Rem Rem $Header: sdo/admin/seme112.sql /st_sdo_11.2.0/3 2011/05/05 13:17:12 sdas Exp $ Rem Rem seme112.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem seme112.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem sdas 05/03/11 - add RDFCTX Upgrade Rem matperry 03/31/11 - add initial contents Rem sravada 05/03/10 - Created Rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The "e" script reverts the component's data dictionary back from release NNN+1 to release -- -- NNN. Since the cmpdbdwg.sql script calls the script for the downgrade release, these -- -- scripts are stacked in the reverse order. They are called in the context of the NEW -- -- server, before the RDBMS itself is downgraded. Set the version to the release version -- -- (3 digits), not a patch version, in the dbms_registry.downgraded procedure invocation. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set echo off; COLUMN :script_name1 NEW_VALUE comp_file1 NOPRINT VARIABLE script_name1 VARCHAR2(50) alter session set current_schema=MDSYS; set define on; -- make sure we do the downgrade without errors -- whenever sqlerror continue; -- First mark that we are downgrading -- begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' UPDATE MDSYS.RDF_PARAMETER SET description = :1 WHERE namespace = :2 and attribute = :3' USING 'DOWNGRADING','MDSYS','SEM_VERSION'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: set downgrade in rdf_parameter: '||SQLERRM); end; / declare sem_exists number := 0; begin -- if semantics doesn't exist we need a dummy sdo_sem_downgrade package select count(*) into sem_exists from all_objects where owner = 'MDSYS' and object_name = 'SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S'; if (sem_exists = 0) then begin execute immediate ' create or replace package mdsys.sdo_sem_downgrade_utl as function data_112NG_exists(notify_level in integer) return boolean; end sdo_sem_downgrade_utl;'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: sdo_sem_downgrade_utl: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; end; / show errors; -- Check data compatibility with -- declare sem_exists number := 0; begin select count(*) into sem_exists from all_objects where owner = 'MDSYS' and object_name = 'SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S'; if (sem_exists > 0) then if (mdsys.sdo_sem_downgrade_utl.data_112NG_exists(0)) then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'Semantics data is not compatible with version Not downgrading to Release'); raise_application_error(-20000, 'Semantics data is not compatible with version'); end if; end if; end; / show errors; declare rdfctx_exists number; sem_installed number; remove_rdfctx boolean := false; begin -- we need to uninstall RDFCTX if it is installed begin -- see if semantics is installed SELECT count(*) INTO sem_installed FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_PARAMETER' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (sem_installed > 0) then if (not(mdsys.sdo_sem_downgrade_utl.data_112NG_exists(0))) then begin rdfctx_exists := 0; execute immediate ' select count(*) from mdsys.rdf_parameter where namespace = :1 and attribute = :2' into rdfctx_exists using 'COMPONENT', 'RDFCTX'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -942) then null; else SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: query rdf_parameter for rdfctx: '||SQLERRM); end if; end; if (rdfctx_exists is not null and rdfctx_exists > 0) then remove_rdfctx := true; end if; end if; end if; if (remove_rdfctx) then :script_name1 := '@sdordfctx_rm.sql'; else :script_name1 := dbms_registry.nothing_script; end if; end; end; / SELECT :script_name1 FROM DUAL; @&comp_file1 alter session set current_schema=MDSYS; set define on; -- DROP packages, views, and classes that were added in the new release prompt dropping new views ... declare network_exists number; type cursor_type is ref cursor; query_crs cursor_type; mName varchar2(32); clnMName varchar2(32); begin -- see if RDF Network is present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO network_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_VALUE$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (network_exists > 0) then if (not(mdsys.sdo_sem_downgrade_utl.data_112NG_exists(0))) then ---------- RDF_PRIV$ ---------- begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' DROP VIEW MDSYS.RDF_PRIV$ '; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: rdf_priv$: '||SQLERRM); end; ------- DTYPE_INDEX_INFO ------- begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' DROP VIEW MDSYS.SEM_DTYPE_INDEX_INFO '; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: sem_dtype_index_info: '||SQLERRM); end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' DROP VIEW MDSYS.RDF_DTYPE_INDEX_INFO '; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: rdf_dtype_index_info: '||SQLERRM); end; --------- Drop new stats views ------ begin open query_crs for 'select model_name from mdsys.rdf_model$'; loop begin fetch query_crs into mName; exit when query_crs%NOTFOUND; -- get the model name clnMName := sys.dbms_assert.simple_sql_name(mName); begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' DROP VIEW MDSYS.SEMT_' || clnMName || ' '; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: semt stats view: '||SQLERRM); end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' DROP VIEW MDSYS.SEMP_' || clnMName || ' '; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: semp stats view: '||SQLERRM); end; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: drop stats views: '||SQLERRM); end; end loop; close query_crs; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: drop stats views: '||SQLERRM); close query_crs; end; end if; end if; end; / prompt ... finished dropping views -- DROP force any new types, operators, and indextypes; prompt dropping new types ... declare network_exists number; begin -- see if RDF Network is present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO network_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_VALUE$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (network_exists > 0) then if (not(mdsys.sdo_sem_downgrade_utl.data_112NG_exists(0))) then -------------- RDF_Graphs ------------ begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' DROP TYPE MDSYS.RDF_Graphs FORCE '; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: RDF_Graphs: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; end if; end; / prompt ... finished dropping new types -- ALTER TYPE for existing types back to their prior release definitions prompt altering types ... declare network_exists number; begin -- see if RDF Network is present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO network_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_VALUE$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (network_exists > 0) then if (not(mdsys.sdo_sem_downgrade_utl.data_112NG_exists(0))) then -------- SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S ------ begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' ALTER TYPE sdo_rdf_triple_s DROP MEMBER FUNCTION get_model RETURN VARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC CASCADE '; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: sdo_rdf_triple_s: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; end if; end; / prompt ... finished altering types -- ALTER OPERATOR and INDEXTYPE back to their prior release bindings and properties -- UPDATE new columns to values appropriate for the old release and for when the database is re-upgraded prompt altering network tables and rebuilding indexes... declare network_exists number; numIdxCols pls_integer := 0; optCol varchar2(30); optComp varchar2(30); begin -- see if RDF Network is present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO network_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_VALUE$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (network_exists > 0) then if(not(mdsys.sdo_sem_downgrade_utl.data_112NG_exists(0))) then --------- See which non-gid unique index we need to create ------------- -- See if existing index is 5 or 6 columns. -- If 6 columns, then it has been modified for optional components begin execute immediate ' select count(*) from all_ind_columns where index_name = ''RDF_LNK_PCSGM_IDX'' and index_owner = ''MDSYS''' into numIdxCols; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: get num idx columns: '||SQLERRM); end; -- if we have 6 columns see what optional column is used if (numIdxCols = 6) then begin -- see what modified index we have execute immediate ' select attribute from mdsys.rdf_parameter where value = ''ENABLED'' and attribute in (''RDFCTX'',''RDFOLS'',''RDFOWM'')' into optComp; if (optComp = 'RDFOLS') then optCol := 'CTXT1'; else optCol := 'SUBSTR(CTXT2,1,600)'; end if; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: get optional unique index column: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; ---------------- drop g_id-based unique index ----------------- begin execute immediate ' drop index mdsys.rdf_lnk_pcsgm_idx'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: drop graph-based unique index: '||SQLERRM); end; ---------------- redefine LINK_ID column ---------------------- -- drop link_id -- begin execute immediate 'alter table mdsys.rdf_link$ drop (link_id) cascade constraints'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: drop link_id from link$: '||SQLERRM); end; -- add new link_id -- begin execute immediate 'alter table rdf_link$ add (link_id as ( to_char(model_id, ''FMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'') ||''_''|| to_char(start_node_id, ''FMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'') ||''_''|| to_char(p_value_id, ''FMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'') ||''_''|| to_char(canon_end_node_id,''FMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX''))) '; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: add link_id to link$: '||SQLERRM); end; ------------------ drop G_ID column --------------------------- begin execute immediate 'alter table mdsys.rdf_link$ drop (g_id) cascade constraints'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: drop g_id from link$: '||SQLERRM); end; -------------- create non-gid unique index -------------------- -- if only 5 columns then create plain pvidcensnmid unique index if (numIdxCols = 5) then begin execute immediate ' create unique index mdsys.rdf_lnk_pvidcensnmid_idx on mdsys.rdf_link$ ( p_value_id, canon_end_node_id, start_node_id, model_id) compress 2 nologging local parallel'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: create 4-column index: '||SQLERRM); end; -- if 6 columns then create modified unique index elsif (numIdxCols = 6) then begin -- create new pvidcensnmid index -- execute immediate ' create unique index mdsys.rdf_lnk_pvidcensnmid_idx on mdsys.rdf_link$ ( p_value_id, canon_end_node_id, start_node_id, model_id, '||optCol||') compress 2 nologging local parallel'; exception when others then SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: create 5-column index: '||SQLERRM); end; -- unique index is screwed up else SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: Unexpected number of columns in RDF_LNK_PCSGM_IDX index'); end if; end if; end if; end; / prompt ... finished altering network tables and rebuilding indexes -- Undo any modifications that were made to user objects during the upgrade. -- Drop new tables prompt dropping new tables ... declare network_exists number; begin -- see if RDF Network is present in DB SELECT count(*) INTO network_exists FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE table_name='RDF_VALUE$' AND owner='MDSYS'; if (network_exists > 0) then if (not(mdsys.sdo_sem_downgrade_utl.data_112NG_exists(0))) then -------- STATS_TABLES ------ begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' DROP TABLE MDSYS.RDF_PRED_STATS$ '; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: rdf_pred_stats$: '||SQLERRM); end; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' DROP TABLE MDSYS.RDF_TERM_STATS$ '; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT(SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.TRACE_FILE, 'SEM_INSTALL: seme112: rdf_term_stats$: '||SQLERRM); end; end if; end if; end; / prompt ...finished dropping new tables alter session set current_schema=SYS;