/ / $Header: lmmus.msg 19-jun-2003.17:48:07 Exp $ / / Copyright (c) 1991, 2003, Oracle. All rights reserved. / NAME / lmmus.msg - LMM US language error message file / DESCRIPTION / Contains the LMM error messages. / RETURNS / / NOTES / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Generic errors for the memory manager, 0 - 59. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / 00000, 00000, "Normal, successful completion." // *Cause: Normal exit // *Action: None // /00001, 00000, "Memory Manager Internal Error #%ld" // *Cause: An internal error occurred. // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 00002, 00000, "Out of memory." // *Cause: The memory manager failed in trying to dynamically allocate // memory. // *Action: Perform whatever actions you wish to make more memory available // to the running program. // 00003, 00000, "Internal exception code, arguments: [%s], [%s]" // *Cause: Unknown - indicated by parameters // *Action: Report to the appropriate development group // 00004, 00000, "Fatal exception occurred: unwise to proceed." // *Cause: Unknown // *Action: Contact the appropriate development group immediately // 00033, 00000, "Invalid argument passed to %s." // *Cause: Unknown -- likely to be client error. // *Action: Examine arguments being passed to this program. // 00034, 00000, "Request size in %s exceeds maximum allowable on this platform." // *Cause: The client requests memory bigger than allowable on this platform. // *Action: Examine the size requested. // 00035, 00000, "SLTS Initialize Context fail in %s." // *Cause: Thread services failure. // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 00036, 00000, "SLTS Terminate Context fail in %s." // *Cause: Thread services failure. // *Action: Contact the development organization. // //**************************************************************************** //********The rest of these are not being used anymore, as they have********** //******** all been classified as internal errors.************************* // after talking with Bronwyn, we decided to uncomment the following stuff. // // (04/04/95 ysang): // According to the new LEM guidelines, these can be make internal errors. // So, they are now classified as internal errors, and I've commented them. // **** Do NOT erase the following though, because they will help in // debugging if internal exceptions do occur. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors recorded in lmmhpinit, 60 - 89. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00060, 00000, "lmmhpinit failed because underlying free heap fcn failed." // *Cause: Underlying model-specific hpfree call failed. // *Action: Likely to be either bad client arg or internal LMM problem. // //00061, 00000, "Unable to allocate memory in function lmmhpinit." // *Cause: A call to lmmmalloc within function lmmhpinit failed. // *Action: Likely to be either bad client arg or internal LMM problem. // /00062, 00000, "Bad client model specified (parameter cl_fcns) in hpinit fcn." // *Cause: Client has not specified an acceptable value for cl_fcns. // *Action: Correct the argument passed in. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors recorded in lmmhpfree, 90 - 119. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00090, 00000, "lmmhpfree failed because underlying free heap fcn failed." // *Cause: Underlying model-specific hpfree call failed. // *Action: Likely to be either bad client arg or internal LMM problem. // //00091, 00000, "Unable to free memory in function lmmhpinit." // *Cause: A call to lmmfree within function lmmhpfree failed. // *Action: Likely to be either bad client arg or internal LMM problem. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors recorded in lmmmalloc, 120 - 149. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00120, 00000, "malloc failed." // *Cause: Underlying model-specific malloc call failed. // *Action: Likely to be either bad client arg or internal LMM problem. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors recorded in lmmcalloc, 150 - 179. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00150, 00000, "lmmcalloc failed." // *Cause: Underlying model-specific calloc call failed. // *Action: Likely to be either bad client arg or internal LMM problem. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors recorded in lmmrealloc, 180 - 209. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00180, 00000, "lmmrealloc failed." // *Cause: Underlying model-specific realloc call failed. // *Action: Likely to be either bad client arg or internal LMM problem. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors recorded in lmmvalloc, 210 - 239. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00210, 00000, "lmmvalloc failed." // *Cause: Underlying model-specific valloc call failed. // *Action: Likely to be either bad client arg or internal LMM problem. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors recorded in lmmfree, 240 - 269. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00240, 00000, "lmmfree failed." // *Cause: Underlying model-specific free call failed. // *Action: Likely to be either bad client arg or internal LMM problem. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors recorded in lmmhpsz, 270 - 299. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / // Currently none. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors recorded in lmmtophp, 300 - 329. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / // Currently none. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors for Mutex, 330 - 339. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00330, 00000, "Unable to initialize mutex" // *Cause: Initialization of mutex failed. // *Action: Examine the sltsmxi() function (internal LMM problem). // //00331, 00000, "Unable to destroy lock" // *Cause: Destroy of mutex failed. // *Action: Examine the sltsmxd() function (internal LMM problem). / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors for slwmmgetmem and slwmmputmem, 340 - 349. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00340, 00000, "Call to function slwmmgetmem failed." // *Cause: The SOSD call to get memory from the system failed. // *Action: System specific. // //00341, 00000, "Call to function slwmmputmem failed." // *Cause: The SOSD call for freeing memory to the system failed. // *Action: System specific. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors for Standard Model Functions, 350 - 599. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00350, 00000, "In Std hpinit: cannot allocate context." // *Cause: Call to lmmgmalloc with parent pointer failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00355, 00000, "In Std hpfree: free fail w/ inuse vrtblk." // *Cause: Call to lmmgfree with parent pointer failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00356, 00000, "In Std hpfree: free fail w/ free vrtblk." // *Cause: Call to lmmgfree with parent pointer failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00357, 00000, "In Std hpfree: free standard context fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmgfree with parent pointer failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00360, 00000, "In Std malloc: Get small blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstsml failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00361, 00000, "In Std malloc: Get large blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstlrg failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00365, 00000, "In Std calloc: cannot allocate memptr." // *Cause: Call to lmmstmalloc failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00370, 00000, "Std realloc fail: bad hp pointer (Purify case)." // *Cause: Heap pointer for block to be freed is incorrect (Purify case). // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00371, 00000, "Std realloc fail due to bad heap pointer." // *Cause: Heap pointer for block to be freed is incorrect. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00372, 00000, "In Std realloc: call valloc fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstvalloc failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00373, 00000, "In Std realloc: merge large blocks fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstmrg failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00374, 00000, "In Std realloc: cut large block fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstcutlrg failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00375, 00000, "In Std realloc: std malloc fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstmalloc failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00376, 00000, "In Std realloc: std free fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstfree failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00377, 00000, "In Std realloc: call std merge w/ 2 next blks fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstmrg failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00380, 00000, "In Std valloc: std malloc fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstmalloc failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00381, 00000, "Std valloc fail due to unaligned Pure pointer." // *Cause: Call to sslwmmxmmarkp returned unaligned Pure pointer. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00385, 00000, "Std free fail due to bad hp ptr (large blk)." // *Cause: Heap pointer for block to be freed is incorrect (Purify case). // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00386, 00000, "Std free fail due to bad hp ptr (small blk)." // *Cause: Heap pointer for block to be freed is incorrect (Purify case). // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00387, 00000, "Std free fail due to call to sslwmmyfmarkp." // *Cause: Call to sslwmmyfmarkp fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00388, 00000, "In Std free: std merge with prev lrg blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstmrg fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00389, 00000, "In Std free: std merge with next large blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstmrg fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00390, 00000, "In Std free: std free vrt fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstfvrt fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00391, 00000, "In Std free: std bit change fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstbitcg fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00392, 00000, "In Std free: std free chunk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstfchnk fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00395, 00000, "In Std getchnk: remove large blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstmlrg fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00396, 00000, "In Std getchnk: cut large blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstcutlrg fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00397, 00000, "In Std getchnk: get virtual blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstvrt fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00400, 00000, "In Std freechnk: std free fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstfree fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00405, 00000, "In Std freevrt: generic free fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmgfree fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00410, 00000, "In Std getlrg: std remove large blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstrmlrg fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00411, 00000, "In Std getlrg: std cut large blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstcutlrg fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00412, 00000, "In Std getlrg: std get vrt blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstvrt fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00415, 00000, "In Std merge: std remove large blk fail w/ block." // *Cause: Call to lmmstrmlrg fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00416, 00000, "In Std merge: std remove large blk fail w/ neighbor blk." // *Cause: Call to lmmstrmlrg fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00420, 00000, "In Std rmlrg: std bit change fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstbitcg fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00425, 00000, "In Std getsml: std get chunk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstchnk fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00430, 00000, "In Std getvrt: generic malloc fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmgmalloc fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00435, 00000, "In Std cutlrg: std bit change fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstbitcg fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors for Fast Model Functions, 600 - 699. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00600, 00000, "In Fast hpinit: generic malloc fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmgmalloc with parent pointer failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00601, 00000, "In Fast hpinit: fast get vrt blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmstvrt fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00605, 00000, "In Fast hpfree: generic free with vrt blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmgfree with parent pointer failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00606, 00000, "In Fast hpfree: generic free with realhp fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmgfree with parent pointer failed. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00610, 00000, "In Fast malloc: fast get vrt blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmfsvrt fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00615, 00000, "In Fast calloc: fast malloc fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmfsmalloc fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00620, 00000, "In Fast realloc: fast memalign fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmfsmemalign fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00621, 00000, "In Fast realloc: fast malloc fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmfsmalloc fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00625, 00000, "In Fast memalign: fast get vrt blk fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmfsvrt fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00630, 00000, "In Fast getvrt: generic malloc fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmgmalloc fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors for LMM Initialization Functions, 700 - 749. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00700, 00000, "In lmmrist: Cannot init product descriptor." // *Cause: SOSD call to get memory from the system failed. // *Action: System specific. // //00701, 00000, "In lmmrist: Cannot init lmm context." // *Cause: SOSD call to get memory from the system failed. // *Action: System specific. // //00702, 00000, "In lmmrist: Cannot init private instance context." // *Cause: SOSD call to get memory from the system failed. // *Action: System specific. // //00703, 00000, "In lmmrist: Cannot init primary context." // *Cause: SOSD call to get memory from the system failed. // *Action: System specific. // //00704, 00000, "In lmmrist: Cannot init root top heap." // *Cause: SOSD call to get memory from the system failed. // *Action: System specific. // //00705, 00000, "In lmmrist: Cannot init standard context." // *Cause: SOSD call to get memory from the system failed. // *Action: System specific. / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Errors for Block List Functions , 750 - 799 / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / //00750, 00000, "lmmomallocblklist: Cannot create block structure." // *Cause: Call to slmmgetmem or lmmgmalloc fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00751, 00000, "lmmomallocblklist: Cannot allocate memory." // *Cause: Call to slmmgetmem fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00755, 00000, "lmmofreeblklist: Cannot free memory." // *Cause: Call to slmmpumem fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00756, 00000, "lmmofreeblklist: Cannot free block structure." // *Cause: Call to slmmputmem or lmmgfree fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00760, 00000, "lmmoreallocblklist: (2a) Allocate memory fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmoXblklist fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00761, 00000, "lmmoreallocblklist: (2a) Free memory fail." // *Cause: Call to Std/Fast free routine fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00762, 00000, "lmmoreallocblklist: (1a) Allcoate memory fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmoXblklist fail." // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00763, 00000, "lmmoreallocblklist: (1a) Free memory fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmofreeblklist fail." // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00764, 00000, "lmmoreallocblklist: (1b/c) Allocate memory fail." // *Cause: Call to Std/Fast malloc routine fail." // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00765, 00000, "lmmoreallocblklist: (1b/c) Free memory fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmofreeblklist fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00770, 00000, "lmmohfreeblklist: Error while freeing memory blocks." // *Cause: Call to lmmofreeblklist fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00775, 00000, "lmmocallocblklist: Cannot allocate memory." // *Cause: Call to lmmomallocblklist fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem. // //00780, 00000, "lmmovallocblklist: Allocate memory fail." // *Cause: Call to lmmomallocblklist fail. // *Action: Internal LMM problem.