" ,&  , , Pn7 T f  Normal, successful completion.Program Manager Internal Error #%ldOut of memory. %sinternal exception code. icode = [%s], [%s]fatal exception occurred: unwise to proceed.Free some memory failed in %s.Invalid parameter to function %sSLTS's function failed for %scall to %s failed.Unable to allocate a new program manager instance for a call.Program %s not found.Unable to free a program manager instance for a call. D !<Z [+x^yUnable to allocate a new program manager instance for a load.Package %s not found.Package %s did not create a primary context.Package %s did not describe its interface.Package %s could not be deleted.Component context %s not found.Component name %s longer than maximum length of %d.Fatal error in lpmexitprog(): calling instance is missing.Fatal error in lpmexitprog(): call stack is corrupt.Component name %s longer than maximum length of %d. Dt!DnAttempt to overwrite saved component context %s.Unable to allocate a new program manager instance for a load.Shared object %s not found.Could not create memory manager instance.Could not create exception manager instance.Could not create file I/O instance.Could not locate shared object with id %s.Could not read shared object with id %s.Could not dynamically load code object named %s.Could not locate symbol %s in code object %s.,Sx,