-- -- THE FUNCTIONS, PACKAGES AND TYPES SUPPLIED BY THIS PACKAGE AND ITS EXTERNAL -- INTERFACE ARE RESERVED BY ORACLE AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN FUTURE -- RELEASES. -- THIS PACKAGE MUST NOT BE MODIFIED BY THE CUSTOMER. DOING SO -- COULD CAUSE INTERNAL ERRORS AND SECURITY VIOLATIONS IN THE DBMS. -- -- Copyright (c) 1996, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. -- All rights reserved. -- -- NAME -- ordispec.sql - ORDImage user-visible Specifications and packages -- -- DESCRIPTION -- MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) -- smavris 12/29/10 - Backport smavris_bug-10315929 from main -- jiezhan 02/20/09 - schema qualified in applyWatermark methods -- jiezhan 06/18/08 - add applyWatermark -- fechen 04/08/08 - add constructors -- rabbott 08/27/07 - merge alter into create clause -- rabbott 08/27/07 - Compile spec only -- rabbott 08/28/07 - compile specification only -- dguo 08/30/04 - fix function naming -- mannamal 08/30/04 - remove migrate methods from ORDImgB and ORDImgF (part -- of deprecation) -- rabbott 07/20/04 - Drop OUT from SELF in getMetadata -- dguo 05/14/04 - grabtrans 'mannamal_dicom_plsql_stub' -- mannamal 05/14/04 - Add PL/SQL wrappers for DICOM -- smavris 05/11/04 - Remove all but user-visible object types and packages -- rabbott 05/03/04 - Add metadata functions -- mannamal 10/22/03 - Add OID to ORDImageSignature and seperate into a -- different file -- smavris 01/30/03 - Change to create type -- myalavar 09/26/02 - Remove public StillImage constants -- myalavar 07/29/02 - Add SI_StillImage constants -- mannamal 06/21/02 - Move grant privileges to create script -- trowell 04/13/01 - Adding extra message text to Java calls -- mannamal 03/22/01 - make indicator variables in sync -- smavris 03/02/01 - Remove / after alter -- mannamal 02/13/01 - Add indicator for VIR score sigs -- smavris 02/12/01 - Remove blank line -- alandeck 01/31/01 - Removing openSource/closeSource due to overloading prob -- smavris 01/23/01 - Fix inconsistencies with i,a,d -- alandeck 01/09/01 - Re-adding the openSource closeSource functions -- smavris 01/05/01 - Make methods match documentation -- mannamal 12/27/00 - update VIR_NUM_ATTR constant -- alandeck 11/09/00 - adding missing NOCOPY for process -- mannamal 11/09/00 - Add image constant for VIR -- alandeck 10/18/00 - Adding open and close Source static functions -- fechen 09/25/00 - Rename ExtCodec_Pkg to ORDImgExtCodec_Pkg. -- fechen 09/07/00 - Add package ExtCodec_Pkg and methods in ORDImg_Pkg -- mannamal 10/30/00 - Add score to internal interface -- mannamal 09/28/00 - Add PL/SQL internal interface for VIR compatibility -- mannamal 09/21/00 - Add image matching constants -- alandeck 08/25/00 - Adding relational interface -- smavris 04/28/00 - Fix upgrade bug -- dmullen 11/02/99 - Add static funtions to act as constructors -- smavris 09/30/99 - Make it work with sqlplus -- dmullen 08/17/99 - Fix alter type problem -- dmullen 08/13/99 - Add alter type syntax for upgrade scenarios -- dmullen 08/06/99 - set mimeType for headerless -- dmullen 07/19/99 - More work with temp lobs -- dmullen 07/15/99 - Add nocopy to ORDImage IN OUT params -- rchatter 11/16/98 - ORDSource plugin changes -- smavris 10/22/98 - Reorganize so we can invoke ordispec from upgrade scrip -- smavris 10/09/98 - Add exception -- smavris 10/07/98 - Add constants package -- smavris 10/01/98 - Add invokers rights to package -- smavris 09/30/98 - Add new exceptions -- smavris 09/28/98 - Minor bug fixes -- smavris 09/18/98 - Add exceptions -- smavris 08/11/98 - Update for new api -- smavris 08/11/98 - Update for new api -- smavris 08/03/98 - Fix merged api -- smavris 07/30/98 - Merge audio, video, image apis -- smavris 07/30/98 - Converge audio,video,image apis -- smavris 07/01/98 - Fix package -- smavris 06/29/98 - Add pragmas so methods can be called in query -- dbrown 05/27/98 - temp lob support -- smavris 05/19/98 - Add accessor and check functions -- smavris 05/14/98 - Add getMimeType, etc. -- dmullen 04/17/98 - Add headerless image support -- mannamal 01/14/98 - Updating version numbers to 8.0.5 -- dmullen 10/30/97 - Add OID to CREATE TYPE -- ctrezza 08/22/97 - Adding disclaimer -- trowell 07/09/97 - Update version -- svivian 04/11/97 - remove ordimgF_copyContent in lieu of LOADFROMFILE -- dmullen 04/07/97 - cosmetic version number change -- dmullen 03/24/97 - Use new object type syntax -- ctrezza 01/14/97 - Take out funarg -- ctrezza 01/08/97 - Rewrap types using calls to package -- bmichon 01/02/97 - change funarg to command -- jsharma 12/26/96 - Incorporating ctrezza's changes to attribute and -- function names -- bmichon 11/03/96 - Added new methods for data i/o -- bmichon 10/24/96 - Added compression attribute to type -- Changed naming to reflect new packaging standard -- bmichon 10/09/96 - Added BFILE support -- bmichon 10/02/96 - Creation -- -- The following types are declared in this file: -- ORDImage -- -- -- CREATE TYPE ORDSYS.ORDImage TIMESTAMP '1998-07-30:08:14:00' OID '34327E50C6C314AAE03400400B4066F3' authid current_user AS OBJECT ( ------------------- -- TYPE ATTRIBUTES ------------------- -- source -- Image source (ORDSource) -- height -- Height of the image in pixels -- width -- Width of image in pixels -- contentLength -- Size of the on-disk image in bytes -- fileFormat -- File type of image (e.g., TIFF, JFIF) -- contentFormat -- Type of image (e.g., monochrome, 8-bit Grayscale) -- compressionFormat -- Compression used in image -- mimeType -- Mime type of the image source ORDSource, height INTEGER, width INTEGER, contentLength INTEGER, fileFormat VARCHAR2(4000), contentFormat VARCHAR2(4000), compressionFormat VARCHAR2(4000), mimeType VARCHAR2(4000), -- --------------------- -- METHOD DECLARATION --------------------- -- -- USER-DEFINED CONSTRUCTORS -- -- Description: Construct an ORDImage object from a BLOB -- Parameters: -- data: BLOB -- setProperties: integer of value 0 or 1, determines if setProperties -- method is called in the constructor. -- CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION ORDImage(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDSYS.ORDImage, data IN BLOB, setProperties IN INTEGER DEFAULT 0 ) RETURN SELF AS RESULT, -- -- -- Description: Construct an ORDImage object from a specified source. -- By default, an empty local ORDImage object is created. -- Parameters: -- source_type: the type of the source. -- Allowed value: LOCAL(default), FILE, HTTP -- source_location: the location of the source. -- source_name: the name of the source. -- setProperties: integer of value 0 or 1, determines if setProperties -- method is called in the constructor. -- CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION ORDImage(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDSYS.ORDImage, source_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'LOCAL', source_location IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, source_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, setProperties IN INTEGER DEFAULT 0 ) RETURN SELF AS RESULT, -- -- OLD CONSTRUCTORS STATIC FUNCTION init RETURN ORDImage, STATIC FUNCTION init( srcType IN VARCHAR2, srcLocation IN VARCHAR2, srcName IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN ORDImage, -- -- IMAGE COPY METHOD MEMBER PROCEDURE copy(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, dest IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage), -- -- IMAGE PROCESSING RELATED METHODS MEMBER PROCEDURE process(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, command IN VARCHAR2), MEMBER PROCEDURE processCopy(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, command IN VARCHAR2, dest IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage), -- -- ADD WATERMARK MEMBER PROCEDURE applyWatermark(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDSYS.ORDImage, added_text IN VARCHAR2, dest IN OUT NOCOPY ORDSYS.ORDImage, logging OUT VARCHAR2, watermark_properties IN ORDSYS.ORD_STR_LIST default null), MEMBER PROCEDURE applyWatermark(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDSYS.ORDImage, added_image IN OUT NOCOPY ORDSYS.ORDImage, dest IN OUT NOCOPY ORDSYS.ORDImage, logging OUT VARCHAR2, watermark_properties IN ORDSYS.ORD_STR_LIST default null), -- -- IMAGE PROPERTY SET AND CHECK METHODS MEMBER PROCEDURE setProperties(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage), MEMBER PROCEDURE setProperties(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, description IN VARCHAR2), MEMBER FUNCTION checkProperties RETURN BOOLEAN, -- -- IMAGE ATTRIBUTE ACCESSOR METHODS MEMBER FUNCTION getHeight RETURN INTEGER, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getHeight, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- MEMBER FUNCTION getWidth RETURN INTEGER, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getWidth, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- MEMBER FUNCTION getFileFormat RETURN VARCHAR2, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getFileFormat, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- MEMBER FUNCTION getContentFormat RETURN VARCHAR2, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getContentFormat, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- MEMBER FUNCTION getCompressionFormat RETURN VARCHAR2, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getCompressionFormat, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- -- METADATA RELATED METHODS MEMBER FUNCTION getMetadata(SELF IN ORDImage, metadataType IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ALL') RETURN SYS.XMLSEQUENCETYPE, -- MEMBER PROCEDURE putMetadata(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, xmlData IN SYS.XMLType, metadataType IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'XMP', encoding IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'UTF-8'), -- -- LOCAL RELATED METHODS MEMBER PROCEDURE setLocal(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage), MEMBER PROCEDURE clearLocal(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage), MEMBER FUNCTION isLocal RETURN BOOLEAN, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(isLocal, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- -- DATE RELATED METHODS MEMBER FUNCTION getUpdateTime RETURN DATE, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getUpdateTime, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), MEMBER PROCEDURE setUpdateTime(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, current_time DATE), -- -- MIMETYPE RELATED METHODS MEMBER FUNCTION getMimeType RETURN VARCHAR2, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getMimeType, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), MEMBER PROCEDURE setMimeType(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, mime IN VARCHAR2), -- -- SOURCE/CONTENT RELATED METHODS MEMBER FUNCTION getContentLength RETURN INTEGER, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getContentLength, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- MEMBER FUNCTION getContent RETURN BLOB, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getContent, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- MEMBER FUNCTION getBFILE RETURN BFILE, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getBFILE, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- MEMBER PROCEDURE deleteContent(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage), -- MEMBER FUNCTION getDicomMetadata(SELF IN ORDImage, optionString IN VARCHAR2) RETURN XMLType, -- MEMBER PROCEDURE setSource(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2), MEMBER FUNCTION getSource RETURN VARCHAR2, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getSource, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- MEMBER FUNCTION getSourceType RETURN VARCHAR2, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getSourceType, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- MEMBER FUNCTION getSourceLocation RETURN VARCHAR2, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getSourceLocation, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- MEMBER FUNCTION getSourceName RETURN VARCHAR2, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(getSourceName, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS), -- MEMBER PROCEDURE import(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, ctx IN OUT RAW), MEMBER PROCEDURE importFrom( SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, ctx IN OUT RAW, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2), MEMBER PROCEDURE export( SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, ctx IN OUT RAW, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2), -- MEMBER FUNCTION processSourceCommand( SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, ctx IN OUT RAW, cmd IN VARCHAR2, arguments IN VARCHAR2, result OUT RAW) RETURN RAW, -- FILE OPERATIONS on the source MEMBER FUNCTION openSource(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, userArg IN RAW, ctx OUT RAW) RETURN INTEGER, -- MEMBER FUNCTION closeSource(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, ctx IN OUT RAW) RETURN INTEGER, -- MEMBER FUNCTION trimSource(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, ctx IN OUT RAW, newlen IN INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER, -- MEMBER PROCEDURE readFromSource(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, ctx IN OUT RAW, startPos IN INTEGER, numBytes IN OUT INTEGER, buffer OUT RAW), -- MEMBER PROCEDURE writeToSource(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY ORDImage, ctx IN OUT RAW, startPos IN INTEGER, numBytes IN OUT INTEGER, buffer IN RAW), -- -- Static Methods for the relational functional interface STATIC PROCEDURE export(ctx IN OUT RAW, local_data IN BLOB, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE importFrom(ctx IN OUT RAW, local_data IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE importFrom(ctx IN OUT RAW, local_data IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2, format OUT VARCHAR2, mime_type OUT VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(imageBlob IN BLOB, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, mimeType OUT VARCHAR2, width OUT INTEGER, height OUT INTEGER, fileFormat IN OUT VARCHAR2, contentFormat OUT VARCHAR2, compressionFormat OUT VARCHAR2, contentLength OUT INTEGER), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(imageBlob IN BLOB, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(imageBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, mimeType OUT VARCHAR2, width OUT INTEGER, height OUT INTEGER, fileFormat IN OUT VARCHAR2, contentFormat OUT VARCHAR2, compressionFormat OUT VARCHAR2, contentLength OUT INTEGER), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(imageBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB), -- STATIC FUNCTION getMetadata(imageBlob IN BLOB, metadataType IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ALL') RETURN SYS.XMLSEQUENCETYPE, -- STATIC FUNCTION getMetadata(imageBfile IN BFILE, metadataType IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ALL') RETURN SYS.XMLSEQUENCETYPE, -- STATIC PROCEDURE putMetadata(imageBlob IN BLOB, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, xmlData IN SYS.XMLType, metadataType IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'XMP', encoding IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'UTF-8'), -- STATIC PROCEDURE putMetadata(imageBfile IN BFILE, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, xmlData IN SYS.XMLType, metadataType IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'XMP', encoding IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'UTF-8'), -- STATIC PROCEDURE process(imageBlob IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, command IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE processCopy(imageBlob IN BLOB, command IN VARCHAR2, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB), -- STATIC PROCEDURE processCopy(imageBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE, command IN VARCHAR2, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB), -- STATIC PROCEDURE process(imageBlob IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, command IN VARCHAR2, width IN INTEGER, height IN INTEGER, fileFormat IN VARCHAR2, contentFormat IN VARCHAR2, compressionFormat IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE processCopy(imageBlob IN BLOB, command IN VARCHAR2, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, width IN INTEGER, height IN INTEGER, fileFormat IN VARCHAR2, contentFormat IN VARCHAR2, compressionFormat IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE processCopy(imageBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE, command IN VARCHAR2, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, width IN INTEGER, height IN INTEGER, fileFormat IN VARCHAR2, contentFormat IN VARCHAR2, compressionFormat IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC FUNCTION getDicomMetadata(imageBlob IN BLOB, optionString IN VARCHAR2) RETURN XMLType, -- STATIC FUNCTION getDicomMetadata(imageBfile IN BFILE, optionString IN VARCHAR2) RETURN XMLType, -- STATIC PROCEDURE applyWatermark(imageBlob IN BLOB, added_text IN VARCHAR2, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, logging OUT VARCHAR2, watermark_properties IN ordsys.ord_str_list default null), STATIC PROCEDURE applyWatermark(imageBlob IN BLOB, added_image IN BLOB, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, logging OUT VARCHAR2, watermark_properties IN ordsys.ord_str_list default null), STATIC PROCEDURE applyWatermark(imageBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE, added_text IN VARCHAR2, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, logging OUT VARCHAR2, watermark_properties IN ordsys.ord_str_list default null), STATIC PROCEDURE applyWatermark(imageBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE, added_image IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, logging OUT VARCHAR2, watermark_properties IN ordsys.ord_str_list default null) ); / show errors; -- END ORDImage type declaration -- -- The ORDImageExceptions package is used to raise more meaningful -- exception messages. -- CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ORDImageExceptions AS NULL_CONTENT EXCEPTION; NULL_PROPERTIES_DESCRIPTION EXCEPTION; NULL_LOCAL_DATA EXCEPTION; NULL_DESTINATION EXCEPTION; DATA_NOT_LOCAL EXCEPTION; NULL_SOURCE EXCEPTION; INDEX_CREATE_STR_PARSE_ERR EXCEPTION; DUPL_PARAM_STR EXCEPTION; THRESHOLD_OUT_OF_RANGE EXCEPTION; INVALID_MIME_TYPE EXCEPTION; END ORDImageExceptions; / show errors;