Rem Rem $Header: sdoe101.sql 26-jun-2007.07:12:55 sravada Exp $ Rem Rem sdoe101.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sdoe101.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem sravada 06/24/07 - downgrade sdo_topo_geom for issue Rem bgouslin 01/07/07 - New version to fix Windoze format issue caused Rem by some ADE bug Rem sravada 02/22/06 - move some drops in here from sdoeoper.sql Rem rkothuri 01/30/06 - drop sdo_statistics force Rem bgouslin 01/17/06 - changes for demos to demo move Rem zzhang 11/18/05 - include sdoe102.sql Rem rkothuri 05/31/05 - fix lrgs 1860316 Rem geadon 05/26/05 - Drop sdo_drop_user_before trigger Rem geadon 05/23/05 - lrg 1858395: fix sdo_rdf downgrade Rem nalexand 05/23/05 - add sdo_rdf_internal package Rem rkothuri 05/10/05 - drop current_user_sdo_index_metadata Rem geadon 04/28/05 - drop SDO_RDF_MATCH synonym Rem geadon 04/27/05 - rename RDF_APIS to SDO_RDF_INFERENCE Rem sravada 04/04/05 - remove RDF stuff Rem sravada 03/14/05 - lrg 1835517 Rem sravada 12/06/04 - Rem sravada 11/10/04 - remove OGIS triggers Rem sravada 10/21/04 - bug 3936644 Rem sravada 09/20/04 - remove epsg tables on downgrade Rem sravada 08/30/04 - add downgrade steps Rem sravada 05/20/04 - sravada_fix_install Rem sravada 05/19/04 - Created Rem @@sdoe102.sql ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = MDSYS; EXECUTE dbms_registry.downgrading('SDO'); declare begin begin execute immediate ' alter type SDO_Topo_Geometry ' || 'drop member function Get_TGL_Objects ' || ' return SDO_TGL_OBJECT_ARRAY DETERMINISTIC CASCADE '; exception when others then return; end; end; / drop public synonym PolygonFromText; drop FUNCTION OGC_PolygonFromText; drop public synonym LineStringFromText; drop FUNCTION OGC_LineStringFromText; drop public synonym MultiPolygonFromText; drop FUNCTION OGC_MultiPolygonFromText; drop public synonym MultiLineStringFromText; drop FUNCTION OGC_MultiLineStringFromText; drop public synonym PointFromText; drop FUNCTION OGC_PointFromText; drop public synonym PolygonFromWKB; drop FUNCTION OGC_PolygonFromWKB; drop public synonym LineStringFromWKB; drop FUNCTION OGC_LineStringFromWKB; drop public synonym MultiPolygonFromWKB; drop FUNCTION OGC_MultiPolygonFromWKB; drop public synonym MultiLineStringFromWKB; drop FUNCTION OGC_MultiLineStringFromWKB; drop public synonym PointFromWKB; drop FUNCTION OGC_PointFromWKB; drop public synonym Dimension; drop FUNCTION OGC_Dimension; drop public synonym AsText; drop FUNCTION OGC_AsText; drop public synonym AsBinary; drop FUNCTION OGC_AsBinary; drop public synonym SRID; drop FUNCTION OGC_SRID; drop public synonym X; drop public synonym OGC_X; drop FUNCTION OGC_X; drop public synonym Y; drop public synonym OGC_Y; drop FUNCTION OGC_Y; drop public synonym NumInteriorRings; drop FUNCTION OGC_NumInteriorRings; drop public synonym InteriorRingN; drop FUNCTION OGC_InteriorRingN; drop public synonym ExteriorRing; drop FUNCTION OGC_ExteriorRing; drop public synonym NumGeometries; drop FUNCTION OGC_NumGeometries; drop public synonym GeometryN; drop FUNCTION OGC_GeometryN; drop public synonym Disjoint; drop FUNCTION OGC_Disjoint; drop public synonym Touch; drop FUNCTION OGC_Touch; drop public synonym Within; drop FUNCTION OGC_Within; drop public synonym Overlap; drop FUNCTION OGC_Overlap; drop public synonym Ogc_Contains; drop FUNCTION OGC_Contains; drop public synonym Intersection; drop FUNCTION OGC_Intersection; drop public synonym Difference; drop FUNCTION OGC_Difference; drop public synonym Ogc_Union; drop FUNCTION OGC_Union; drop public synonym ConvexHull; drop FUNCTION OGC_ConvexHull; drop public synonym Centroid; drop FUNCTION OGC_Centroid; drop public synonym GeometryType; drop FUNCTION OGC_GeometryType; drop public synonym StartPoint; drop FUNCTION OGC_StartPoint; drop public synonym EndPoint; drop FUNCTION OGC_EndPoint; drop public synonym Boundary; drop FUNCTION OGC_Boundary; drop public synonym Envelope; drop FUNCTION OGC_Envelope; drop public synonym IsEmpty; drop FUNCTION OGC_IsEmpty; drop public synonym NumPoints; drop FUNCTION OGC_NumPoints; drop public synonym PointN; drop FUNCTION OGC_PointN; drop public synonym IsClosed; drop FUNCTION OGC_IsClosed; drop public synonym PointOnSurface; drop FUNCTION OGC_PointOnSurface; drop public synonym Area; drop FUNCTION OGC_Area; drop public synonym Buffer; drop FUNCTION OGC_Buffer; drop public synonym Equals; drop FUNCTION OGC_Equals; drop public synonym SymmetricDifference; drop FUNCTION OGC_SymmetricDifference; drop public synonym Distance; drop FUNCTION OGC_Distance; drop public synonym OGC_Length; drop FUNCTION OGC_Length; drop public synonym IsSimple; drop FUNCTION OGC_IsSimple; drop public synonym IsRing; drop FUNCTION OGC_IsRing; drop public synonym Intersects; drop FUNCTION OGC_Intersects; drop public synonym Cross; drop FUNCTION OGC_Cross; drop public synonym Relate; drop FUNCTION OGC_Relate; DROP TYPE ST_MultiPolygon; DROP TYPE ST_POLYGON_ARRAY; DROP TYPE ST_POLYGON; DROP TYPE ST_MULTILINESTRING; DROP TYPE ST_LINESTRING_ARRAY; DROP TYPE ST_LINESTRING; DROP TYPE ST_MULTIPOINT; DROP TYPE ST_CIRCULARSTRING; DROP TYPE ST_CURVEPOLYGON; DROP TYPE ST_COMPOUNDCURVE; DROP TYPE ST_MULTICURVE; DROP TYPE ST_CURVE_ARRAY; DROP TYPE ST_CURVE; DROP TYPE ST_Point_Array; DROP TYPE ST_MULTISURFACE; DROP TYPE ST_SURFACE_ARRAY; DROP TYPE ST_SURFACE; DROP TYPE ST_Point; DROP TYPE ST_DOUBLE_PRECISION_ARRAY; DROP TYPE ST_GEOMCOLLECTION; DROP TYPE ST_GEOMETRY_ARRAY; DROP TYPE ST_GEOMETRY; drop type body SDO_GEOMETRY ; declare begin begin execute immediate ' PURGE TABLESPACE SYSTEM USER MDSYS '; execute immediate ' PURGE TABLESPACE SYSAUX USER MDSYS '; exception when others then NULL; end; end; / ALTER TYPE SDO_GEOMETRY DROP MEMBER FUNCTION GET_WKB RETURN BLOB DETERMINISTIC, DROP MEMBER FUNCTION GET_WKT RETURN CLOB DETERMINISTIC, DROP MEMBER FUNCTION ST_CoordDim RETURN SMALLINT DETERMINISTIC, DROP MEMBER FUNCTION ST_IsValid RETURN INTEGER DETERMINISTIC, DROP CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION SDO_GEOMETRY(wkt IN CLOB, srid IN INTEGER DEFAULT NULL) RETURN SELF AS RESULT, DROP CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION SDO_GEOMETRY(wkt IN VARCHAR2, srid IN INTEGER DEFAULT NULL) RETURN SELF AS RESULT, DROP CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION SDO_GEOMETRY(wkb IN BLOB, srid IN INTEGER DEFAULT NULL) RETURN SELF AS RESULT CASCADE; drop table MDSYS.SDO_PROJECTIONS_OLD_SNAPSHOT; drop table MDSYS.SDO_ELLIPSOIDS_OLD_SNAPSHOT; drop table MDSYS.SDO_DATUMS_OLD_SNAPSHOT; drop table MDSYS.SDO_CS_SRS; drop table MDSYS.SDO_COORD_OP_PARAM_VALS; drop table MDSYS.SDO_COORD_OP_PARAM_USE; drop table MDSYS.SDO_COORD_OP_PARAMS; drop table MDSYS.SDO_COORD_OP_PATHS; drop table MDSYS.SDO_PREFERRED_OPS_USER; drop table MDSYS.SDO_PREFERRED_OPS_SYSTEM; drop table MDSYS.SDO_coord_axes; drop table MDSYS.SDO_coord_axis_names; ALTER TABLE MDSYS.SDO_UNITS_OF_MEASURE DROP CONSTRAINT ELLIPSOID_FOREIGN_LEGACY ; ALTER TABLE MDSYS.SDO_UNITS_OF_MEASURE DROP CONSTRAINT UNIT_OF_MEASURE_FOREIGN_UOM; ALTER TABLE MDSYS.SDO_PRIME_MERIDIANS DROP CONSTRAINT PRIME_MERIDIAN_FOREIGN_UOM ; ALTER TABLE MDSYS.SDO_DATUMS DROP CONSTRAINT DATUM_FOREIGN_ELLIPSOID ; ALTER TABLE MDSYS.SDO_DATUMS DROP CONSTRAINT DATUM_FOREIGN_MERIDIAN; ALTER TABLE MDSYS.SDO_COORD_REF_SYS DROP CONSTRAINT COORD_REF_SYS_FOREIGN_CS; ALTER TABLE MDSYS.SDO_COORD_REF_SYS DROP CONSTRAINT COORD_REF_SYS_FOREIGN_DATUM; ALTER TABLE MDSYS.SDO_COORD_OPS DROP CONSTRAINT COORD_OPERATION_FOREIGN_SOURCE ; ALTER TABLE MDSYS.SDO_COORD_OPS DROP CONSTRAINT COORD_OPERATION_FOREIGN_TARGET ; ALTER TABLE MDSYS.SDO_COORD_OPS DROP CONSTRAINT COORD_OPERATION_FOREIGN_METHOD; drop table MDSYS.SDO_ELLIPSOIDS; drop table MDSYS.SDO_DATUMS; drop table MDSYS.SDO_UNITS_OF_MEASURE ; drop table MDSYS.SDO_PRIME_MERIDIANS; drop table MDSYS.SDO_COORD_SYS; drop table MDSYS.SDO_COORD_REF_SYS; drop table MDSYS.SDO_COORD_OP_METHODS; drop table MDSYS.SDO_COORD_OPS; drop view MDSYS.MY_SDO_INDEX_METADATA; drop view MDSYS.SDO_AVAILABLE_NON_ELEM_OPS; drop view MDSYS.SDO_AVAILABLE_ELEM_OPS; drop view MDSYS.SDO_AVAILABLE_OPS; drop view MDSYS.CS_SRS; drop view MDSYS.SDO_ANGLE_UNITS; drop view MDSYS.SDO_AREA_UNITS; drop view MDSYS.SDO_DIST_UNITS; drop view MDSYS.SDO_ELLIPSOIDS_OLD_FORMAT; drop view MDSYS.SDO_PROJECTIONS_OLD_FORMAT; drop view MDSYS.SDO_DATUMS_OLD_FORMAT; drop view MDSYS.SDO_COORD_REF_SYSTEM; drop view MDSYS.SDO_DATUM_ENGINEERING; drop view MDSYS.SDO_DATUM_GEODETIC; drop view MDSYS.SDO_DATUM_VERTICAL; drop view MDSYS.SDO_CRS_COMPOUND; drop view MDSYS.SDO_CRS_ENGINEERING; drop view MDSYS.SDO_CRS_GEOCENTRIC; drop view MDSYS.SDO_CRS_GEOGRAPHIC2D; drop view MDSYS.SDO_CRS_GEOGRAPHIC3D; drop view MDSYS.SDO_CRS_PROJECTED; drop view MDSYS.SDO_CRS_VERTICAL; drop view MDSYS.GEODETIC_SRIDS; declare begin begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_COMPOUNDCURVE '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_CIRCULARSTRING '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_MultiPolygon '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_MULTILINESTRING '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_MULTISURFACE '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_MULTICURVE '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_MULTIPOINT '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_GEOMCOLLECTION '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_POLYGON_ARRAY '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_POLYGON '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_LINESTRING_ARRAY '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_LINESTRING '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_CURVEPOLYGON '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_SURFACE_ARRAY '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_SURFACE '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_CURVE_ARRAY '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_CURVE '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_Point_Array '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_Point '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_DOUBLE_PRECISION_ARRAY '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_GEOMETRY_ARRAY '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type ST_GEOMETRY '; exception when others then NULL; end; end; / declare begin begin execute immediate 'alter type sdo_index_method_10i ' || ' drop STATIC FUNCTION execute_index_ptn_drop(ia in SYS.ODCIIndexInfo) '|| ' RETURN number '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate 'alter type sdo_index_method_10i ' || ' drop STATIC FUNCTION index_update (ia sys.odciindexinfo, rid varchar2, '|| ' oldval mdsys.sdo_geometry, newval mdsys.sdo_geometry, ' || ' env sys.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate 'alter type sdo_index_method_10i ' || ' drop STATIC FUNCTION insert_delete(ia sys.odciindexinfo, rid varchar2,' || ' val mdsys.sdo_geometry, upd_type varchar2, env sys.ODCIEnv) ' || ' RETURN number '; exception when others then NULL; end; end; / -- first delete all the GML related schemas declare usr varchar2(30); url varchar2(200); loc clob; cnt number; begin usr := 'MDSYS'; url := ''; execute immediate 'SELECT count(*) FROM dba_xml_schemas WHERE owner=:1 AND schema_url=:2' into cnt using usr, url; if cnt <> 0 then dbms_xmlschema.deleteSchema(url, dbms_xmlschema.DELETE_CASCADE); end if; url := ''; execute immediate 'SELECT count(*) FROM dba_xml_schemas WHERE owner=:1 AND schema_url=:2' into cnt using usr, url; if cnt <> 0 then dbms_xmlschema.deleteSchema(url, dbms_xmlschema.DELETE_CASCADE); end if; url := ''; execute immediate 'SELECT count(*) FROM dba_xml_schemas WHERE owner=:1 AND schema_url=:2' into cnt using usr, url; if cnt <> 0 then dbms_xmlschema.deleteSchema(url, dbms_xmlschema.DELETE_CASCADE); end if; url := ''; execute immediate 'SELECT count(*) FROM dba_xml_schemas WHERE owner=:1 AND schema_url=:2' into cnt using usr, url; if cnt <> 0 then dbms_xmlschema.deleteSchema(url, dbms_xmlschema.DELETE_CASCADE); end if; end; / declare begin begin execute immediate ' drop public synonym SDO_XML_SCHEMAS'; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop table SDO_XML_SCHEMAS '; exception when others then NULL; end; end; / declare begin begin DELETE FROM SDO_GEOR_XMLSCHEMA_TABLE WHERE id=1; exception when others then NULL; end; end; / declare begin begin execute immediate 'drop trigger MDSYS.OGIS_CRS_INSERT_TRIGGER '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate 'drop trigger MDSYS.OGIS_CRS_DELETE_TRIGGER '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate 'drop table MDSYS.OGIS_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate 'drop table MDSYS.OGIS_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS '; exception when others then NULL; end; end; / declare begin begin execute immediate 'drop package MDSYS.sdo_geor_lizardtech '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate 'drop library MDSYS.sdo_geor_lizardtech_lib '; exception when others then NULL; end; end; / declare begin begin execute immediate ' drop package MDSYS.sdo_net_mem '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop public synonym sdo_net_mem '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type MDSYS.sdo_link_i '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type MDSYS.sdo_network_i '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type MDSYS.sdo_network_manager_i '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type MDSYS.sdo_node_i '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type MDSYS.sdo_path_i '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type MDSYS.sdo_network_t '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop PUBLIC SYNONYM sdo_network_t '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type MDSYS.sdo_statistics'; exception when others then NULL; end; end; / declare begin begin execute immediate ' drop type tfm_plan '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop PUBLIC SYNONYM tfm_plan '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop trigger SDO_CRS_INSERT_TRIGGER '; exception when others then NULL; end; end; / -- RDF section declare begin begin execute immediate ' drop public synonym sdo_rdf_triple_s '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate 'drop public synonym sdo_rdf_triple '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate 'drop public synonym sdo_rdf '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate 'drop package sdo_rdf '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate 'drop public synonym sdo_rdf_internal '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate 'drop package sdo_rdf_internal '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type body sdo_rdf_triple_s '; exception when others then NULL; end; end; / declare begin begin execute immediate ' drop table RDF_RULEBASE_MEMBER$ '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop table RDF_RULE$ '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop table RDF_RULEBASE$ '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop table RDF_PRECOMP_DEP$ '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop table RDF_PRECOMP$ '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop table RDF_PRECOMP$ '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop package RDF_APIS '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop package RDF_APIS_INTERNAL '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop package RDF_APIS_USER '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop procedure load_predefined_rulebases '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop type RDF_MATCH_impl_t '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop function RDF_MATCH '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop public synonym SDO_RDF_MATCH '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop public synonym RDF_APIS_INTERNAL '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop public synonym SDO_RDF_INFERENCE '; exception when others then NULL; end; begin execute immediate ' drop trigger sdo_drop_user_before '; exception when others then NULL; end; end; / DECLARE usr VARCHAR2(30); url VARCHAR2(200); cnt NUMBER; BEGIN usr := 'MDSYS'; url := ''; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT count(*) FROM dba_xml_schemas WHERE owner=:1 AND schema_url=:2' INTO cnt using usr, url; IF (cnt <> 0) THEN DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.deleteSchema(url, DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.DELETE_CASCADE); end if; END; / drop type VECTOR_2D; drop type NUM_ARRAY; drop type STRING_ARRAY; alter session set current_schema=SYS; call dbms_java.grant_permission('SYSTEM', '', '<>', 'read'); call dbms_java.grant_permission('MDSYS', '', 'md/lib/*', 'read'); call dbms_java.grant_permission('MDSYS', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'getClassLoader', null); call dbms_java.grant_permission('ORDSYS', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'getClassLoader', null); call dbms_java.dropjava('-force -synonym -schema MDSYS md/lib/sdordf.jar'); call dbms_java.revoke_permission('MDSYS','', 'md/lib/*','read'); call dbms_java.revoke_permission('MDSYS','', 'sdo/demo/georaster/jlibs/*','read'); commit; /* drop all the trusted libraries */ Alter session set current_schema=MDSYS; @@sdocmprg.sql commit; EXECUTE dbms_registry.downgraded('SDO', '10.1.0'); ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = SYS;