[Oracle] DISTRIBUTION=FALSE SOURCE= LICENSE_LOCATION= JRE_LOCATION=../../jdk/jre OUI_LOCATION=../../.. OUI_CORE_LOCATION=../../.. DEFAULT_HOME_LOCATION= DEFAULT_HOME_NAME= NLS_ENABLED=TRUE JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS=" -mx96m" NO_BROWSE=/net BOOTSTRAP=TRUE CLUSTERWARE={"oracle.crs",""} VENDORCLUSTERWARE=TRUE #THIN_JDBC_FILENAME is optional and defaults to classes12.jar #The value specified for this should be packaged with OUI, and should #be relative to /jlib/ THIN_JDBC_FILENAME=classes12.jar #JRE_OSDPARAM is to set OS dependent param for JRE ( mainly for native VM in 1.3.1) #JRE_OSDPARAM is optional and should be set to -native for the JRE's #that support native VM ( mainly for Unix platforms ), in JRE 1.3.1 #For JRE 1.4.1 this should be set to empty or the type of VM that is #supported client/server. The default value is -native in UNIX platforms #that supports native VM #Unix supporting native - JRE_OSDPARAM="-native" #Unix NOT supporting native and 1.4.1 - JRE_OSDPARAM="" #Windows : DO NOT SET or JRE_OSDPARAM="" OUI_VERSION= #RUN_OUICA specifies the batch script name that needs to be run #The script is ouica.bat for win32, and ouica.sh for solaris. #If the value is not specified, then the OUICA script is not run RUN_OUICA=%OUICA_SCRIPT% UMASK=022 #SHOW_HOSTNAME=ALWAYS_SHOW shows the hostname panel always #SHOW_HOSTNAME=NEVER_SHOW does not the hostname panel #SHOW_HOSTNAME=CONDITION_SHOW shows the hostname panel on condition SHOW_HOSTNAME=NEVER_SHOW #Variables to set for extra classes to load in the runtime. This location can be #absolute or relative to the location of runInstaller/setup.exe #EXT_JLIB=/oracle/EPP/11203/inventory/Scripts/ext/jlib #EXT_LIB=/oracle/EPP/11203/inventory/Scripts/ext/lib #EXT_BIN=/oracle/EPP/11203/inventory/Scripts/ext/bin PLATFORM_PREREQS=FALSE [Generic Prereqs] SWAP_SPACE=500 MIN_DISPLAY_COLORS=256 [Certified Versions] #You can customise error message shown for failure through CERTIFIED_VERSION_FAILURE_MESSAGE #Solaris=5.8,5.9 #Windows=4.0,5.0,5.1,5.2 #Linux=redhat-3 #HPUX=B.11.11 #Decunix=V5.1A,V5.1 #AIX= [Solaris-5.8-required] #Minimum temp space required by OUI, Increase it if your product installation so requires #Temp space is required for bootstrap and during installation #The TEMP_SPACE should be the first pre-req to be checked TEMP_SPACE=150 #PACKAGES required by JRE and Product, /usr/bin/pkginfo gets list of packages on system PACKAGES= #CPU speed required, use /usr/sbin/psrinfo -v to get the speed #MIN_DISPLAY_COLORS required by OUI, use /usr/openwin/bin/xdpyinfo to get the colors MIN_DISPLAY_COLORS=256 [Solaris-5.8-optional] #PATCHES required by JRE and Product, /usr/bin/showrev gets list of patches on system PATCHES=108652-66,108921-16,108940-53,108773-18,111310-01,109147-24,111308-03,111111-03,112396-02,110386-03,111023-02,108987-13,108528-21,108989-02,108993-18 [Solaris-5.9-required] #Minimum temp space required by OUI, Increase it if your product installation so requires #Temp space is required for bootstrap and during installation #The TEMP_SPACE should be the first pre-req to be checked TEMP_SPACE=150 #PACKAGES required by JRE and Product, /usr/bin/pkginfo gets list of packages on system PACKAGES= #CPU speed required, use /usr/sbin/psrinfo -v to get the speed #MIN_DISPLAY_COLORS required by OUI, use /usr/openwin/bin/xdpyinfo to get the colors MIN_DISPLAY_COLORS=256 [Solaris-5.9-optional] #PATCHES required by JRE and Product, /usr/bin/showrev gets list of patches on system PATCHES= #Windows NT 4.0 [Windows-4.0-required] #Service pack for Windows NT4.0, use %SystemRoot%\WinNt\System32\winver.exe to find version and service pack SERVICE_PACK=6a #You can customise the message shown for Service Pack failure through SERVICE_PACK_FAILURE_MESSAGE #Minimum display colours for OUI to run MIN_DISPLAY_COLORS=256 #Use MIN_DISPLAY_COLORS_FAILURE_MESSAGE to customise message for failure of check for Display colors #CPU_FAILURE_MESSAGE, use to customise error message for CPU speed check [Windows-4.0-optional] #Windows 2000 use winver.exe to find version [Windows-5.0-required] #Minimum display colours for OUI to run MIN_DISPLAY_COLORS=256 [Windows-5.0-optional] #Windows XP use winver.exe to find version [Windows-5.1-required] #Minimum display colours for OUI to run MIN_DISPLAY_COLORS=256 [Windows-5.1-optional] #Windows .net use winver.exe to find version [Windows-5.2-required] #Minimum display colours for OUI to run MIN_DISPLAY_COLORS=256 [Windows-5.2-optional] [HPUX-B.11.11-required] #PATCHES required by JRE and Product, /usr/sbin/swlist -l patch gets list of patches on system PATCHES= #PACKAGES required by JRE and Product, /usr/sbin/swlist -l product gets list of packages on system PACKAGES= #Patch bundles required for Oracle. #/usr/sbin/swlist -l bundle gives list of bundles. #Each item should follow the format "bundle:version" #ex.,GOLDBASE11i:B.11.11.0106.9,GOLDAPPS11i:B.11.11.0106.9 BUNDLE= #Minimum swap space required by OUI, Increase it if your product installation so requires SWAP_SPACE=150 BUNDLE_FAILURE_MESSAGE=Some patch bundles were not found on the system. Please verify if the system is at a higher bundle level. [Linux-redhat-3] #Minimum kernel version supported on this flavour of Linux KERNEL=2.4.21 #Minimum glibc version supported on this flavour of Linux GLIBC=glibc-2.3.2-95.3 #PACKAGES required by JRE and Product, "rpm -qa" gets list of packages on system PACKAGES= #Minimum swap space required by OUI, Increase it if your product installation so requires SWAP_SPACE=150 [Decunix-V5.1A-required] #PATCHES required by JRE and Product, /usr/sbin/dupatch -track -type kit #gets list of patches on system PATCHES= #PACKAGES required by JRE and Product, /usr/sbin/setld -i gets #list of packages on system PACKAGES= #Minimum swap space required by OUI, Increase it if your product installation so req uires SWAP_SPACE=150 [Decunix-V5.1-required] #PATCHES required by JRE and Product, /usr/sbin/dupatch -track -type kit #gets list of patches on system PATCHES= #PACKAGES required by JRE and Product, /usr/sbin/setld -i gets #list of packages on system PACKAGES= #Minimum swap space required by OUI, Increase it if your product installation so req uires SWAP_SPACE=150 [AIX-] #PATCHES required by JRE and Product, /usr/sbin/instfix -a -ivk #gets list of patches on system PATCHES= #PACKAGES required by JRE and Product, /usr/bin/lslpp -l #gets list of packages on system PACKAGES= #Minimum swap space required by OUI, Increase it if your product installation so req uires SWAP_SPACE=150