCube' AND target_cube.childid = column_measure.linkfrom UNION -- for implementation table and dimension SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, source_table.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, column_lvattr.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, column_lvattr.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, target_dim.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink column_lvattr, pctree source_table, pctree dim_level, pctree target_dim WHERE (column_lvattr.linktorole = 'BindingAttribute' OR column_lvattr.linktorole = 'BindingDimensionKeyAttr') AND source_table.childid = column_lvattr.linkto AND dim_level.parentrole = 'OwningLevel' AND dim_level.childid = column_lvattr.linkfrom AND target_dim.parentrole = 'OwningDimension' AND dim_level.parentid = target_dim.childid UNION -- for dataflow between queryItem/reportItem and attributes of design object SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, sourceRel.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, itemCon.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, itemCon.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, targetObj.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink itemCon, pctree sourceRel, pctree targetObj WHERE itemCon.linkfromrole = 'IntelligenceItems' AND itemCon.linkto = sourceRel.childid AND itemCon.linkfrom = targetObj.childid UNION -- for dataflow between reportItem and dimension SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, itemCon.linkto AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, itemCon.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, itemCon.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, targetObj.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink itemCon, pctree targetObj WHERE itemCon.linkfromrole = 'ReportItems' AND itemCon.linktorole = 'Dimension' AND itemCon.linkfrom = targetObj.childid AND itemCon.linkto NOT IN (SELECT sourceRel.parentid FROM interlink itemCon, pctree sourceRel, pctree targetObj WHERE itemCon.linkfromrole = 'ReportItems' AND (itemCon.linktorole = 'Hierarchy' OR itemCon.linktorole = 'InitialLevel') AND itemCon.linkto = sourceRel.childid AND itemCon.linkfrom = targetObj.childid ) UNION -- for dataflow between reportItem and hierarchy/level SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, sourceRel.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, itemCon.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, itemCon.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, targetObj.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink itemCon, pctree sourceRel, pctree targetObj WHERE itemCon.linkfromrole = 'ReportItems' AND (itemCon.linktorole = 'Hierarchy' OR itemCon.linktorole = 'InitialLevel') AND itemCon.linkto = sourceRel.childid AND itemCon.linkfrom = targetObj.childid UNION -- for dataflow between LOV (Defining, Ordered) and queryItem SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, sourceObj.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, itemCon.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, itemCon.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, itemCon.linkfrom AS target_entity_id FROM interlink itemCon, pctree sourceObj WHERE (itemCon.linkfromrole = 'ItemClassesUsingValues' OR itemCon.linkfromrole = 'ItemClassesOrdered') AND itemCon.linkto = sourceObj.childid UNION -- for dataflow between queryItem and LOV (as target) SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, itemCon.linkto AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, itemCon.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, itemCon.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, targetObj.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink itemCon, pctree targetObj WHERE itemCon.linkfromrole = 'QueryItems' AND itemCon.linkfrom = targetObj.childid UNION -- for dataflow between Simple QueryItem and Complex QueryItem/QueryCondition SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, sourceObj.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, srcItem.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, trgItem.parentid AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, targetObj.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink srcItem, pctree trgItem, pctree sourceObj, pctree targetObj WHERE (srcItem.linktorole = 'ReferencedSCO' OR srcItem.linktorole = 'ReferencedFunction') AND trgItem.parentrole = 'QueryExpOwner' AND srcItem.linkfrom = trgItem.childid AND srcItem.linkto = sourceObj.childid AND trgItem.parentid = targetObj.childid UNION -- for dataflow between QueryItem and DrillItem SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, queryObj.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, item.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, item.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, drillpath.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink item, pctree queryObj, pctree drilllevel, pctree drillpath WHERE item.linkfromrole = 'DrillItems' AND item.linktorole = 'QueryItem' AND queryObj.childid = item.linkto AND drilllevel.childid = item.linkfrom AND drilllevel.parentid = drillpath.childid UNION -- for dataflow between derivationSourceSCO and derivedSCO SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, sourceObj.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, itemCon.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, itemCon.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, targetObj.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink itemCon, pctree sourceObj, pctree targetObj WHERE itemCon.linktorole = 'DerivationSourceSCO' AND itemCon.linkto = sourceObj.childid AND itemCon.linkfrom = targetObj.childid AND itemCon.linkfrom NOT IN (SELECT queryExpRef.childid FROM pctree queryExpRef WHERE queryExpRef.parentrole = 'QueryExpOwner' AND queryExpRef.childrole = 'QueryExpRefs') UNION -- for dataflow between Table to Capture Process SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, srcItem.linkto AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, srcItem.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, trgItem.parentid AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, trgItem.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink srcItem, pctree trgItem WHERE srcItem.linkfromrole = 'CaptureReference' AND trgItem.parentrole = 'CaptureSetup' AND srcItem.linkfrom = trgItem.childid UNION -- for dataflow between Capture Process to Queue SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, trgItem.childid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, trgItem.childid AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, trgItem.parentid AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, trgItem.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM pctree trgItem WHERE trgItem.childrole = 'StreamsCaptures' UNION -- for dataflow between Queue to Propagation SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, trgItem.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, trgItem.parentid AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, trgItem.childid AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, trgItem.childid AS target_entity_id FROM pctree trgItem WHERE trgItem.childrole = 'QueueSubscriber' UNION -- for dataflow between Propagation to Target Queue SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, trgItem.linkfrom AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, trgItem.linkfrom AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, trgItem.linkto AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, trgItem.linkto AS target_entity_id FROM interlink trgItem WHERE trgItem.linkfromrole = 'Dummy' AND trgItem.linktorole = 'TargetQueue' UNION -- for dataflow between Queue Table and Queue SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, srcItem.parentid AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, srcItem.childid AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, trgItem.linkfrom AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, trgItem.linkfrom AS target_entity_id FROM interlink trgItem, pctree srcItem WHERE trgItem.linktorole = 'QueueTable' AND trgItem.linkto = srcItem.parentid AND srcItem.parentrole = 'OwningRelation' UNION -- for bug 6730603 to return Configuration instead of Physical Object SELECT to_number(NULL) AS source_comp_id , source_rel.parentid AS source_entity_id, to_number(NULL) AS source_param_id , keyRef.linkto AS source_item_id, to_number(NULL) AS target_param_id , targetObj.parentid AS target_item_id, to_number(NULL) AS target_comp_id , targetObj2.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink keyRef, pctree source_rel, pctree target_rel, pctree targetObj, pctree targetObj2 WHERE source_rel.childid = keyRef.linkto AND target_rel.childid = keyRef.linkfrom AND keyRef.linktorole = 'LogicalObject' AND keyRef.linkfromrole = 'PhysicalConfigs' AND targetObj.childid = target_rel.parentid AND targetObj2.childid = targetObj.parentid UNION -- for relational dependencies using CMPDependency SELECT NULL AS source_comp_id, srcItem.linkto AS source_entity_id, NULL AS source_param_id, srcItem.linkto AS source_item_id, NULL AS target_param_id, tgtItem.parentid AS target_item_id, NULL AS target_comp_id, tgtItem.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink srcItem, pctree tgtItem, cmpdependency_v depFilter WHERE srcItem.linktorole = 'SourceFCO' AND srcItem.linkfromrole = 'Dependents' AND srcItem.linkfrom = tgtItem.childid AND tgtItem.parentrole = 'TargetFCO' AND tgtItem.childrole = 'Dependencies' AND srcItem.linkfrom = depFilter.elementid AND depFilter.type = 'RELATIONAL' UNION -- for all other relationships that are not in MCM tables(e.g. UDO) SELECT source_comp_id, source_entity_id, source_param_id, source_item_id, target_param_id, target_item_id, target_comp_id, target_entity_id FROM dataflow_dependency_t UNION SELECT to_number(NULL) AS source_comp_id , source_rel.parentid AS source_entity_id, to_number(NULL) AS source_param_id , keyRef.linkto AS source_item_id, to_number(NULL) AS target_param_id , keyRef.linkfrom AS target_item_id, to_number(NULL) AS target_comp_id , target_rel.parentid AS target_entity_id FROM interlink keyRef, pctree source_rel, pctree target_rel WHERE source_rel.childid = keyRef.linkto AND target_rel.childid = keyRef.linkfrom AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'ReferencingObject' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'ParamOrArg' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'UniqueKey' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'ForeignKeys' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'ExternalTableField' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'ExternalTableItem' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'ReferencingCubeDimRef' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'ReferencedLevel' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'BindingAttribute' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'BindingDimensionKeyAttr' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'IntelligenceItems' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'ReportItems' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'Dimension' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'ReportItems' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'Hierarchy' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'InitialLevel' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'ItemClassesUsingValues' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'ItemClassesOrdered' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'QueryItems' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'ReferencedSCO' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'ReferencedFunction' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'DrillItems' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'QueryItem' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'DerivationSourceSCO' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'CaptureReference' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'ReferencedElement' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'SourceFCO' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'Dependents' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'DerivationSets' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'ReferencingPrfTable' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'ProfileTable' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'ProfileAttribute' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'ProfileObject' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'Tmp1Table' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'Tmp1Usage' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'Tmp2Table' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'Tmp2Usage' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'StageTable' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'StageUsage' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'SourceIND' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'ExternalTables' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'DefaultLocation' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'RuntimeLocation' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'FolderReference' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'FolderReference' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'CopyOf' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'LogicalObject' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'PhysicalConfigs' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'RemoteAgent' AND keyRef.linkfromrole <> 'Overridable' AND keyRef.linktorole <> 'Overridee' AND source_rel.childrole <> 'Datatype' ; create materialized view mv_data_dep as select * from dataflow_dependency_v;