Rem Rem $Header: sdo/admin/sdogru.sql /st_sdo_11.2.0/2 2010/06/14 10:30:35 zzhang Exp $ Rem Rem sdogru.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sdogru.sql - GeoRaster Utility Package Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem GeoRaster trigger functions and maintenance tools Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem wexu 07/23/08 - bug 7197832 - revoke exec priv during upgrade Rem bgouslin 01/07/07 - New version to fix Windoze format issue caused by Rem some ADE bug Rem zzhang 04/18/06 - move functions to sdo_geor_admin package Rem zzhang 02/03/06 - add new functions Rem wexu 05/19/05 - renameRDT changed Rem wexu 07/12/04 - bug 3703288 Rem wexu 06/19/03 - remove createDDLTrigger Rem wexu 06/18/03 - split createTriggers Rem wexu 06/06/03 - add createTriggers Rem qxie 06/06/03 - edits Rem qxie 11/15/02 - DML and DDL trigger funcs Rem qxie 11/15/02 - Created Rem Rem ******************************************************************** Rem This package must not be modified by the customer. Doing so Rem could cause internal errors. Rem ******************************************************************** -- bug 7197832: revoke public execute privilege with grant option -- this is necessary for upgrade cases BEGIN BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'REVOKE EXECUTE ON MDSYS.SDO_GEOR_UTL FROM PUBLIC'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'REVOKE EXECUTE ON SDO_GEOR_UTL FROM PUBLIC'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE MDSYS.SDO_GEOR_UTL AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- procedure to create DML triggers on a georaster table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE createDMLTrigger ( tableName varchar2, columnName varchar2 ); -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME -- renameRDT -- -- DESCRIPTION -- This routine renames raster data table(s) owned by the current user. -- It will update all related GeoRaster objects and GeoRaster system -- data coorespondingly. -- -- ARGUMENTS -- oldRDTs - name(s) of existing raster data table(s) to be renamed -- newRDTs - name(s) of new raster data table(s) -- -- NOTES -- -- This routine renames RDTs owned by the current user. -- -- The RDT names in the strings are seperated with ','. -- If an oldRDT does not appear in the GeoRaster sysdata, it is ignored. -- If a newRDT is not unique in the GeoRaster sysdata, ORA-13403 is raised. -- If a newRDT is NULL, a unique RDT name is automatically generated. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE renameRDT ( oldRDTs VARCHAR2, newRDTs VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ); -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME -- makeRDTnamesUnique -- -- DESCRIPTION -- This routine resolves conflicting raster data table names by -- automatically renaming some of them so that all raster data tables -- are uniquely named afterwards. -- -- ARGUMENTS -- None. -- -- NOTES -- This routine is part of the fix for bug 3703288. In addition to applying -- the necessary patchset that fixes this bug, an Oracle database of -- version or needs to run this routine to resolve -- potential RDT name conflicts. User may choose to run the above -- renameRDT() to explicitly rename existing RDTs before run this -- routine. -- -- This routine should be run while connected as a user with the DBA role. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE makeRDTnamesUnique; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME -- calcRasterNominalSize -- -- DESCRIPTION -- This routine calculates the total length of the raster blocks of -- a GeoRaster object as if it is uncompressed and not sparse. -- -- ARGUMENTS -- geor - the GeoRaster object -- padding - indicates whether to consider padding in the blocks -- pyramid - indicates whether to consider pyramids -- bitmapMask - indicates whether to consider associated bitmap masks -- -- NOTES -- All the argument are case insensitive. -- The result is in bytes. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION calcRasterNominalSize ( geor IN SDO_GEORASTER, padding IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TRUE', pyramid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TRUE', bitmapMask IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TRUE' ) RETURN NUMBER DETERMINISTIC PARALLEL_ENABLE; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME -- calcRasterStorageSize -- DESCRIPTION -- This routine calculates the actual length of the raster blocks of -- a GeoRaster object. -- -- ARGUMENTS -- geor - the GeoRaster object -- -- NOTES -- The result is in bytes. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION calcRasterStorageSize ( geor IN SDO_GEORASTER ) RETURN NUMBER DETERMINISTIC PARALLEL_ENABLE; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME -- calcOptimizedBlockSize -- DESCRIPTION -- This routine calculates the optimized blockSize based on dimensionSize and-- user input seed blockSize. -- -- ARGUMENTS -- dimensionSize - dimension size array, whose length must be 3. -- blockSize - block size array, whose length must be 3. -- pyramidLevel - pyramid level, default value is 0. -- -- NOTES -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE calcOptimizedBlockSize ( dimensionSize IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, blockSize IN OUT MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, pyramidLevel IN number default 0 ); END SDO_GEOR_UTL; / show errors;