CREATE OR REPLACE package body wb_workspace_management as --global variable m_charmap_len number:=100; TYPE TTYPE is REF CURSOR; PROCEDURE MyDebug(debugMessage VARCHAR2) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN null; -- insert into sochen_debug(t,info) values(to_date(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ss'),debugMessage); COMMIT; END MyDebug; procedure cleanTmpTables as begin delete from WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses; delete from WS_TMP_CMPSCOClasses; delete from WS_TMP_CMPSCOCfgClasses; delete from WS_TMP_CMPSCOMapClasses; delete from WS_TMP_CMPSCOPrpClasses; delete from WS_TMP_FCOFOLDERNamespace; --Bug 8252852: No longer needed. MCM Association views changed to always check GlobalWksp. --Bug 8502681: Revert bug 8252852 MCM Association changes required. delete from WS_TMP_AllPCTree; delete from WS_TMP_AllInterlink; delete from WS_TMP_AllIntralink; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20002,'When creating workspace, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end cleanTmpTables; procedure insertGlobalWkspToStorage as global_ws_id number :=1; global_mmmcnt number :=0; begin select count(*) into global_mmmcnt from CMPFCOStorage where workspaceId = global_ws_id and s2_1 in ('CMPClassDefinition'); if(global_mmmcnt > 0) then return; end if; --gggraham: 02Mar2009. Bug 8252852: In addition to the meta-mdatadata rows, include all seeded, -- non-editable rows which are not meta-metadata rows. -- Column mappings: Editable is b_5, Seeded is b_11. insert into CMPFCOStorage select * from CMPFCOClasses where workspaceId = global_ws_id and s2_1 in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute' ,'CMPAssociationDefinition' ,'CMPClassDefinition' ,'CMPClassUsage' ,'CMPClassUsageGroup' ,'CMPCollectionModelAttribute' ,'CMPDefinitionElement' ,'CMPDependencyDefinition' ,'CMPModelAttribute' ,'CMPModelDefinition' ,'CMPModelOwner' ,'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ,'CMPPropertyDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupOwner' ,'CMPPropertySetDefinition' ,'CMPReferenceModelAttribute' ,'CMPRegistryEntry' ,'CMPRegistryService' ,'CMPRoleDefinition' ,'CMPScalarModelAttribute' ,'CMPTranslatedField' ,'CMPAbstractType' ,'CMPAnonymousDomain' ,'CMPArrayType' ,'CMPCollectionType' ,'CMPDomain' ,'CMPNamedDomain' ,'CMPPrimitiveType' ,'CMPRange' ,'CMPScalarType' ); insert into CMPFCOStorage select * from CMPFCOClasses where workspaceId = global_ws_id and s2_1 not in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute' ,'CMPAssociationDefinition' ,'CMPClassDefinition' ,'CMPClassUsage' ,'CMPClassUsageGroup' ,'CMPCollectionModelAttribute' ,'CMPDefinitionElement' ,'CMPDependencyDefinition' ,'CMPModelAttribute' ,'CMPModelDefinition' ,'CMPModelOwner' ,'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ,'CMPPropertyDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupOwner' ,'CMPPropertySetDefinition' ,'CMPReferenceModelAttribute' ,'CMPRegistryEntry' ,'CMPRegistryService' ,'CMPRoleDefinition' ,'CMPScalarModelAttribute' ,'CMPTranslatedField' ,'CMPAbstractType' ,'CMPAnonymousDomain' ,'CMPArrayType' ,'CMPCollectionType' ,'CMPDomain' ,'CMPNamedDomain' ,'CMPPrimitiveType' ,'CMPRange' ,'CMPScalarType' ) and b_5=0 and b_11=1; update CMPFCOStorage set isSeed=0 where workspaceId = global_ws_id and isSeed=1; insert into CMPSCOStorage select * from CMPSCOClasses where workspaceId = global_ws_id and s2_1 in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute' ,'CMPAssociationDefinition' ,'CMPClassDefinition' ,'CMPClassUsage' ,'CMPClassUsageGroup' ,'CMPCollectionModelAttribute' ,'CMPDefinitionElement' ,'CMPDependencyDefinition' ,'CMPModelAttribute' ,'CMPModelDefinition' ,'CMPModelOwner' ,'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ,'CMPPropertyDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupOwner' ,'CMPPropertySetDefinition' ,'CMPReferenceModelAttribute' ,'CMPRegistryEntry' ,'CMPRegistryService' ,'CMPRoleDefinition' ,'CMPScalarModelAttribute' ,'CMPTranslatedField' ,'CMPAbstractType' ,'CMPAnonymousDomain' ,'CMPArrayType' ,'CMPCollectionType' ,'CMPDomain' ,'CMPNamedDomain' ,'CMPPrimitiveType' ,'CMPRange' ,'CMPScalarType' ); insert into CMPSCOStorage select * from CMPSCOClasses where workspaceId = global_ws_id and s2_1 not in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute' ,'CMPAssociationDefinition' ,'CMPClassDefinition' ,'CMPClassUsage' ,'CMPClassUsageGroup' ,'CMPCollectionModelAttribute' ,'CMPDefinitionElement' ,'CMPDependencyDefinition' ,'CMPModelAttribute' ,'CMPModelDefinition' ,'CMPModelOwner' ,'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ,'CMPPropertyDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupOwner' ,'CMPPropertySetDefinition' ,'CMPReferenceModelAttribute' ,'CMPRegistryEntry' ,'CMPRegistryService' ,'CMPRoleDefinition' ,'CMPScalarModelAttribute' ,'CMPTranslatedField' ,'CMPAbstractType' ,'CMPAnonymousDomain' ,'CMPArrayType' ,'CMPCollectionType' ,'CMPDomain' ,'CMPNamedDomain' ,'CMPPrimitiveType' ,'CMPRange' ,'CMPScalarType' ) and b_5=0 and b_11=1; update CMPSCOStorage set isSeed=0 where workspaceId = global_ws_id and isSeed=1; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; end insertGlobalWkspToStorage; procedure fixStorageForCurWksp(ws_id number) as begin update CMPFCOStorage set isSeed=0 where workspaceId = ws_id and isSeed=1; update CMPSCOStorage set isSeed=0 where workspaceId = ws_id and isSeed=1; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; end fixStorageForCurWksp; procedure insertGlobalWkspToTmpTabs as global_ws_id number :=1; begin insert into WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses select * from CMPFCOClasses where workspaceId = global_ws_id and s2_1 not in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute' ,'CMPAssociationDefinition' ,'CMPClassDefinition' ,'CMPClassUsage' ,'CMPClassUsageGroup' ,'CMPCollectionModelAttribute' ,'CMPDefinitionElement' ,'CMPDependencyDefinition' ,'CMPModelAttribute' ,'CMPModelDefinition' ,'CMPModelOwner' ,'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ,'CMPPropertyDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupOwner' ,'CMPPropertySetDefinition' ,'CMPReferenceModelAttribute' ,'CMPRegistryEntry' ,'CMPRegistryService' ,'CMPRoleDefinition' ,'CMPScalarModelAttribute' ,'CMPTranslatedField' ,'CMPAbstractType' ,'CMPAnonymousDomain' ,'CMPArrayType' ,'CMPCollectionType' ,'CMPDomain' ,'CMPNamedDomain' ,'CMPPrimitiveType' ,'CMPRange' ,'CMPScalarType' ); insert into WS_TMP_CMPSCOClasses select * from CMPSCOClasses where workspaceId = global_ws_id and s2_1 not in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute' ,'CMPAssociationDefinition' ,'CMPClassDefinition' ,'CMPClassUsage' ,'CMPClassUsageGroup' ,'CMPCollectionModelAttribute' ,'CMPDefinitionElement' ,'CMPDependencyDefinition' ,'CMPModelAttribute' ,'CMPModelDefinition' ,'CMPModelOwner' ,'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ,'CMPPropertyDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupOwner' ,'CMPPropertySetDefinition' ,'CMPReferenceModelAttribute' ,'CMPRegistryEntry' ,'CMPRegistryService' ,'CMPRoleDefinition' ,'CMPScalarModelAttribute' ,'CMPTranslatedField' ,'CMPAbstractType' ,'CMPAnonymousDomain' ,'CMPArrayType' ,'CMPCollectionType' ,'CMPDomain' ,'CMPNamedDomain' ,'CMPPrimitiveType' ,'CMPRange' ,'CMPScalarType' ); insert into WS_TMP_CMPSCOCfgClasses select * from CMPSCOCfgClasses where workspaceId = global_ws_id and s2_1 not in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute' ,'CMPAssociationDefinition' ,'CMPClassDefinition' ,'CMPClassUsage' ,'CMPClassUsageGroup' ,'CMPCollectionModelAttribute' ,'CMPDefinitionElement' ,'CMPDependencyDefinition' ,'CMPModelAttribute' ,'CMPModelDefinition' ,'CMPModelOwner' ,'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ,'CMPPropertyDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupOwner' ,'CMPPropertySetDefinition' ,'CMPReferenceModelAttribute' ,'CMPRegistryEntry' ,'CMPRegistryService' ,'CMPRoleDefinition' ,'CMPScalarModelAttribute' ,'CMPTranslatedField' ,'CMPAbstractType' ,'CMPAnonymousDomain' ,'CMPArrayType' ,'CMPCollectionType' ,'CMPDomain' ,'CMPNamedDomain' ,'CMPPrimitiveType' ,'CMPRange' ,'CMPScalarType' ); insert into WS_TMP_CMPSCOMapClasses select * from CMPSCOMapClasses where workspaceId = global_ws_id and s2_1 not in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute' ,'CMPAssociationDefinition' ,'CMPClassDefinition' ,'CMPClassUsage' ,'CMPClassUsageGroup' ,'CMPCollectionModelAttribute' ,'CMPDefinitionElement' ,'CMPDependencyDefinition' ,'CMPModelAttribute' ,'CMPModelDefinition' ,'CMPModelOwner' ,'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ,'CMPPropertyDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupOwner' ,'CMPPropertySetDefinition' ,'CMPReferenceModelAttribute' ,'CMPRegistryEntry' ,'CMPRegistryService' ,'CMPRoleDefinition' ,'CMPScalarModelAttribute' ,'CMPTranslatedField' ,'CMPAbstractType' ,'CMPAnonymousDomain' ,'CMPArrayType' ,'CMPCollectionType' ,'CMPDomain' ,'CMPNamedDomain' ,'CMPPrimitiveType' ,'CMPRange' ,'CMPScalarType' ); insert into WS_TMP_CMPSCOPrpClasses select * from CMPSCOPrpClasses where workspaceId = global_ws_id and s2_1 not in ( 'CMPArrayModelAttribute' ,'CMPAssociationDefinition' ,'CMPClassDefinition' ,'CMPClassUsage' ,'CMPClassUsageGroup' ,'CMPCollectionModelAttribute' ,'CMPDefinitionElement' ,'CMPDependencyDefinition' ,'CMPModelAttribute' ,'CMPModelDefinition' ,'CMPModelOwner' ,'CMPPrimitiveModelAttribute' ,'CMPPropertyDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupDefinition' ,'CMPPropertyGroupOwner' ,'CMPPropertySetDefinition' ,'CMPReferenceModelAttribute' ,'CMPRegistryEntry' ,'CMPRegistryService' ,'CMPRoleDefinition' ,'CMPScalarModelAttribute' ,'CMPTranslatedField' ,'CMPAbstractType' ,'CMPAnonymousDomain' ,'CMPArrayType' ,'CMPCollectionType' ,'CMPDomain' ,'CMPNamedDomain' ,'CMPPrimitiveType' ,'CMPRange' ,'CMPScalarType' ); insert into WS_TMP_FCOFOLDERNamespace select * from FCOFOLDERNamespace where workspaceId = global_ws_id; --Bug 6519987: Limit copied MCM Association data. But if restricted to rows with workspace parent, it regresses. --Bug 8252852: No longer needed. MCM Association views changed to always check GlobalWksp. --Bug 8502681: Revert bug 8252852 MCM Association changes required. insert into WS_TMP_AllPCTree select * from AllPCTree where workspaceId = global_ws_id; insert into WS_TMP_AllInterlink select * from AllInterlink where workspaceId = global_ws_id; insert into WS_TMP_AllIntralink select * from AllIntralink where workspaceId = global_ws_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20003,'When create workspace, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end insertGlobalWkspToTmpTabs; procedure fixTmpTabForCurWksp(ws_id number, ws_name varchar2,ws_owner varchar2) as global_ws_id number :=1; begin --1 fix the workspaceid update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set workspaceid = ws_id; update WS_TMP_CMPSCOClasses set workspaceid = ws_id; update WS_TMP_CMPSCOCfgClasses set workspaceid = ws_id; update WS_TMP_CMPSCOMapClasses set workspaceid = ws_id; update WS_TMP_CMPSCOPrpClasses set workspaceid = ws_id; -- 2 change the global wksp to be cur workspace update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set s4_2 = upper(ws_name) where s2_1 = 'CMPWorkspace'; update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set s4_1 = upper(ws_name) where s2_1 = 'CMPWorkspace'; -- update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set i_1 = cwmWorkspaceSeq.nextval where s2_1 = 'CMPWorkspace'; update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set i_1 = ws_id where s2_1 = 'CMPWorkspace'; update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set s1_2 = sys_guid() where s2_1 = 'CMPWorkspace'; --3 change the owningfolder to curWksp for miv, project, acl container, user, role, platform, user config template set update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set r_6 = ws_id where s2_1 in ('CMPWBProject', 'CMPACLContainer', 'CMPWBMIVDefinition','CMPWBRole', 'CMPWBUser','CMPExtensionModel', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet'); --4 change the owningWorkspace to curWksp for miv, project, acl container, user, role, platform update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set r_15 = ws_id where s2_1 = 'CMPACLContainer'; update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set r_15 = ws_id where s2_1 = 'CMPUserConfigTemplateSet'; update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set r_15 = ws_id where s2_1 = 'CMPWBRole'; update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set r_16 = ws_id where s2_1 in ('CMPWBUser', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPWBMIVDefinition'); update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set r_17 = ws_id where s2_1 = 'CMPPlatform'; --5 change the workspace owner name to this wksp owner name update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set s4_2 = upper(ws_owner) where s2_1 = 'CMPWBUser'; update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set s4_1 = upper(ws_owner) where s2_1 = 'CMPWBUser'; --6 fix the def proj name -- update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set s4_2 = upper(proj_name) where s2_1 = 'CMPWBProject' and s4_2 = 'MY_PROJECT'; -- update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set s4_1 = upper(proj_name) where s2_1 = 'CMPWBProject' and s4_2 = 'MY_PROJECT'; --7 namespace table info?? update WS_TMP_FCOFOLDERNamespace set workspaceid = ws_id; update WS_TMP_FCOFOLDERNamespace set aggregateParent = ws_id where parentid = global_ws_id; update WS_TMP_FCOFOLDERNamespace set parentid = ws_id where parentid = global_ws_id; --fix default project's namespace... --update WS_TMP_FCOFOLDERNamespace set name = upper(proj_name) where domain = 'Project' and name = 'MY_PROJECT'; --update WS_TMP_FCOFOLDERNamespace set name = upper(proj_name) where domain = 'Project' and name = 'My Project'; --fix cur workspace namespace... --update WS_TMP_FCOFOLDERNamespace set name = upper(ws_name) where domain = 'CMPWorkspace'; --Aug 02,06: since the unique on the FCOFOLDERNamespace is (workspaceid, parentid,name), but all workspace's workspaceid is different, and parentid which is userid is the same, but we want name unique among owners..., so set teh workspaceid to zero(cannot be one) for all workspace namespace entry and concate username with ws_name into the name field... this is kind of workaround update WS_TMP_FCOFOLDERNamespace set workspaceid = 0 where domain = 'CMPWorkspace'; update WS_TMP_FCOFOLDERNamespace set name = CONCAT(CONCAT(upper(ws_owner),'.'),upper(ws_name)) where domain = 'CMPWorkspace'; --aug 17, fix default control center and defalt owb loc, to change CONNECTED_AS_USER, SCHEMA to workspacename(actually chagne on cmpstringpropertyvalue_v, on value column....) update WS_TMP_CMPSCOPrpClasses set s3_7 = upper(ws_name) where r_15=(select i_1 from WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses where s4_2= 'OWB_REPOSITORY_LOCATION' and s2_1 ='CMPLogicalLocation') and s4_1='CMPLocation_Schema'; update WS_TMP_CMPSCOPrpClasses set s3_7 = upper(ws_name) where r_15=(select i_1 from WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses where s4_2= 'OWB_REPOSITORY_LOCATION' and s2_1 ='CMPLogicalLocation') and s4_1='CMPLocation_ConnectAsUser'; --change on cmpruntimelocation_v on schema column update WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses set s2_6 = upper(ws_owner||'.'||ws_name) where s4_2 = 'DEFAULT_CONTROL_CENTER' and s2_1 = 'CMPRuntimeLocation'; --Bug 5583003: Copy/Paste requires seeded MCM Association data be copied into each workspace. -- Not sure if all rows are really needed, but at least those rows where the -- parentid=workspaceid (pctree) or linkfrom=workspaceid (interlink, intralink) --Bug 8252852: No longer needed. MCM Association views changed to always check GlobalWksp. --Bug 8502681: Revert bug 8252852 MCM Association changes required. update WS_TMP_AllPCTree set workspaceid = ws_id; update WS_TMP_AllPCTree set parentid = ws_id where parentid = global_ws_id; update WS_TMP_AllInterlink set workspaceid = ws_id; update WS_TMP_AllInterlink set linkfrom = ws_id where linkfrom = global_ws_id; update WS_TMP_AllIntralink set workspaceid = ws_id; update WS_TMP_AllIntralink set linkfrom = ws_id where linkfrom = global_ws_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; -- raise_application_error(-20004,'When create workspace, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end fixTmpTabForCurWksp; procedure insertTmpTabsToCurWksp as begin --Bug 5691039: Snapshot Import/Export requires seeded Classes info be copied into Storage. --Bug 6519987: But filter out any meta-metadata (exists in CMPFCOClasses, CMPSCOClasses). --Bug 6993426: Fix Snapshot import, but also include only necessary non-meta-metadata. --Bug 8252852: Explicit seeding of Storage for the current workspace is still required -- for the new workspace row itself and platform related data. Even though -- all non-editable, seeded rows are in Storage for GlobalWksp, they are only -- exposed in views like cmpelement_x, firstclassobject_x, secondclassobject_x and -- folder_x (due to changes made previously for MMM_CLASSES). -- This is sufficient to get MDL Snapshot functioning without going to the trouble -- of exposing them through all the _X views plus seeding ALLFCOFolderNamespaceStorage. insert into CMPFCOClasses select * from WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses ; insert into CMPFCOStorage select * from WS_TMP_CMPFCOClasses where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWorkspace', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDatatype', 'CMPTypeMapping', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformMappingSet', 'CMPPlatformTypeSet'); insert into CMPSCOClasses select * from WS_TMP_CMPSCOClasses ; insert into CMPSCOStorage select * from WS_TMP_CMPSCOClasses where s2_1 in ( 'CMPWorkspace', 'CMPWBProject', 'CMPDatatype', 'CMPTypeMapping', 'CMPPlatform', 'CMPPlatformMappingSet', 'CMPPlatformTypeSet'); insert into CMPSCOCfgClasses select * from WS_TMP_CMPSCOCfgClasses; --insert into CMPSCOCfgStorage select * from WS_TMP_CMPSCOCfgClasses; insert into CMPSCOMapClasses select * from WS_TMP_CMPSCOMapClasses; --insert into CMPSCOMapStorage select * from WS_TMP_CMPSCOMapClasses; insert into CMPSCOPrpClasses select * from WS_TMP_CMPSCOPrpClasses; --insert into CMPSCOPrpStorage select * from WS_TMP_CMPSCOPrpClasses; insert into FCOFOLDERNamespace select * from WS_TMP_FCOFOLDERNamespace; --Bug 8252852: No longer needed. MCM Association views changed to always check GlobalWksp. --Bug 8502681: Revert bug 8252852 MCM Association changes required. insert into AllPCTree select * from WS_TMP_AllPCTree; insert into AllInterlink select * from WS_TMP_AllInterlink; insert into AllIntralink select * from WS_TMP_AllIntralink; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20005,'When create workspace, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end insertTmpTabsToCurWksp; procedure copySeededCMPDataToWorkspace(ws_id number, ws_name varchar2,ws_owner varchar2) as begin cleanTmpTables(); insertGlobalWkspToTmpTabs(); fixTmpTabForCurWksp(ws_id, ws_name,ws_owner); insertTmpTabsToCurWksp(); insertGlobalWkspToStorage(); fixStorageForCurWksp(ws_id); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20000,'When create workspace, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end copySeededCMPDataToWorkspace; function isWorkspaceNameUnique(p_ws_name varchar2, p_owner varchar2, toReserve boolean default false) return number as begin return NamespaceServiceImpl.isUniqueWorkspaceName(p_ws_name,p_owner, toReserve); exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20020,'When call isWorkspaceNameUnique ,error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end isWorkspaceNameUnique; -- create_workspace creates a workspace with the specified name -- owned by the current user. -- workspace id should only be specified as a positive number when called by repository upgrade. -- workspace is set or not is not required procedure create_workspace( p_ws_name varchar2, p_owner varchar2 default user, p_ws_id number ) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; ws_id number; triggerstmt varchar2(200); safe_p_owner varchar2(40); safe_trigger_name varchar2(40); begin --p_ws_name := upper(p_ws_name); --0: any user can not use reserve word: GLOBAL_WORKSPACE if(upper(p_ws_name) = 'GLOBAL_WORKSPACE') then raise_application_error(-20018,'Name GLOBAL_WORKSPACE is a reserved name for a workspace in OWB. Please choose a different name.'); end if; --0.1 prevent OWBSYS to create workspace if(upper(p_owner) = 'OWBSYS') then raise_application_error(-20021,'OWBSYS can not create a workspace since it can not be a workspace user or owner.'); end if; --0.15: p_ws_name should not be null fix bug 5662500 if(p_ws_name is null) then raise_application_error(-20037,'wb_workspace_management finds error: Workspace name can not be null.'); end if; -- added by gavin.lei for bug 9142080 safe_p_owner := sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(p_owner,false); --0.2 check namespace if(isWorkspaceNameUnique(p_ws_name, p_owner, true) = 0) then raise_application_error(-20019,'The workspace name:'||p_ws_name||' already exists and owned by '||p_owner||'. The workspace name must be unique under its owner.'); end if; --1st: check the p_owner is a valid db user WBSecurityHelper.registerOWBUser(upper(p_owner)); --fix bug 7417117 safe_trigger_name := sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(upper(p_owner)||'_TG',false); triggerstmt := 'CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER '|| safe_trigger_name || ' AFTER LOGON ON '|| upper(safe_p_owner) ||'.SCHEMA '||' BEGIN '|| 'owbsys.wb_initialize_workspace; '||' END;' ; execute immediate triggerstmt; -- then seed the 1st default workspace set_default_workspace(upper(p_owner), upper(p_owner),upper(p_ws_name), true); --aug also need to grant teh user the tgt priv.... begin wb_rti_target_schema_privs.grant_privileges(upper(p_owner)); exception when others then null; -- do nothing... end; if (p_ws_id >= 0) then ws_id := p_ws_id; else select cwmWorkspaceSeq.nextval into ws_id from dual; end if; copySeededCMPDataToWorkspace(ws_id, p_ws_name,p_owner); -- create a runtime config entry for the workspace. insert into owb$wb_rt_platform_config (workspace_id, enterprise_mode, notm) select ws_id, enterprise_mode, 1 from owb$wb_rt_platform_config where workspace_id is null; --add commit here before unreserveworkspacename in case unreserveworkspacename has any error(autonomous txn is either all or nothing on any uncommitted data , here used "uncommitted" since there could have several commit/rollback on inside a autonomous txn)... commit; --last, need clean up the reservation for the workspcenamespace NamespaceServiceImpl.unReserveWorkspaceName(p_ws_name, p_owner); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20001,'When create workspace, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end create_workspace; -- create_workspace creates a workspace with the specified name -- owned by the current user. -- workspace is set or not is not required procedure create_workspace( p_ws_name varchar2, p_owner varchar2 default user ) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; begin create_workspace(p_ws_name, p_owner, -1); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20001,'When create workspace, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end create_workspace; procedure deleteOneTableWhenDrpWksp(tabName varchar2, theWorkspaceId number) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; stmt varchar2(4000); safetabName varchar2(40); begin -- added by gavin.lei for bug 9142080 safetabName := sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(tabName,false); stmt := 'delete from '|| safetabName||' where workspaceid='||theWorkspaceId; execute immediate stmt; commit; -- to not overrun the rollback segment if workspace is too large, so delete one table a time, and commit it exception when others then raise; end; procedure deleteWorkspaceRecords(theWorkspaceId number ,ws_name varchar2, ws_owner varchar2) as tcursor TTYPE ; --stmt varchar2(4000); tabName varchar2(30); begin open tcursor for select distinct(user_tab_cols.table_name) from user_tab_cols, user_tables where user_tab_cols.table_name=user_tables.table_name and user_tab_cols.column_name='WORKSPACEID'; loop begin fetch tcursor into tabName; exit when tcursor%NOTFOUND; deleteOneTableWhenDrpWksp(tabName, theWorkspaceId); -- stmt := 'delete from '|| tabName||' where workspaceid='||theWorkspaceId; -- execute immediate stmt; end; end loop; close tcursor; --take special treatment on ns tables regarding workspace object since workspace object's workspace id i 0 --dropWorkspaceNamespace(); delete from FCOFOLDERNamespace where workspaceid = 0 and domain = 'CMPWorkspace' and upper(name) = CONCAT(CONCAT(upper(ws_owner),'.'),upper(ws_name)); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; end deleteWorkspaceRecords; procedure dealWithOWBUsersWhenDropWksp (theWorkspaceId number) as tcursor TTYPE; theUser varchar2(200); stmt varchar2(4000); v_ErrorCode number; begin --find out a list of users registered on this workspace but not on other workspace -- MyDebug('1. come to dealWithOWBUsersWhenDropWksp...'); open tcursor for select user_name from workspace_assignment where workspace_id = theWorkspaceId MINUS select user_name from workspace_assignment where workspace_id != theWorkspaceId; loop begin fetch tcursor into theUser; exit when tcursor%NOTFOUND; --MyDebug('2. begin deal with user:'||theUser); begin WBSecurityHelper.unRegisterOWBUser(upper(theUser)); exception when others then null; --fix bug 6875031: allow workspace is dropped even if un-reg user get error... -- v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; -- MyDebug('sochen: unregister user get error,errorcode:'||v_ErrorCode||', error msg:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); --raise_application_error(-20030,' get error when un regi user:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); -- raise ; end; --MyDebug('3. WBSecurityHelper.unRegisterOWBUser:'|| theUser); begin wb_rti_target_schema_privs.revoke_object_privileges(upper(theUser)); exception when others then null; --do nothing... end; --MyDebug('4. after revoke obj privs on tgt user'); /* stmt := 'revoke OWB_USER from '||theUser; execute immediate stmt; stmt := 'revoke OWB$CLIENT from '||theUser; execute immediate stmt; stmt := 'revoke OWB_DESIGNCENTER_VIEW from '||theUser; execute immediate stmt; */ end; end loop; close tcursor; exception when others then raise; end dealWithOWBUsersWhenDropWksp; procedure checkInvokerHasOWBAdminRole as isAdmin number:=-1; begin select sys_context('owb_workspace','isWorkspaceAdmin') into isAdmin from dual; if(isAdmin !=1 OR isAdmin is null) then raise_application_error(-20014,'You must be the workspace administrator to manage workspaces, workspace users and workspace system privileges.'); end if; end checkInvokerHasOWBAdminRole; -- drop_workspace -- Checks that the user has the appropriate privilege (ADMIN_WS) on the -- specified workspace or is the workspace owner, and if so, drops the -- workspace. -- workspace is set or not is not required -- if the workspace owner is not valid anymore e.g. it is not a db user or not re-created after drop, you can login as owbsys or sys to drop a workspace procedure drop_workspace( p_ws_name varchar2, p_owner varchar2 default user ) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; theWorkspaceId number; begin if(upper(p_ws_name) = 'GLOBAL_WORKSPACE' ) then raise_application_error(-20031,'The GLOBAL_WORKSPACE should not be dropped.'); end if; begin select workspace_id into theWorkspaceId from workspace_assignment where upper(workspace_name) = upper(p_ws_name) and upper(user_name) = upper(p_owner) and isWorkspaceOwner = '1'; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise_application_error(-20030,'The workspace with name:'||p_ws_name||' and owner:'||p_owner||' does not exist.'); end; --set the workspace... for easier query to find out if the current login is a workspace admin owb_workspace_manager.set_workspace(theWorkspaceId); --need to lock on the workspace(robert will help here) if(OWB_LOCK.LOCK_WORKSPACE(theWorkspaceId, OWB_LOCK.EXCLUSIVE_MODE)=false) then raise_application_error(-20034,'You can not drop the workspace:'||p_owner||'.'||p_ws_name||' since other sessions are using this workspace at this time. Please try again later.'); end if; -- check if the invoker is workspace admin... checkInvokerHasOWBAdminRole(); -- check if users are registered to other workspaces or not, if not, need to revoke owb related roles: OWB_USER, OWB$CLIENT, OWB_DESIGNCENTER_VIEW dealWithOWBUsersWhenDropWksp(theWorkspaceId); deleteWorkspaceRecords(theWorkspaceId,p_ws_name, p_owner ); --now release the lock... OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_WORKSPACE(theWorkspaceId, OWB_LOCK.EXCLUSIVE_MODE); --fix bug 5705152 owb_workspace_manager.unset_workspace; commit; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN --begin --OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_WORKSPACE(theWorkspaceId, OWB_LOCK.EXCLUSIVE_MODE); --exception WHEN OTHERS THEN -- null; --end; raise; end drop_workspace; procedure checkWorkspaceBeSetted as isSetted number:=-1; begin select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') into isSetted from dual; if(isSetted <1 OR isSetted is null) then raise_application_error(-20013,'The workspace has not been set. Please call wb_workspace_management.set_workspace procedure to set workspace first. Or you can go to OWB Client Console and under menu Tool/Preference you can change your default workspace to a valid workspace within Environment prefrence group then whenever you login to database your valid default workspace will be automantically set.'); end if; end checkWorkspaceBeSetted; procedure validateUser(p_user varchar2) as isValidUser number:=-1; begin select count(*) into isValidUser from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(p_user); if(isValidUser != 1) then raise_application_error(-20015,'The argument: '|| p_user||' is not a valid user on this workspace:'||sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceName')||'.' ); end if; end validateUser; function computeValidSysPrivNames return varchar2 as tcursor TTYPE; validSysNames varchar2(4000); validSys varchar2(50); beginConcat boolean :=false; begin open tcursor for select SYSPRIVNAME from SYS_PRIV_ID_TO_NAME_TAB MINUS select obsolete_sys_name from obsolete_sys_privs; loop begin fetch tcursor into validSys; exit when tcursor%NOTFOUND; --if(beginConcat = false) then -- validSysNames:= validSys; --end if; beginConcat:=true; validSysNames:=validSysNames||validSys||','; end; end loop; close tcursor; --if(beginConcat=true) then --validSysNames. -- end if; return validSysNames; end computeValidSysPrivNames; procedure validateSysPrivName(p_priv_name varchar2) as isValidSysName number:=-1; isObsoleted number:=-1; begin select count(*) into isValidSysName from SYS_PRIV_ID_TO_NAME_TAB where upper(sysPrivName) = upper(p_priv_name); if(isValidSysName !=1) then raise_application_error(-20016,'The argument: '|| p_priv_name||' is not a valid workspace system privilege name. The list of valid names:'||computeValidSysPrivNames()); end if; --if the name is obsolete, also need to throw exception select count(*) into isObsoleted from obsolete_sys_privs where upper(obsolete_sys_name)= upper(p_priv_name); if(isObsoleted > 0) then raise_application_error(-20018,'The argument: '|| p_priv_name||' is not a valid workspace system privilege name.The list of valid names:'||computeValidSysPrivNames()); end if; end validateSysPrivName; /* * * */ procedure doManageSysPriv(p_priv_name varchar2,p_user varchar2, isGranting number) as --PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;--only need to be done at the top level caller instead of callee procedure... charToBeSet CHAR(1); theCharMap varchar2(255); secondPartCharMap varchar2(255); hasCharMap number := 1; theSysId number; pos number; begin begin select SYSPRIVSACCESSCHARMAP into theCharMap from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name)= upper(p_user); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then hasCharMap := 0; end; if(theCharMap is null) then --MyDebug('0 theCharmap is null'); hasCharMap := 0; elsif(LENGTH(theCharMap) <=0) then --MyDebug('0.5 theCharmap length is 0'); hasCharMap := 0; end if; --MyDebug('1. sys char map is:'||theCharMap||', hasCharMap:'||hasCharMap); if(hasCharMap = 0) then --no charmap, need to create one theCharMap := '0'; for i IN 1..m_charmap_len-1 LOOP theCharMap :=CONCAT(theCharMap,'0'); END LOOP; end if; --MyDebug('2. sys char map now is:'||theCharMap||', hasCharMap:'||hasCharMap); if(isGranting = 1) then charToBeSet:='1'; else charToBeSet:='0'; end if; --find which position to be set select sysPrivId into theSysId from SYS_PRIV_ID_TO_NAME_TAB where upper(sysPrivName) = upper(p_priv_name); --MyDebug('3. sys id is:'||theSysId); pos := theSysId+1; -- in PL/SQL, string index starts with 1 -- now set the char to be wanted secondPartCharMap := SUBSTR(theCharMap,pos+1); --MyDebug('4. secondPartCharMap is:'||secondPartCharMap); theCharMap :=CONCAT(CONCAT(SUBSTR(theCharMap,1, pos-1), charToBeSet),secondPartCharMap); --MyDebug('5. theCharMap is:'||theCharMap); -- finally update the sys charmap column on the user update cmpwbuser_v set SYSPRIVSACCESSCHARMAP = theCharMap where upper(name) = upper(p_user); --MyDebug('6. finished update:'||theCharMap); --commit; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20015,'When grant/revoke workspace system privileges to a user '||p_user||', error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end doManageSysPriv; -- grant_workspace_sys_priv -- Checks that the user is a workspace admin on the -- specified workspace , and if so, grants the -- specified privilege to the specified user. -- assume that the workspace is already set by set_workspace call procedure grant_workspace_sys_priv( p_priv_name varchar2, p_user varchar2 ) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; isGranting number:=1; wksp_id number; userID number; begin --note: here we need to first lock the p_user to make any changes otherwise if other session is changing the same object p_user, this procedure will hang until another session commit/rollback... now we skip this locking service ... -- check the workspace has been set or not checkWorkspaceBeSetted(); --check whether the invoker is OWB_ADMIN in this workspace... checkInvokerHasOWBAdminRole(); --check p_user is valid owb user in this workspace validateUser(p_user); --check priv_name validateSysPrivName(p_priv_name); --first lock the user select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') into wksp_id from dual; select elementid into userID from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(p_user); if(OWB_LOCK.LOCK_USER(wksp_id, userID,OWB_LOCK.WRITE_MODE)=false) then raise_application_error(-20033, 'You cannot grant the system privilege to the user:'||p_user||' now since you can not get the necessary write lock. Please try it later.'); end if; doManageSysPriv(p_priv_name,p_user, isGranting); --after done, release lock OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_USER(wksp_id, userID,OWB_LOCK.WRITE_MODE); commit; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN --begin --OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_USER(wksp_id, userID,OWB_LOCK.WRITE_MODE); --exception WHEN OTHERS THEN --null; --end; raise; --raise_application_error(-20017,'When grant/revoke workspace system privileges to/from a user '||p_user||', error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end grant_workspace_sys_priv; -- revoke_worpkspace_priv -- Checks that the user has the appropriate privilege (ADMIN_WS) on the -- specified workspace or is the workspace owner, and if so, revokes the -- specified privilege from the specified user. -- assume that the workspace is already set by set_workspace call procedure revoke_workspace_sys_priv( p_priv_name varchar2, p_user varchar2 ) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; isGranting number:=0; wksp_id number; userID number; begin --note: here we need to first lock the p_user to make any changes otherwise if other session is changing the same object p_user, this procedure will hang until another session commit/rollback... now we skip this locking service ... -- check the workspace has been set or not checkWorkspaceBeSetted(); --check whether the invoker is OWB_ADMIN in this workspace... checkInvokerHasOWBAdminRole(); --check p_user is valid owb user in this workspace validateUser(p_user); --check priv_name validateSysPrivName(p_priv_name); --first lock the user select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') into wksp_id from dual; select elementid into userID from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(p_user); if(OWB_LOCK.LOCK_USER(wksp_id, userID,OWB_LOCK.WRITE_MODE)=false) then raise_application_error(-20033, 'You cannot grant the system privilege to the user:'||p_user||' now since you can not get the necessary write lock. Please try it later.'); end if; doManageSysPriv(p_priv_name,p_user, isGranting); --after done, release lock OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_USER(wksp_id, userID,OWB_LOCK.WRITE_MODE); commit; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --begin --OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_USER(wksp_id, userID,OWB_LOCK.WRITE_MODE); -- exception WHEN OTHERS THEN --null; --end; --raise_application_error(-20012,'When grant/revoke workspace system privileges to/from a user '||p_user||', error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end revoke_workspace_sys_priv; procedure validateUserName(p_user varchar2) as isDBUser number:=0; isExistingWkspUser number:=0; begin select count(*) into isDBUser from all_users where username = upper(p_user); if(isDBUser <1) then raise_application_error(-20023, 'The user with name:'||p_user||' is not an existing database user.'); end if; --then check if the p_user is already existing owbuser select count(*) into isExistingWkspUser from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(p_user); if(isExistingWkspUser > 0 ) then raise_application_error(-20024, 'The user with name:'||p_user||' has already registered to the workspace:'|| sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceName')||' owned by:'||sys_context('owb_workspace','workspace_owner')); end if; end validateUserName; function doesDBUserExist(p_user varchar2) return boolean as isDBUser number; begin select count(*) into isDBUser from all_users where username = upper(p_user); if(isDBUser <1) then return false; end if; return true; exception when others then raise; end doesDBUserExist; procedure validateUserNameforUnRegister(p_user varchar2) as isDBUser number:=0; isExistingWkspUser number:=0; begin /* fix bug 5622487 select count(*) into isDBUser from all_users where username = upper(p_user); if(isDBUser <1) then raise_application_error(-20023, 'The user with name:'||p_user||' is not an existing database user.'); end if; */ --then check if the user is an owb user select count(*) into isExistingWkspUser from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(p_user); if(isExistingWkspUser < 1 ) then raise_application_error(-20024, 'The user with name:'||p_user||' is not a registered user on the workspace:'|| sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceName')||' owned by:'||sys_context('owb_workspace','workspace_owner')); end if; end validateUserNameforUnRegister; procedure insertCMPInfoForUser(p_user varchar2, p_is_ws_admin number ) as theWkspId number; theElemId number; theUserId number; everyOneRoleId number; adminRoleId number; sysprivsCharMap varchar2(200); theUOID varchar2(200); defAccessCharMap varchar2(200); baseISOID varchar2(200); begin --1 insert cmpwbuser row sysprivsCharMap := '0'; for i IN 1..m_charmap_len-1 LOOP sysprivsCharMap :=CONCAT(sysprivsCharMap,'0'); END LOOP; select cwmseq.nextval into theElemId from dual; theUserId := theElemId; select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') into theWkspId from dual; select sys_guid() into theUOID from dual; insert into cmpwbuser_v( WorkspaceID, ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy,CreationTimestamp,CustomerDeletable, CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId , Imported ,LogicalName ,Name ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp ,SysPrivsAccessCharMap ,OwningFolder ,IsProtectedFromPublic ,IsWorkspaceOwner ,OwningWorkspace) values(theWkspId, 'CMPWBUser', '0',user,sysdate, '1','0','autocreatedbyplsql','1',theElemId, '0',upper(p_user),upper(p_user),'1','0',theUOID,user,sysdate,sysprivsCharMap,theWkspId,'0','0',theWkspId); --2. insert access preference info select elementid into everyOneRoleId from cmpwbrole_v where name = 'EVERYONE'; select sys_guid() into theUOID from dual; defAccessCharMap := '1'; for i IN 1..m_charmap_len-1 LOOP defAccessCharMap :=CONCAT(defAccessCharMap,'1'); END LOOP; theElemId := theElemId+1; insert into cmpaccesspreference_v(WorkspaceID, ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy ,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description ,Editable ,ElementId ,Imported ,LogicalName ,Name ,Persistent ,Seeded ,UOID ,UpdatedBy ,UpdateTimestamp,FirstClassObject ,AccessCharMap ,PrivilegeOwner,Wbuser) values( theWkspId, 'CMPAccessPreference', '0',user, sysdate,'1','0','autocreatedbyplsql','1', theElemId,'0','A','A','1','0',theUOID,user,sysdate,theUserId, defAccessCharMap,everyOneRoleId,theUserId ); --3. assign everyone role to the p_user theElemId := theElemId+1; select sys_guid() into theUOID from dual; insert into CMPRoleAssignment_v( WorkspaceID, ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description,Editable ,ElementId, Imported ,LogicalName ,Name ,Persistent,Seeded,UOID ,UpdatedBy,UpdateTimestamp,FirstClassObject,Wbrole,Wbuser) values(theWkspId, 'CMPRoleAssignment','0', user,sysdate,'1','0','autocreatedbyplsql','1',theElemId,'0','R','R','1','0',theUOID,user, sysdate,theUserId,everyOneRoleId,theUserId ); if( p_is_ws_admin = 1) then select elementid into adminRoleId from cmpwbrole_v where name = 'ADMINISTRATOR'; theElemId := theElemId+1; select sys_guid() into theUOID from dual; insert into CMPRoleAssignment_v( WorkspaceID, ClassName ,Completed ,CreatedBy,CreationTimestamp ,CustomerDeletable ,CustomerRenamable ,Description, Editable ,ElementId , Imported ,LogicalName ,Name ,Persistent,Seeded,UOID ,UpdatedBy,UpdateTimestamp,FirstClassObject,Wbrole,Wbuser) values(theWkspId, 'CMPRoleAssignment','0', user,sysdate,'1','0','autocreatedbyplsql','1',theElemId,'0','R','R','1','0',theUOID,user, sysdate,theUserId,adminRoleId,theUserId ); end if; --finally, insert into namespace select ISOID into baseISOID from cmpsupportedLanguage_v where IsBaseLanguage = '1'; insert into cmpallfolderfconames( WORKSPACEID , PARENTID, DOMAIN, NAME, ISPHYS , ELEMENTID, AGGREGATEPARENT, LANGUAGEISOID) values(theWkspId,theWkspId,'PrivilegeOwner',upper(p_user), 1,theUserId,theWkspId,baseISOID ); insert into cmpallfolderfconames( WORKSPACEID , PARENTID, DOMAIN, NAME, ISPHYS , ELEMENTID, AGGREGATEPARENT, LANGUAGEISOID) values(theWkspId,theWkspId,'PrivilegeOwner',upper(p_user), 2,theUserId,theWkspId,baseISOID ); end insertCMPInfoForUser; procedure deleteCMPInfoForUser(p_user varchar2) as userId number; begin --first delete anything owned by this user select elementid into userId from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(p_user); delete from CMPSCOElement_V where firstclassobject = userId; delete from FirstClassObject_V where elementid = userId; --then delete namespace stuff delete from cmpallfolderfconames where workspaceid = get_workspace_id() and domain = 'PrivilegeOwner' and upper(name) = upper(p_user); end deleteCMPInfoForUser; --register a db user to the current workspace -- assume that the workspace is already set by set_workspace call --fix bug 5860256: OWBSYS is not allowed to register owb user to any workspace procedure register_workspace_user(p_user varchar2 , p_is_ws_admin number default 0) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; wksp_id number; begin --0 check if workspace set or not checkWorkspaceBeSetted(); --check if the invoker is OWBSYS ? if yes now allow to register user if(upper(user)='OWBSYS') then raise_application_error(-20038,'OWBSYS can not register workspace users. Try to register workspace users by workspace owner'); end if; --0.5 check if the invoker is admin checkInvokerHasOWBAdminRole(); --1 check if the p_user already exists validateUserName(p_user); --request lock on the workspace select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') into wksp_id from dual; if(OWB_LOCK.LOCK_WORKSPACE(wksp_id, OWB_LOCK.SHARED_MODE) = false) then raise_application_error(-20035, 'You cannot register user:'||p_user||' at this time due to the current workspace:'||sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceName')|| ' is used by another session in single user mode. Please try it later.'); end if; --2. register the uesr, it may fail due to the user has the default role set as ALL WBSecurityHelper.registerOWBUser(upper(p_user)); -- 3. insert a row into cmpwbuser_v for this user insertCMPInfoForUser(p_user, p_is_ws_admin ); --4 aug 24,06: need to grant the necessary privs needed when the user used as target user later... begin wb_rti_target_schema_privs.grant_privileges(p_user); exception when others then null; --do nothing end; -- now unlock the workspace begin OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_WORKSPACE(wksp_id, OWB_LOCK.SHARED_MODE); exception WHEN OTHERS THEN null; -- do not care what happened... end; commit; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN --begin -- OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_WORKSPACE(wksp_id, OWB_LOCK.SHARED_MODE); --exception WHEN OTHERS THEN --null; -- do not care what happened... ---- end; raise; end register_workspace_user; procedure revokeTgtPriv(theUser varchar2) as registeredToThisWksp number; registeredToAllWksp number; begin select count(*) into registeredToThisWksp from cmpallwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(theUser) and workspaceid = sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID'); select count(*) into registeredToAllWksp from cmpallwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(theUser); if(( registeredToAllWksp - registeredToThisWksp)>0 ) then return; end if; wb_rti_target_schema_privs.revoke_object_privileges(upper(theUser)); exception when others then null; -- do nothing... end revokeTgtPriv; --unregister a owb use from the current workspace -- assume that the workspace is already set by set_workspace call procedure unregister_workspace_user(p_user varchar2) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; wksp_id number; userID number; begin --check workspace set checkWorkspaceBeSetted(); if(upper(user)='OWBSYS') then raise_application_error(-20038,'OWBSYS can not unregister workspace users. Try to unregister workspace users by workspace owner'); end if; --check the invoker's privilege checkInvokerHasOWBAdminRole(); --check the p_user valid validateUserNameforUnRegister(p_user); --need to first lock this user before un-register it, select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') into wksp_id from dual; select elementid into userID from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(p_user); if(OWB_LOCK.LOCK_USER(wksp_id, userID,OWB_LOCK.EXCLUSIVE_MODE)=false) then raise_application_error(-20036, 'You cannot unregister this user:'||p_user||' at this time since this user is currently connected to this workspace or is edited by some other session.'); end if; --fix bug 5699843: originally we want use the get excluseve lock to prevent revoke a user which is connected to cur wksp, but whcih requires that we place a shared lock on user object, but there is no shared lock on a FCO which is not a folder... --so to fix bug 5699843, need to do hte followng : if(WBSecurityHelper.isUserConnedToCurrWksp(0,0,wksp_id, upper(p_user)) = 1) then raise_application_error(-20036, 'You cannot unregister this user:'||p_user||' at this time since this user is currently connected to this workspace or is edited by some other session.'); end if; --then call unregister from the pkg which will detect if there is any owb session on for the p_user --fix bug 5622487: if the user p_user has been droped from db, no need to call this procedure... if(doesDBUserExist(p_user)) then WBSecurityHelper.unRegisterOWBUser(upper(p_user)); --aug 24,06: need to revoke those privs for target schema only if no other workspace to work on... revokeTgtPriv(p_user); end if; --delete anything owned by the user deleteCMPInfoForUser(p_user); --after done, release lock OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_USER(wksp_id, userID,OWB_LOCK.EXCLUSIVE_MODE); commit; exception when others then -- begin -- OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_USER(wksp_id, userID,OWB_LOCK.EXCLUSIVE_MODE); -- exception when others then --null; -- dont care... --end; raise; end unregister_workspace_user; procedure checkWorkspaceExists(p_ws_name varchar2, p_owner varchar2) as theWorkspaceId number; begin --0th: not allow end user to set GLOBAL_WORKSPACE if(upper(p_ws_name) = 'GLOBAL_WORKSPACE' and upper(p_owner) = 'OWBSYS') then raise_application_error(-20019,'You are trying to set workspace to GLOBAL_WORKSPACE which is for internal usage.'); end if; begin select workspace_id into theWorkspaceId from workspace_assignment where upper(workspace_name) = upper(p_ws_name) and upper(user_name) = upper(p_owner) and isWorkspaceOwner = '1'; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise_application_error(-20008,'The workspace with name:'||p_ws_name||' and owner:'||p_owner||' does not exist. You can find out the existing workspace information from view ALL_IV_WORKSPACE or view WORKSPACE_ASSIGNMENT.'); end; end checkWorkspaceExists; procedure checkUserCanAccessTheWorkspace(p_ws_name varchar2, p_owner varchar2) as theWorkspaceId number; canAccess number:=0; begin select workspace_id into theWorkspaceId from workspace_assignment where upper(workspace_name) = upper(p_ws_name) and upper(user_name) = upper(p_owner) and isWorkspaceOwner = '1'; --2nd: check if the user can access that workspace select count(*) into canAccess from workspace_assignment where workspace_id = theWorkspaceId and upper(user_name) = user; if(canAccess <1) then raise_application_error(-20009,'User '||user||' does not have access to the workspace with name:'||p_ws_name||' and owner:'||p_owner||'. '||user||' must be registered to access the workspace by the administrator or owner of the workspace'); end if; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20007,'When setting the workspace, an error occured:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end checkUserCanAccessTheWorkspace; procedure releaseLock as pre_wksp number; begin --Sept 15,06: need to release shared lock on the previous active workspace if exist; then place shared lock on the to-be-active workspace --MyDebug('1.1 releaseLock is called'); select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') into pre_wksp from dual; --MyDebug('1.2. releaseLock is called on workspceid:'||pre_wksp); --if(pre_wksp !='') then -- begin --MyDebug('1.3. releaseLock really called :OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_WORKSPACE'); OWB_LOCK.UNLOCK_WORKSPACE(pre_wksp, OWB_LOCK.SHARED_MODE); exception WHEN OTHERS THEN -- raise; null; -- since unlock_workspace is just been nice to release it earlier so other session can use it... -- so if anything happened, we do not bother to inferece with this session.... -- end; --end if; end releaseLock; function ignoreLockError return number as hasRecord number:=0; ignore number:=0; result number :=0; begin select count(*) into hasRecord from ignore_lockerror_set_workspace; if(hasRecord =1) then select ignore_lockerror into ignore from ignore_lockerror_set_workspace; if(ignore =1) then result :=1; end if; end if; return result; exception when others then null; end ignoreLockError; procedure setWorkspaceContext(p_ws_name varchar2 ,p_owner varchar2) as theWorkspaceId number; begin releaseLock; select workspace_id into theWorkspaceId from workspace_assignment where upper(workspace_name) = upper(p_ws_name) and upper(user_name) = upper(p_owner) and isWorkspaceOwner = '1'; -- now lock this to-be-active workspace if(OWB_LOCK.LOCK_WORKSPACE(theWorkspaceId, OWB_LOCK.SHARED_MODE) = false) then if(ignoreLockError() !=1) then raise_application_error(-20032, 'Setting the workspace to '||p_owner||'.'||p_ws_name||' failed due to another session using this workspace in single user mode.'); else null; -- fix bug 8206958: getAnotherConnection will fail if the main connection is single user mode, so ingore this end if; end if; owb_workspace_manager.set_workspace(theWorkspaceId); exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20010,'When set workspace, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end setWorkspaceContext; procedure ignore_lockerror_setwksp(ignore number) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; existing number :=0; begin select count(*) into existing from ignore_lockerror_set_workspace; if( existing > 0) then delete from ignore_lockerror_set_workspace; end if; insert into ignore_lockerror_set_workspace (ignore_lockerror ) values(ignore); commit; --exception when others -- null; end ignore_lockerror_setwksp; -- unset_workspace -- Makes no workspace active in the current session (ie back the default state) procedure unset_workspace as begin --MyDebug('1. come to unset_workspace'); releaseLock; --MyDebug('2. after release lock'); owb_workspace_manager.unset_workspace; --MyDebug('3, after internal unset_workspace'); end unset_workspace; -- set_workspace -- Sets the current workspace to the one named in workspace_name. Checks -- that the user has access to the workspace and sets access flags. -- also if user has ACCESS_PUBLICVIEW_BROWSER privilege OWB_DESIGNTIME_VIEW role will be enabled(OWB_USER role will be enabled anyway): sorry we can not enable roles in stored procedure, can only in anonymous sql section procedure set_workspace( p_ws_name varchar2 ) as posDot number(2) := 0; owner varchar2(32) := null; name varchar2(32) := null; begin -- Is the name workspace name in format posDot:=instr(p_ws_name,'.'); if (posDot > 1) then -- if so, split into name and owner owner := substr(p_ws_name,1,posDot-1); name := substr(p_ws_name, posDot+1); else -- otherwise default the owner to the current user owner := user; name := p_ws_name; end if; -- now invoke the full procedure set_workspace(name, owner); end set_workspace; procedure set_workspace( p_ws_name varchar2, p_owner varchar2 ) --AUTHID CURRENT_USER: PLS-00157: AUTHID only allowed on schema-level programs as -- otherRoles varchar2(200):='OWB_USER,'; begin --first needs to unset_workspace fix bug 6340158 unset_workspace(); -- fix it from --first check whether the workspace exists... checkWorkspaceExists(p_ws_name,p_owner); --add SYS because real time APPLY process runs in SYS if( (user is null) OR (trim(user) is null)) then -- fix bug 6735804 null; elsif(upper(user) != 'OWBSYS' AND upper(user) != 'SYS' ) then checkUserCanAccessTheWorkspace(p_ws_name,p_owner); end if; setWorkspaceContext(p_ws_name,p_owner); --if(hasPublicViewPriv()=1) then --start_access_publicview(otherRoles); -- else --start_enable_owbuser_role(); -- end if; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20006,'When set workspace, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end set_workspace; -- get_workspace_id -- Returns the id of the current workspace. function get_workspace_id return number as begin return owb_workspace_manager.get_workspace(); end get_workspace_id; -- get_workspace -- Returns the name of the current workspace. function get_workspace_name return varchar2 as begin return sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceName'); end get_workspace_name; -- get_workspace_owner -- Returns the owner of the current workspace. function get_workspace_owner return varchar2 as begin return sys_context('owb_workspace','workspace_owner'); end get_workspace_owner; -- internal_has_system_privilege -- Returns true if the current user has the specified privilege -- on the current workspace function internal_has_system_privilege( p_privilege_name varchar2, theUser varchar2 ) return boolean as pos number; hasSysFromAnyRole number; userHasSysPriv number; result boolean:=FALSE; theSysId number; userId number; begin -- check the workspace has been set or not checkWorkspaceBeSetted(); --check whether the sys priv name is valid validateSysPrivName(p_privilege_name ); --first check if the user is workspace admin,he should have if(upper(get_workspace_owner()) = upper(theUser)) then return TRUE; end if; --then check if user himself has teh priv select sysPrivId into theSysId from SYS_PRIV_ID_TO_NAME_TAB where upper(sysPrivName) = upper(p_privilege_name); pos := theSysId+1; select count(*) into userHasSysPriv from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(theUser) and SUBSTR(SYSPRIVSACCESSCHARMAP, pos, 1) = '1'; if(userHasSysPriv >0) then return TRUE; end if; --finally check whether role has the priv select elementid into userId from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(theUser); select count(*) into hasSysFromAnyRole from cmpwbrole_v where elementid in (select wbrole from cmproleassignment_V where wbuser= userId ) and SUBSTR(SYSPRIVSACCESSCHARMAP, pos, 1) = '1' ; if(hasSysFromAnyRole >0) then return TRUE; end if; return FALSE; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20010,'When query system privilege:'||p_privilege_name ||' ,error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end internal_has_system_privilege; -- has_system_privilege -- Returns true if the current user has the specified privilege -- on the current workspace function has_system_privilege( p_privilege_name varchar2, theUser varchar2 default user ) return boolean as result boolean := FALSE; priv_value varchar2(1); begin if( (user is null) OR (trim(user) is null)) then -- fix bug 6735804 return TRUE; end if; -- OWBSYS always has privilege on everything if (theUser = 'OWBSYS' OR theUser='SYS') then return TRUE; end if; -- check the context variables priv_value := sys_context('owb_workspace', p_privilege_name); if (priv_value is null or priv_value = '') then -- if the context does not contain the privilege, check the -- full procedure. result := internal_has_system_privilege(p_privilege_name,theUser); else result := (priv_value = '1'); end if; return result; end has_system_privilege; -- has_system_privilege_int -- Returns true if the current user has the specified privilege -- on the current workspace. Required as SQL does not handle booleans function has_system_privilege_int( p_privilege_name varchar2 ) return number as begin if (has_system_privilege(p_privilege_name)) then return 1; end if; return 0; end has_system_privilege_int; -- if seed1stDefWksp is true: which only apply when the userName is registered to this workspace, and need to setup the 1st value of the default workspace. -- And if this seed1stDefWksp is true, this procedure will check if the userName has already setup the 1st default workspace and that workspace still exists, if true this procedure will not do anything; otherwise it will seed the 1st default workspace info (or delete the invalid workspace info and seed a new one) -- And if this seed1stDefWksp is false: that means: end user wants to change the old default worksapce to something else, so just update that info if exists or insert a new one if not exists already(this later case shoujld not happen ,but no bother to throw an exception) procedure set_default_workspace(username varchar2, p_ws_owner varchar2, p_ws_name varchar2, seed1stDefWksp boolean default false) as seeded number:=0; existing number:=0; old_owner varchar2(30); old_ws varchar2(200); begin -- deal with 1st time to setup the preferend workspace if(seed1stDefWksp = true) then select count(*) into seeded from workspace_preference where workspace_user = username; if(seeded =0) then insert into workspace_preference(workspace_owner, workspace_name, workspace_user) values(p_ws_owner, p_ws_name, username); else select workspace_name, workspace_owner into old_ws, old_owner from workspace_preference where workspace_user = username; select count(*) into existing from workspace_assignment where workspace_name = old_ws and user_name =old_owner and isWorkspaceOwner = '1'; if(existing = 0) then update workspace_preference set workspace_owner = p_ws_owner , workspace_name = p_ws_name where workspace_user = username; end if; end if; return; end if; -- now deal with update case select count(*) into existing from workspace_preference where workspace_user = username; if(existing = 0) then insert into workspace_preference(workspace_owner, workspace_name, workspace_user) values(p_ws_owner, p_ws_name, username); else update workspace_preference set workspace_owner = p_ws_owner , workspace_name = p_ws_name where workspace_user = username; end if; end set_default_workspace; procedure export_workspace_user (p_ws_name varchar2) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; p_ws_id varchar2(100); script varchar2(512); stmt varchar2(512); begin owbsys.owb_workspace_manager.set_workspace(2); if(upper(p_ws_name) = 'OWBSYS' ) then raise_application_error(-20039,'Please use Workspace Owner to connect Oracle Database'); end if; if(upper(p_ws_name) = 'GLOBAL_WORKSPACE') then raise_application_error(-20018,'Name GLOBAL_WORKSPACE is a reserved name for a workspace in OWB. Please choose a different name.'); end if; execute immediate 'delete from owbsys.export_user_table'; begin select workspaceid into p_ws_id from cmpworkspace_v where name = p_ws_name; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise_application_error(-20030,'The workspace with name:'||p_ws_name||' does not exist.'); end; owbsys.owb_workspace_manager.set_workspace(p_ws_id); for c in (select name from cmpwbuser_v where workspaceid=p_ws_id) loop script:='''create user ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(REPLACE(,'''',''''''),false) || ' identified by ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(REPLACE(,'''',''''''),true) || ';'''; stmt:= 'insert into owbsys.export_user_table values ('|| script ||')'; execute immediate stmt; end loop; -- exception when others then -- null; commit; end export_workspace_user; end wb_workspace_management;