Rem Rem imupins.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem imupins.sql - This script installs Oracle Multimedia during an upgrade Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script is invoked during upgrade to clean up old ORD and VIR Rem components and to install Oracle Multimedia. It is invoked rather Rem than the Oracle Multimedia upgrade script when Oracle Multimedia is Rem not present in the source database and when a component that depends Rem on Oracle Multimedia is being upgraded. For example, in 8i and 9i, Rem Spatial had no dependency on Oracle Multimedia. In 10g, Spatial Rem started depending on Oracle Multimedia. If an 8i or 9i database with Rem Spatial and without Oracle Multimedia is upgraded, this script is Rem invoked to install Oracle Multimedia before Spatial is upgraded. Rem Rem NOTES Rem You must connect as SYSDBA prior to running this script Rem Rem ============================================================= Rem Create ORDSYS and ORDPLUGINS in case they have been deleted Rem Create ORDDATA schema Rem ============================================================= DECLARE user_name_conflicts_ex exception; pragma exception_init (user_name_conflicts_ex, -1920); BEGIN BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE USER ordsys IDENTIFIED BY ordsys ' || 'ACCOUNT LOCK PASSWORD EXPIRE ' || 'DEFAULT TABLESPACE SYSAUX'; EXCEPTION WHEN user_name_conflicts_ex THEN NULL; END; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE USER ordplugins IDENTIFIED BY ordplugins ' || 'ACCOUNT LOCK PASSWORD EXPIRE ' || 'DEFAULT TABLESPACE SYSAUX'; EXCEPTION WHEN user_name_conflicts_ex THEN NULL; END; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE USER orddata IDENTIFIED BY orddata ' || 'ACCOUNT LOCK PASSWORD EXPIRE ' || 'DEFAULT TABLESPACE SYSAUX'; EXCEPTION WHEN user_name_conflicts_ex THEN NULL; END; END; / Rem =========================================== Rem Drop 817, 901 and 920 old interMedia cartridge tables, packages etc Rem =========================================== alter session set current_schema="ORDSYS"; Rem Remove DBA_CARTRIDGES tables if they are there begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop view DBA_CARTRIDGES'; exception when others then null; end; / begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop view DBA_CARTRIDGE_COMPONENTS'; exception when others then null; end; / begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop public synonym DBA_CARTRIDGES'; exception when others then null; end; / begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop public synonym DBA_CARTRIDGE_COMPONENTS'; exception when others then null; end; / Rem Remove ORDSYS.PVTCARTRIDGE if it is there begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop package ordsys.pvtcartridge'; exception when others then null; end; / Rem Rem Remove Visual Information Retrieval if it was there Rem BEGIN IF (sys.dbms_registry.is_loaded('ORDVIR') IS NOT NULL) THEN begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop package ORDVIR_PKG'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop package ORDVIREXCEPTIONS'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop synonym VIR'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ORDVir'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDVir'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ORDVirB'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDVirB'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ORDVirF'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDVirF'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ORDVIRIDXMethods'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDVIRIDXMethods'; exception when others then null; end; END IF; end; / Rem Remove VIR components while connected as SYS alter session set current_schema="SYS"; -- -- Drop user indexes of type ORDVIRIDX -- DECLARE cursor viridx_curs is select index_name, owner from all_indexes where index_type = 'DOMAIN' and ityp_name = 'ORDVIRIDX'; index_name VARCHAR2(30); index_owner VARCHAR2(30); idxcurs integer; BEGIN IF (sys.dbms_registry.is_loaded('ORDVIR') IS NOT NULL) THEN idxcurs := sys.dbms_sql.open_cursor; open viridx_curs; loop begin fetch viridx_curs into index_name, index_owner; exit when viridx_curs%NOTFOUND; -- Note: these drop statements are executed immediately upon parse -- thus the class name needs to be specified, but no execute is -- required -- -- drop the domain index sys.dbms_sql.parse(idxcurs, 'drop index ' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(index_owner,false) || '.' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(index_name,false) || ' force', sys.dbms_sql.native); -- drop associated table sys.dbms_sql.parse(idxcurs, 'drop table ' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(index_owner,false) || '.' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(index_name || '_FT$',false), sys.dbms_sql.native); exception when others then exit; end; end loop; close viridx_curs; sys.dbms_sql.close_cursor(idxcurs); END IF; END; / Rem Remove remaining VIR components as ORDSYS alter session set current_schema="ORDSYS"; BEGIN IF (sys.dbms_registry.is_loaded('ORDVIR') IS NOT NULL) THEN sys.dbms_registry.removing('ORDVIR'); begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop indextype ordsys.ordviridx'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop operator virscore'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop operator virsimilar'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop function virscorefunc'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop function virsimilarfunc'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDVIRIDXStats'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ordvirattr_varray'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ordvirattr_varray'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ordvirscr_varray'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ordvirscr_varray'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ordvirrowid_table'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ordvirrowid_table'; exception when others then null; end; sys.dbms_registry.removed('ORDVIR'); END IF; END; / Rem =========================================== Rem Install Oracle Multimedia related objects Rem =========================================== @@iminst.sql alter session set current_schema="SYS";