Rem Rem $Header: imu111m.sql 19-mar-2008.15:09:10 myalavar Exp $ Rem Rem imu111m.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem imu111m.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem runs as SYS Rem Rem Part of the internal upgrade script for Oracle Mutlimedia from 11.1 Rem Migrates user-defined documents from DICOM repository Rem in ORDSYS schema to ORDData schema. This script is invoked Rem by imdbmig.sql. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem myalavar 02/01/08 - 11.1 repos user-doc migration Rem myalavar 02/01/08 - Created Rem -- -- If upgrading from 11.1.0, copy the user documents in the DICOM -- repository from ORDSYS to ORDData. -- declare l_ordsys_cnt number := 0; l_orddata_cnt number := 0; doc_exists_ex exception; pragma exception_init(doc_exists_ex, -53002); begin if (substr(dbms_registry.version('ORDIM'), 1, 6) = '11.1.0') then --check if ORDSYS contains user-defined documents select count(*) into l_ordsys_cnt from ordsys.orddcm_docs where oracle_install = 0; -- check if ORDData contains user-docs select count(*) into l_orddata_cnt from orddata.orddcm_docs where oracle_install=0; -- if user-docs exist in ORDSYS -- install user-docs from ORDSYS into ORDData schema -- leave content unchanged in ORDSYS schema if (l_ordsys_cnt > 0) then -- editDataModel is a commit operation ord_dicom_admin.editDataModel; -- install user-docs from ORDSYS into ORDData schema for cur in (select od.doc_name, odt.doc_type, od.doc_content from ordsys.orddcm_docs od, ordsys.orddcm_doc_types odt where od.doc_type_id = odt.doc_type_id and od.oracle_install=0 order by od.doc_id asc) loop begin -- document will be inserted into repos in ORDData schema ord_dicom_admin.insertDocument(cur.doc_name, cur.doc_type, cur.doc_content); exception when doc_exists_ex then --ignore ORA-53002 documents exists exception null; end; end loop; -- publish is a commit operation ord_dicom_admin.publishDataModel; end if; end if; end; /