"     <JXgxh{   W xSuccess, no errors. for client %s , renew until %sFlags: %s Unable to identify user from password file Error while reading password for '%s' %s: Password incorrect %s: %s. Usage:%s [-f] [-p] [-l life] [-r renew] [-c cache] [-k] [-t table] Usage: %s [-f] [[-c] cachename] %s -k [keytabname] %s: Credential cache %s not found. Ticket cache: %s Default principal: %s n $0Kh}4 Valid Starting Expires Principal Service Key Table: %s Ver Timestamp Principal Usage: %s [[-c] cachename] Password for %s: %s %s %s%2d %s %s [-e enctype]* enctype encryption types: 1 des-cbc-crc 3 des-cbc-md5 16 des3-cbc-sha1 18 aes256-cts 23 rc4-hmac %s %s function failed. %s: %s z 6L^qnauk5b1_fcc_open_filenauk5ba_fcc_retrievenauk5bb_fcc_readnauk5bc_fcc_read_principalnauk5bf_fcc_read_datanauk5bh_fcc_read_int32nauk5bn_fcc_writenauk5bo_fcc_store_principalnauk5bz_fcc_close_filenauk5cb_cc_defaultnauk5cd_fcc_destroynauk5cj_fcc_initializenauk5cn_fcc_skip_principalnauk5fq_free_principalnauk5hnmkcrednauk5hrdcrednauk5k1_send_tgsnauk5ky_rd_req_decodedz 4N`n}nauk5kz_rd_req_simplenauk5la_get_in_tktnauk5ld_parse_namenauk5ll_generate_authenticatornauk5ln_find_preauthenticatornauk5lp_verify_unixtime_padatanauk5lr_createpathnauk5lu_get_host_realmnauk5lv_sname_to_principalnauk5lx_get_krbhstnauk5ra_rcinitnauk5rb_rcstorenauk5ru_createnauk5rv_writenauk5ry_nextnauk5rz_validatenauk5wj_ktfileint_opennauk5z0_show_credentialnauk5zd_kdestroyz'@Qf|    nauk5zi_kinitnauk5zl_klistnauk5lz_get_default_realmsnauk5g_open_filesnauk5h_gettmpsnauk5i_os_localaddrsnauk5k_lock_filesnauk5l_sendto_kdcsnauk5t_close_filesnaukz_getpasswordnauk5_get_unixtime_padatanauk5lg_init_krb5snauk5cw_check_winversnauk5cw_oscc_get_namesnauk5cw_oscc_resolvesnauk5cw_oscc_initializesnauk5cw_oscc_destorysnauk5cw_oscc_closesnauk5cw_oscc_store h +>8R9k:;<snauk5cw_oscc_get_principalsnauk5cw_oscc_start_seq_getsnauk5cw_oscc_next_credsnauk5cw_oscc_end_seq_getsnauk5cw_oscc_set_flagssnauk5cw_oscc_retrievesnauk5cw_get_tgtsnauk5cw_get_tktsnauk5cw_get_lsasnauk5cw_purge_tktsnauk5y2_kt_get_entry. %s: Credential cache %s not found. Cache file version mismatch. Call to ioctl failed with %s. Call to snauk5j_locate_kdc failed. =\>{?@ABCD"E>F\G}HIJCall to socket failed with %s. Checking for replays. Close file: %s. Could not allocate memory filename. Could not build server principal: %s. Could not create server: %s. Could not destroy CC: %s. Could not end sequence: %s. Could not get default CC: %s. Could not get local address: %s. Could not initialize CC: %s. Could not initialize crypto systems. Could not initialize replay cache. Could not open cache. K\LrMNOPQR#S=T[UyVWXCould not open cache. Could not open input tty: %s. Could not open output tty: %s. Could not parse name: %s. Could not read password: %s. Could not read table entry: %s. Could not read version info.?Could not resolve CC: %s. Could not resolve keytab: %s. Could not start sequence: %s. Could not unlock file. Could not unparse client. Could not unparse client: %s. Could not unparse name: %s. YbZ[\]^_`#aHb`cwdefgCould not unparse server: %s. Could not unparse service. Could not write prompt: %s. Could not write version info. Creating replay cache. Error from select: %s. Expunging excess cache records. Failed to allocate Kerberos context. Getting TGT failed: %s. Grew RC to %s entries. Initializing cache failed: %s. snlfwrt failed: %s. Lock failed. Looking for client %s. Looking for service %s. hnijklmnopq3rDsTttuvwxNeither read nor write specified. snlfsek failed: %s. Open failed. Open for readonly, but no file. Opening %s. snlfdel failed: %s. Programming error. Read failed: %s. snaumihi_inithostinfo failed. Replay detected. Resetting lock. Resolving cachename failed: %s. Retrieving prinicipal failed: %s. Retrieving table entry failed: %s. Retrieving ticket failed: %s. Returning %s: %s. Setting append flag. ynz{|}~"0BXnSetting create flag. Setting exclusive flag. Setting exclusive lock. Setting read lock. Setting shared lock. Setting truncate flag. Setting write lock. Skipping long line: %s.?.?. Store failed. Storing %s in CC. Unknown lock type %s. Unknown operation %s. Unparsing client failed: %s. Unparsing principal failed. Unparsing server failed: %s. Updating RC. Validating existing replay cache. bt/Hd|Version mismatch. Version numbers didn't match. Write failed: %s. fcntl failed with %s: %s. fdopen failed with %s: %s. flock failed with %s: %s. nauk5k4_unparse_name failed: %s. snaumgs_getseconds failed. open failed with %s: %s. snaumgh_gethostinfo failed. nauk5rb_rcstore failed. Possible replay cache corruption. Client is %s, Service provider is %s%s failed with status: %d. Current OS version is: %s. CNo > NT 5.0 domain controller available. Searching for keytype=%d ,kvno=%d;Current keytype=%d,kvno=%d LAST MESSAGE