CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY SnapshotDataTypeService AS type conditionType is record ( fromParameters CMPTypeMapping_V.fromParameters%TYPE, condition1 CMPTypeMapping_V.condition1%TYPE, condition2 CMPTypeMapping_V.condition2%TYPE, condition3 CMPTypeMapping_V.condition3%TYPE ); type numListType is table of NUMBER index by PLS_INTEGER; type txtListType is table of VARCHAR2(4000) index by PLS_INTEGER; type mappedConditionType is table of conditionType index by VARCHAR2(32); type mappedListType is table of numListType index by VARCHAR2(32); conditions conditionType; dataTypeList numListType; dataTypeFQNPairs txtListType; dataTypeUOIDPairs txtListType; dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs txtListType; dataTypeP1Typ_Pairs txtListType; dataTypeP1Def_Pairs txtListType; dataTypeP1Min_Pairs txtListType; dataTypeP1Max_Pairs txtListType; dataTypeP2Nam_Pairs txtListType; dataTypeP2Typ_Pairs txtListType; dataTypeP2Def_Pairs txtListType; dataTypeP2Min_Pairs txtListType; dataTypeP2Max_Pairs txtListType; dataTypeAllowLPairs numListType; dataTypeAllowPPairs numListType; dataTypeAllowSPairs numListType; mappedConditions mappedConditionType; mappedPlatformPairs mappedPairType; mappedDataTypePairs mappedPairType; mappedDataTypePlatforms numListType; mappedConditionLists mappedListType; operators txtListType; genericPlatform CMPElement_V.elementId%TYPE; sizeKeyword CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'size'; precisionKeyword CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'precision'; scaleKeyword CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'scale'; dot CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := '.'; FUNCTION getGenericPlatform RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN if (genericPlatform is null) then select elementId into genericPlatform from CMPPlatform_V where name = 'GENERIC'; end if; return genericPlatform; END getGenericPlatform; PROCEDURE mapDataTypeToPlatform(dataType IN NUMBER, platform IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN if (NOT(mappedDataTypePlatforms.EXISTS(dataType))) then mappedDataTypePlatforms(dataType) := platform; end if; END mapDataTypeToPlatform; PROCEDURE mapDataTypeToFQN(dataType IN NUMBER, dtName IN VARCHAR2, tsName IN VARCHAR2, plName IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN if (NOT(dataTypeFQNPairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeFQNPairs(dataType) := 'OMB//\oracle.wh.repos.impl.platform.CMPPlatform\' || plName || '\oracle.wh.repos.impl.code.CMPPlatformTypeSet\' || tsName || '\oracle.wh.repos.impl.code.CMPDataType\' || dtName; end if; END mapDataTypeToFQN; PROCEDURE mapDataTypeToUOID(dataType IN NUMBER, uoid IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN if (NOT(dataTypeUOIDPairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeUOIDPairs(dataType) := uoid; end if; END mapDataTypeToUOID; PROCEDURE mapDataTypeToLPS(dataType IN NUMBER, p1Nam IN VARCHAR2, p1Typ IN VARCHAR2, p1Def IN VARCHAR2, p1Min IN VARCHAR2, p1Max IN VARCHAR2, p2Nam IN VARCHAR2, p2Typ IN VARCHAR2, p2Def IN VARCHAR2, p2Min IN VARCHAR2, p2Max IN VARCHAR2, alwLength IN NUMBER, alwPrecision IN NUMBER, alwScale IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN if (NOT(dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(dataType) := p1Nam; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeP1Typ_Pairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeP1Typ_Pairs(dataType) := p1Typ; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeP1Def_Pairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeP1Def_Pairs(dataType) := p1Def; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeP1Min_Pairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeP1Min_Pairs(dataType) := p1Min; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeP1Max_Pairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeP1Max_Pairs(dataType) := p1Max; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeP2Nam_Pairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeP2Nam_Pairs(dataType) := p2Nam; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeP2Typ_Pairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeP2Typ_Pairs(dataType) := p2Typ; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeP2Def_Pairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeP2Def_Pairs(dataType) := p2Def; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeP2Min_Pairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeP2Min_Pairs(dataType) := p2Min; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeP2Max_Pairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeP2Max_Pairs(dataType) := p2Max; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeAllowLPairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeAllowLPairs(dataType) := alwLength; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeAllowPPairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeAllowPPairs(dataType) := alwPrecision; end if; if (NOT(dataTypeAllowSPairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then dataTypeAllowSPairs(dataType) := alwScale; end if; END mapDataTypeToLPS; PROCEDURE loadMappings(fromPlatform IN NUMBER, toPlatform IN NUMBER) IS hashKey VARCHAR2(32); condKey VARCHAR2(32); i BINARY_INTEGER; BEGIN hashKey := ((to_char(fromPlatform) || dot) || to_char(toPlatform)); if (mappedPlatformPairs.EXISTS(hashKey)) then return; else mappedPlatformPairs(hashKey) := 1; genericPlatform := getGenericPlatform(); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.loadMappings: for platform pair: ', hashKey); for c in ( select tm.fromDataType, tm.toDataType, tm.condition1, tm.condition2, tm.condition3, tm.fromParameters, srcdt.firstClassObject as srcPlatform, tgtdt.firstClassObject as tgtPlatform, srcdt.UOID as srcDataTypeUOID, tgtdt.UOID as tgtDataTypeUOID, as srcDataTypeName, as tgtDataTypeName, srcdt.p1 as srcDataTypeP1Nam, tgtdt.p1 as tgtDataTypeP1Nam, srcdt.p1type as srcDataTypeP1Typ, tgtdt.p1type as tgtDataTypeP1Typ, srcdt.p1default as srcDataTypeP1Def, tgtdt.p1default as tgtDataTypeP1Def, srcdt.p1min as srcDataTypeP1Min, tgtdt.p1min as tgtDataTypeP1Min, srcdt.p1max as srcDataTypeP1Max, tgtdt.p1max as tgtDataTypeP1Max, srcdt.p2 as srcDataTypeP2Nam, tgtdt.p2 as tgtDataTypeP2Nam, srcdt.p2type as srcDataTypeP2Typ, tgtdt.p2type as tgtDataTypeP2Typ, srcdt.p2default as srcDataTypeP2Def, tgtdt.p2default as tgtDataTypeP2Def, srcdt.p2min as srcDataTypeP2Min, tgtdt.p2min as tgtDataTypeP2Min, srcdt.p2max as srcDataTypeP2Max, tgtdt.p2max as tgtDataTypeP2Max, srcdt.lengthallowed as srcDataTypeAllowL, tgtdt.lengthallowed as tgtDataTypeAllowL, srcdt.precisionallowed as srcDataTypeAllowP, tgtdt.precisionallowed as tgtDataTypeAllowP, srcdt.scaleallowed as srcDataTypeAllowS, tgtdt.scaleallowed as tgtDataTypeAllowS, as srcTypeSetName, as tgtTypeSetName, as srcPlatformName, as tgtPlatformName from CMPTypeMapping_V tm, CMPDataType_V srcdt, CMPDataType_V tgtdt, CMPPlatformTypeSet_V srcts, CMPPlatformTypeSet_V tgtts, CMPPlatform_V srcpl, CMPPlatform_V tgtpl where srcdt.elementId = tm.fromDataType and tgtdt.elementId = tm.toDataType and ((srcdt.firstclassobject = fromPlatform and tgtdt.firstclassobject = genericPlatform) or (srcdt.firstclassobject = genericPlatform and tgtdt.firstclassobject = toPlatform)) and srcts.elementid = srcdt.owningplatformtypeset and tgtts.elementid = tgtdt.owningplatformtypeset and srcpl.elementid = srcts.owningplatform and tgtpl.elementid = tgtts.owningplatform order by tm.fromDataType, tm.toDataType ) loop -- Optimization: record parent Platform of each DataType. mapDataTypeToPlatform(c.fromDataType, c.srcPlatform); mapDataTypeToPlatform(c.toDataType, c.tgtPlatform); -- Optimization: record CFA FullyQualifiedName of each DataType. mapDataTypeToFQN(c.fromDataType, c.srcDataTypeName, c.srcTypeSetName, c.srcPlatformName); mapDataTypeToFQN(c.toDataType, c.tgtDataTypeName, c.tgtTypeSetName, c.tgtPlatformName); -- Optimization: record UOID of each DataType. mapDataTypeToUOID(c.fromDataType, c.srcDataTypeUOID); mapDataTypeToUOID(c.toDataType, c.tgtDataTypeUOID); -- Optimization: record Length/Precision/Scale attributes of each DataType. mapDataTypeToLPS(c.fromDataType, c.srcDataTypeP1Nam, c.srcDataTypeP1Typ, c.srcDataTypeP1Def, c.srcDataTypeP1Min, c.srcDataTypeP1Max, c.srcDataTypeP2Nam, c.srcDataTypeP2Typ, c.srcDataTypeP2Def, c.srcDataTypeP2Min, c.srcDataTypeP2Max, c.srcDataTypeAllowL,c.srcDataTypeAllowP,c.srcDataTypeAllowS); mapDataTypeToLPS(c.toDataType, c.tgtDataTypeP1Nam, c.tgtDataTypeP1Typ, c.tgtDataTypeP1Def, c.tgtDataTypeP1Min, c.tgtDataTypeP1Max, c.tgtDataTypeP2Nam, c.tgtDataTypeP2Typ, c.tgtDataTypeP2Def, c.tgtDataTypeP2Min, c.tgtDataTypeP2Max, c.tgtDataTypeAllowL,c.tgtDataTypeAllowP,c.tgtDataTypeAllowS); hashKey := ((to_char(c.fromDataType) || dot) || to_char(c.tgtPlatform)); if (c.condition1 is null) then mappedDataTypePairs(hashKey) := c.toDataType; if (Snapshot.isDebug()) then Snapshot.debug(' >>> ' || hashKey || ' -> ', c.toDataType); end if; else -- Save conditional info for complex type mappings (similar to condKey := ((to_char(hashKey) || dot) || to_char(c.toDataType)); conditions.fromParameters := c.fromParameters; conditions.condition1 := c.condition1; conditions.condition2 := c.condition2; conditions.condition3 := c.condition3; mappedConditions(condKey) := conditions; if (Snapshot.isDebug()) then Snapshot.debug(' >>> ' || condKey || ' -> ', c.toDataType); Snapshot.debug(' >>> fromParameters -> ', c.fromParameters); Snapshot.debug(' >>> condition1 -> ', c.condition1); Snapshot.debug(' >>> condition2 -> ', c.condition2); Snapshot.debug(' >>> condition3 -> ', c.condition3); end if; if (mappedConditionLists.EXISTS(hashKey)) then dataTypeList := mappedConditionLists(hashKey); i := dataTypeList.COUNT; dataTypeList(i) := c.toDataType; else i := 0; dataTypeList.DELETE; dataTypeList(i) := c.toDataType; end if; mappedConditionLists(hashKey) := dataTypeList; if (Snapshot.isDebug()) then Snapshot.debug(' >>> ' || hashKey || ' toDataType added -> ', c.toDataType); Snapshot.debug(' >>> ' || hashKey || ' toDataType count -> ', dataTypeList.COUNT); end if; end if; end loop; -- Load the operators collection if necessary. if (NOT(operators.EXISTS(0))) then operators(0) := '<='; operators(1) := '>='; operators(2) := '<'; operators(3) := '>'; operators(4) := '='; end if; end if; END loadMappings; FUNCTION getMappedDataTypeFQN(dataType IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (NOT(dataTypeFQNPairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then return null; end if; return dataTypeFQNPairs(dataType); END getMappedDataTypeFQN; FUNCTION getMappedDataTypeUOID(dataType IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN if (NOT(dataTypeUOIDPairs.EXISTS(dataType))) then return null; end if; return dataTypeUOIDPairs(dataType); END getMappedDataTypeUOID; FUNCTION resetLength(srcDataType IN NUMBER, tgtDataType IN NUMBER, curValue IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS newValue NUMBER; BEGIN if (Snapshot.isDebug()) then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength of srcDataType = ', srcDataType); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength to tgtDataType = ', tgtDataType); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength to sourceP1Nam = ', dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(srcDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength to targetP1Nam = ', dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength to sourceP1Typ = ', dataTypeP1Typ_Pairs(srcDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength to targetP1Typ = ', dataTypeP1Typ_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength of sourceValue = ', curValue); end if; newValue := curValue; if (NOT(dataTypeAllowLPairs.EXISTS(tgtDataType))) then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength ', 'no map to target'); elsif (dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) is null) then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength ', 'no override rule in target'); elsif ((dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) = dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(srcDataType)) and (dataTypeP1Typ_Pairs(tgtDataType) = dataTypeP1Typ_Pairs(srcDataType))) then if (dataTypeP1Typ_Pairs(tgtDataType) != 'range') then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength ', 'override rule in target not a range type'); elsif (( curValue is null ) or ( curValue = dataTypeP1Def_Pairs(srcDataType) and (curValue < dataTypeP1Min_Pairs(tgtDataType) or curValue > dataTypeP1Max_Pairs(tgtDataType)))) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP1Def_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength ', 'to target default value'); elsif (curValue < dataTypeP1Min_Pairs(tgtDataType)) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP1Min_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength ', 'to target minimum value'); elsif (curValue > dataTypeP1Max_Pairs(tgtDataType)) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP1Max_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength ', 'to target maximum value'); end if; -- dawsun, bug 8321692 elsif ((dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(srcDataType) is null) and (dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) = 'size') and (not(dataTypeP1Def_Pairs(tgtDataType) is null))) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP1Def_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength ', 'to target default value'); end if; Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetLength to targetValue = ', newValue); return newValue; END resetLength; FUNCTION resetPrecision(srcDataType IN NUMBER, tgtDataType IN NUMBER, curValue IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS newValue NUMBER; BEGIN if (Snapshot.isDebug()) then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision of srcDataType = ', srcDataType); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision to tgtDataType = ', tgtDataType); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision of sourceValue = ', curValue); end if; newValue := curValue; if (NOT(dataTypeAllowPPairs.EXISTS(tgtDataType))) then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision ', 'no map to target'); elsif (dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) is null) then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision ', 'no override rule in target'); elsif ((dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) = dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(srcDataType)) and (dataTypeP1Typ_Pairs(tgtDataType) = dataTypeP1Typ_Pairs(srcDataType))) then if (dataTypeP1Typ_Pairs(tgtDataType) != 'range') then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision ', 'override rule in target not a range type'); elsif (( curValue is null ) or ( curValue = dataTypeP1Def_Pairs(srcDataType) and (curValue < dataTypeP1Min_Pairs(tgtDataType) or curValue > dataTypeP1Max_Pairs(tgtDataType)))) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP1Def_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision ', 'to target default value'); elsif (curValue < dataTypeP1Min_Pairs(tgtDataType)) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP1Min_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision ', 'to target minimum value'); elsif (curValue > dataTypeP1Max_Pairs(tgtDataType)) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP1Max_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision ', 'to target maximum value'); end if; -- dawsun, bug 8321692 elsif ((dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(srcDataType) is null) and ((dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) = 'precision') or (dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) = 'year_precision') or (dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) = 'day_precision') or (dataTypeP1Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) = 'fractional_seconds_precision')) and (not(dataTypeP1Def_Pairs(tgtDataType) is null))) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP1Def_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision ', 'to target default value'); end if; Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetPrecision to targetValue = ', newValue); return newValue; END resetPrecision; FUNCTION resetScale(srcDataType IN NUMBER, tgtDataType IN NUMBER, curValue IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS newValue NUMBER; BEGIN if (Snapshot.isDebug()) then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale of srcDataType = ', srcDataType); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale to tgtDataType = ', tgtDataType); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale of sourceValue = ', curValue); end if; newValue := curValue; if (NOT(dataTypeAllowSPairs.EXISTS(tgtDataType))) then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale ', 'no map to target'); elsif (dataTypeP2Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) is null) then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale ', 'no override rule in target'); elsif ((dataTypeP2Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) = dataTypeP2Nam_Pairs(srcDataType)) and (dataTypeP2Typ_Pairs(tgtDataType) = dataTypeP2Typ_Pairs(srcDataType))) then if (dataTypeP2Typ_Pairs(tgtDataType) != 'range') then Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale ', 'override rule in target not a range type'); elsif (( curValue is null ) or ( curValue = dataTypeP2Def_Pairs(srcDataType) and (curValue < dataTypeP2Min_Pairs(tgtDataType) or curValue > dataTypeP2Max_Pairs(tgtDataType)))) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP2Def_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale ', 'to target default value'); elsif (curValue < dataTypeP2Min_Pairs(tgtDataType)) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP2Min_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale ', 'to target minimum value'); elsif (curValue > dataTypeP2Max_Pairs(tgtDataType)) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP2Max_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale ', 'to target maximum value'); end if; -- dawsun, bug 8321692 elsif ((dataTypeP2Nam_Pairs(srcDataType) is null) and ((dataTypeP2Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) = 'scale') or (dataTypeP2Nam_Pairs(tgtDataType) = 'fractional_seconds_precision')) and (not(dataTypeP2Def_Pairs(tgtDataType) is null))) then newValue := TO_NUMBER(dataTypeP2Def_Pairs(tgtDataType)); Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale ', 'to target default value'); end if; Snapshot.debug('SnapshotDataTypeService.resetScale to targetValue = ', newValue); return newValue; END resetScale; PROCEDURE resetDataTypes(elemID IN NUMBER, srcPlatformId IN NUMBER, tgtPlatformId IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN loadMappings(srcPlatformId, tgtPlatformId); SnapshotGenerated.resetDataTypes(elemID, tgtPlatformId); END resetDataTypes; PROCEDURE resetDataTypes(uoidStr IN VARCHAR2, snap IN NUMBER, srcPlatformId IN NUMBER, tgtPlatformId IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN loadMappings(srcPlatformId, tgtPlatformId); SnapshotGenerated.resetDataTypes(uoidStr, snap, tgtPlatformId); END resetDataTypes; PROCEDURE testLoadAndLookup(fromPlatform IN NUMBER, toPlatform IN NUMBER) IS targetDataType NUMBER; propertyValues mappedPairType; BEGIN loadMappings(fromPlatform, toPlatform); for c in ( select distinct tm.fromDataType from CMPTypeMapping_V tm, CMPDataType_V dt where dt.elementId = tm.fromDataType and dt.firstClassObject = fromPlatform ) loop targetDataType := getMappedDataType(c.fromDataType, toPlatform, propertyValues); dbms_output.put_line(fromPlatform||dot||toPlatform||dot||c.fromDataType||dot||targetDataType); end loop; END testLoadAndLookup; /** * Tahoe: Datatype Update Service for Cut, Copy, Paste Service. * 1) Datatype lookup code should probably remain in this package. * 2) Datatype update code should probably be factored out and generated during a modelgen. */ FUNCTION eval(operator IN VARCHAR2, value IN NUMBER, boundary IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN if (operator = '<=') then return (value <= boundary); elsif (operator = '>=') then return (value >= boundary); elsif (operator = '<') then return (value < boundary); elsif (operator = '>') then return (value > boundary); elsif (operator = '=') then return (value = boundary); end if; return FALSE; END eval; FUNCTION isConditionTrue(condition IN VARCHAR2, parameter IN VARCHAR2, value IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS cond VARCHAR2(32); expr VARCHAR2(32); boundary NUMBER; i BINARY_INTEGER; BEGIN if (condition is null) then return TRUE; end if; for i in 0..operators.LAST loop cond := substr(condition,2); expr := (parameter || operators(i)); cond := replace(cond, ' ', ''); expr := replace(expr, ' ', ''); if (instr(cond, expr) != 0) then cond := replace(cond, expr, ''); boundary := TO_NUMBER(cond); return eval(operators(i), value, boundary); end if; end loop; return FALSE; END isConditionTrue; FUNCTION isConditionTrueForAnyParam(condition IN VARCHAR2, valuePairs IN mappedPairType) RETURN BOOLEAN IS state BOOLEAN := FALSE; parameter VARCHAR2(32); value NUMBER; BEGIN parameter := valuePairs.FIRST; while parameter is not null loop value := valuePairs(parameter); state := ((state) or (isConditionTrue(condition, parameter, value))); parameter := valuePairs.NEXT(parameter); end loop; return state; END isConditionTrueForAnyParam; FUNCTION getConditionalMappedDataType(hashKey IN VARCHAR2, propertyValues IN mappedPairType) RETURN NUMBER IS condKey VARCHAR2(32); parameters VARCHAR2(32); defaultDataType NUMBER; valuePairs mappedPairType; i BINARY_INTEGER; BEGIN if (mappedConditionLists.EXISTS(hashKey)) then dataTypeList := mappedConditionLists(hashKey); else return null; end if; for i in 0..dataTypeList.LAST loop if (defaultDataType is null) then defaultDataType := dataTypeList(i); else -- Find the matching conditional type, once a default is selected. condKey := ((to_char(hashKey) || dot) || to_char(dataTypeList(i))); conditions := mappedConditions(condKey); valuePairs := propertyValues; if (valuePairs.COUNT = 0) then parameters := conditions.fromParameters; if (parameters is null) then return null; --Seeding Error! end if; if (instr(parameters, sizeKeyword) != 0) then valuePairs(sizeKeyword) := 1; --e.g. VARCHAR end if; if (instr(parameters, precisionKeyword) != 0) then valuePairs(precisionKeyword) := 1; --e.g. NUMERIC end if; if (instr(parameters, scaleKeyword) != 0) then valuePairs(scaleKeyword) := 1; end if; end if; if (valuePairs.COUNT = 0) then return null; --Seeding Error! end if; if (isConditionTrueForAnyParam(conditions.condition1, valuePairs) and isConditionTrueForAnyParam(conditions.condition2, valuePairs) and isConditionTrueForAnyParam(conditions.condition3, valuePairs)) then defaultDataType := dataTypeList(i); end if; end if; end loop; return defaultDataType; END getConditionalMappedDataType; FUNCTION getMappedDataType(sourceDataType IN NUMBER, targetPlatform IN NUMBER, propertyValues IN mappedPairType) RETURN NUMBER IS hashKey VARCHAR2(32); sourcePlatform NUMBER; genericDataType NUMBER; BEGIN if (NOT(mappedDataTypePlatforms.EXISTS(sourceDataType))) then return null; else sourcePlatform := mappedDataTypePlatforms(sourceDataType); end if; hashKey := ((to_char(sourceDataType) || dot) || to_char(targetPlatform)); if (sourcePlatform = getGenericPlatform() or targetPlatform = getGenericPlatform()) then if (mappedDataTypePairs.EXISTS(hashKey)) then return mappedDataTypePairs(hashKey); else return getConditionalMappedDataType(hashKey, propertyValues); end if; end if; genericDataType := getMappedDataType(sourceDataType, getGenericPlatform(), propertyValues); return getMappedDataType(genericDataType, targetPlatform, propertyValues); END getMappedDataType; END SnapshotDataTypeService; /