Rem Rem $Header: sdowfscs.sql 16-nov-2007.11:01:26 rchatter Exp $ Rem Rem sdowfscs.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sdowfscs.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rchatter 03/28/06 - Created Rem SELECT 'Spatial WFS ...' "Msg" FROM DUAL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alter session set current_schema=mdsys; declare stmt VARCHAR2(10000); rec_count NUMBER; begin select count(*) into rec_count from ALL_TYPES where owner = 'MDSYS' and type_name = 'STRINGLIST'; if(rec_count = 0) then stmt := ' create or replace type mdsys.StringList is varray(1000000) of varchar2(4000)'; execute immediate stmt; end if; end; / grant execute on mdsys.StringList to public; declare stmt VARCHAR2(10000); rec_count NUMBER; begin select count(*) into rec_count from ALL_TYPES where owner = 'MDSYS' and type_name = 'STRINGLISTLIST'; if(rec_count = 0) then stmt := ' create or replace type mdsys.StringListList as varray(1000000) OF StringList'; execute immediate stmt; end if; end; / grant execute on mdsys.StringListList to public; declare stmt VARCHAR2(10000); rec_count NUMBER; begin select count(*) into rec_count from ALL_TYPES where owner = 'MDSYS' and type_name = 'ROWPOINTERLIST'; if(rec_count = 0) then stmt := ' create or replace type mdsys.RowPointerList is table of varchar2(4000)'; execute immediate stmt; end if; end; / grant execute on mdsys.RowPointerList to public; declare stmt VARCHAR2(10000); rec_count NUMBER; begin select count(*) into rec_count from ALL_TYPES where owner = 'MDSYS' and type_name = 'WFSCOMPLEXTYPE'; if(rec_count = 0) then stmt := ' create or replace type mdsys.WfscomplexType as object ( ns varchar2(30), name varchar2(30))'; execute immediate stmt; end if; end; / grant execute on mdsys.WfscomplexType to public; declare stmt VARCHAR2(10000); rec_count NUMBER; begin select count(*) into rec_count from ALL_TYPES where owner = 'MDSYS' and type_name = 'SDO_GEOM_PATH_ELEM'; if(rec_count = 0) then stmt := ' create or replace type mdsys.sdo_geom_path_elem as object ( path mdsys.StringList, geom mdsys.sdo_geometry, arrIndex number )'; execute immediate stmt; end if; end; / grant execute on mdsys.sdo_geom_path_elem to public; declare stmt VARCHAR2(10000); rec_count NUMBER; begin select count(*) into rec_count from ALL_TYPES where owner = 'MDSYS' and type_name = 'SDO_GEOM_PATH_INFO'; if(rec_count = 0) then stmt := ' create or replace type mdsys.sdo_geom_path_info as table of mdsys.sdo_geom_path_elem'; execute immediate stmt; end if; end; / grant execute on mdsys.sdo_geom_path_info to public; declare stmt VARCHAR2(10000); rec_count NUMBER; begin select count(*) into rec_count from ALL_TYPES where owner = 'MDSYS' and type_name = 'SDO_GEOM_PATH_INFO_ELEM'; if(rec_count = 0) then stmt := ' create or replace type mdsys.sdo_geom_path_info_elem as object (pathInfo mdsys.sdo_geom_path_info, pkcol varchar2(4000), tableName varchar2(61))'; execute immediate stmt; end if; end; / grant execute on mdsys.sdo_geom_path_info_elem to public; declare stmt VARCHAR2(10000); rec_count NUMBER; begin select count(*) into rec_count from ALL_TYPES where owner = 'MDSYS' and type_name = 'SDO_GEOM_PATH_INFO_LIST'; if(rec_count = 0) then stmt := ' create or replace type mdsys.sdo_geom_path_info_list as table of mdsys.sdo_geom_path_info_elem'; execute immediate stmt; end if; end; / grant execute on mdsys.sdo_geom_path_info_list to public; declare stmt VARCHAR2(10000); rec_count NUMBER; begin select count(*) into rec_count from ALL_TYPES where owner = 'MDSYS' and type_name = 'SDONUMLIST'; if(rec_count = 0) then stmt := ' create or replace type mdsys.SDONUMLIST is table of number'; execute immediate stmt; end if; end; / grant execute on mdsys.SDONUMLIST to public; alter session set current_schema=SYS; @@sdowfspv.sql alter session set current_schema=MDSYS; @@sdowfsmd.sql @@sdowsph.sql @@sdowspr.plb @@sdowfsph.sql @@sdowfspr.plb @@sdowfslh.sql @@sdowfslk.plb alter package SDO_WFS_PROCESS compile body; show errors; alter package SDO_WFS_LOCK compile body; show errors; select ' Spatial CSW ...' "Msg" FROM DUAL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alter session set current_schema=SYS; @@sdocswpv.sql alter session set current_schema=MDSYS; @@sdocswmd.sql @@sdocswph.sql @@sdocswpr.plb select ' Spatial WFS, CSW Install Finished...' "Msg" FROM DUAL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------