Rem Rem $Header: sdo/admin/sdordfsa_rm.sql /st_sdo_11.2.0/2 2011/04/29 12:19:52 sdas Exp $ Rem Rem sdordfsa_rm.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sdordfsa_rm.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem sdas 11/22/10 - XbranchMerge sdas_ng_11. from Rem st_sdo_11.2.0 Rem sdas 11/22/10 - XbranchMerge sdas_ng_11. from Rem matperry 08/26/10 - drop sem_rdfsa_const and sem_rdfsa_const_internal Rem packages Rem vkolovsk 07/29/10 - XbranchMerge Rem vkolovsk_rdf_ols_set_triple_label_11. from Rem st_sdo_11.2.0 Rem vkolovsk 05/12/10 - drop the sem_ols packages as well Rem matperry 05/26/09 - remove WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT Rem matperry 05/12/09 - remove connect as sysdba Rem ayalaman 01/28/09 - dml vpd policy for RDF Rem sdas 07/28/08 - RDF OLS Rem sdas 07/28/08 - Created Rem --WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; declare hasplcy number; begin select count(*) into hasplcy from dba_policies where object_owner = 'MDSYS' and object_name in ('RDF_LINK$','RDF_SECVALUE$'); if (hasplcy > 0) then raise_application_error(-20000, 'RDF-OLS policy in use : '|| 'Remove OLS policy before uninstalling RDF-OLS support'); end if; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select count(*) from mdsys.RDFVPD_POLICIES$' into hasplcy; if (hasplcy > 0) then raise_application_error(-20000, 'RDF-VPD policy exists : '|| 'Drop all VPD policies before uninstalling RDF-VPD support '); end if; exception when others then null; end; end; / WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; alter session set current_schema = MDSYS; declare dumvr VARCHAR2(20); begin begin select value into dumvr from mdsys.rdf_parameter where namespace = 'COMPONENT' and attribute = 'RDFOLS'; if (dumvr = 'ENABLED') then execute immediate 'begin mdsys.sem_rdfsa_dr.drop_secureaccess_objs(''TRUE''); end;'; end if; exception when others then null; end; begin select value into dumvr from mdsys.rdf_parameter where namespace = 'COMPONENT' and attribute = 'RDFVPD'; if (dumvr = 'ENABLED') then execute immediate 'begin mdsys.sem_rdfsa_dr.cleanup_vpd_objects; end;'; end if; exception when others then null; end; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop package mdsys.sem_ols'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop public synonym sem_ols'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop package mdsys.sem_ols_dr'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop package mdsys.sem_rdfsa'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop public synonym sem_rdfsa'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop package mdsys.sem_rdfsa_dr'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop package mdsys.sem_rdfsa_priv'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop package mdsys.rdf$lbaclab'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop package mdsys.sem_rdfsa_const'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop package mdsys.sem_rdfsa_const_internal'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop type mdsys.rdf$domsalabel'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop function mdsys.RDFSA_DOMLBL'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop procedure mdsys.RDF$GRANT_OLS_PRIVS'; exception when others then null; end; / -- Dummy type implementation: actual type body will be installed when OLS -- is enabled for RDF using sdordfsa.sql create or replace type body mdsys.rdfsa_resource as constructor function rdfsa_resource (res_id VARCHAR2, res_type number) return self as result is begin null; end; constructor function rdfsa_resource (res_id VARCHAR2, res_type number, res_label number) return self as result is begin null; end; constructor function rdfsa_resource (res_id VARCHAR2, res_type number, res_labels mdsys.int_array) return self as result is begin null; end; member function getResource return VARCHAR2 is begin null; end; member function getLabelCount return number is begin null; end; member function getLabel(idx number default 1) return number is begin null; end; end; / show errors; -- dummy implementation for label gen -- create or replace type body mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen is final member procedure setDepResources(useres number) is begin null; end; final static function findDominatingOf(labels MDSYS.INT_ARRAY) return number is begin null; end; member function getNumericLabel (subject rdfsa_resource, predicate rdfsa_resource, object rdfsa_resource, rule rdfsa_resource, anteced rdfsa_resource) return number is begin null; end; end; / create or replace package body sem_rdfsa_ir as procedure create_entailment ( index_name_in VARCHAR2, models_in RDF_MODELS, rulebases_in RDF_RULEBASES, passes NUMBER default 0, inf_components_in VARCHAR2 default null, options VARCHAR2 default null, delta_in mdsys.rdf_models default null, label_gen RDFSA_LABELGEN default null) is begin -- actual implementation loaded with RDFSA install -- MDERR.RAISE_MD_ERROR('MD','SDO',-13199, 'RDF Secure Access (OLS/VPD) option not installed'); end create_entailment; procedure bulk_load_from_staging_table ( model_name VARCHAR2, table_owner VARCHAR2, table_name VARCHAR2, flags VARCHAR2 default null, debug PLS_INTEGER default null, start_comment IN varchar2 default NULL, end_comment IN varchar2 default NULL) is begin -- actual implementation loaded with RDFSA install -- MDERR.RAISE_MD_ERROR('MD','SDO',-13199, 'RDF Secure Access (OLS/VPD) option not installed'); end bulk_load_from_staging_table; end sem_rdfsa_ir; / show errors; begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'delete from mdsys.rdf_parameter where namespace = :1 and attribute = :2 ' USING 'COMPONENT','RDFOLS'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'delete from mdsys.rdf_parameter where namespace = :1 and attribute = :2 ' USING 'COMPONENT','RDFVPD'; commit; end; / alter session set current_schema = SYS;