Rem Rem $Header: sdo/admin/sdordfsa.sql /st_sdo_11.2.0/2 2011/04/29 12:19:52 sdas Exp $ Rem Rem sdordfsa.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sdordfsa.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem sdas 02/01/11 - SDO version check should look for 11 or higher Rem sdas 11/22/10 - XbranchMerge sdas_ng_11. from Rem st_sdo_11.2.0 Rem sdas 11/22/10 - XbranchMerge sdas_ng_11. from Rem vkolovsk 08/19/10 - refactoring Rem vkolovsk 08/16/10 - add VPD support in triple level OLS Rem vkolovsk 07/29/10 - XbranchMerge Rem vkolovsk_rdf_ols_set_triple_label_11. from Rem st_sdo_11.2.0 Rem vkolovsk 06/03/10 - zhe code review Rem vkolovsk 05/26/10 - add MIN_LABEL query option Rem vkolovsk 05/24/10 - added sem_ols packages (triple level security) Rem vkolovsk 05/12/10 - add an option for TRIPLE_LEVEL_ONLY Rem vkolovsk 05/04/10 - XbranchMerge vkolovsk_rdf_ols_set_triple_label Rem from main Rem matperry 05/26/09 - remove WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT Rem ayalaman 01/28/09 - dml with rdf vpd Rem ayalaman 01/05/09 - capture install status in parameter table Rem ayalaman 12/21/08 - move rdf_resource to sdordfty.sql Rem ayalaman 09/17/08 - vpd for rdf data Rem sdas 07/28/08 - RDF OLS Rem sdas 07/28/08 - Created Rem -- -- Best practices: -- - The meta tags should have sensitivity labels that can only -- be read/written by an Application developer. -- --WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; declare rc NUMBER; version VARCHAR2(100); ver_num NUMBER; begin select count(*) into rc from all_objects where owner = 'MDSYS' and object_name = 'SDO_RDF'; version := dbms_registry.version('SDO'); ver_num := to_number(substr(version,1,instr(version,'.')-1)); if (ver_num < 11 or rc = 0) then raise_application_error(-20000, 'RDF Component not installed:'|| 'RDF Component for 11.1 or above must be installed.'); end if; end; / -- additional privileges to MDSYS -- -- to gather information about policies associated with MDSYS tables -- -- Let the RDFSA package installation go through even if OLS is not -- installed. -- create or replace procedure mdsys.rdf$grant_ols_privs authid current_user is begin execute immediate 'grant select on lbacsys.DBA_SA_TABLE_POLICIES to mdsys'; execute immediate 'grant select on lbacsys.DBA_SA_LABELS to mdsys'; execute immediate 'grant select on lbacsys.DBA_SA_GROUPS to mdsys'; execute immediate 'grant select on lbacsys.DBA_SA_LEVELS to mdsys'; execute immediate 'grant select on lbacsys.DBA_SA_COMPARTMENTS to mdsys'; execute immediate 'grant execute on lbacsys.NUMERIC_DOMINATES to mdsys'; end; / begin if (dbms_registry.version('OLS') = 'VALID') then mdsys.rdf$grant_ols_privs; end if; end; / -- used to prevent application table triple access -- grant execute on dbms_rls to mdsys; -- to get application table names from ids -- grant select on DBA_OBJECTS to mdsys; -- used for system trigger - already granted -- grant administer database trigger to mdsys; grant execute on dbms_scheduler to mdsys; grant create job to mdsys; -- required for inference and bulk load. Specifically MERGE STMT and EXCH PART -- grant exempt access policy to mdsys; alter session set current_schema = MDSYS; --alter session set Plsql_CCFlags = ' Tracing:true'; WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; -- --- Type and Package specifications -- /*****************************************************************************/ /*** Type used for Extensible Label Generator for Inferred data ***/ /*****************************************************************************/ begin execute immediate 'create or replace type rdfsa_resource as object ( res_id VARCHAR2(100), res_type NUMBER, res_labels MDSYS.INT_ARRAY, constructor function rdfsa_resource (res_id VARCHAR2, res_type number) return self as result, constructor function rdfsa_resource (res_id VARCHAR2, res_type number, res_label number) return self as result, constructor function rdfsa_resource (res_id VARCHAR2, res_type number, res_labels mdsys.int_array) return self as result, member function getResource return VARCHAR2, member function getLabelCount return number, member function getLabel(idx number default 1) return number )'; exception when others then if (sqlcode != -2303) then -- may already exist raise; end if; end; / show errors; /*****************************************************************************/ /**** Label generator stub for Extensible implementations ***/ /*** This type can be extended for custom label generators ***/ /*****************************************************************************/ create or replace type mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen authid current_user as object ( gen_option NUMBER, -- --- SETDEPRESOURCES : to set the dependent resources for the label --- generator. Information about these resources will be passed to the --- the getNumericLabel method at runtime --- --- Usage: setDepResources(sem_rdfsa.USE_SUBJECT_LABEL+ --- sem_rdfsa.USE_RULE_LABEL) -- final member procedure setDepResources(useres number), -- --- FINDOMINATINGOF : Find a clear dominating label out of the labels --- passed in. -1 is returned if a clear dominating label is not found -- final static function findDominatingOf(labels MDSYS.INT_ARRAY) return number, -- --- GETNUMERICLABEL : Extensible implementations for this type should --- override this method to return a custom label based on the resources --- passed in. The exact list of resources passed in is dependent on --- options passed to the setDepResource method -- member function getNumericLabel (subject rdfsa_resource, predicate rdfsa_resource, object rdfsa_resource, rule rdfsa_resource, anteced rdfsa_resource) return number ) not final / show errors; grant execute on mdsys.rdfsa_resource to public; create or replace public synonym rdfsa_resource for mdsys.rdfsa_resource; grant execute on mdsys.int_array to public; --grant execute on mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen to public; --grant under on mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen to public; create or replace package sem_rdfsa_const authid current_user is --- secure options passed to APPLY_OLS_POLICY API -- -- SECURE_SUBJECT CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 1; SECURE_PREDICATE CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 2; SECURE_OBJECT CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 4; -- --- Additional options for OLS enable RDF data -- -- -- DEFINE_BEFORE_USE: subject or predicate, when secured should be -- pre-defined with a label (set_resource_label/set_predicate_label) -- before they can be used in a triple - OPT_DEFINE_BEFORE_USE CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 16; -- RELAX_TRIPLE_LABEL: The default behavior is that the Triple's label -- dominates the labels associated with each of its components. -- With this option, a triple label is set to user's initial row -- label and the only check performed at the time of triple insertion -- is that the user has READ access to its components. OPT_RELAX_TRIPLE_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 32; --Added by Vlad TRIPLE_LEVEL_ONLY CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 64; -- --- Resource options for Inference Label Generators -- USE_SUBJECT_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 128; USE_PREDICATE_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 512; USE_OBJECT_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 1024; USE_RULE_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 2048; USE_DOMINATING_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 4096; USE_ANTECED_LABELS CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 8192; CUSTOM_LABELGEN CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 16384; -- --- Predefined label generators for inference. To be used with --- create_entailment API. -- LABELGEN_SUBJECT CONSTANT mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen := mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen(USE_SUBJECT_LABEL); LABELGEN_PREDICATE CONSTANT mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen := mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen(USE_PREDICATE_LABEL); LABELGEN_OBJECT CONSTANT mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen := mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen(USE_OBJECT_LABEL); LABELGEN_RULE CONSTANT mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen := mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen(USE_RULE_LABEL); LABELGEN_DOMINATING CONSTANT mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen := mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen(USE_DOMINATING_LABEL); VPD_FULL_ACCESS CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'RDFVPD$FULLACCESS'; end sem_rdfsa_const; / show errors; /*****************************************************************************/ /*** DBMS_RDFSA : Package for enabling fine-grained security for RDF ***/ /*****************************************************************************/ create or replace package sem_rdfsa authid current_user is -- --- secure options passed to APPLY_OLS_POLICY API -- -- SECURE_SUBJECT CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.SECURE_SUBJECT; SECURE_PREDICATE CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.SECURE_PREDICATE; SECURE_OBJECT CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.SECURE_OBJECT; -- --- Additional options for OLS enable RDF data -- -- -- DEFINE_BEFORE_USE: subject or predicate, when secured should be -- pre-defined with a label (set_resource_label/set_predicate_label) -- before they can be used in a triple - OPT_DEFINE_BEFORE_USE CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.OPT_DEFINE_BEFORE_USE; -- RELAX_TRIPLE_LABEL: The default behavior is that the Triple's label -- dominates the labels associated with each of its components. -- With this option, a triple label is set to user's initial row -- label and the only check performed at the time of triple insertion -- is that the user has READ access to its components. OPT_RELAX_TRIPLE_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.OPT_RELAX_TRIPLE_LABEL; --Added by Vlad TRIPLE_LEVEL_ONLY CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.TRIPLE_LEVEL_ONLY; -- --- Resource options for Inference Label Generators -- USE_SUBJECT_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.USE_SUBJECT_LABEL; USE_PREDICATE_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.USE_PREDICATE_LABEL; USE_OBJECT_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.USE_OBJECT_LABEL; USE_RULE_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.USE_RULE_LABEL; USE_DOMINATING_LABEL CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.USE_DOMINATING_LABEL; USE_ANTECED_LABELS CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.USE_ANTECED_LABELS; CUSTOM_LABELGEN CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := sem_rdfsa_const.CUSTOM_LABELGEN; -- --- Predefined label generators for inference. To be used with --- create_entailment API. -- LABELGEN_SUBJECT CONSTANT mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen := sem_rdfsa_const.LABELGEN_SUBJECT; LABELGEN_PREDICATE CONSTANT mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen := sem_rdfsa_const.LABELGEN_PREDICATE; LABELGEN_OBJECT CONSTANT mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen := sem_rdfsa_const.LABELGEN_OBJECT; LABELGEN_RULE CONSTANT mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen := sem_rdfsa_const.LABELGEN_RULE; LABELGEN_DOMINATING CONSTANT mdsys.rdfsa_labelgen := sem_rdfsa_const.LABELGEN_DOMINATING; VPD_FULL_ACCESS CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := sem_rdfsa_const.VPD_FULL_ACCESS; -- --- APPLY_OLS_POLICY : Apply OLS policy for RDF data. --- See SA_POLICY_ADMIN.APPLY_TABLE_POLICY for details. -- procedure apply_ols_policy ( policy_name VARCHAR2, rdfsa_options NUMBER default sem_rdfsa_const.SECURE_SUBJECT, table_options VARCHAR2 default 'ALL_CONTROL', label_function VARCHAR2 default null, predicate VARCHAR2 default null); -- --- REMOVE_OLS_POLICY : Remove the OLS policy for RDF data --- Only a security administrator can execute this command. -- procedure remove_ols_policy; -- --- DISABLE_OLS_POLICY : Disable OLS policy for RDF data. --- set_resource_label/set_predicate_label can still be used to set labels --- for specific tags. --- Only a security administrator can execute this command. -- procedure disable_ols_policy; -- --- ENABLE_OLS_POLICY : Enable OLS policy after disabling. --- Only a security administrator can execute this command. -- procedure enable_ols_policy; -- --- RESET_MODEL_LABELS : Reset the labels for all triples in a model. --- Only the user with FULL access on the OLS policy can execute this --- command. The model must be empty (of triples) for this operation --- to succeed. -- procedure reset_model_labels ( model_name VARCHAR2); -- --- SET_RESOURCE_LABEL : Set a label for a resource (URI) which may --- be used as a Subject or an Object. The resource position is --- defaulted to 'S' (Subject) and 'S,O' may be specified to secure --- the resource in the Object position as well. --- Model Name RDF$GLOBAL can be used to set the label for a resource --- across models. -- procedure set_resource_label ( model_name VARCHAR2, resource_uri VARCHAR2, label_string VARCHAR2, resource_pos VARCHAR2 default 'S'); -- --- SET_PREDICATE_LABEL : Set a label for predicate in a specific --- model or across all models (RDF$GLOBAL) in the instance. --- procedure set_predicate_label ( model_name VARCHAR2, predicate VARCHAR2, label_string VARCHAR2); --- SET_RDFS_LABEL : The RDFS Vocabulary elements such as Class, --- subPropertyOf, may be assigned a specfic label to restrict --- the users from creating new classes and properties. The --- inference override label is used by the label generator to --- determine the appropriate labels for the inferred triples. --- procedure set_rdfs_label ( label_string VARCHAR2, inf_override VARCHAR2 default null); -- --- SET_RULE_LABEL : Set label for rule. The rule's label --- can be used as the default label for the triples inferred --- by this rule. (PARTIAL SUPPORT with RDFs rules and no --- support for User defined rules) -- procedure set_rule_label ( rule_base VARCHAR2, rule_name VARCHAR2, label_string VARCHAR2); -- VPD interfaces --- -- The VPD policy will be implicitly created in the current -- schema. An RDF VPD policy may be used to enforce constraints -- on one or more RDF models. procedure create_vpd_policy ( policy_name VARCHAR2, namespace_map RDF_ALIASES default null, policy_context VARCHAR2 default null); -- Drop the VPD policy defined in the current schema. -- procedure drop_vpd_policy ( policy_name VARCHAR2); -- Apply a VPD policy to a model -- procedure apply_vpd_policy ( policy_name VARCHAR2, model_name VARCHAR2, oper_type VARCHAR2 default 'ALL'); -- Remove the VPD policy from a model -- procedure remove_vpd_policy ( policy_name VARCHAR2, model_name VARCHAR2); -- Maintain the VPD metadata in the form of RDF scehma statements -- associated with policy. Only a fixed set of predicate types are -- recognized and accepted by the VPD metadata. procedure maint_vpd_metadata ( policy_name VARCHAR2, t_subject VARCHAR2, t_predicate VARCHAR2, t_object VARCHAR2, action VARCHAR2 default 'ADD'); -- Add a constraint to the VPD policy -- procedure add_vpd_constraint ( policy_name VARCHAR2, constr_name VARCHAR2, match_pattern VARCHAR2, apply_pattern VARCHAR2, constr_group VARCHAR2 default null); -- Delete a constraint from the VPD policy -- procedure delete_vpd_constraint ( policy_name VARCHAR2, constr_name VARCHAR2); end; / show errors; /*****************************************************************************/ /*** DBMS_RDFSA : Package for enabling fine-grained security for RDF ***/ /*****************************************************************************/ create or replace package sem_ols authid current_user is MIN_QUERY_LABEL CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'MIN_QUERY_LABEL'; INTERIM_BREAK_UP_FCN_NAME CONSTANT varchar2(32767) := 'ORACLE_ORARDF_BREAK_UP_TRIPLE'; procedure remove_policy_from_app_tab( policy_name varchar2, schema_name varchar2, table_name varchar2, check_model boolean default true); procedure apply_policy_to_app_tab( policy_name varchar2, schema_name varchar2, table_name varchar2, predicate varchar2 default null); -- Note: this functionality is exposed in the SEM_MATCH query itself procedure set_min_label_for_query(label_name varchar2); function get_min_label_for_query return varchar2; --- Additional options for OLS enable RDF data -- -- -- --- APPLY_OLS_POLICY : Apply OLS policy for RDF data. --- See SA_POLICY_ADMIN.APPLY_TABLE_POLICY for details. -- procedure apply_ols_policy ( policy_name VARCHAR2, rdfsa_options NUMBER, table_options VARCHAR2 default 'ALL_CONTROL', predicate VARCHAR2 default null); -- --- REMOVE_OLS_POLICY : Remove the OLS policy for RDF data --- Only a security administrator can execute this command. -- procedure remove_ols_policy; -- --- DISABLE_OLS_POLICY : Disable OLS policy for RDF data. --- set_resource_label/set_predicate_label can still be used to set labels --- for specific tags. --- Only a security administrator can execute this command. -- procedure disable_ols_policy; -- --- ENABLE_OLS_POLICY : Enable OLS policy after disabling. --- Only a security administrator can execute this command. -- procedure enable_ols_policy; end; / show errors; create or replace public synonym sem_ols for mdsys.sem_ols; create or replace public synonym sem_rdfsa for mdsys.sem_rdfsa; @@pvtrdfsa.plb begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into mdsys.rdf_parameter(namespace, attribute, value, description) values (:1,:2,:3,:4)' USING 'COMPONENT','RDFOLS','INSTALLED', 'RDF Optional component for OLS support'; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into mdsys.rdf_parameter(namespace, attribute, value, description) values (:1,:2,:3,:4)' USING 'COMPONENT','RDFVPD','INSTALLED', 'RDF Optional component for VPD support'; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / commit;