Rem Rem $Header: sdo/admin/semu112.sql /st_sdo_11.2.0/4 2011/06/01 07:31:16 spsundar Exp $ Rem Rem semu112.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem semu112.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem sdas 05/22/11 - move uniq and pkey indexes on IOTs to proper Rem tablespace Rem sdas 05/20/11 - interface change for prllidx_create subprograms Rem spsundar 05/13/11 - update extractor interfaces Rem matperry 03/31/11 - update link_id column Rem matperry 03/10/11 - refactor: move view recreation to post semrelod Rem processing using sdo_rdf_internal Rem matperry 03/10/11 - add named graph migration Rem matperry 10/15/10 - update datatype indexing for orageo:WKTLiteral Rem matperry 04/02/10 - Created Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The "u" script for each prior release performs the following actions to upgrade -- -- from release NNN to NNN+1. If NNN+1 is not the current release, then the "u" script -- -- invokes the script for release NNN+1, so that the upgrade is "stacked.". -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set echo off; alter session set current_schema=MDSYS; set define on; -- make sure we do the upgrade without errors -- whenever sqlerror continue; -- First mark that we are upgrading -- declare valid_exists NUMBER; upg_desc VARCHAR2(100); begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MDSYS.RDF_PARAMETER WHERE namespace = :1 and attribute = :2 and description = :3' INTO valid_exists USING 'MDSYS','SEM_VERSION','VALID'; if (valid_exists > 0) then upg_desc := 'UPGRADING_VALID'; else upg_desc := 'UPGRADING_INVALID'; end if; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' UPDATE MDSYS.RDF_PARAMETER SET description = :1 WHERE namespace = :2 and attribute = :3' USING upg_desc,'MDSYS','SEM_VERSION'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: set upgrade in rdf_parameter: '||SQLERRM); end; / prompt preparing semantic network for named graph support ... --///////////////////////// Upgrade SEM for Named Graph Support \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-- --//////////// Drop obsolete objects (views, packages, etc.) from prior release \\\\\\\\\\-- -- drop sdo_sem_magic package ... not used anywhere -- also cleanup sem_hash_internal declare stmt varchar2(1000); begin begin stmt := 'drop package mdsys.sdo_sem_magic'; execute immediate stmt; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: drop sdo_sem_magic: '||SQLERRM); end; begin stmt := 'drop package mdsys.sem_hash_internal'; execute immediate stmt; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: drop sem_hash_internal: '||SQLERRM); end; begin stmt := 'revoke execute on mdsys.ordmd_sem_libs from public'; execute immediate stmt; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: revoke ordmd_sem_libs: '||SQLERRM); end; end; / --/////////// ALTER tables to add/change columns and constraints for the new release \\\\\\\\\\-- -- Need to backup and truncate existing RDFCTX Indexes before we can update RDF_LINK$ for Named Graph -- prompt backing up existing SemContext indexes ... declare rdfctx_exists number; rdfctx_ids SYS.ODCINumberList; idx_names SYS.ODCIVarchar2List; idx_owners SYS.ODCIVarchar2List; stmt varchar2(1000); tblspc_clause varchar2(2000); tblspc_name varchar2(100); backup_failed boolean := false; begin -- see if rdfctx indexes may be present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO rdfctx_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDFCTX_INDEX_POLICIES$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (rdfctx_exists > 0) then -- get the rdfctx model ids -- skip virtual models execute immediate 'select distinct link_part_id from mdsys.rdfctx_index_policies$ where link_part_id > 0' bulk collect into rdfctx_ids; -- if we have some indexes, back them up if (rdfctx_ids.count > 0) then -- get the tablespace for the network tblspc_clause := ''; begin execute immediate ' select tablespace_name from all_tables where owner=''MDSYS'' and table_name=''RDF_VALUE$''' into tblspc_name; if (tblspc_name is not null) then tblspc_clause := ' tablespace ' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(tblspc_name, false); end if; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: tablespace for rdf_link_png$ tables: '||SQLERRM); end; -- create table to hold existing index data -- begin execute immediate 'CREATE TABLE mdsys.rdf_link_png$ ( p_value_id NUMBER NOT NULL , start_node_id NUMBER , canon_end_node_id NUMBER , end_node_id NUMBER , model_id NUMBER , cost NUMBER , ctxt1 NUMBER , ctxt2 VARCHAR2(4000) , distance NUMBER , explain VARCHAR2(4000) , path VARCHAR2(4000) ) PARTITION BY LIST (model_id) (PARTITION MODEL_0 VALUES (0)) ' || tblspc_clause || ' COMPRESS'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -955) then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: not creating rdf_link_png$ ... it already exists'); else SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: create rdf_link_png$: '||SQLERRM); end if; end; -- pre-create partitions in rdf_link_png$ -- begin for i in rdfctx_ids.first .. rdfctx_ids.last loop begin execute immediate 'ALTER TABLE mdsys.rdf_link_png$ ADD PARTITION MODEL_' || to_char(rdfctx_ids(i),'TM9') || ' values(' || to_char(rdfctx_ids(i),'TM9') || ')'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: add rdf_link_png$ partition: '||SQLERRM); end; end loop; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: loop through add rdf_link_png$ partitions: '||SQLERRM); end; -- insert existing index data into rdf_link_png$ -- begin execute immediate 'insert /*+ APPEND PARALLEL */ into mdsys.rdf_link_png$ (p_value_id, start_node_id, canon_end_node_id, model_id, cost, ctxt1, ctxt2, distance, explain, path) select /*+ PARALLEL */ p_value_id, start_node_id, canon_end_node_id, model_id, cost, ctxt1, ctxt2, distance, explain, path from mdsys.rdf_link$ where model_id in (select * from table(cast(:1 as sys.ODCINumberList)))' using rdfctx_ids; commit; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: insert into rdf_link_png$ '||SQLERRM); backup_failed := true; end; -- mark existing indexes as invalid begin execute immediate 'select index_owner, index_name from mdsys.rdfctx_index_policies$' bulk collect into idx_owners, idx_names; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: get index names and owners '||SQLERRM); end; begin for i in idx_owners.first .. idx_owners.last loop begin execute immediate 'ALTER INDEX ' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(idx_owners(i),false) || '.' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(idx_names(i),false) || ' UNUSABLE'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter index '||idx_owners(i)|| '.'||idx_names(i)||': '||SQLERRM); end; end loop; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: loop through index names and owners '||SQLERRM); end; -- truncate link$ partitions for old indexes if (not backup_failed) then begin for i in rdfctx_ids.first .. rdfctx_ids.last loop begin execute immediate 'ALTER TABLE MDSYS.RDF_LINK$ TRUNCATE PARTITION (MODEL_'||to_char(rdfctx_ids(i),'TM9')||')'; commit; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: truncate partition model_'||rdfctx_ids(i)|| ': '||SQLERRM); end; end loop; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: error truncating index partitions: '||SQLERRM); end; else SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: not truncating index partitions ... backup failed'); end if; end if; end if; end; / prompt ... finished backing up SemContext indexes ------------------------- Update RDF_LINK$ for Named Graph ----------------------- -- First add new column to RDF_LINK$ prompt adding new columns to semantic network tables ... declare network_exists number; stmt varchar2(1000); begin -- see if RDF Network is present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO network_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_VALUE$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (network_exists > 0) then -- add g_id -- begin stmt := 'alter table mdsys.rdf_link$ add (g_id number default null)'; execute immediate stmt; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: add g_id to link$: '||SQLERRM); end; -- drop link_id -- begin stmt := 'alter table mdsys.rdf_link$ drop (link_id)'; execute immediate stmt; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: drop link_id from link$: '||SQLERRM); end; -- add new link_id -- begin stmt := 'alter table rdf_link$ add (link_id as ( to_char(model_id, ''FMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'') || (CASE when g_id IS NOT NULL then ''g''|| to_char(g_id, ''FMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'') else NULL END) ||''_''|| to_char(start_node_id, ''FMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'') ||''_''|| to_char(p_value_id, ''FMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'') ||''_''|| to_char(canon_end_node_id,''FMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX''))) '; execute immediate stmt; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: add link_id to link$: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; end; / prompt finished adding new columns to semantic network tables ... -- Next modify unique index prompt creating new indexes ... declare network_exists number; numIdxCols pls_integer := 0; optCol varchar2(30); optComp varchar2(30); begin -- see if RDF Network is present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO network_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_VALUE$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (network_exists > 0) then -- See if existing index is 4 or 5 columns. -- If 5 columns, then it has been modified for optional components begin execute immediate ' select count(*) from all_ind_columns where index_name = ''RDF_LNK_PVIDCENSNMID_IDX'' and index_owner = ''MDSYS''' into numIdxCols; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: get num idx columns$: '||SQLERRM); end; -- if only 4 columns then create plain PCSGM unique index if (numIdxCols = 4) then begin execute immediate ' create unique index mdsys.rdf_lnk_pcsgm_idx on mdsys.rdf_link$ ( p_value_id, canon_end_node_id, start_node_id, g_id, model_id) compress 2 nologging local parallel'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: create 4-column index: '||SQLERRM); end; -- if 5 columns then create modified g_id based index elsif (numIdxCols = 5) then begin -- see what modified index we have execute immediate ' select attribute from mdsys.rdf_parameter where value = ''ENABLED'' and attribute in (''RDFCTX'',''RDFOLS'',''RDFOWM'')' into optComp; if (optComp = 'RDFOLS') then optCol := ', CTXT1'; elsif (optComp = 'RDFOWM') then optCol := ', SUBSTR(CTXT2,1,600)'; else -- RDFCTX uses GID now, not CTXT2 optCol := ''; end if; -- create new PCSGM index -- execute immediate ' create unique index mdsys.rdf_lnk_pcsgm_idx on mdsys.rdf_link$ ( p_value_id, canon_end_node_id, start_node_id, g_id, model_id'||optCol||') compress 2 nologging local parallel'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: create 5-column index: '||SQLERRM); end; -- unique index is screwed up else SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: Unexpected number of columns in RDF_LNK_PVIDCENSNMID_IDX index'); end if; -- now drop old unique index -- begin execute immediate ' drop index mdsys.rdf_lnk_pvidcensnmid_idx'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: drop old unique index: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; end; / prompt ... finished creating new indexes --/////////////////////// Modify static tables for the new release \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-- --//////////// UPDATE existing columns as needed to reflect new algorithms, etc. \\\\\\\\-- --////////////////////// Create new types and tables for the release \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-- prompt creating new tables and views ... -- Create new SEM_PRIV$ view declare network_exists number; begin -- see if RDF Network is present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO network_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_VALUE$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (network_exists > 0) then -- create RDF_PRIV$ view if absent begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MDSYS.rdf_priv$ AS select model_id dummy_column from rdf_link$ partition (model_0) where 1=0 '; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT SELECT ON MDSYS.rdf_priv$ TO PUBLIC'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: rdf_priv$: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; end; / -- create new view for datatype indexing support -- only create view if an rdf network exists declare network_exists NUMBER; begin -- see if RDF Network is present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO network_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_VALUE$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (network_exists > 0) then begin execute immediate 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW RDF_DTYPE_INDEX_INFO ( DATATYPE, INDEX_NAME, STATUS, TABLESPACE_NAME) AS SELECT idx_map.dtype DATATYPE, a.index_name INDEX_NAME, a.status STATUS, a.tablespace_name TABLESPACE_NAME FROM all_indexes a, ( (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$NUMERIC_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$BOOL_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$STR_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$DATE_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$TIME_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$DATETIME_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$GEO_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) UNION ALL (select ''RDF_V$TEXT_IDX'' index_name, '''' dtype from dual) ) idx_map WHERE owner=''MDSYS'' AND table_name=''RDF_VALUE$'' AND a.index_name = idx_map.index_name'; execute immediate 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW SEM_DTYPE_INDEX_INFO AS SELECT * FROM MDSYS.RDF_DTYPE_INDEX_INFO'; execute immediate 'GRANT SELECT ON SEM_DTYPE_INDEX_INFO TO PUBLIC'; execute immediate 'GRANT SELECT ON RDF_DTYPE_INDEX_INFO TO PUBLIC'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: sem_dtype_index_info: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; end; / -- create stats tables and views -- only create view if an rdf network exists declare network_exists NUMBER; tblspc_name VARCHAR2(30); tblspc_clause VARCHAR2(300); begin -- see if RDF Network is present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO network_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_VALUE$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (network_exists > 0) then -- get the tablespace tblspc_clause := ''; begin execute immediate ' select tablespace_name from all_tables where owner=''MDSYS'' and table_name=''RDF_VALUE$''' into tblspc_name; if (tblspc_name is not null) then tblspc_clause := ' tablespace ' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(tblspc_name, false); end if; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: tablespace for stats tables: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate ' CREATE TABLE rdf_pred_stats$ ( value_id NUMBER , instances NUMBER , start_node_fanout NUMBER , end_node_fanout NUMBER , model_id NUMBER , g_id NUMBER ) PARTITION BY LIST (model_id) (PARTITION MODEL_0 VALUES (0)) ' || tblspc_clause || ' COMPRESS NOLOGGING'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: tablespace rdf_pred_stats$: '||SQLERRM); end; begin -- add local partition index execute immediate ' ALTER TABLE rdf_pred_stats$ ADD CONSTRAINT rdf_pred_stats$pk PRIMARY KEY(model_id,value_id) USING INDEX ( CREATE UNIQUE INDEX rdf_pred_stats$localpk ON rdf_pred_stats$(model_id,value_id) COMPRESS NOLOGGING LOCAL )' ; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: rdf_pred_stats$pk: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate ' CREATE TABLE rdf_term_stats$ ( value_id NUMBER , start_node_instances NUMBER , end_node_instances NUMBER , model_id NUMBER , g_id NUMBER ) PARTITION BY LIST (model_id) (PARTITION MODEL_0 VALUES (0)) ' || tblspc_clause || ' COMPRESS NOLOGGING'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: rdf_term_stats$: '||SQLERRM); end; begin -- add local partition index execute immediate ' ALTER TABLE rdf_term_stats$ ADD CONSTRAINT rdf_term_stats$pk PRIMARY KEY(model_id,value_id) USING INDEX ( CREATE UNIQUE INDEX rdf_term_stats$localpk ON rdf_term_stats$(model_id,value_id) COMPRESS NOLOGGING LOCAL )' ; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: rdf_term_stats$pk: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; end; / -- move rdf_network_index_internal$ from sysaux to rdf tablepsce declare idx_tab_exists NUMBER; tblspc_name VARCHAR2(30); tblspc_clause VARCHAR2(300); begin -- see if index table is present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO idx_tab_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_NETWORK_INDEX_INTERNAL$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (idx_tab_exists > 0) then -- get the tablespace tblspc_clause := ''; begin execute immediate ' select tablespace_name from all_tables where owner=''MDSYS'' and table_name=''RDF_VALUE$''' into tblspc_name; if (tblspc_name is not null) then tblspc_clause := ' tablespace ' || sys.dbms_assert.enquote_name(tblspc_name, false); end if; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: tablespace for rdf_network_index_internal$: '||SQLERRM); end; -- move the table begin execute immediate ' alter table mdsys.rdf_network_index_internal$ move ' || tblspc_clause; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: move rdf_network_index_internal$: '||SQLERRM); end; -- move the pkey and uniq indexes on IOT metadata tables begin execute immediate ' alter table mdsys.sem_indextype_metadata$ move ' || tblspc_clause; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: move mdsys.sem_indextype_metadata$: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate ' alter index mdsys.SEM_INDEXTYPE_METADATA_UBT rebuild ' || tblspc_clause; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: rebuild index mdsys.SEM_INDEXTYPE_METADATA_UBT: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate ' alter table mdsys.sem_sim_indextype_metadata$ move ' || tblspc_clause; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: move mdsys.sem_sim_indextype_metadata$: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate ' alter index mdsys.SEM_SIM_INDEXTYPE_METADATA_UBT rebuild ' || tblspc_clause; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: rebuild index mdsys.SEM_SIM_INDEXTYPE_METADATA_UBT: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; end; / prompt ... finished creating new tables and views prompt creating new types ... ----------------- SEM_GRAPHS type ---------------- begin execute immediate 'create or replace type RDF_Graphs as table of varchar2(4000)'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: rdf_graphs: '||SQLERRM); end; / ----------------- RDFCTX Types ------------------- -- Type creation is conditional so that if types already -- exist we will not try to create them. -- Note: the types below do not exist in but -- do exist in, so they may already be present -- 1) DOUBLENUMLIST -- 2) FN_EXTARR -- 3) FN_XMLPREF -- 4) PRLLIDX_CREATE declare cnt number; mdata_exists number; begin -- first see if rdfctx is installed cnt := 0; begin execute immediate 'select count(*) from mdsys.rdf_parameter where namespace = ''COMPONENT'' and attribute = ''RDFCTX''' into cnt; exception when others then null; end; -- if rdfctx is installed then keep going if (cnt > 0) then -- to migration -- create each new type that does not exist -- doublenumlist cnt := 0; begin execute immediate 'select count(*) from all_objects where owner = ''MDSYS'' and object_name = ''DOUBLENUMLIST''' into cnt; exception when others then null; end; if (cnt = 0) then begin execute immediate 'create or replace type doublenumlist as table of sys.odcinumberlist'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -2303) then null; else raise; end if; end; end if; -- fn_extarr cnt := 0; begin execute immediate 'select count(*) from all_objects where owner = ''MDSYS'' and object_name = ''FN_EXTARR''' into cnt; exception when others then null; end; if (cnt = 0) then begin execute immediate 'create or replace type fn_extarr is varray(5) of mdsys.rdfctx_extractor'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -2303) then null; else raise; end if; end; end if; -- fn_xmlpref cnt := 0; begin execute immediate 'select count(*) from all_objects where owner = ''MDSYS'' and object_name = ''FN_XMLPREF''' into cnt; exception when others then null; end; if (cnt = 0) then begin execute immediate 'create or replace type fn_xmlpref is varray(5) of sys.xmltype'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -2303) then null; else raise; end if; end; end if; -- prllidx_create cnt := 0; begin execute immediate 'select count(*) from all_objects where owner = ''MDSYS'' and object_name = ''PRLLIDX_CREATE''' into cnt; exception when others then null; end; if (cnt > 0) then begin execute immediate 'create or replace type prllidx_create authid current_user as object ( c1 number, static function index_merge( idxschema IN varchar2, idxname IN varchar2, moderr IN sys.odcinumberlist, c1 IN SYS_REFCURSOR) return sys.odcinumberlist parallel_enable (partition c1 by any), static function index_load( filedir varchar2, filterpl varchar2, basepol sys.ODCIVarchar2List, ctxpref fn_xmlpref, extarr fn_extarr, modarr sys.ODCINumberList, polrids sys.ODCIvarchar2List, loadMethod varchar2, cur SYS_REFCURSOR) return doublenumlist parallel_enable (partition cur by any) pipelined )'; execute immediate 'grant execute on prllidx_create to public'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -2303) then null; else raise; end if; end; end if; -- ll. to RDFCTX migration -- begin begin -- sem_rdfctx has changed execute immediate ' create or replace package sem_rdfctx authid current_user as procedure create_policy ( policy_name VARCHAR2, extractor mdsys.rdfctx_extractor, preferences sys.XMLType default null); procedure create_policy ( policy_name VARCHAR2, base_policy VARCHAR2); procedure create_policy ( policy_name VARCHAR2, base_policy VARCHAR2, user_models mdsys.rdf_models, rulebases mdsys.rdf_rulebases default null); procedure create_policy ( policy_name VARCHAR2, base_policy VARCHAR2, user_models mdsys.rdf_models, user_entailments mdsys.rdf_models, rulebases mdsys.rdf_rulebases default null); procedure drop_policy ( policy_name VARCHAR2); procedure set_default_policy ( index_name VARCHAR2, policy_name VARCHAR2); procedure add_dependent_policy ( index_name VARCHAR2, policy_name VARCHAR2, partition_name VARCHAR2 default NULL); function extract_rdfxml ( doc CLOB, ext_type mdsys.rdfctx_extractor) return CLOB; procedure maintain_triples ( index_name VARCHAR2, where_clause VARCHAR2, rdfxml_content sys.XMLType, policy_name VARCHAR2 default NULL, action VARCHAR2 default ''ADD''); procedure set_extractor_param ( param_key VARCHAR2, param_value VARCHAR2, param_desc VARCHAR2); end sem_rdfctx;'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: replace package sem_rdfctx: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate ' create or replace public synonym sem_rdfctx for mdsys.sem_rdfctx'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: replace synonym sem_rdfctx: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate ' grant execute on sem_rdfctx to public'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: grant sem_rdfctx: '||SQLERRM); end; -- alter prllidx_create type begin execute immediate 'alter type prllidx_create drop static function index_merge( idxschema IN varchar2, idxname IN varchar2, moderr IN sys.odcinumberlist, c1 IN SYS_REFCURSOR) return sys.odcinumberlist parallel_enable (partition c1 by any)'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter prllidx_create: drop index_merge: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate 'alter type prllidx_create add static function index_merge( idxschema IN varchar2, idxname IN varchar2, moderr IN sys.odcinumberlist, flags IN number, c1 IN SYS_REFCURSOR) return sys.odcinumberlist parallel_enable (partition c1 by any)'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter prllidx_create: add index_merge: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate 'alter type prllidx_create drop static function index_load( filedir varchar2, filterpl varchar2, basepol sys.ODCIVarchar2List, ctxpref fn_xmlpref, extarr fn_extarr, modarr sys.ODCINumberList, polrids sys.ODCIvarchar2List, loadMethod varchar2, cur SYS_REFCURSOR) return doublenumlist parallel_enable (partition cur by any) pipelined'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter prllidx_create: drop index_load: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate 'alter type prllidx_create add static function index_load( idxschema IN varchar2, idxname IN varchar2, filedir varchar2, filterpl varchar2, basepol sys.ODCIVarchar2List, extrParams sys.ODCIVarchar2List, ctxpref fn_xmlpref, extarr fn_extarr, modarr sys.ODCINumberList, polrids sys.ODCIvarchar2List, loadMethod varchar2, stagtab_name varchar2, docUri2Rid_name varchar2, docVid2Rid_name varchar2, is_batchpol sys.ODCINumberList, flags number, cur SYS_REFCURSOR) return doublenumlist parallel_enable (partition cur by any) pipelined'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter prllidx_create: add index_load: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate 'alter type prllidx_create add static function build_index_partition( idxinfo sys.ODCIIndexInfo, l_modarr sys.ODCINumberList, filedir VARCHAR2, filterpl varchar2, l_basepol sys.ODCIVarchar2List, l_extrParams sys.ODCIVarchar2List, l_ctxpref fn_xmlpref, t_extarr fn_extarr, l_polrids sys.ODCIVarchar2List, loadMethod varchar2, stagtab_name varchar2, docUri2Rid_name varchar2, docVid2Rid_name varchar2, xinfotab_name varchar2, flags number) return number'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter prllidx_create: add build_index_partition: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate 'alter type prllidx_create add static function build_index_batch_extr( idxinfo sys.ODCIIndexInfo, l_modarr sys.ODCINumberList, filedir varchar2, filterpl varchar2, l_basepol sys.ODCIVarchar2List, l_batchpol sys.ODCINumberList, l_extrParams sys.ODCIVarchar2List, l_ctxpref fn_xmlpref, t_extarr fn_extarr, l_polrids sys.ODCIVarchar2List, l_errcnt in out sys.ODCINumberList, l_docUriPfx varchar2, l_docUriShortPfx varchar2, loadMethod varchar2, stagtab_name varchar2, l_stagtab_suffixes sys.ODCIvarchar2List, docUri2Rid_name varchar2, docVid2Rid_name varchar2, xinfotab_name varchar2, l_sel_basetab varchar2, flags number) return number'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter prllidx_create: add build_index_batch_extr: '||SQLERRM); end; -- add new methods to rdfctx_extractor begin execute immediate 'alter type rdfctx_extractor add member function getContext(attribute VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2 cascade'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter rdfctx_extractor add getContext: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate 'alter type rdfctx_extractor add member function extractRdf(document CLOB, docId VARCHAR2, params VARCHAR2, options VARCHAR2 default NULL) return CLOB cascade'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter rdfctx_extractor add extractRdf: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate 'alter type rdfctx_extractor add member function batchExtractRdf(docCursor SYS_REFCURSOR, extracted_info_table VARCHAR2, params VARCHAR2, partition_name VARCHAR2 default NULL, docId VARCHAR2 default NULL, preferences SYS.XMLType default NULL, options VARCHAR2 default NULL) return CLOB cascade'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter rdfctx_extractor add batchExtractRdf: '||SQLERRM); end; -- should be done by cascading, but for some reason this doesn't work .. -- alter ctx_entity_extractor directly as a workaround -- begin execute immediate 'alter type ctx_entity_extractor add overriding member function extractRdf(document CLOB, docId VARCHAR2, params VARCHAR2, options VARCHAR2 default NULL) return CLOB cascade'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter ctx_entity_extractor add extractRdf: '||SQLERRM); end; -- alter SemContextIndexMethods -- begin execute immediate 'alter type SemContextIndexMethods add static function ODCIIndexMergePartition ( idxinfo sys.ODCIIndexInfo, part1_name sys.ODCIPartInfo, part2_name sys.ODCIPartInfo, idxparms VARCHAR2, idxenv SYS.ODCIEnv) return NUMBER cascade'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter SemContextIndexMethods add ODCIIndexMergePartition: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate 'alter type SemContextIndexMethods add static function ODCIIndexSplitPartition ( idxinfo sys.ODCIIndexInfo, part1_name sys.ODCIPartInfo, part2_name sys.ODCIPartInfo, idxparms VARCHAR2, idxenv SYS.ODCIEnv) return NUMBER cascade'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter SemContextIndexMethods add ODCIIndexSplitPartition: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate 'alter type SemContextIndexMethods add static function ODCIIndexExchangePartition ( pa_idxinfo sys.ODCIIndexInfo, idxinfo sys.ODCIIndexInfo, idxenv SYS.ODCIEnv) return NUMBER cascade'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter SemContextIndexMethods add ODCIIndexExchangePartition: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate 'alter type SemContextIndexMethods add static function ODCIIndexStart ( ictx IN OUT SemContextIndexMethods, idxinfo sys.ODCIIndexInfo, opi sys.ODCIPredInfo, oqi sys.ODCIQueryInfo, strt NUMBER, stop NUMBER, sparql VARCHAR2, policy VARCHAR2, idx_status INTEGER, aliases mdsys.RDF_ALIASES, idxenv sys.ODCIEnv) return NUMBER cascade'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter SemContextIndexMethods add ODCIIndexStart: '||SQLERRM); end; -- alter metadata tables -- begin -- make sure they're there first -- execute immediate 'select count(*) from all_tables where owner = ''MDSYS'' and table_name = ''RDFCTX_INDEX_POLICIES$''' into mdata_exists; if (mdata_exists > 0) then -- add new columns -- begin execute immediate 'alter table mdsys.rdfctx_index_policies$ add (index_partition varchar2(32) default ''MY_PARTITION'') add (extr_params varchar2(100))'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter rdfctx_index_policies$ add columns: '||SQLERRM); end; -- initialize new column values -- begin execute immediate 'update mdsys.rdfctx_index_policies$ set index_partition = index_name'; commit; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: update rdfctx_index_policies$: '||SQLERRM); end; -- update with new constraint -- begin execute immediate 'alter table mdsys.rdfctx_index_policies$ drop constraint rdfctx_ipol_pkey cascade'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter rdfctx_index_policies$ drop constraint: '||SQLERRM); end; begin execute immediate 'alter table mdsys.rdfctx_index_policies$ add constraint rdfctx_ipol_pkey primary key ( index_owner, index_name, index_partition, policy_rid)'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter rdfctx_index_policies$ add constraint: '||SQLERRM); end; -- recreate metadata view -- begin execute immediate 'create or replace view mdsys.rdfctx_index_policies (index_owner, index_name, index_partition, policy_name, extr_parameters, is_default, status, rdf_model) as (select cip.index_owner, cip.index_name, (case when (cip.index_name=cip.index_partition) then null else cip.index_partition end), cp.policy_name, cip.extr_params, decode(bitand(flags,1), 1, ''YES'',''NO''), decode(bitand(flags,6), 2, ''INPROGRESS'', 4, ''FAILED'', ''VALID''), ''RDFCTX_MOD_''||abs(link_part_id) from mdsys.rdfctx_index_policies$ cip, all_indexes ai, mdsys.rdfctx_policies$ cp where ai.owner = cip.index_owner and ai.index_name = cip.index_name and cip.policy_rid = cp.rowid)'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: alter rdfctx_index_policies$ add constraint: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; end; end; end if; end; / prompt ... finished creating new types --//////// ALTER existing types to add/change attributes and methods for the new release \\\\\\\\-- prompt altering existing types ... declare stmt varchar2(1000); begin -- add get_model to sdo_rdf_triple_s -- -- drop get_model first for attempt at repeatability -- begin stmt := 'ALTER TYPE sdo_rdf_triple_s DROP MEMBER FUNCTION get_model RETURN VARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC CASCADE'; execute immediate stmt; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: sdo_rdf_triple_s: '||SQLERRM); end; -- now add get_model -- begin stmt := 'ALTER TYPE sdo_rdf_triple_s ADD MEMBER FUNCTION get_model RETURN VARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC CASCADE'; execute immediate stmt; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: semu112: sdo_rdf_triple_s: '||SQLERRM); end; end; / prompt ... finshed altering existing types --/////////// GRANT any additional privileges required by MDSYS for the new release \\\\\\\\\\\\\-- -- grant execute on Oracle Text APIS GRANT CTXAPP TO MDSYS; GRANT EXECUTE ON CTXSYS.CTX_CLS TO MDSYS; GRANT EXECUTE ON CTXSYS.CTX_DDL TO MDSYS; GRANT EXECUTE ON CTXSYS.CTX_DOC TO MDSYS; GRANT EXECUTE ON CTXSYS.CTX_OUTPUT TO MDSYS; GRANT EXECUTE ON CTXSYS.CTX_QUERY TO MDSYS; GRANT EXECUTE ON CTXSYS.CTX_REPORT TO MDSYS; GRANT EXECUTE ON CTXSYS.CTX_THES TO MDSYS; GRANT EXECUTE ON CTXSYS.CTX_ULEXER TO MDSYS; prompt ... finished preparing semantic network for named graph support alter session set current_schema=SYS;