Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem imu920.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem runs as ORDSYS Rem Rem Internal upgrade script for Oracle Multimedia from 9.2.0. Rem Rem NOTES Rem REM Create new Schemas and make sure all privs we need are granted alter session set current_schema="SYS"; begin execute immediate 'create user SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA identified by si_informtn_schema'; execute immediate 'alter user SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA account lock password expire'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; end; / -- removed imprv.sql because it is called in imu111.sql -- The user ORDDATA is created in imu111.sql and grant for ORDDATA is in -- imprv.sql alter session set current_schema="ORDSYS"; Rem Rem drop OrdSourceServer class in ORDPLUGINS schema Rem (it belongs in ORDSYS schema - bug 3462254) Rem declare cnt number; begin select count(object_name) into cnt from sys.dba_objects,javasnm where owner = 'ORDPLUGINS' and object_type = 'JAVA CLASS' and short(+) = object_name and nvl(longname, object_name) = 'oracle/ord/media/source/OrdSourceSvr'; if cnt > 0 then execute immediate 'drop java class ORDPLUGINS."oracle/ord/media/source/OrdSourceSvr"'; end if; end; / REM Remove obsolete libraries drop library ordvirlibs; drop library ordvirlibt; drop library ordaudlibs; drop library ordimglibs; Rem Rem Remove ORDAnnotations if it was there Rem begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDAnnotationsExceptions'; exception when others then null; end; / begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDAnnotations'; exception when others then null; end; / begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDAnnotationList'; exception when others then null; end; / begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDAnnotation'; exception when others then null; end; / Rem Rem Remove DBA_CARTRIDGES tables if they are there Rem begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop view ORDSYS.DBA_CARTRIDGES'; exception when others then null; end; / begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop view ORDSYS.DBA_CARTRIDGE_COMPONENTS'; exception when others then null; end; / begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop public synonym DBA_CARTRIDGES'; exception when others then null; end; / begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop public synonym DBA_CARTRIDGE_COMPONENTS'; exception when others then null; end; / Rem Rem Remove Visual Information Retrieval if it was there Rem BEGIN IF (dbms_registry.is_loaded('ORDVIR') IS NOT NULL) THEN begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDVIR_PKG'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDVIREXCEPTIONS'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop synonym VIR'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ORDSYS.ORDVir'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDVir'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ORDSYS.ORDVirB'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDVirB'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ORDSYS.ORDVirF'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDVirF'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ORDSYS.ORDVIRIDXMethods'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDVIRIDXMethods'; exception when others then null; end; END IF; end; / Rem Remove VIR components while connected as SYS alter session set current_schema="SYS"; -- -- Drop user indexes of type ORDVIRIDX -- DECLARE cursor viridx_curs is select index_name, owner from sys.dba_indexes where index_type = 'DOMAIN' and ityp_name = 'ORDVIRIDX'; index_name VARCHAR2(30); index_owner VARCHAR2(30); idxcurs integer; BEGIN IF (dbms_registry.is_loaded('ORDVIR') IS NOT NULL) THEN idxcurs := sys.dbms_sql.open_cursor; open viridx_curs; loop begin fetch viridx_curs into index_name, index_owner; exit when viridx_curs%NOTFOUND; -- Note: these drop statements are executed immediately upon parse -- thus the class name needs to be specified, but no execute is -- required -- -- drop the domain index sys.dbms_sql.parse(idxcurs, 'drop index ' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(index_owner,false) || '.' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(index_name,false) || ' force', sys.dbms_sql.native); -- drop associated table sys.dbms_sql.parse(idxcurs, 'drop table ' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(index_owner,false) || '.' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(index_name || '_FT$',false), sys.dbms_sql.native); exception when others then exit; end; end loop; close viridx_curs; sys.dbms_sql.close_cursor(idxcurs); END IF; END; / Rem Remove remaining VIR components as ORDSYS alter session set current_schema="ORDSYS"; BEGIN IF (dbms_registry.is_loaded('ORDVIR') IS NOT NULL) THEN dbms_registry.removing('ORDVIR'); begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop indextype ordsys.ordviridx'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop operator ordsys.virscore'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop operator ordsys.virsimilar'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop function ordsys.virscorefunc'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop function ordsys.virsimilarfunc'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ordsys.ORDVIRIDXStats'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ordsys.ordvirattr_varray'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ordsys.ordvirattr_varray'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ordsys.ordvirscr_varray'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ordsys.ordvirscr_varray'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type body ordsys.ordvirrowid_table'; exception when others then null; end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ordsys.ordvirrowid_table'; exception when others then null; end; dbms_registry.removed('ORDVIR'); END IF; END; / Rem Rem Drop loadlobs to avoid invalid object during upgrade Rem begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop package ordsys.loadlobs'; exception when others then null; end; / Rem Recreate libraries @@ordlib REM Install new Tables @@ordistab.plb REM Install SQL/MM types if not already done Rem =========================================== Rem setup component script filname variable Rem =========================================== COLUMN :script_name NEW_VALUE comp_file NOPRINT Variable script_name varchar2(50) Begin If (substr(dbms_registry.version('ORDIM'),1,2) = '8.') then :script_name := sys.dbms_registry.nothing_script; else :script_name := '@ordisits.sql'; end if; end; / Rem Invoke Still Image script if not already invoked select :script_name from dual; @&comp_file -- Bug 2305344 - adding an OID to ORDImageSignature by doing a -- create or replace ORDImageSignature type if there are no dependent objects -- setup component script filename variable COLUMN :typ_script NEW_VALUE typ_file NOPRINT Variable typ_script varchar2(50) COLUMN :obj_dep_count NEW_VALUE o_dep NOPRINT Variable obj_dep_count NUMBER alter session set current_schema="SYS"; BEGIN select count(*) into :obj_dep_count from sys.dba_dependencies where referenced_name='ORDIMAGESIGNATURE'; END; / alter session set current_schema="ORDSYS"; BEGIN :typ_script := sys.dbms_registry.nothing_script; -- there are user defined objects which -- reference the object ORDIMAGESIGNATURE - if there are none, -- the only objects are the 9 objects owned by ordsys. -- the value of 9 is hardcoded because 9i has 9 objects that are -- dependent on ordsys, and these should be ignored while checking to see -- whether a user has defined objects using ORDIMAGESIGNATURE. IF (:obj_dep_count > 9) THEN RETURN; END IF; -- there are no dependent objects, so drop objects. BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop indextype ORDSYS.ORDImageIndex'; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN NULL; END; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop operator ORDSYS.IMGScore'; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN NULL; END; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop operator ORDSYS.IMGSimilar'; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN NULL; END; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDImgIdxMethods'; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN NULL; END; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop function ORDSYS.SimilarFunc'; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN NULL; END; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop function ORDSYS.ScoreFunc'; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN NULL; END; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDImageIndexStats'; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN NULL; END; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDImageSignature'; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN NULL; END; :typ_script := '@ordimssp.sql'; END; / select :typ_script from dual; @&typ_file REM make necessary grants grant execute on ORDSYS.ORDImg_Pkg to public; -- ordibody will be called by the imtyb and implb scripts. REM Create public synonyms for the ORD object types create or replace public synonym ORDAudio for ORDSYS.ORDAudio; create or replace public synonym ORDImage for ORDSYS.ORDImage; create or replace public synonym ORDVideo for ORDSYS.ORDVideo; create or replace public synonym ORDDoc for ORDSYS.ORDDoc; create or replace public synonym ORDImageSignature for ORDSYS.ORDImageSignature; REM Invoke 10.1 script to go from 10.1 to 10.2 @@imu101.sql