Rem Rem $Header: ordim/admin/imview.sql /main/10 2009/01/08 19:04:46 myalavar Exp $ Rem Rem imview.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem imview.sql - Create public views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Create public views with grants and public synonyms. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Must be connected to ORDSYS (or alter schema to ORDSYS) Rem Rem -- -- Create Public Views for SQL/MM interface -- @@ordisivw.plb -- -- create views for the DICOM repository -- in ORDDATA @@ordcrvw.plb grant select on orddata.orddcm_documents to public; grant select on orddata.orddcm_document_types to public; grant select on orddata.orddcm_constraint_names to public; grant select on orddata.orddcm_dbrelease_docs to public; grant select on orddata.orddcm_document_refs to ORDADMIN; grant select, delete on orddata.ORDDCM_CONFORMANCE_VLD_MSGS to public; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM orddcm_dbrelease_docs for ORDDATA.orddcm_dbrelease_docs; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM orddcm_documents for ORDDATA.orddcm_documents; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM orddcm_document_types for ORDDATA.orddcm_document_types; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM orddcm_constraint_names for ORDDATA.orddcm_constraint_names; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM orddcm_document_refs for ORDDATA.orddcm_document_refs; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ORDDCM_CONFORMANCE_VLD_MSGS for ORDDATA.ORDDCM_CONFORMANCE_VLD_MSGS;