/ / $Header: lfius.msg 11-jan-2008.03:14:17 madhanap Exp $ / / Copyright (c) 1993, 2003, Oracle. All rights reserved. / NAME / lfius.msg - LFI US language error message file / DESCRIPTION / Error message file for LFI package / RETURNS / / NOTES / / / LFI Error Messages / / // 00000, 00000, "Normal, successful completion." // *Cause: Normal exit // // *Action: None // // 00001, 00000, "File IO Internal Error #%ld" // *Cause: An internal error occurred. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // / / / Generic errors / / 00002, 00000, "Out of memory. %s" // *Cause: The File IO package failed in trying to dynamically allocate // memory. function name is used for additional comments to // indicate where, when and why the error occured. // // *Action: Perform whatever actions necessary to make more memory available // to the executing program. // 00003, 00000, "Internal exception code. icode = [%s], [%s]." // *Cause: Unknown - indicated by parameters. The first '%s' gives // the internal exception code; the second is for any other // additional comments. // // *Action: Report to the appropriate development group // 00004, 00000, "Call to %s failed." // *Cause: A function call has failed. This error is a generic // message to show that the exception has occurred in a // particular function function name. This allows the client to // know the trace runtime calling sequence by examining the // exception stack. // // *Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information. // 00005, 00000, "Free some memory failed in %s." // *Cause: A call to free some memory in function function name has failed. // // *Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information and // contact Oracle Worldwide Support immediately. // 00006, 00000, "Invalid parameter to function %s." // *Cause: The function was called with an invalid parameter. // // *Action: Check the function call to make sure that the correct // parameters are being passed. // 00007, 00000, "NLSRTL's call failed. %s." // *Cause: LX calls return failure // // *Action: Check if our parameters are correct. Contact the // appropriate group immediately if we parameters are valid. // 00008, 00000, "SLTS's initializing/terminating mutex failed for %s." // *Cause: SLTS's call return failure in function '%s'. // // *Action: Contact the appropriate development group. // // / / 100-999 Reserved for LFI Public interface errors / / 00100, 00000, "Unable to perform operation, file not opened in %s." // *Cause: The file has not been successfully opened at the time the // operation is attempted. // // *Action: Check to make sure that the file exists (for read) or that // the program has access to the write a file (for write). // It is also possible that the file was just never opened // 00101, 00000, "Write failed, file cannot be written to." // *Cause: The buffer write operation failed. Possibly due to incorrect // parameters being passed in. // // *Action: Check the underlying error for more information. // 00102, 00000, "Unable to seek in sequentially accessed file." // *Cause: The file was opened with the flag LFILFA_SEQ for sequential // file operations. Use seek only on files that are // opened with the LFILFA_RANDOM flag for random access. // // *Action: Check to see how the file is being opened and accessed and // make the two operations consistent (that is, make them both // operations either sequential or random). // 00103, 00000, "Seek operation failed." // *Cause: The buffer seek operation failed. Probably due to incorrect // parameters or flags. // // *Action: Check syntax of the seek command and retry the operation. // 00104, 00000, "Read operation failed." // *Cause: The buffer read operation failed. Probably due to incorrect // parameters or flags. // // *Action: Check syntax of the read command and retry the operation. // 00105, 00000, "Unable to add path." // *Cause: One of the following might have caused the error: // the current path might not be in the proper format // the directory might not be in the proper format // the name object might not have been initialized properly // // *Action: Check the format of the current path and the new directory; // check that the name object was initialized properly. // 00106, 00000, "Path object holds more than one path." // *Cause: The path object passed to lfippth() holds more than // one path. // // *Action: Make sure that the path object used in lfippth() holds // only one path. // 00107, 00000, "Open does not expect the file [%s][%s] to exist." // *Cause: The flags specified for the open indicate that the file does // not exist. However, the file does exist. // // *Action: Check to make sure that the options that were specified for // the file are correct and that you do not expect that the file // should exist. If so then find out why the file does exist. // 00108, 00000, "Open expect the file [%s][%s] to exist." // *Cause: The flags specified for the open indicate that the file // the file to exist and it does not. // // *Action: Check to make sure that the options that were specified for // the file are correct and that you expect that the file // should exist. If so then find out why the file doesn't. // 00109, 00000, "Unable to open file [%s][%s]. %s." // *Cause: Either: // the process does not have the proper access rights to open // the file // the file is already open // // *Action: Check to make sure the proper access permissions are assigned. // If they are and the file still cannot be opened, then // contact Oracle Worldwide Support. // 00110, 00000, "Unable to initialize the Buffer Manager." // *Cause: The Buffer Manager initialization routine failed; probably // because memory was exhausted. // // *Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information. // 00111, 00000, "No other flags allowed in fixed length format." // *Cause: Other options are specified with the fixed length format. // // *Action: Clear other options from flag. // // // 00112, 00000, "Invalid Standard File ID Descriptor." // *Cause: The function lfigfo() was called with an invalid File ID // Descriptor. The valid File ID Descriptors are LFISTDIN, // LFISTDOUT, and LFISTDERR. // // *Action: Check the call to lfigfo() to make sure it is correct. // 00113, 00000, "Unable to initialize the Standard File object %s." // *Cause: The call to open the standard file object failed. // // *Action: Check the underlying errors for more information. // 00114, 00000, "Append is not allowed with %s." // *Cause: Attempting to append using certain options. // // *Action: Check the flag options to verify its usage. // // 00115, 00000, "Buffer free failed." // *Cause: Probably do to the buffer flush failing. // // *Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information. // 00116, 00000, "Unable to close file in operation %s." // *Cause: The file close operation failed. // // *Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information. // 00117, 00000, "Unable to rename file." // *Cause: The rename operation failed. Rename is called when we are // protecting a file by operating on a temp file. // // *Action: Check to make sure that the process has the correct // access rights to perform a rename. // 00118, 00000, "Unable to change type to Unknown." // *Cause: The function lfichty() was called to change the file // extension to LFIEXUNK (Unknown). This is not a valid // operation. // // *Action: Check why you are doing this. If the extension is already // unknown then you do not need to do this. If you just want // no extension then use the extension type LFIEXNONE. // 00119, 00000, "Unable to Abort an Unprotected file." // *Cause: The Abort function lfiabt() was called on a file that // was not opened as a protected file. As such the abort // operation is not valid. // // *Action: Check to see if you intended to open the file as a protected // file. // 00120, 00000, "Unable to parse root filename %s." // *Cause: The root filename that was given to lfimknam() is not in a // format that this platform understands. // // *Action: Check the format of the filename and retry the operation. // 00121, 00000, "Only one of REPLACE, or PROT allowed for opty." // *Cause: Two or more of the following open type options were // specified for the lfilini() function: LFILOPTY_REPLACE, // or LFILOPTY_PROT. // // *Action: Remove one or more the of options such that you are only // passing in one of the three. // 00122, 00000, "Can only delete a file if we create it." // *Cause: The delete file flag was specified for a file that was not // created by this file operation. The ability to delete a // file is not portable. As such the only deletion that // is allowed by this package is if we know we want to delete // the file when we create it. // // *Action: You can only delete a file that you create. If you need // to delete a file that you do not create then you will have // to find another means of doing so. // 00123, 00000, "Cannot access file Sequentially and Randomly." // *Cause: Both the LFILFA_SEQ (sequential) and LFILFA_RANDOM (random) // flags were specified during the file object creation. This // is not allowed. Only one of the two may be specified. // // *Action: Choose how you wish to access the file. If you choose // random you can still access sequentially by just not using // the repositioning functions. // 00124, 00000, "No access mode was specified, default is sequential." // *Cause: Neither LFILFA_SEQ (sequential) or LFILFA_RANDOM (random) were // specified during file object creation. // // *Action: The default is sequential but this should be explicitly set. // 00125, 00000, "Random access only allowed on fixed length record files." // *Cause: The LFILFA_RANDOM flag was specified on a file that was // not organized into fixed-length records. Random access // is only allowed on fixed-length record files. // // *Action: Determine if the organization of your data needs to be in // variable-length records and if you need to have random // access to the file. If both conditions are true then // you might need to buffer the entire file or enough of it // to remove your need for random access. Another option is // to close and rescan the file although this is not the // optimal solution. // 00126, 00000, "Record format can only be one of Fixed or Variable." // *Cause: Both LFILRF_FIXED (fixed) and LFILRF_VAR (variable) were // specified during file object creation. Only one of the two is // allowed for a given file. // // *Action: Determine how the file is organized and choose the option // that matches. // 00127, 00000, "No Record Format was specified, default is variable." // *Cause: Neither LFILRF_FIXED (fixed) or LFILRF_VAR (variable) were // specified for record format. One of the two must be specified // for each file. // // *Action: The default is LFILRF_VAR, but this should be explicitly set // during file object creation. // 00128, 00000, "Carriage Control is only valid for Standard file objects." // *Cause: The Carriage Control option is only valid for the // standard file objects (LFISTDIN, LFISTDOUT, LFISTDERR). // You may not specify this option for any other type of file. // // *Action: Choose between LFILRF_FIXED and LFILRF_VAR for the record // format. // 00129, 00000, "Invalid option %s were specified on an input only file." // *Cause: The file was opened as input only but the output mode // option LFILRF_WR_ASIS or delete option LFLOPTY_DELETE // was specified. // // *Action: Check to see how you intend to open this file and make the // necessary changes. // 00130, 00000, "Input option specified on output only file." // *Cause: The file was opened as output only but one of the input // mode options (LFILRF_READ_NL or LFILRF_FORCE_NL) or was // specified. // // *Action: Check to see how you intend to open this file and make the // necessary changes. // 00131, 00000, "No open type specified." // *Cause: The file object was created without an open type (that is, // LFILOPTY_INPUT, LFILOPTY_OUTPUT, etc.). // // *Action: Decide how the file should be accessed and specify one of // the open types. // 00132, 00000, "Record length %s is greater than max length of %s." // *Cause: The record length specified for the file is greater than // the max supported by this platform. // // *Action: Decrease the record length. // 00133, 00000, "Trying to create file %s that already exists." // *Cause: The file object was initialized with LFILOPTY_OUTPUT and // without LFILOPTY_REPLACE and yet a file by this name already // exists. // // *Action: Check to make sure that you are creating the right file. If // you intend to overwrite the file if it exists that specify the // replace option LFILOPTY_REPLACE when initializing the file // object. // 00134, 00000, "Unable to protect a file for an append operation." // *Cause: The LFILOPTY_APPEND and LFILOPTY_PROT options were both // specified for the file. This is currently not allowed because // it would require copying the entire file at open time. // // *Action: Decide if you really need to protect the file for append. If // so then think about making a copy of it before appending. // 00135, 00000, "Unable to remove temporary file." // *Cause: A temporary file was created to protect a file and when the // the tempfile was nolonger needed it LFI attempted to remove // it and was unable to do so. // // *Action: Check the permissions and where the temp files are being // created. // 00136, 00000, "Unable to change type of open file." // *Cause: The function lfichty() was called on an opened file. // // *Action: This is a bug in the client code. lfichty() cannot be // used in this case. // 00137, 00000, "Unable to perform %s on a file object that is %s." // *Cause: Unable to perform an LFI operation on a file object for // the given reason. // // *Action: Take the appropriate corrective measure. For example // if a file is supposed to be opened before the // operation can be performed, client code will need to // open the file first. // 00138, 00000, "Unable to perform %s on a name object that is %s." // *Cause: Unable to perform an LFI operation on a name object for // the given reason. // // *Action: Take the appropriate corrective measure. // 00139, 00000, "Option %s cannot be used with option %s in calling %s." // *Cause: First option cannot be used with second option in such // a function call. // // *Action: Re-examine code to determine which option is needed. // 00140, 00000, "Invalid option %s were specified on input-output file." // *Cause: The file was opened as input-output and one of the // mode options (LFIOPTY_DELETE or non-LFIOPTY_RANDOM) // was specified. // // *Action: Check to see how you intend to open this file and make the // necessary changes. // 00141, 00000, "Unable to abort file in operation %s." // // *Cause: The abort operation failed. // // *Action: Check the underlying errors for more information. // 00142, 00000, "Unable to delete an existing file [%s][%s] not owned by Oracle." // // *Cause: The file was not created by Oracle. // // *Action: Change owner of file to Oracle or give Oracle access // privileges to delete it. // 00143, 0000, "Unable to delete non-existent file %s." // // *Cause: The file to be deleted does not exist. // // *Action: Check the underlying errors for more information. // 00144, 00000, "File [%s][%s] does not exist" // *Cause: The file does not exist. // // *Action: Check to make sure the file exists and retry the operation. // 00145, 00000, "User buffer too short." // // *Cause: The buffer that was passed is not large enough. // // *Action: Allocate a larger buffer and retry the operation. // 00146, 00000, "copy does not expect the file %s.%s to exist" // *Cause: We are expecting the destination file not to exist and it does. // // *Action: Find out why the file does exist. // 00147, 00000, "File %s.%s does not exist" // *Cause: The file does not exist. // // *Action: Check to make sure the file exists and retry the operation. // 00148, 00000, "%s can be called only on files opened in byte mode" // *Cause: A routine that should be used only for files in byte // mode was called for a file that was opened in record // mode // // *Action: In order to use this function, the file should be opened in // byte mode. // 00149, 00000, "Error on destroying hash table in function %s" // *Cause: We were expecting the cache path object and it does not. // // *Action: In order to use this function, the path object should be // cache path object. // 00150, 00000, "Error on creating hash table in function %s" // *Cause: routine failed to create path object hash table // // *Action: make sure that startsize <= LHTQMAXSLOTS // 00151, 00000, "Error on inserting into hash table in function %s" // *Cause: routine failed to insert into hash table // // *Action: make sure there is enough memory for allocation and // that the hash table exists. // 00152, 00000, "Read operation (byte mode) failed." // *Cause: Byte mode read operation failed. Probably due to incorrect // parameters or flags, or trying to read beyond end of file. // // *Action: Check syntax of the read command and size of file. // / / / 1000-1499 Reserved for LFI Buffer Manager errors / / 01000, 00000, "Unable to write line to file." // *Cause: The file being written to may no longer be open or we may have // reached the end of the file. // // *Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. // 01001, 00000, "Unable to write %s bytes to file." // *Cause: The file being written to may no longer be open or we may have // reached the end of the file. // // *Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. // 01002, 00000, "Unable to read line from file." // *Cause: The file being read from may no longer be open. // // *Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. // 01003, 00000, "Unable to read %s bytes from file." // *Cause: The file being read from may no longer be open. // // *Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information. // 01004, 00000, "Unable to empty buffer." // *Cause: The buffer manager is probably unable to write to the // underlying file. // // *Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. // 01005, 00000, "Unable to fill buffer." // *Cause: The buffer manager is probably unable to read from the // underlying file. // // *Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information. // 01006, 00000, "File ends in partial character in %s." // *Cause: A line ends in a partial character. // // *Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. // 01007, 00000, "Line is too long; encountered in function %s." // *Cause: The length of the line exceeds the maximum length. // // *Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. // / / 1500-1599 Reserved for LFI OSD errors / / 01500, 00000, "Error condition on call to OSD function %s." // *Cause: An error condition arises in calling an OSD function. // This message occurs if calls to malloc or free // functions failed. // // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. // 01501, 00000, "tmpnam() fails to generate temporary file name." // *Cause: Operating system was unable to create temporary file name. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01502, 00000, "Base filename does not exist." // *Cause: The filename that was parsed had no base file. It was either // all path or extension. // // *Action: Check the filename being passed in to make sure it is correct. // 01503, 00000, "Max filename size exceeded generating filename." // *Cause: While building a filename we exceeded the buffer allocated // to hold the new filename. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01504, 00000, "fseek() failed(OSD return value = %s) in %s." // *Cause: The function fseek() returned an error condition. // // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. // 01505, 00000, "fclose() failed(OSD return value = %s) in %s." // *Cause: The function fclose() returned an error condition. // // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. // 01506, 00000, "fflush() failed(OSD return value = %s)." // *Cause: The function fflush() returned an error condition. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01507, 00000, "fwrite() failed(OSD return value = %s) in %s." // *Cause: File pointer may be null or may not be opened for write. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01508, 00000, "access() failed." // *Cause: Call to access() failed. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01509, 00000, "fopen() failed(OSD return value = %s)." // *Cause: Call to fopen() failed. // // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. // 01510, 00000, "fread() failed(OSD return value = %s) in %s." // *Cause: Call to fread() failed. // // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. // 01511, 00000, "unlink() failed(OSD errno = %s) in %s." // *Cause: Call to unlink() failed. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01512, 00000, "stat() failed" // *Cause: Call to stat() failed. // // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. // 01514, 00000, "ftell() failed in %s" // *Cause: The ftell() function returned an error. // // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. // 01515, 00000, "truncate() failed." // *Cause: The function truncate() returned an error condition. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01516, 00000, "read() failed (OSD return value = %s) in %s." // *Cause: Call to read() failed. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01517, 00000, "open() failed(OSD return value = %s)." // *Cause: Call to open() failed. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01518, 00000, "write() failed(OSD return value = %s) in %s." // *Cause: Call to write() failed. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01519, 00000, "llseek() failed(OSD return value = %s) in %s." // *Cause: The llseek() function returned an error. // // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. // 01520, 00000, "close() failed(OSD return value = %s) in %s." // *Cause: The function close() returned an error condition. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01521, 00000, "fsync() failed(OSD return value = %s) in %s." // *Cause: The function fsync() returned an error condition. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01522, 00000, "opendir() failed." // *Cause: The function opendir() returned an error condition. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01523, 00000, "rename() failed." // *Cause: The function rename() returned an error condition. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01524, 00000, "fdopen() failed(OSD return value = %s)." // *Cause: Call to fdopen() failed. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 01525, 00000, "setvbuf() failed." // *Cause: The function setvbuf() returned an error condition. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // / / / LFI Internal errors / / // 000001, "Extension not in list" // *Cause: When calling lfiext, an extension is not found in list // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // // 000002, "lfipmkp's pop's tail is NULL" // *Cause: An internal error has occurred that cause pop's tail // to be NULL. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // // 000003, "Unexpected switch case in %s" // *Cause: An unexpected switch to default has occurred. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // // 000004, "sltbev() call failed" // *Cause: A call to sltbev() had failed. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // // 000005, "Invalid parameter in internal function %s" // *Cause: Invalid parameter has been passed into an internal // function. // // *Action: Contact the development organization. // 00006, "Invalid Standard File ID Descriptor" // *Cause: The function lfiostd() was called with an invalid File ID // Descriptor. The valid File ID Descriptors are LFISTDIN_INDEX, // LFISTDOUT_INDEX, and LFISTDERR_INDEX. // // *Action: Check the call to lfiostd() to make sure it is // correct. // // // 00007, "List element not found" // *Cause: A call to lfillmem() had failed. // // *Action: Contact development service // // 00008, "lficstd failed when calling lfibfr()" // *Cause: A call to lficstd() had failed. // // *Action: Contact development service //