5.0 j9bcu 0 1 1 N Trc_BCU_VMInitStages_Event1 " Trace engine initialized for module j9dyn" j9bcu 2 1 1 N Trc_BCU_internalDefineClass_Entry " >BCU internalDefineClass: classnamePtr=%p, classname=%.*s" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_internalDefineClass_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_createROMClassEndian: searchFilename=%s (note - this value does not always get set)" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_createRomClassEndian_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_readClassFileBytes: entering" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_j9bcutil_readClassFileBytes_Exit " BCU inlineJsrs: %.*s %.*s %.*s" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_inlineJsrs_Exit " BCU internalLoadROMClass: loadData=%p classDataLength=%u" j9bcu 0 1 1 N Trc_BCU_internalLoadROMClass_AttemptExisting " BCU internalLoadROMClass: attempt to use an existing segment %p (%u (available) >= %u (estimate))" j9bcu 0 1 1 N Trc_BCU_internalLoadROMClass_AttemptNew " BCU internalLoadROMClass: attempt to allocate a new segment (%u bytes)" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_internalLoadROMClass_Exit " BCU checkForExistingClass: classnamePtr=%p, classLoader=%p" j9bcu 1 1 2 N Trc_BCU_checkForExistingClass_Exists "* BCU checkForExistingClass: !! FOUND EXISTING CLASS !!" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_checkForExistingClass_Exit " BCU createROMClassFromClassFile: entering with loadData=%p" j9bcu 0 1 2 N Trc_BCU_createROMClassFromClassFile_postLoadNoErr " BCU createROMClassFromClassFile: load succeeded for %.*s, classloader=%p, romclass=%p, segment=%p" j9bcu 1 1 2 N Trc_BCU_createROMClassFromClassFile_nameMismatch "* BCU createROMClassFromClassFile: !! NAME MISMATCH !! className=%.*s, romName=%.*s" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_createROMClassFromClassFile_Exit " BCU throwNoClassDefFoundError: throwing NoClassDefFoundError" j9bcu 0 1 2 N Trc_BCU_throwNoClassDefFoundError_ErrorBuf " BCU throwNoClassDefFoundError: created error buffer=%s" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_throwNoClassDefFoundError_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_allocTranslationBuffers: entering with maxInternTreeSize=%d" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_allocTranslationBuffers_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_calculateRamClassSize: entering with isUsingJit=%d, is64Bit=%d, isInterface=%d" j9bcu 0 1 2 N Trc_BCU_calculateRamClassSize_Sizes " BCU j9bcutil_calculateRamClassSize: tracing sizes: vTableSize=%d, ramConstantPoolSize=%d, instanceVariableSlots=%d" j9bcu 0 1 2 N Trc_BCU_calculateRamClassSize_Counts1 " BCU j9bcutil_calculateRamClassSize: tracing counts: objectStaticCount=%d, singleScalarStaticCount=%d, doubleScalarStaticCount=%d, superClassCount=%d" j9bcu 0 1 2 N Trc_BCU_calculateRamClassSize_Counts2 " BCU j9bcutil_calculateRamClassSize: tracing counts: interfaceClosureCount=%d, directInterfaceCount=%d, classRomMethodCount=%d, interfaceRomMethodCount=%d" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_calculateRamClassSize_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_freeTranslationBuffers: entering with translationBuffers=%p" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_freeTranslationBuffers_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_markClassnamesAsUsed: entering" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_markClassnamesAsUsed_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_verifyCanonisizeAndCopyUTF8: entering with dest=%p, source=%p, length=%d" j9bcu 4 1 10 N Trc_BCU_verifyCanonisizeAndCopyUTF8_Exit " BCU avl_lru_insert: tree=%p, nodeToInsert=%p" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_avl_lru_insert_ExitOBSOLETE " BCU avl_lru_delete: tree=%p, nodeToDelete=%p" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_avl_lru_delete_Failed1OBSOLETE " BCU avl_lru_search: tree=%p, searchKey=%p" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_avl_lru_search_Exit " BCU avl_lru_mark_used: tree=%p, nodeUsed=%p" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_avl_lru_mark_used_Failed1OBSOLETE " BCU promoteSharedNodeToSharedHead: tree=%p, node=%p" j9bcu 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_promoteSharedNodeToSharedHead_Noop " BCU promoteNodeToHead: tree=%p, node=%p" j9bcu 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_promoteNodeToHead_Noop " BCU removeNodeFromList: tree=%p, node=%p" j9bcu 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_removeNodeFromList_Noop " BCU removeSharedNodeFromSharedList: tree=%p, node=%p" j9bcu 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_removeSharedNodeFromSharedList_Noop " BCU removeInternedInvariantsByClassLoader: portLibrary=%p, tb=%p, classloader=%p" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_removeInternedInvariantsByClassLoader_Noop " BCU removeInternedInvariantsByAddress: portLibrary=%p, tb=%p, segment=%p, segLength=%d" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_removeInternedInvariantsByAddress_Noop " BCU relocateInternedInvariants: portLibrary=%p, tb=%p, oldSegment=%p, newSegment=%p, segLength=%d" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_relocateInternedInvariants_Noop " BCU j9bcutil_findLocallyDefinedClass: Finding %s (classPathEntryCount: %d)" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_findLocallyDefinedClass_Failed " " j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_findLocallyDefinedClass_Exit " " j9bcu 0 1 1 N Trc_BCU_findLocallyDefinedClass_UnknownCPE " BCU j9bcutil_findLocallyDefinedClass: " j9bcu 0 1 1 N Trc_BCU_loadZip_vmZipCachePoolHookInterfaceInitFailure " BCU j9bcutil_loadZip: Failed to init vmZipCachePoolHookInterface" j9bcu 0 1 1 N Trc_BCU_loadZip_vmZipCachePoolHookInterfaceInitSuccess " BCU j9bcutil_loadZip: vmZipCachePoolHookInterface initiliazed" j9bcu 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_loadJXE_loadJXEfileIOerror "* BCU j9bcutil_loadJXE: %s: IVE_RELO_RC_FILE_ERROR" j9bcu 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_loadJXE_loadJXEunknownDataError "* BCU j9bcutil_loadJXE: %s: IVE_RELO_RC_UNKNOWN_DATA" j9bcu 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_loadJXE_loadJXEimageHeaderCorruption "* BCU j9bcutil_loadJXE: %s: ROM image header corruption" j9bcu 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_loadJXE_loadJXEoppositeEndian "* BCU j9bcutil_loadJXE: %s: Opposite endian JXE not supported" j9bcu 2 1 2 N Trc_BCU_initializeNodeData_Entry " >BCU initializeNodeData: Entering with node=%p, utfPtr=%p, classLoader=%p" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_initializeNodeData_Exit " BCU getNewStringTableNode: Entering with translationBuffers=%p, doShared=%d, classLoader=%p" j9bcu 0 1 2 N Trc_BCU_getNewStringTableNode_SharedTreeFull " BCU getNewStringTableNode: Setting max shared size of table to %d" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_getNewStringTableNode_Exit " BCU addNodeToRelocationData: Entering with translationBuffers=%p, newNode=%p, cpConstant=%p" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_addNodeToRelocationData_Exit " BCU addNodeToStringTable: Entering with translationBuffers=%p, node=%p, doShared=%d" j9bcu 0 1 2 N Trc_BCU_addNodeToStringTable_RemovingFromTree " BCU addNodeToStringTable: Removing node %p from tree" j9bcu 0 1 2 N Trc_BCU_addNodeToStringTable_RemovingFromPool " BCU addNodeToStringTable: Removing node %p from pool" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_addNodeToStringTable_Exit " BCU replaceWithInteredString: Entering with translationBuffers=%p, cpConstant=%p, classLoader=%p, canModifyStringTable=%d" j9bcu 0 1 2 N Trc_BCU_replaceWithInteredString_FoundNode " BCU replaceWithInteredString: Found node in string table, node=%p" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_replaceWithInteredString_ExitOutOfRange " BCU avl_intern_verify Entry: tree=%p localPool=%p sharedPool=%p doCoolChecks=%d" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_avl_intern_verify_Exit " BCU removeInternedInvariantsByNode: portLibrary=%p, tb=%p, node=%p" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_removeInternedInvariantsByNode_Exit " BCU changeToSystemClassLoader Entry: tree=%p node=%p old classloader=%p" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_changeToSystemClassLoader_Exit " BCU avl_intern_delete: tb=%p, tree=%p, treeflags=%p, nodeToDelete=%p, nodeflags=%x" j9bcu 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_avl_intern_delete_Exit " BCU avl_intern_mark_used Entry: tb=%p, tree=%p, treeflags=%p, node=%p, nodeflags=%x" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_avl_intern_mark_used_Exit " BCU avl_intern_insert Entry: tree=%p, treeflags=%p, node=%p, nodeflags=%x" j9bcu 4 1 2 N Trc_BCU_avl_intern_insert_Exit " simulateStack" j9bcverify 1 1 1 N Trc_BCV_simulateStack_verifyError "* simulateStack - verifyError pc = %x, error = %x" j9bcverify 0 1 2 N Trc_BCV_simulateStack_returnRewrite " simulateStack - return rewrite pc = %x, bc = %x" j9bcverify 4 1 2 N Trc_BCV_simulateStack_Exit " j9bcv_verifyCreateStackAttributes - class: %.*s" j9bcverify 4 1 1 N Trc_BCV_j9bcv_verifyCreateStackAttributes_Exit " checkStack - method: %.*s%.*s" j9bcverify 4 1 2 N Trc_BCV_checkStack_Exit " j9bcv_verifyClassStructure - class: %.*s" j9bcverify 1 1 1 N Trc_STV_j9bcv_verifyClassStructure_MethodError "* j9bcv_verifyClassStructure - formatError %x, method = %x" j9bcverify 1 1 1 N Trc_STV_j9bcv_verifyClassStructure_VerifyError "* j9bcv_verifyClassStructure - verifyError %x, romAddress offset = %x" j9bcverify 1 1 1 N Trc_STV_j9bcv_verifyClassStructure_ClassError "* j9bcv_verifyClassStructure - formatError %x, romAddress offset = %x" j9bcverify 4 1 1 N Trc_STV_j9bcv_verifyClassStructure_Exit " verifierGetRAMClass - class loader %x, class: %.*s" j9bcverify 0 1 2 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifierGetRAMClass_found " verifierGetRAMClass - class already loaded" j9bcverify 0 1 1 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifierGetRAMClass_notFound " verifierGetRAMClass - class load requested" j9bcverify 4 1 2 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifierGetRAMClass_Exit " %.*s.%.*s%.*s)" j9decomp 2 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointAdded_Entry " >jitCodeBreakpointAdded - Code breakpoint added to %p" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointAdded_newEntry " new entry" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointAdded_hasBeenTranslated " hasBeenTranslated = %d" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointAdded_incCount " jitCodeBreakpointRemoved - Code breakpoint removed from %p" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointAdded_fixingMethods " fixing methods" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointRemoved_decCount " jitDataBreakpointAdded" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitDataBreakpointAdded_Exit " jitDataBreakpointRemoved" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitDataBreakpointRemoved_Exit " jitExceptionCaught in frame A0=%08X:" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_JITFrame " jitExceptionCaught - JIT frame" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_frameMarked " exception catch frame %p was marked for decompilation" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_mustReportPopProtected " must report exception catch: pop protected frame %p removed from stack by exception throw" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_mustReportNormal " must report exception catch: frame A0=%p is the catch frame" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_decompileRequested " decompile was requested" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_notDecompiling " not decompiling" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_notReportingCatch " not reporting exception catch" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_notJITFrame " jitFramePopBreakpointAdded - Adding JIT frame pop in thread %p, A0 = %p, method = %p" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitFramePopBreakpointAdded_JITFrame " JIT frame" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitFramePopBreakpointAdded_JITINLFrame " JIT->INL frame" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitFramePopBreakpointAdded_J2IFrame " J2I frame" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitFramePopBreakpointAdded_Exit " jitFramePopBreakpointAdded - Adding JIT frame pop notification in thread %p, A0 = %p, method = %p" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitFramePopNotificationAdded_Exit " jitHotswapOccurred" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitHotswapOccurred_Exit " jitInterpreterPCFromWalkState - Lookup interp PC for %p" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitInterpreterPCFromWalkState_notJIT " jitSingleStepAdded" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitSingleStepAdded_Exit " jitSingleStepRemoved" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitSingleStepRemoved_Exit " addDecompilation - Marking %p for decompilation" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_walkStateInfo " BP = %p, A0 = %p, CP = %p, PC = %p" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_reason " reason = %zx %s%s%s%s%s%s%s" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_allocRecord " new decomp record is %p" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_insertBeforeFramePop " inserting before framePop" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_atExceptionCatch " at exception catch" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_beforeSyncMonitorEnter " before sync monitor enter" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_beforeReportMethodEnter " before report method enter" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_advancePC " advancing PC" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_atCurrentPC " at current PC" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_atInvoke " at invoke" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_explainInvoke " This method sent %.*s%.*s" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_existingRecord " decompileMethodFrameIterator" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_decompileMethodFrameIterator_outgoingArgCount " outgoing arg count is %d" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_decompileMethodFrameIterator_pendingCount " pending count from stack mapper is %d" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_decompileMethodFrameIterator_adjustedCount " adjusted count (based on return type %c) is %d" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_decompileMethodFrameIterator_previousIsJIT " deleteAllDecompilations - fixing decomp records" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_deleteAllDecompilations_notFreeingRecord " not freeing decomp record %p (reason=%zx)" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_deleteAllDecompilations_Exit " deleteDecompilationForExistingFrame" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_deleteDecompilationForExistingFrame_fixingFramePop " fixing framePop in thread %p" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_deleteDecompilationForExistingFrame_freeDecomp " free decomp %p for frame %p" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_deleteDecompilationForExistingFrame_Exit " performDecompile" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_syncMethod " sync method, incrementing temp count" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_buildingBCFrame " building bytecode frame at %p" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_fixingPopProtected " fixing pop-protected savedPC address to %p" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_buildingJ2IFrame " building J2I frame at %p" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_fixingDecompStack " fixing top of decomp stack (%p) from %p to %p (pc = %p)" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_addedPopNotification " frame pop notification added at %p" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_fixingInvokeInterface " at JBinvokeinterface, backing pc up to JBinvokeinterface2" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_Exit " jitStackLocalsModified" j9decomp 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitStackLocalsModified_notJIT " jitStackLocalsModified - not a JIT frame" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitStackLocalsModified_Exit " jitBreakpointedMethodCompiled method = %p startAddress=%p" j9decomp 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitBreakpointedMethodCompiled_Exit_success " tspServerConnect" j9dbgtspt 0 1 1 N Trc_DBGTSPT_tspServerConnect_sockaddr_init6 " socket created" j9dbgtspt 0 1 1 N Trc_DBGTSPT_tspServerConnect_FailedToCreateSocket " Socket Creation Failed" j9dbgtspt 0 1 1 N Trc_DBGTSPT_tspServerConnect_afterBind " Socket Bound" j9dbgtspt 4 1 1 N Trc_DBGTSPT_tspServerConnect_Exit " tspClientConnect" j9dbgtspt 0 1 1 N Trc_DBGTSPT_tspClientConnect_CreatedSocket " Created Socket" j9dbgtspt 0 1 1 N Trc_DBGTSPT_tspClientConnect_SockAddrFailed " SockAddr Failed" j9dbgtspt 0 1 1 N Trc_DBGTSPT_tspClientConnect_ObtainedAddr " Obtained Addr" j9dbgtspt 0 1 1 N Trc_DBGTSPT_tspClientConnect_SetReuseaddr " Set Reuse Addr" j9dbgtspt 0 1 1 N Trc_DBGTSPT_tspClientConnect_SetNoDelay " Set No Delay" j9dbgtspt 4 1 1 N Trc_DBGTSPT_tspClientConnect_Exit " MM_MemorySubSpace_percolateGarbageCollect Entry" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpace_percolateGarbageCollect_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_garbageCollect Entry" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpace_garbageCollect_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_resizeHeapCheck Entry" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpace_resizeHeapCheck_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_calculateExpandSize Entry Bytes required = %Pd" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_calculateExpandSize_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_checkForRatioExpand Entry Bytes required = %Pd" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_checkForRatioExpand_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_checkForRatioContract Entry" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_checkForRatioContract_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_performExpand Entry Required expansion size = %Pd bytes" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_performExpand_Exit " MM_MemorySubSpace_expand Entry Required expansion size = %Pd bytes" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpace_expand_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_timeForHeapContract Entry System garbage collection = %s" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_timeForHeapContract_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_calculateTargetContractSize Entry Allocation size = %Pd, ratio contract %s" j9mm 0 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_calculateTargetContractSize_Event1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_calculateTargetContractSize Event1 Contraction size = %Pd bytes" j9mm 0 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_calculateTargetContractSize_Event2 " MM_MemorySubSpace_calculateTargetContractSize Event2 Contraction size = %Pd bytes, maximum contraction size = %Pd bytes" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_calculateTargetContractSize_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_performContract Entry Allocation size = %Pd" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_performContract_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_contract Entry Target contraction size = %Pd bytes" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpace_contract_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_collectorExpand Entry Requesting collector at %p, requested bytes = %Pd" j9mm 4 9 9 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceFlat_collectorExpand_Exit2 " Trc_MM_FixHeapForWalk Entry with walkflags: %zx" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_FixHeapForWalk_Exit " Trc_MM_FlushUndeadSegments Entry with reason: %s" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_FlushUndeadSegments_Exit " Trc_MM_DoFixHeapForUnload Entry with walkflags: %zx" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_DoFixHeapForUnload_Exit " Trc_MM_suspendConHelperThreads Entry" j9mm 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_suspendConHelperThreads_PriorityBoost " Trc_MM_suspendConHelperThreads boosting priority of %u helpers" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_suspendConHelperThreads_Shutdown " Trc_MM_incrementConcurrentHelperCount Entry (value=%u)" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_incrementConcurrentHelperCount_Exit " Trc_MM_notifyWaitingConcurrentHelpers Entry" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_notifyWaitingConcurrentHelpers_Exit " Trc_MM_shutdownConHelperThreads Entry" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_shutdownConHelperThreads_Exit " Trc_MM_SynchronizeGCThreads Entry from: %s" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_SynchronizeGCThreads_Exit " Trc_MM_SynchronizeGCThreadsAndReleaseMaster Entry from: %s" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_SynchronizeGCThreadsAndReleaseMaster_Exit " Trc_MM_ParallelHeapWalker_allObjectsDoParallel_Entry" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ParallelHeapWalker_allObjectsDoParallel_Exit " Scavenger start" j9mm 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_Scavenger_masterThreadGarbageCollect_setFailedTenureFlag " Setting failed tenure flag. _failedTenureLargest = %zu" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_Scavenger_masterThreadGarbageCollect_Exit " Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_destroyAuxiliaryRegionDescriptor %p" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_destroyAuxiliaryRegionDescriptor_Exit " Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_acquireTableRegions: Memory requested from %zx to %zx" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_acquireTableRegions_Exit " finalizeObjectCreated: object: %p" j9mm 0 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_finalizeObjectCreated_NHRThreadEarlyExit " finalizeObjectCreated: NHR thread encountered, exiting early." j9mm 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_finalizeObjectCreated_failedAddingToUnfinalizedList "* finalizeObjectCreated Failed Adding object %p to unfinalized list %p" j9mm 4 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_finalizeObjectCreated_Exit " runFinalization: " j9mm 4 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_runFinalization_Exit " referenceObjectCreated: referenceObject: %p referent: %p" j9mm 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_referenceObjectCreated_accessBarrierException "* referenceObjectCreated: Access barrier exception occurred when setting the referent. referenceObject: %p, referent: %p" j9mm 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_referenceObjectCreated_nullReferenceList "* referenceObjectCreated: No reference list found for referenceObject: %p" j9mm 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_referenceObjectCreated_allocationFailed "* referenceObjectCreated: Failed to allocate sublist from referenceList: %p for object %p" j9mm 4 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_referenceObjectCreated_Exit " forceClassLoaderUnload. classLoader:%p" j9mm 0 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_forceClassLoaderUnload_classLoaderNotBeingUnloaded " forceClassLoaderUnload: ClassLoader %p is not being unloaded but is eligible. Setting setForceFlag to true." j9mm 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_forceClassLoaderUnload_failedToInitializeClassUnloadingMutex "* forceClassLoaderUnload: No signalling mutex found, attempt to initialize one failed." j9mm 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_forceClassLoaderUnload_timedOut "* forceClassLoaderUnload: Timed out while waiting for the classLoader (%p) to finish unloading." j9mm 0 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_forceClassLoaderUnload_classLoaderNotDead " forceClassLoaderUnload: classLoader (%p) is not dead, running Finalization and invoking aggressive GC." j9mm 4 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_forceClassLoaderUnload_Exit " Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_acquireSingleTableRegions" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_acquireSingleTableRegions_Exit " MM_GlobalCollector_isTimeForClassUnloading. dynamicClassUnloading:%zu classLoaderBlocks:%zu dynamicClassUnloadingThreshold:%zu lastUnloadNumOfClassLoaders:%zu" j9mm 4 1 9 N Trc_MM_GlobalCollector_isTimeForClassUnloading_Exit " MM_GlobalCollector_isTimeForGlobalGCKickoff. dynamicClassUnloading:%zu classLoaderBlocks:%zu dynamicClassUnloadingKickoffThreshold:%zu lastUnloadNumOfClassLoaders:%zu" j9mm 4 1 9 N Trc_MM_GlobalCollector_isTimeForGlobalGCKickoff_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_expand. region=%p" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_expand_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_contract. region=%p" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_contractRegion_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_contract." j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_contract_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireNextActiveRegion." j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireNextActiveRegion_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireActiveRegion. requiredFreeEntrySize=%zu" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireActiveRegion_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireFreeRegion." j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireFreeRegion_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_recycleFreeRegion. region=%p" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_recycleFreeRegion_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_repossessFreeRegion. region=%p" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_repossessFreeRegion_Exit " MM_ArrayletAllocationModel::allocateAndConnectNonContiguousArraylet. numberIndexedFields=%zu spineBytes=%zu leafCount=%zu" j9mm 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_allocateAndConnectNonContiguousArraylet_spineFailure "* Failed to allocate spine" j9mm 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_allocateAndConnectNonContiguousArraylet_leafFailure "* Failed to allocate leaf" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_allocateAndConnectNonContiguousArraylet_Exit " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::lockedReplenishAndAllocate" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_Success " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::internalLockedReplenish. regionSize=%zu requestedBytes=%zu _bytesRemainingBeforeIncrementalCollect=%zu" j9mm 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_sufficientSpaceInActiveRegion " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::internalLockedReplenish. Sufficient space in active region" j9mm 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_repopulatedContextList " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::internalLockedReplenish. Repopulated active list in context. Acquired %zu bytes" j9mm 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_convertedFreeRegion " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::internalLockedReplenish. Converted free region. Acquired %zu bytes" j9mm 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_acquiredFreeRegion " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::internalLockedReplenish. Acquired free region. Acquired %zu bytes" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_internalLockedReplenish_Success " j9gc_set_allocation_threshold: low=%zu high=%zu ext->lowThreshold=%zu ext->highThreshold=%zu" j9mm 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationThreshold_setAllocationThreshold_Exit " GetStringPlatform(%p,%p,%d,%s)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetStringPlatform_Exit " GetStringPlatformLength(%p,%p,%s)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetStringPlatformLength_Exit " jio_fprintf()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_fprintf_Exit " jio_snprintf()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_snprintf_Exit " jio_vfprintf(%p,%s,...)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_vfprintf_Exit " jio_vsnprintf(%p,%d,%s,...)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_vsnprintf_Exit " JNI_a2e_vsprintf(%p,%s,...)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_a2e_vsprintf_Exit " JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs(%p,%zu,%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetCreatedJavaVMs_Exit " JVM_Accept(descriptor=%d, address=%p, length=%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Accept_Exit " JVM_ActiveProcessorCount()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_ActiveProcessorCount_Exit " JVM_AllocateNewArray(caller=%p, current=%p, length=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_AllocateNewArray_Exit " JVM_AllocateNewObject(caller=%p, current=%p, init=%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_AllocateNewObject_Exit " JVM_Available(descriptor=%d, &bytes=%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Available_bad_descriptor " JVM_ClassDepth(name=%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_ClassDepth_Exit " JVM_ClassLoaderDepth()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_ClassLoaderDepth_Exit " JVM_Close(descriptor=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Close_bad_descriptor " JVM_Connect(descriptor=%d, address=%p, length=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Connect_Exit " JVM_CurrentClassLoader()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_CurrentClassLoader_Exit " JVM_CurrentLoadedClass()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_CurrentLoadedClass_Exit " JVM_CurrentTimeMillis(unused=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_CurrentTimeMillis_Exit " JVM_CX8Field(obj=%p, field=%p, oldval=%llx, newval=%llx)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_CX8Field_Exit " JVM_FindLibraryEntry(handle=%p, name=%s)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_FindLibraryEntry_Exit " JVM_FindSignal(sigName=%s)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_FindSignal_Exit " JVM_FreeMemory()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_FreeMemory_Exit " JVM_GC()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GC_Exit " JVM_GetCallerClass(depth=%d)" j9scar 4 1 2 N Trc_SC_GetCallerClass_Exit " JVM_GetClassAccessFlags(clazz=%p)" j9scar 4 1 2 N Trc_SC_GetClassAccessFlags_Exit " JVM_GetClassContext()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetClassContext_Exit " JVM_GetClassLoader(obj=%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetClassLoader_Exit " JVM_GetClassName(clazz=%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetClassName_Exit " JVM_GetInterfaceVersion()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetInterfaceVersion_Exit " JVM_GetLastErrorString(buffer=%p, length=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetLastErrorString_Exit " JVM_GetSystemPackage(name=%p)" j9scar 0 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetSystemPackage_SearchingForPackage " Searching for package %s (len=%d)" j9scar 0 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetSystemPackage_FoundRepresentativeClass " Using representative class %p (%.*s)" j9scar 0 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetSystemPackage_CPEntry " CPEntry is %p (%.*s)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetSystemPackage_Exit " JVM_GetSystemPackages()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetSystemPackages_Exit " JVM_GetThreadInterruptEvent()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetThreadInterruptEvent_Exit " JVM_Halt(exitCode=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Halt_Exit " JVM_InvokeMethod(method=%p, object=%p, args=%p)" j9scar 4 1 2 N Trc_SC_InvokeMethod_Exit " JVM_LatestUserDefinedLoader()" j9scar 4 1 2 N Trc_SC_LatestUserDefinedLoader_Exit " JVM_Listen(descriptor=%d, count=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Listen_Exit " JVM_LoadLibrary(name=%s)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_LoadLibrary_Error " JVM_Lseek(descriptor=%d, bytesToSeek=%lld, origin=%ld)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Lseek_bad_descriptor " JVM_MaxMemory()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_MaxMemory_Exit " JVM_MonitorNotify(obj=%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_MonitorNotify_Exit " JVM_MonitorNotifyAll(obj=%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_MonitorNotifyAll_Exit " JVM_MonitorWait(obj=%p, timeout=%lld)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_MonitorWait_Exit " JVM_NativePath(path=%s)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_NativePath_Exit " JVM_NewInstanceFromConstructor(obj=%p, args=%p)" j9scar 4 1 2 N Trc_SC_NewInstanceFromConstructor_Exit " JVM_OnExit(func=%p)" j9scar 1 1 1 N Trc_SC_OnExit_OutOfMemory "* JVM_OnExit could not allocate func" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_OnExit_Exit " JVM_Open(name=%s, mode=%d, flags=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Open_fstat64 " JVM_RaiseSignal(signal=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_RaiseSignal_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorCreate()" j9scar 0 1 1 N Trc_SC_RawMonitorCreate_Error " JVM_RawMonitorCreate -- error initializing raw monitor" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_RawMonitorCreate_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorDestroy(monitor=%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_RawMonitorDestroy_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorEnter(monitor=%p)" j9scar 4 1 2 N Trc_SC_RawMonitorEnter_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorExit(monitor=%p)" j9scar 4 1 2 N Trc_SC_RawMonitorExit_Exit " JVM_Read(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, bytesToRead=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Read_bad_descriptor " JVM_Recv(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Recv_Exit " JVM_RecvFrom(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d, fromAddr=%p, fromLength=%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_RecvFrom_Exit " JVM_Send(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Send_Exit " JVM_SendTo(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d, toAddr=%p, toLength=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_SendTo_Exit " JVM_SetLength(fd=%d, length=%lld)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_SetLength_bad_descriptor " JVM_Sleep(threadClazz=%p, timeout=%lld)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Sleep_Exit " JVM_Socket(domain=%d, type=%d, protocol=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Socket_Exit " JVM_SocketAvailable(descriptor=%d, result=%p)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_SocketAvailable_Exit " JVM_SocketClose(descriptor=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_SocketClose_bad_descriptor " JVM_Sync(descriptor=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Sync_bad_descriptor " JVM_Timeout(descriptor=%d, timeout=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Timeout_Exit " JVM_TotalMemory()" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_TotalMemory_Exit " JVM_UcsOpen(name=%s, flags=%d, mode=%d)" j9scar 1 1 1 N Trc_SC_UcsOpen_nullName "* JVM_UcsOpen called with NULL filename\n" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_UcsOpen_GetFullPathNameW " JVM_Write(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, bytesToWrite=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Write_bad_descriptor " NewStringPlatform(%s,%p,%s)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_NewStringPlatform_Exit " preInterruptFileOperation(descriptor=%d)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_SysInt_PreInterruptFileOperation_Exit " initializeSyscallInterruptMechanism(void)" j9scar 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_SysInt_InitializeSyscallInterruptMechanism_Exit " Sleep for %lldms %dns" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sleep_Interrupted " Wait on %p for %lldms %dns" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_wait_Interrupted " %s" j9jcl 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_openNativeLibrary " Attempting to open %s from classpath %s" j9jcl 2 1 2 N Trc_JCL_park_Entry " >Unsafe.park(timeoutIsEpochRelative=%d, timeout=%lld)" j9jcl 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_park_timeIsInPast " Epoch relative timeout is in the past (time now=%lld)" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_park_Exit " Unsafe.unpark(%p)" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_unpark_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getByte__J(%p)" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getByte__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getChar__J(%p)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getChar__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getDouble__J(%p)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getDouble__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getFloat__J(%p)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getFloat__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getInt__J(%p)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getInt__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getLong__J(%p)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getLong__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getShort__J(%p)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getShort__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putByte__JB(%p, %x)" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putByte__JB_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putChar__JC(%p, %x)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putChar__JC_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putDouble__JD(%p, high = %zx low = %zx)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putDouble__JD_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putFloat__JF(%p, %x)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putFloat__JF_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putInt__JI(%p, %x)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putInt__JI_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putLong__JJ(%p, high = %zx low = %zx)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putLong__JJ_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putShort__JS(%p, %x)" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putShort__JS_Exit " J9SigQuitStartup" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_J9SigQuitStartup_Disabled " J9SigQuitShutdown" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_J9SigQuitShutdown_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_allocateMemory(%zx)" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_allocateMemory_OutOfMemory " sun_misc_Unsafe_freeMemory(%p)" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_freeMemory_Exit " com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationClassNameForEntry(%llx)" j9jcl 0 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationClassNameForEntry_type " annotation type = %.*s" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationClassNameForEntry_Exit " com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationEntries(%p, %i, %p)" j9jcl 0 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationEntries_getAnnotations " type = %i, method name = %.*s, method signature = %.*s" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationEntries_Exit " com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getDefaultReturnValue(%p, %p)" j9jcl 0 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getDefaultReturnValue_getDefaultValue " class = %p, class name = %.*s, method name = %.*s" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getDefaultReturnValue_Exit " com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getReturnValueForEntry(%p, %p, %p)" j9jcl 0 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getReturnValueForEntry_value " entry = %p, method name = %.*s" j9jcl 0 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getReturnValueForEntry_defaultValue " class = %p, class name = %.*s, method name = %.*s" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getReturnValueForEntry_Exit " JCL: SharedClassAbstractHelper getIsVerboseImpl: Entering" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassAbstractHelper_getIsVerboseImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassAbstractHelper initializeShareableClassloaderImpl: Entering with classloader=%p" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassAbstractHelper_initializeShareableClassloaderImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassStatistics freeSpaceBytesImpl: Entering" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassStatistics_freeSpaceBytesImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassStatistics maxSizeBytesImpl: Entering" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassStatistics_maxSizeBytesImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassTokenHelperImpl findSharedClassImpl: Entering for helper ID %d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassTokenHelperImpl_findSharedClassImpl_ExitDeny " JCL: SharedClassTokenHelperImpl storeSharedClassImpl: Entering for helper ID %d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassTokenHelperImpl_storeSharedClassImpl_ExitDenyUpdates " JCL: SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl findSharedClassImpl: Entering for helper ID %d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl_findSharedClassImpl_ExitDenyAccess " JCL: SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl notifyClasspathChange: Entering" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl_notifyClasspathChange_Exit " JCL: SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl storeSharedClassImpl: Entering for helper ID %d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl_storeSharedClassImpl_ExitDenyUpdates " JCL: SharedClassURLHelperImpl findSharedClassImpl: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassURLHelperImpl_findSharedClassImpl_ExitDenyAccess " JCL: SharedClassURLHelperImpl storeSharedClassImpl: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassURLHelperImpl_storeSharedClassImpl_ExitDenyUpdates " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared copyString: Entering with toCopy=%s, length=%d, farmRoot=%p" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_copyString_ExitNoFarm " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared correctURLPath: Entering with path=%s" j9jcl 0 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_correctURLPath_Exit0 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared correctURLPath: Allocation failure" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_correctURLPath_Exit1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createCompositeURLHash: Entering with correctedPath=%s" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createCompositeURLHash_Exit " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createCPEntries: Entering with helperID=%d, urlCount=%d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createCPEntries_ExitFalse1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createROMClassCookie: Entering with ROMClass %p" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createROMClassCookie_Exit " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createToken: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createToken_ExitFalse1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createURLEntry: Entering with helperID=%d, correctedPath=%s, cpeType=%d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createURLEntry_ExitFalse1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedClasspath: Entering with helperID=%d, urlCount=%d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedClasspath_ExitFound " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedToken: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedToken_ExitFound " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedURL: Entering for helperID=%d, cpeType=%d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedURL_ExitFound " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCpeTypeForProtocol: Entering" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCpeTypeForProtocol_Exit0 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getPathProtocolFromURL: Entering with url %p" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getPathProtocolFromURL_Exit1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getStringPair: Entering" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getStringPair_Exit1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getStringPair: Entering" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getURLMethodIDs_ExitCached " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared releaseStringPair: Entering" j9jcl 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_releaseStringPair_Exit " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared urlHashEqualFn: Entering with left=%p, right=%p" j9jcl 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_urlHashEqualFn_Exit1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared urlHashFn: Entering with item=%p" j9jcl 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_urlHashFn_Exit " publicFlags & J9_PUBLIC_FLAGS_VM_ACCESS" j9jcl 1 1 1 N Assert_JCL_mustNotHaveVMAccess "* 0 == ((P1)->publicFlags & J9_PUBLIC_FLAGS_VM_ACCESS)" j9jcl 2 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedDataHelperImpl_findSharedDataImpl_Entry " >JCL: SharedDataHelperImpl findSharedDataImpl: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedDataHelperImpl_findSharedDataImpl_ExitDeny " JCL: SharedDataHelperImpl storeSharedDataImpl: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedDataHelperImpl_storeSharedDataImpl_ExitDenyUpdates " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createDirectByteBuffer: Entering with address=%p, dataLen=%d" j9jcl 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createDirectByteBuffer_Exit1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared utfHashEqualFn: Entering with left=%p, right=%p" j9jcl 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_utfHashEqualFn_ExitResult " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared utfHashFn: Entering with item=%p" j9jcl 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_utfHashFn_Exit " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedString: Entering with %.*s and getUTF8=%p" j9jcl 1 1 5 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedString_FailedStringCopy "* JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedString: String copy failed" j9jcl 1 1 5 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedString_FailedHashTableCreate "* JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedString: Hashtable creation failed" j9jcl 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedString_ExitOK " Thread.getStateImpl: thread %p" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_Thread_getStateImpl_Exit " initializeKnownClasses" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_initializeKnownClasses_Exit " ThreadMXBean.dumpAllThreadsImpl: getLockedMonitors %d, getLockedSynchronizers %d" j9jcl 4 1 4 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_dumpAllThreads_Exit " ThreadMXBean.getArrayOfThreadInfoImpl: ids %p, getLockedMonitors %d, getLockedSynchronizers %d" j9jcl 4 1 4 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getArrayOfThreadInfo_Exit " ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfoImpl6: id %lld, stackDepth %d, getLockedMonitors %d, getLockedSynchronizers %d" j9jcl 4 1 4 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getThreadInfoImpl6_Exit " getSynchronizers: allinfo %p, allinfolen %d" j9jcl 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getSynchronizers_Exit " getMonitors: vmthread %p, tinfo %p, stacklen %d" j9jcl 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getMonitors_Exit " getThreadInfo: vmthread %p" j9jcl 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getThreadInfo_Exit " Java_com_ibm_tools_attach_javaSE_Attachment_loadAgentLibraryImpl %s, options %s, decorate=%d" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_loadAgentLibraryExit " Java_com_ibm_tools_attach_javaSE_IPC_waitSemaphoreImpl waiting on semaphore" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_waitSemaphoreExit " notifyVm entry" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_notifyVmExit " openSemaphore entry" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_openSemaphoreExit " cancelNotifyVm entry" j9jcl 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_cancelNotifyVmExit " " j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_compileStart " (%s) Compiling %s" j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_compileEnd " + (%s%s) %s @ %p-%p/%p-%p gc=%d atlas=%d time=%dus %s [profiling c(%d), f(%d), ivc(%d)]" j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_outOfMemory " " j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_compilationFailed " JIT: translating %s -- FAILED rtn=%d" j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_noAttemptToJit " JIT: no attempt made to jit %s" j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_optimizationPhase " JIT: performed optimization: %s" j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_codeGeneratorPhase " JIT: about to do codegen phase: %s" j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_assumeFailure " JIT: Assertion error on line %d of %s" j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_startCompThreadFailed " JIT: Compilation Thread could not be started" j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_recoverableCrash " JIT: Recoverable Crash in the JIT while compiling %s" j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_fatalCrash " JIT: Fatal Crash in the JIT while compiling %s" j9jit 0 1 2 N Trc_JIT_Sampling " SamplingLog: %s %s offset 0x%X" j9jit 0 1 3 N Trc_JIT_Sampling_Detail " SamplingLogDetail: ---> %s" j9jit 0 1 4 N Trc_JIT_MethodSampleStart " MTH_S: %p %p %p" j9jit 0 1 4 N Trc_JIT_MethodSampleContinue " MTH_C: %p %p %p" j9jit 0 1 4 N Trc_JIT_MethodSampleFail " Sample stackwalk failure: %d" j9jit 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_compileEndNew " + (%s%s) %s @ %p-%p/%p-%p gc=%d atlas=%d time=%dus %s [profiling c(%d), f(%d), ivc(%d)] %p %p" j9jvmti 0 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_VMInitStages_Event1 " Trace engine initialized for module j9jvmti" j9jvmti 2 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGenerateEvents_Entry " >GenerateEvents env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGenerateEvents_Exit " SetEventCallbacks env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetEventCallbacks_Exit " SetEventNotificationMode env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetEventNotificationMode_Exit " ClearBreakpoint env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiClearBreakpoint_Exit " SetBreakpoint env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetBreakpoint_Exit " AddCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAddCapabilities_Exit " GetCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetCapabilities_Exit " GetPotentialCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetPotentialCapabilities_Exit " RelinquishCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRelinquishCapabilities_Exit " GetJNIFunctionTable env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetJNIFunctionTable_Exit " SetJNIFunctionTable env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetJNIFunctionTable_Exit " GetArgumentsSize env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetArgumentsSize_Exit " GetBytecodes env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetBytecodes_Exit " GetLineNumberTable env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLineNumberTable_Exit " GetLocalVariableTable env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalVariableTable_Exit " GetMaxLocals env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMaxLocals_Exit " GetMethodDeclaringClass env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMethodDeclaringClass_Exit " GetMethodLocation env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMethodLocation_Exit " GetMethodModifiers env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMethodModifiers_Exit " GetMethodName env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMethodName_Exit " IsMethodNative env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsMethodNative_Exit " IsMethodObsolete env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsMethodObsolete_Exit " IsMethodSynthetic env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsMethodSynthetic_Exit " AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch_Exit " GetSystemProperties env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetSystemProperties_Exit " GetSystemProperty env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetSystemProperty_Exit " SetSystemProperty env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetSystemProperty_Exit " GetThreadGroupChildren env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadGroupChildren_Exit " GetThreadGroupInfo env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadGroupInfo_Exit " GetTopThreadGroups env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetTopThreadGroups_Exit " GetFieldDeclaringClass env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetFieldDeclaringClass_Exit " GetFieldModifiers env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetFieldModifiers_Exit " GetFieldName env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetFieldName_Exit " IsFieldSynthetic env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsFieldSynthetic_Exit " Allocate env=%p, mem_ptr=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAllocate_Exit " Deallocate env=%p mem=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDeallocate_Exit " ClearFieldAccessWatch env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiClearFieldAccessWatch_Exit " ClearFieldModificationWatch env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiClearFieldModificationWatch_Exit " SetFieldAccessWatch env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetFieldAccessWatch_Exit " SetFieldModificationWatch env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetFieldModificationWatch_Exit " GetClassFields env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassFields_Exit " GetClassLoader env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassLoader_Exit " GetClassLoaderClasses env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassLoaderClasses_Exit " GetClassMethods env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassMethods_Exit " GetClassModifiers env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassModifiers_Exit " GetClassSignature env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassSignature_Exit " GetClassStatus env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassStatus_Exit " GetImplementedInterfaces env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetImplementedInterfaces_Exit " GetLoadedClasses env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLoadedClasses_Exit " GetSourceDebugExtension env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetSourceDebugExtension_Exit " GetSourceFileName env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetSourceFileName_Exit " IsArrayClass env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsArrayClass_Exit " IsInterface env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsInterface_Exit " RedefineClasses env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRedefineClasses_Exit " GetAllStackTraces env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetAllStackTraces_Exit " GetFrameCount env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetFrameCount_Exit " GetFrameLocation env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetFrameLocation_Exit " GetStackTrace env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetStackTrace_Exit " GetThreadListStackTraces env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadListStackTraces_Exit " NotifyFramePop env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiNotifyFramePop_Exit " PopFrame env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiPopFrame_Exit " GetObjectHashCode env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectHashCode_Exit " GetObjectMonitorUsage env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectMonitorUsage_Exit " GetObjectSize env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectSize_Exit " GetLocalDouble env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalDouble_Exit " GetLocalFloat env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalFloat_Exit " GetLocalInt env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalInt_Exit " GetLocalLong env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalLong_Exit " GetLocalObject env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalObject_Exit " SetLocalDouble env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetLocalDouble_Exit " SetLocalFloat env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetLocalFloat_Exit " SetLocalInt env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetLocalInt_Exit " SetLocalLong env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetLocalLong_Exit " SetLocalObject env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetLocalObject_Exit " GetAvailableProcessors env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetAvailableProcessors_Exit " GetCurrentThreadCpuTime env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetCurrentThreadCpuTime_Exit " GetCurrentThreadCpuTimerInfo env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetCurrentThreadCpuTimerInfo_Exit " GetThreadCpuTime env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadCpuTime_Exit " GetThreadCpuTimerInfo env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadCpuTimerInfo_Exit " GetTime env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetTime_Exit " GetTimerInfo env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetTimerInfo_Exit " GetExtensionEvents env=%p extension_count_ptr=%p extensions=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetExtensionEvents_Exit " GetExtensionFunctions env=%p extension_count_ptr=%p extensions=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetExtensionFunctions_Exit " SetExtensionEventCallback env=%p extension_event_index=%d callback=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetExtensionEventCallback_Exit " GetAllThreads env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetAllThreads_Exit " GetCurrentContendedMonitor env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetCurrentContendedMonitor_Exit " GetOwnedMonitorInfo env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetOwnedMonitorInfo_Exit " GetThreadInfo env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadInfo_Exit " GetThreadLocalStorage env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadLocalStorage_Exit " GetThreadState env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadState_Exit " InterruptThread env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiInterruptThread_Exit " ResumeThread env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiResumeThread_Exit " ResumeThreadList env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiResumeThreadList_Exit " RunAgentThread env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRunAgentThread_Exit " SetThreadLocalStorage env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetThreadLocalStorage_Exit " StopThread env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiStopThread_Exit " SuspendThread env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSuspendThread_Exit " SuspendThreadList env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSuspendThreadList_Exit " CreateRawMonitor env=%p name=%s" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiCreateRawMonitor_Exit " DestroyRawMonitor env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDestroyRawMonitor_Exit " RawMonitorEnter env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRawMonitorEnter_Exit " RawMonitorExit env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRawMonitorExit_Exit " RawMonitorNotify env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRawMonitorNotify_Exit " RawMonitorNotifyAll env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRawMonitorNotifyAll_Exit " RawMonitorWait env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRawMonitorWait_Exit " DisposeEnvironment env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDisposeEnvironment_Exit " GetEnvironmentLocalStorage env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetEnvironmentLocalStorage_Exit " GetErrorName env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetErrorName_Exit " GetJLocationFormat env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetJLocationFormat_Exit " GetPhase env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetPhase_Exit " GetVersionNumber env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetVersionNumber_Exit " SetEnvironmentLocalStorage env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetEnvironmentLocalStorage_Exit " SetVerboseFlag env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetVerboseFlag_Exit " ForceGarbageCollection env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceGarbageCollection_Exit " GetObjectsWithTags env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectsWithTags_Exit " GetTag env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetTag_Exit " IterateOverHeap env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIterateOverHeap_Exit " IterateOverInstancesOfClass env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIterateOverInstancesOfClass_Exit " IterateOverObjectsReachableFromObject env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIterateOverObjectsReachableFromObject_Exit " IterateOverReachableObjects env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIterateOverReachableObjects_Exit " SetTag env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetTag_Exit " AddExtendedCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAddExtendedCapabilities_Exit " GetExtendedCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetExtendedCapabilities_Exit " GetPotentialExtendedCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetPotentialExtendedCapabilities_Exit " RelinquishExtendedCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRelinquishExtendedCapabilities_Exit " TraceSet env=%p option=%s" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiTraceSet_Exit " DumpSet env=%p option=%s" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDumpSet_Exit " JlmSet env=%p option=%d" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiJlmSet_Exit " JlmDump env=%p option=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiJlmDump_Exit " AllowMethodInliningWithMethodEnterExit env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAllowMethodInliningWithMethodEnterExit_Exit " HookBreakpoint" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookBreakpoint_Exit " HookClassLoad" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookClassLoad_Exit " HookClassPrepare class=%p (%.*s)" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookClassPrepare_Exit " HookExceptionThrow" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookExceptionThrow_Exit " HookFieldAccess" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookFieldAccess_Exit " HookFieldModification" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookFieldModification_Exit " HookFindMethodFromPC" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookFindMethodFromPC_Exit " HookGetEnv" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookGetEnv_Exit " HookGCEnd" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookGCEnd_Exit " HookGCStart" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookGCStart_Exit " HookMethodEnter" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMethodEnter_Exit " HookMethodExit" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMethodExit_Exit " HookMonitorContendedEnter" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorContendedEnter_Exit " HookMonitorContendedEntered" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorContendedEntered_Exit " HookMonitorWait" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorWait_Exit " HookMonitorWaited" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorWaited_Exit " HookPermanentPC" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookPermanentPC_Exit " HookRequiredDebugAttributes" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookRequiredDebugAttributes_Exit " HookSingleStep" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookSingleStep_Exit " HookThreadCreated" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookThreadCreated_Exit " HookThreadDestroy" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookThreadDestroy_Exit " HookThreadEnd" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookThreadEnd_Exit " HookThreadStarted" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookThreadStarted_Exit " HookUserInterrupt" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookUserInterrupt_Exit " HookVMInitialized" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMInitialized_Exit " HookVMShutdown" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMShutdown_Exit " HookVMStarted" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMStarted_Exit " HookFramePop" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookFramePop_Exit " HookExceptionCatch" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookExceptionCatch_Exit " HookPopFramesInterrupt" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookPopFramesInterrupt_Exit " HookMonitorEnter" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorEnter_Exit " HookMonitorExit" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorExit_Exit " HookClassFileLoadHook" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookClassFileLoadHook_Exit " HookCheckForDataBreakpoint" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookCheckForDataBreakpoint_Exit " HookLookupNativeAddress" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookLookupNativeAddress_Exit " HookObjectAllocate" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookObjectAllocate_Exit " Unused" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookCompiledMethodLoad_Exit " Unused" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookCompiledMethodUnload_Exit " HookJNINativeBind" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookJNINativeBind_Exit " HookCompilingEnd" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookCompilingEnd_Exit " HookCompilingStart" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookCompilingStart_Exit " SetVmAndCompilingControlOptions env=%p option=%d" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetVmAndCompilingControlOptions_Exit " SetMethodSelectiveEntryExitNotification env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetMethodSelectiveEntryExitNotification_Exit " SetExtendedEventNotificationMode env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetExtendedEventNotificationMode_Exit " HookClassUnload class=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookClassUnload_Exit " HookDynamicCodeLoad" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookDynamicCodeLoad_Exit " HookDynamicCodeUnload" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookDynamicCodeUnload_Exit " GetOSThreadID env=%p" j9jvmti 2 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetOSThreadID_Exit " >GetOSThreadID returning %d" j9jvmti 2 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassVersionNumbers_Entry " >GetClassVersionNumbers env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassVersionNumbers_Exit " GetConstantPool env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetConstantPool_Exit " IsModifiableClass env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsModifiableClass_Exit " RetransformClasses env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRetransformClasses_Exit " AddToSystemClassLoaderSearch env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAddToSystemClassLoaderSearch_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnDouble env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnDouble_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnFloat env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnFloat_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnInt env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnInt_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnLong env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnLong_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnObject env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnObject_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnVoid env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnVoid_Exit " FollowReferences env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiFollowReferences_Exit " IterateThroughHeap env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIterateThroughHeap_Exit " SetNativeMethodPrefix env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetNativeMethodPrefix_Exit " SetNativeMethodPrefixes env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetNativeMethodPrefixes_Exit " GetCurrentThread env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetCurrentThread_Exit " GetOwnedMonitorStackDepthInfo env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetOwnedMonitorStackDepthInfo_Exit " TriggerVmDump env=%p arguments=%s" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiTriggerVmDump_Exit " HookVmDumpStart" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVmDumpStart_Exit " HookVmDumpEnd" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVmDumpEnd_Exit " HookVMInitializedFirst" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMInitializedFirst_Exit " HookVMShutdownLast" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMShutdownLast_Exit " HookVMStartedFirst" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMStartedFirst_Exit " SignalAsyncEvent env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSignalAsyncEvent_Exit " CancelAsyncEvent env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiCancelAsyncEvent_Exit " asyncEventHandler" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_asyncEventHandler_Exit " HookAgentLookupNativeAddress" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookAgentLookupNativeAddress_Exit " HookFindNativeToRegister" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookFindNativeToRegister_Exit " GetStackTraceExtended env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetStackTraceExtended_Exit " GetAllStackTracesExtended env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetAllStackTracesExtended_Exit " GetThreadListStackTracesExtended env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadListStackTracesExtended_Exit " publicFlags & J9_PUBLIC_FLAGS_VM_ACCESS" j9jvmti -1 9 1 N Assert_JVMTI_mustNotHaveVMAccess " 0 == ((P1)->publicFlags & J9_PUBLIC_FLAGS_VM_ACCESS)" j9jvmti 2 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookResourceExhausted_Entry " >ResourceExhaustedEvent" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookResourceExhausted_Exit " HookMethodExitNoRc" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMethodExitNoRc_Exit " AllowDirectJNIWithMethodEnterExit env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 4 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAllowDirectJNIWithMethodEnterExit_Exit " ResetVmDump env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiResetVmDump_Exit " RegisterTraceSubscriber env=%p description=%s subscriber=%p alarm=%p userData=%p subscriptionID=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRegisterTraceSubscriber_Exit " DeregisterTraceSubscriber env=%p subscriptionID=%p alarm=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDeregisterTraceSubscriber_Exit " FlushTraceData env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiFlushTraceData_Exit " GetTraceMetadata env=%p data=%p length=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetTraceMetadata_Exit " GetMethodAndClassNames env=%p ramMethods=%p count=%d" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMethodAndClassNames_Exit " GetHeapFreeMemory env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetHeapFreeMemory_Exit " GetHeapTotalMemory env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetHeapTotalMemory_Exit " AddCanAutoTagObjectsCapability env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAddCanAutoTagObjectsCapability_Exit " HookObjectMove" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookObjectMove_Exit " HookObjectDelete" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookObjectDelete_Exit " HookAutotaggedObjectAllocate" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookAutotaggedObjectAllocate_Exit " RemoveAllTags env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRemoveAllTags_Exit " QueryVmDump env=%p" j9jvmti 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiQueryVmDump_Exit " j9file_open filename = %s, flags = %d, perm = %d" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_open_Exit " j9shmem createFile: Entry" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_createFile_Exit1 " j9shmem createSharedMemory: Entry" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_createSharedMemory_ftok " j9shmem createSharedMemory: ftok on file %s, proj id = %d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_createSharedMemory_Exit1 " j9shmem_attach entered handle=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_attach_Exit " j9shmem_close entered handle=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_close_Exit " j9shmem_destroy entered handle=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_destroy_Exit " j9shmem_detach entered handle=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_detach_Exit " j9shmem_findclose entered, findhandle=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_findclose_Exit " j9shmem_findfirst entered" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_findfirst_Exit1 " j9shmem_findnext entered findHandle=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_findnext_Exit1 " j9shmem_open entered, rootName = %s, size = %d, permission = %d" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_open_Event1 " j9shmem_open shared memory file %s not exist, creating" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_open_Event2 " j9shmem_open shared memory file %s exist, opening" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_open_Event3 " j9shmem_open retrying, count=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_open_Exit1 " j9shmem_stat entered, name = %s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_stat_Exit1 " j9shsem_open entered, semname = %s, setSize = %d, permission = %d" j9prt 8 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_open_Debug1 " j9shsem_open: baseFile=%s" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_open_Event1 " j9shsem_open sempahore file %s exists, opening" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_open_Event2 " j9shsem_open semaphore file %s does not exist, creating" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_open_Event3 " j9shsem_open retrying, count=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_open_Exit1 " j9shsem_close entered handle=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_close_Exit " j9shsem_destroy entered handle=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_destroy_Exit " j9shsem_getVal handle=%p, semset = %d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_getVal_Exit1 " j9shsem_post handle=%p, semset = %d, flag = %d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_post_Exit1 " j9shsem_setVal handle=%p, semset = %d value = %d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_setVal_Exit1 " j9shsem_wait handle=%p, semset = %d flag = %d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_wait_Exit1 " j9mem_allocate_memory byteAmount=%u" j9prt 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_allocate_memory_Exit " j9mem_free_memory pointer=%p" j9prt 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_free_memory_Exit " j9mem_allocate_memory_callSite byteAmount=%u callSite=%s" j9prt 4 1 8 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_allocate_memory_callSite_Exit " j9mem_reallocate_memory memoryPointer=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_reallocate_memory_Exit " j9vmem_reserve_memory address=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt 1 1 2 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit1 "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (invalid input)" j9prt 0 1 2 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit2 " j9vmem_reserve_memory (using default page allocator) returns %p" j9prt 1 1 2 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit3 "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (unsupported page size: %u)" j9prt 1 1 2 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit4 "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (failure)" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit " j9vmem_free_memory userAddress=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_free_memory_Exit " j9vmem_commit_memory address=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_commit_memory_Exit " j9vmem_decommit_memory address=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_decommit_memory_Exit " j9sharedhelper ensureDirectory %s" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_changeDirectoryPermission_Event1 " j9sharedhelper change shared directory permission failed, errno=%d" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_ensureDirectory_Event1 " j9sharedhelper create shared directory failed, name exists but it is not a directory" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_ensureDirectory_Exit2 " j9sharedhelper change shared directory permission entered dir = %s, perms = %x" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_changeDirectoryPermission_Exit " j9sharedhelper createDirectory %s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_createDirectory_Exit " j9shsem checkMarker entering with handle=%p and semsetsize=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_checkMarker_ExitNullHandle " j9shsem createbaseFile entering with filename %s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_createbaseFile_ExitExists " j9shsem createSemaphore entering with basefile=%s, setsize=%d, semflags=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_createSemaphore_ExitFileExists " j9shsem createsemHandle entering with basefile=%s, semid=%d, nsems=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_createsemHandle_ExitMallocError " j9shsem findError entering with errorCode=%d, errorCode2=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_findError_Exit1 " j9shsem openSemaphore entering for basefile %s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_openSemaphore_ExitOpenError " j9shsem readbaseFile entering for basefile %s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_readbaseFile_ExitOpenError " j9shsem setMarker entering with handle %p and semsetsize %d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_setMarker_ExitInvalid " j9shsem writebaseFile entering with filename=%s, proj_id=%d, semid=%d, setSize=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_writebaseFile_ExitOpenError " j9shmem createshmHandle entering with controlFile=%s and shmid=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_createshmHandle_ExitMallocFail " j9shmem findError_shmat entering with errorCode=%d errorCode2=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_findError_shmat_Exit1 " j9shmem findError_shmctl entering with errorCode=%d errorCode2=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_findError_shmctl_Exit1 " j9shmem findError_shmget entering with errorCode=%d errorCode2=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_findError_shmget_Exit1 " j9shmem getNameFromControlFileName entering with name=%s and bufsize=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_getNameFromControlFileName_ExitNullName " j9shmem isControlFileName entering with buffer=%s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_isControlFileName_Exit1 " j9shmem openSharedMemory entering with controlFile=%s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_openSharedMemory_ExitFailed1 " j9shmem readControlFile entering with filename=%s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_readControlFile_ExitFileError " j9shmem writeControlFile entering with filename=%s, proj_id=%d, size=%d, shmid=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_writeControlFile_ExitFileError " j9sl_close_shared_library descriptor=%d" j9prt 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_sl_close_shared_library_Exit " j9sl_lookup_name descriptor=%d, name=%s, argSignature=%s" j9prt 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_sl_lookup_name_Exit1 " j9sl_open_shared_library name=%s, flags=%d" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sl_open_shared_library_Event1 " j9sl_open_shared_library using mangledName %s" j9prt 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_sl_open_shared_library_Exit1 " getLimitSharedMemory entered" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_getLimitSharedMemory_Exit " j9shsem:createMutex Entered, rootname = %s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createmutex_exit " j9shsem:openMutex Entered, rootname = %s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_openmutex_exit " cleanSharedMemorySegments: Entered" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_cleanSharedMemorySegments_exit " createMappedFile: Entered" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_createMappedFile_getFileNameFailed " j9shmem_set_controlfile_dir: Entering with controlFileDir=%s, PPG_shmem_controlDir=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_setctrl_Exit " j9shmem_getControlDir: Entering" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_getControlDir_Exit1 " j9file_read fd = %d, buf = %p, bytes = %d" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_read_Exit " j9file_write fd = %d, buf = %p, bytes = %d" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_write_Exit " j9file_attr path = %s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_attr_ExitFail " j9file_close fd = %d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_close_ExitFail " j9file_findfirst filename = %s, flags = %d, perm = %d" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_findfirst_Exit " j9file_findnext filename = %s, flags = %d, perm = %d" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_findnext_Exit " j9file_findclose findhandle = %d" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_findclose_Exit " j9file_lastmod filename = %s, flags = %d, perm = %d" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_lastmod_Exit " j9file_length filename = %s, flags = %d, perm = %d" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_length_Exit " j9file_mkdir filename = %s, flags = %d, perm = %d" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_mkdir_Exit " j9file_seek fd = %d, offset = %p, whence = %d" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_seek_Exit " j9file_sync fd = %d" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_sync_Exit " j9file_printf fd = %d, format = %s" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_printf_Exit " j9file_setlength fd = %d, newLength = %p" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_file_setlength_Exit " j9mmap_map_file: Entered, file=%zd, size=%zu" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_map_file_default_badfile " j9mmap_map_file: Entered, file=%zd, offset = %lld, size=%zu, mappingName=%s, flags=0x%x" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_map_file_win32_invalidFile " j9mmap_map_file: Entered, file=%zd, offset = %lld, size=%zu, mappingName=%s, flags=0x%x" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_map_file_unix_invalidFlags " j9mmap_msync: Entered start=%p, length=%zu, flags=0x%x" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_msync_win32_badFlushViewOfFile " j9mmap_msync: Entered, start=%p, length=%zu, flags=0x%x" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_msync_unix_invalidFlags " j9file_lock_bytes: Entered, fd=%d, lockFlags=0x%x, offset=%llu, length=%llu" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_lock_bytes_win32_callingLockFileEx " j9file_lock_bytes: Calling LockFileEx dwFlags=0x%x, offset=%u, offsetHigh=%u, length=%u, lengthHigh=%u" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_lock_bytes_win32_badLockFileEx " j9file_lock_bytes: Entered, fd=%d, lockFlags=0x%x, offset=%llu, length=%llu" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_lock_bytes_unix_noReadWrite " j9file_unlock_bytes: Entered, fd=%d, offset=%llu, length=%llu" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_unlock_bytes_win32_callingUnlockFileEx " j9file_unlock_bytes: Calling UnlockFileEx offset=%u, offsetHigh=%u, length=%u, lengthHigh=%u" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_unlock_bytes_win32_exiting " j9file_unlock_bytes: Entered, fd=%d, offset=%llu, length=%llu" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_unlock_bytes_unix_callingFcntl " j9file_unlock_bytes: Calling fcntl command=%d, type=%d, whence=%d, start=%llu, length=%llu" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_unlock_bytes_unix_badFcntl " j9sig_protect: Entered, fn=%p, fn_arg=%p, handler=%p, handler_arg=%p, flags=0x%X" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_protect_cannot_protect_dueto_Xrs " j9sig_protect cannot protect, calling fn with fun_arg: fn=%p, fn_arg=%p, flags=0x%X" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_protect_exiting_did_not_protect_due_to_Xrs " j9sig_set_async_signal_handler: Entered, handler=%p, handler_arg=%p, flags=0x%X" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_set_async_signal_handler_will_not_set_handler_due_to_Xrs " j9sig_set_async_signal_handler: will not set handler due to Xrs, handler=%p, handler_arg=%p, flags=0x%X" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_set_async_signal_handler_exiting_did_nothing_possible_error " j9sig_startup: Entered, portLibrary=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_startup_exiting " j9sig_can_protect: Entered, flags=0x%x" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_can_protect_exiting_is_able_to_protect " sig_full_shutdown: Entered, portLibrary=%p" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_sig_full_shutdown_deregistered_handler_with_OS " sig_full_shutdown: deregistered handler with OS, portLibrary=%p, unixSignalNo=0x%X" j9prt 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_sig_full_shutdown_exiting " >sig_full_shutdown: Exiting, portLibrary=%p" j9prt 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit_enter " >j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit: Entered, portLibrary=%p" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit_forwarding_to_jsigHandler " j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit: forwarding signal to jsig handler, portLibrary=%p, unixSignalNo=0x%X" j9prt 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit_exiting " >j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit: Exiting, portLibrary=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_openSharedMemory_ExitRetry4 " j9shmem call_shmget: entering with fkey=%d, size=%d" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_call_shmget_zos " j9shmem call_shmget: zOS shmget with ftok key = %d, size = %d, flags = 0x%x" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_call_shmget_exit " j9mem_allocate_memory32 byteAmount=%u" j9prt 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_allocate_memory32_failed_malloc31 "* j9mem_allocate_memory32 failed malloc31 byteAmount=%u callSite=%s" j9prt 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_allocate_memory32_Exit " j9mem_free_memory32 pointer=%p" j9prt 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_free_memory32_Exit " j9vmem port_numa_interleave_memory entry" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_port_numa_interleave_memory_across_all_nodes " j9vmem port_numa_interleave_memory interleave across all nodes" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_port_numa_interleave_memory_with_mask " j9vmem port_numa_interleave_memory interleave using mask" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_no_NUMA " j9vmem_reserve_memory : not using NUMA interleaving" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_port_numa_interleave_memory_exit " j9sharedhelper testing page protection" j9prt 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_is_page_protection_possible_Exit1 " j9mmap_unmap_file: Entering with handle=%p" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_unmap_file_unix_values " j9mmap_unmap_file: Handle values are pointer=%p, size=%d" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_unmap_file_unix_exiting " j9mem_allocate_memory byteAmount=%u callSite=%s" j9prt 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_create_entry " >j9heap_create entry heapBase=%p, heapSize=%zu, flag=%zu" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_create_null_heapBase_exit " j9heap_free entry heapBase=%p, memPtr=%p" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_free_null_memptr_exit " j9heap_allocate entry heapBase=%p, requestSize=%zu" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_allocate_heap_full_exit " allocate_memory32 entry byteAmount=%zu" j9prt 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_allocate_memory32_Exit " free_memory32 entry memoryPointer=0x%p" j9prt 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_free_memory32_Exit " default_pageSize_reserve_memory requestedAddress=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt 0 1 4 N Trc_PRT_vmem_default_reserve_using_mem_allocate_memory " default_pageSize_reserve_memory using j9mem_allocate_memory byteAmount=%u" j9prt 0 1 4 N Trc_PRT_vmem_default_reserve_using_mem_allocate_memory32 " default_pageSize_reserve_memory using j9mem_allocate_memory32 byteAmount=%u" j9prt 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_default_reserve_failed "* default_pageSize_reserve_memory FAILED requestedAddress=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_vmem_default_reserve_exit " j9vmem_reserve_memory requestedAddress=%p byteAmount=%u pageSize=%u" j9prt 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_invalid_input "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (invalid input)" j9prt 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_unsupported_page_size "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (unsupported page size: %u)" j9prt 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_failure "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (failure)" j9prt 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_shmget_failed "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (shmget_failed) byteAmount=%u shmgetFlags=%i" j9prt 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_shmat_failed "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (shmat failed) byteAmout=%u address=%p" j9prt 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit_replacement " j9mem_ensure_capacity32 entry byteAmount=%zu" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_ensure_capacity32_Exit " ensure_capacity32 entry byteAmount=%zu" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mem_ensure_capacity32_Exit " j9sock_connect entry sock=%p addr=%p" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_connect_Exit " j9sock_socket entry handle=%p family=0x%x socktype=0x%x protocol=0x%x" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_socket_Exit " j9sock_write entry sock=%p buf=\"%s\" nbyte=%d flags=0x%x" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_write_Exit " j9sock_writeto entry sock=%p buf=\"%s\" nbyte=%d flags=0x%x addrHandle=%p" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_writeto_Exit " j9sock_read entry sock=%p nbyte=%d flags=0x%x" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_read_Exit " j9sock_readfrom entry sock=%p nbyte=%d flags=0x%x addrHandle=%p" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_readfrom_Exit " j9sock_select entry nfds=%d readfds=%p writefds=%p exceptfds=%p timeout.sec=%zd timeout.usec=%zd" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_select_Exit " j9sock_select_read entry j9socketP=%p secTime=%d uSecTime=%d isNonBlocking=%u" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_select_read_Exit " j9sock_setopt_bool entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d optval=%u" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_bool_Exit " j9sock_setopt_byte entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d optval=%u" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_byte_Exit " j9sock_setopt_int entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d optval=%d" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_int_Exit " j9sock_setopt_ipmreq entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_ipmreq_Exit " j9sock_setopt_ipv6_mreq entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_ipv6_mreq_Exit " j9sock_setopt_linger entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_linger_Exit " j9sock_setopt_sockaddr entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_sockaddr_Exit " getShareMemHandle() enter" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_shmem_getShareMemHandle_Exit " getInfoStruct() enter" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_shsem_getInfoStruct_Exit " j9shmem ensureBaseFile entering with filename %s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_ensureBaseFile_ExitExists " address=0x%zx, identifier->size=0x%zx, address=0x%zx, byteAmount=0x%zx" j9prt 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_decommit_memory_invalidRange "* j9vmem_decommit_memory requested an invalid range identifier->address=0x%zx, identifier->size=0x%zx, address=0x%zx, byteAmount=0x%zx" j9prt 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_commit_memory_mprotect_failure "* j9vmem_commit_memory mprotect failed, errno=%d" j9prt 2 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_close_Entry " >j9sock_close entry sock=%p" j9prt 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_close_Exit " j9shmem_openDeprecated entered." j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_openDeprecated_Exit " " j9prt 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_openDeprecated_Entry " >j9shsem_openDeprecated entered." j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_openDeprecated_Exit " " j9prt 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_statDeprecated_Entry " >j9shmem_statDeprecated entered." j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_statDeprecated_Exit " " j9prt 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createsemaphore_entered " >j9shsem:createSemaphore Entered, rootname = %s" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createsemaphore_createdmain " j9shsem:createSemaphore created main semaphore, will now create set semaphores" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createsemaphore_creatingset " j9shsem:createSemaphore creating set semaphore %d, name = %s" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createsemaphore_exiterror " j9shsem:openSemaphore Entered, rootname = %s" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_opensemaphore_openingset " j9shsem:openSemaphore opening set semaphore %d, name = %s" j9prt 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_opensemaphore_failedToBuildUnicodeString "* j9shsem:openSemaphore failed to convert semaphore name to unicode(original string: %s, errno %d)." j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_opensemaphore_exit " j9shsem createSemaphore (%s)" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createsemaphore_Msg " j9shsem createSemaphore (%s)" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createsemaphore_ExitWithMessage " j9shsem openSemaphore (%s)" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_opensemaphore_Msg " j9shsem openSemaphore (%s)" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_opensemaphore_ExitWithMessage " j9shmem createSharedMemory (%s)" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_createSharedMemory_Msg " j9shmem createSharedMemory (%s)" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_createSharedMemory_ExitWithMessage " j9shmem openSharedMemory (%s)" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_openSharedMemory_Msg " j9shmem openSharedMemory (%s)" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_openSharedMemory_ExitWithMessage " ControlFileFDWithWriteLock (%s)" j9prt 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_ControlFileFDWithWriteLock_Message " ControlFileFDWithWriteLock (%s)" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_ControlFileFDWithWriteLock_ExitWithMessage " ControlFileFDUnLock (%s)" j9prt 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_ControlFileFDUnLock_ExitWithMessage " %.*s.%.*s%.*s Bytecode method, This = %zx" mt 2 1 4 N Trc_MethodEntryC " >%.*s.%.*s%.*s Compiled method, This = %zx" mt 2 1 4 N Trc_MethodEntryN " >%.*s.%.*s%.*s Native method, This = %zx" mt 2 1 4 N Trc_MethodEntryS " >%.*s.%.*s%.*s Bytecode static method" mt 2 1 4 N Trc_MethodEntryCS " >%.*s.%.*s%.*s Compiled static method" mt 2 1 4 N Trc_MethodEntryNS " >%.*s.%.*s%.*s Native static method" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExit " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s Bytecode method" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExitC " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s Compiled method" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExitN " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s Native method" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExitS " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s Bytecode static method" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExitCS " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s Compiled static method" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExitNS " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s Native static method" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExitX " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Bytecode method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExitCX " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Compiled method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExitNX " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Native method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExitXS " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Bytecode static method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExitCXS " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Compiled static method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt 4 1 4 N Trc_MethodExitNXS " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Native static method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt 0 1 4 N Trc_MethodArguments " Instance method receiver: %.*s@%p arguments: (%s)" mt 0 1 4 N Trc_MethodArgumentsS " Static method arguments: (%s)" j9rdbgi 0 1 1 N Trc_RDBGI_VMInitStages_Event1 " Trace engine initialized for module j9rdbgi" j9rdbgi 0 1 1 N Trc_RDBGI_DLLMAIN_AboutToConnect " About to connect to info server" j9rdbgi 0 1 1 N Trc_RDBGI_DLLMAIN_ConnectSuccess " Successfully connected to info server" j9rdbgi 0 1 1 N Trc_RDBGI_DLLMAIN_ConnectFailed " Failed to connect to info server" j9rdbgi 0 1 1 N Trc_RDBGI_connect_AfterTspCreate " Created TSP" j9rdbgi 0 1 1 N Trc_RDBGI_connect_BeforeTspConnect " About to Connect TSP" j9rdbgi 0 1 1 N Trc_RDBGI_connect_TspConnectFailed " Connect TSP Failed" j9rdbgi 0 1 1 N Trc_RDBGI_connect_TspConnectSuccess " Connect TSP Success" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_VMInitStages_Event1 " Trace engine initialized for module j9shr" j9shr 2 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CM_LinkListImpl_link_Entry " >CM LinkedListImpl::link: Adding link 0x%p to link 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CM_LinkListImpl_link_Exit1 " CM newInstance: Creating new instance of SH_CacheMap. vm=0x%p." j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_newInstance_Exit " CM init begin" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_initialize_Exit " CM cleanup begin" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_cleanup_Exit " CM startup for cache %s with size %d begin" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_startup_ExitOK " CM createAsROMImageSegment: Creating ROM image segment" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_createAsROMImageSegment_Exit " CM writeOrphanToCache: trying write orphaned romclass %.*s, originally at address 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeOrphanToCache_ExitNull " CM writeROMClassToCache: trying write romclass %.*s - romclass exists? = %d" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeROMClassToCache_ActuallyAdding " CM writeROMClassToCache: actually adding %.*s with classpath entry %.*s (index %d in cpw 0x%p)" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeROMClassToCache_SettingTimestamp " CM writeROMClassToCache: setting initial timestamp of %.*s to %lld" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeROMClassToCache_CopyingIntoCache " CM writeROMClassToCache: copying ROMClass into cache at address 0x%p" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeROMClassToCache_UpdatingSegment " CM writeROMClassToCache: updating ROMClassSegment allocation pointer to 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeROMClassToCache_ExitNull " CM addROMClassToCache: trying add class %.*s at classpath entry %.*s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_addROMClassToCache_ExitSuccess " CM updateClasspathInfo: called for classpath id %d at index %d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateClasspathInfo_Exit " CM addClasspathToCache: adding classpath (id %d) to cache" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_addClasspathToCache_Exit " CM access: for class %s with classpath id %d" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_access_Event_WaitingWriteHash " CM access: waiting for another JVM to load class - waited %d times" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_access_Event_AfterWriteHash " CM access: finished waiting for other JVM to load class - known = 0x%p - foundAtIndex = %d" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_access_Event_PeekForWriteHash " CM access: peeking to see if we should use writeHash. Answer = %d." j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_access_Exit_Found " CM add: adding class %.*s with classpath id %d at index %d" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_add_Event_ResettingWriteHash " CM add: resetting write hash field in cache" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_add_Exit_Corrupt " CM markStale: trying stale mark for classpath entry %.*s (hasWriteMutex=%d)" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_markStale_Exit " CM createPathString: calling with classpath entry %.*s and className %.*s" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_createPathString_Exit " CM markItemStale: marking stale cache item at address 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_markItemStale_Exit " CM destroy: Entering destroy" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_destroy_Exit " CM reportFullCache: Reporting full cache" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_reportFullCache_Exit " CM reportCorruptCache: Reporting corrupt cache" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_reportCorruptCache_Exit " CM readCache: reading cache - expecting %d new updates" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CM_readCache_Exit " CM refreshHashtables: refreshing hashtables." j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_refreshHashtables_Exit " CM isStale: testing item 0x%p for stale" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CM_isStale_ExitStale " RMI RcLinkedListImpl::newInstance: Creating new RcLinkedListImpl for key %.*s and item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_RcLinkedListImpl_newInstance_Exit " RMI RcLinkedListImpl::initialize: Initializing RcLinkedListImpl" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_RcLinkedListImpl_initialize_Exit " RMI RcLinkedListImpl::createLink: Creating RcLinkedListImpl link for key %.*s and item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_RcLinkedListImpl_createLink_Exit1 " RMI rcHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcHashTableCreate_Exit " RMI rcHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcHashFn_Exit " RMI rcHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcHashEqualFn_Exit1 " RMI rcTableAdd: Entering add with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr 1 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcTableAdd_Exception1 "* RMI rcTableAdd: hashTableAdd failed" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcTableAdd_Exit1 " RMI rcTableLookup: Entering lookup with name %.*s" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcTableLookup_HashtableFind " RMI rcTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcTableLookup_Exit1 " RMI rcTableUpdate: Entering update with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcTableUpdate_Exit1 " RMI newInstance: Creating new ROMClassManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p. cpm=0x%p. tsm=0x%p." j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_newInstance_Exit " RMI initialize: Initializing ROMClassManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_initialize_Exit " RMI startup: Starting up ROMClassManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_startup_Exit1 " RMI cleanup: Cleaning up ROMClassManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_cleanup_Exit " RMI locateROMClass: Locate request for ROMClass %.*s from helper ID %d with cpeIndex %d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_locateROMClass_ExitNotFound1 " RMI checkTimestamp: Checking timestamp for path %.*s" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_checkTimestamp_ExitTrue " RMI reset: Resetting ROMClassManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_reset_Exit " RMI storeNew: storeNew called for item at address 0x%p" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_storeNew_Event1 " RMI storeNew: storing orphan %.*s in local hashtable (address 0x%p)" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_storeNew_Event2 " RMI storeNew: storing romclass %.*s in local hashtable (address 0x%p)" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_storeNew_ExitTrue " RMI compareROMClasses: comparing ROMClasses at addresses 0x%p and 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_compareROMClasses_ExitNotSame1 " RMI prepareForCompare: Copying and fixing up ROMClass at address 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_prepareForCompare_ExitNull " RMI compareForSafeMode: Comparing local ROMClass 0x%p with cache ROMClass 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_compareForSafeMode_ExitAlloc " RMI findExisting: looking for existing ROMClass with name: %.*s. Compare with RC at 0x%p. Is in cache? %d" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_findExisting_ExitNotFound " RMI reuniteOrphan: trying reuniteOrphan for romclass %.*s" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_reuniteOrphan_Event1 " RMI reuniteOrphan: reuniting orphaned romclass %.*s (at address 0x%p) with item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_reuniteOrphan_ExitTrue " RMI redeemStale: trying redeemStale for %.*s from ClasspathWrapper 0x%p and cpeIndex %d" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_redeemStale_ExitFound " CMI CpLinkedListImpl::newInstance: Creating new CpLinkedListImpl for cpeIndex %d and item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListImpl_newInstance_Exit " CMI CpLinkedListImpl::initialize: Initializing CpLinkedListImpl" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListImpl_initialize_Exit " CMI CpLinkedListImpl::link: Linking CpLinkedListImpl for list 0x%p with cpeIndex %d and item 0x%p. Tag as last item=%d." j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListImpl_link_Exit1 " CMI CpLinkedListImpl::forCacheItem: Search in list for cpEntry at index %d in classpathItem 0x%p" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListImpl_forCacheItem_DoTest " CMI CpLinkedListImpl::forCacheItem: Testing link 0x%p, which has index %d and staleFromIndex %d" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListImpl_forCacheItem_Exit1 " CMI CpLinkedListHdr::newInstance: Creating new CpLinkedListHdr for %.*s. isToken=%d. List=0x%p." j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListHdr_newInstance_Exit " CMI CpLinkedListHdr::initialize: Initializing CpLinkedListHdr" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListHdr_initialize_Exit " CMI newInstance: Creating new ClasspathManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p. tsm=0x%p." j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_newInstance_Exit " CMI initialize: Initializing ClasspathManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_initialize_Exit " CMI startup: Starting ClasspathManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_startup_Exit1 " CMI cleanup: Cleaning up ClasspathManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cleanup_Exit " CMI hasTimestampChanged: Checking timestamp change for item 0x%p. DoTryLockJar=%d." j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CMI_hasTimestampChanged_ExitLocked " CMI cpeHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeHashTableCreate_Exit " CMI cpeHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeHashFn_Exit " CMI cpeHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeHashEqualFn_Exit1 " CMI cpeTableAdd: Adding entry %.*s to hashtable at CPEIndex %d. Item=0x%p. isToken=%x. doTag=%d." j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeTableAdd_Exit1 " CMI cpeTableLookup: Entering lookup with name %.*s. IsToken=%d." j9shr 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeTableLookup_HashtableFind " CMI cpeTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeTableLookup_Exit1 " CMI cpeTableUpdate: Entering update with name %.*s. CPEIndex=%d. Item=0x%p. IsToken=%d." j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeTableUpdate_Exit " CMI localUpdate_FindIdentified: Looking for identified classpath for classpathItem 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localUpdate_FindIdentified_Exit " CMI local_StoreIdentified: Storing identified classpath for classpathItem 0x%p and classpathWrapper 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_local_StoreIdentified_Exit1 " CMI localUpdate_CheckManually: Checking classpathItem 0x%p manually against known items in cache" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localUpdate_CheckManually_FoundKnown " CMI localUpdate_CheckManually: Found known classpath entry header 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localUpdate_CheckManually_Exit " CMI Update: Looking for ClasspathItem 0x%p with cpeIndex %d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_Update_Exit1 " CMI localValidate_FindIdentified: Looking for ID for ClasspathWrapper 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localValidate_FindIdentified_ExitFound " CMI localValidate_CheckAndTimestampManually: Comparing cache classpath 0x%p with 0x%p. ROMClass at index %d." j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localValidate_CheckAndTimestampManually_Exit1 " CMI validate: Validating found ROMClass 0x%p against classpath 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_validate_ExitSameInCache " CMI setTimestamps: Entering setTimestamps for ClasspathWrapper 0x%p" j9shr 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_setTimestamps_NewTimestamp " CMI setTimestamps: Setting %.*s to timestamp %lld" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_setTimestamps_Exit " CMI storeNew: Entering storeNew for cache item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_storeNew_ExitFalse " CMI markClasspathsStale: Marking classpaths containing classpath entry %.*s stale" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_markClasspathsStale_SetStaleFromIndex " CMI markClasspathsStale: Setting staleFromIndex to %d for link 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_markClasspathsStale_Exit " CMI reset: Resetting ClasspathManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_reset_Exit " CMI touchForClassFiles: Looking for class %.*s in classpath 0x%p. Searching up to index %d." j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_touchForClassFiles_ExitFalse1 " CPI compare CPEI: Entering compare with ClasspathEntryItems 0x%p and 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPI_compare_CPEI_ExitSame " CPC clearIdentified: Entering clearIdentified with array 0x%p, length %d, classpath 0x%p" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPC_ClearIdentified_Killing " CPC clearIdentified: Clearing identified array element %d" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPC_ClearIdentified_Exit " CPC freeIdentifiedClasspathArray: Freeing classpath array 0x%p, length %d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CPC_FreeIdentifiedClasspathArray_Exit " CPC initializeIdentifiedClasspathArray: Creating new array with %d elements" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CPC_InitializeIdentifiedClasspathArray_Exit1 " CPC getIdentifiedClasspath: Entering getIdentified with array 0x%p, length %d, helperID %d, itemsAdded %d" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPC_getIdentifiedClasspath_ExitBadIndex " CPC getIDForIdentified: Entering getIDForIdentified with array 0x%p, length %d and classpath 0x%p" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPC_getIDForIdentified_Compare " CPC getIDForIdentified: Comparing array element classpath 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPC_getIDForIdentified_ExitFound " CPC setIdentifiedClasspath: Entering setIdentified with array 0x%p, length %d, helperID %d, itemsAdded %d, classpath 0x%p" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPC_setIdentifiedClasspath_GrowingArray " CPC setIdentifiedClasspath: Growing array to %d elements..." j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPC_setIdentifiedClasspath_ExitAlloc " CPC localMatchCheck: Called with callerHelperID=%d, arrayIndex=%d, indexInCacheHelper=%d" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPC_localMatchCheck_Exit " CC commitUpdate: committing update" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH2_commitUpdate_EnteredCritical " CC commitUpdate: entering critical section" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH3_commitUpdate_Event1 " CC commitUpdate: updating theca->segmentBytes from %d to %d" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH4_commitUpdate_Event2 " CC commitUpdate: theca->updateSRP from %d to %d" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH5_commitUpdate_EndingCritical " CC commitUpdate: exiting critical section" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH6_commitUpdate_Exit " CM enterLocalMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p entering %s from %s" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CM_enterLocalMutex_post " CM exitLocalMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p exiting %s from %s" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CM_exitLocalMutex_post " CC enterWriteMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p entering writeMutex with lockCache=%d from %s" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterWriteMutex_Exit " CC exitWriteMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p exiting writeMutex from %s" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CC_exitWriteMutex_Exit " CC enterReadMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p entering readMutex from %s" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadMutex_WaitOnGlobalMutex " CC enterReadMutex: Thread 0x%p from %s detected locked cache, so waiting on global mutex" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadMutex_ReleasingGlobalMutex " CC enterReadMutex: Thread 0x%p from %s got global mutex, so immediately freeing" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadMutex_Exit " CC exitReadMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p exiting readMutex from %s" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CC_exitReadMutex_Exit " OSCache Constructor: rootName=%s length=%d create=%d" j9shr 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Constructor_Exit " OSCache startup: rootName=%s length=%d create=%d" j9shr 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_OSC_startup_Exit_Opened " OSCache createNewCacahe Entered: rootName=%s" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Event1 " OSCache createNewCache calling j9shmem_open - shmem name = %s, size = %d" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Event2 " OSCache createNewCache semaphore not found but shared memory area found...attempting to recreate semaphore" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_GlobalLock_getMutex " OSCache Global Lock: OBTAINING for cache rootName=%s" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_GlobalLock_gotMutex " OSCache Global Lock: ACQUIRED for cache rootName=%s" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_OSC_GlobalLock_released " OSCache releasing Global Lock semaphore" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Event4 " OSCache createNewCache calling initialiser, intialiser=%p len=%d" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Event5 " OSCache createNewCache return from initialiser" j9shr 8 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Debug1 " OSCache createNewCache: GENJVMAT: %d, GENLOCK: %d, GENSTATE: %d" j9shr 8 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Debug2 " OSCache createNewCache: currentgeneration in semaphore = %d" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Exit_recreated " OSCache openCaahe Entered rootName=%s" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_openCache_shmem_open " OSCache openCache calling shmem_open: name = %s, size = %d" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_openCache_release_cache_activity " OSCache openCache increment cache activity" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_openCache_Exit_Restart1 " OSCache newInstance Entered" j9shr 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstanceExit " OSCache recreateSemaphore Entered" j9shr 8 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_recreateSemaphore_Debug1 " OSCache recreateSemaphore: eyecatcher: %s header->size = %d\n" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_recreateSemaphore_Exit1 " OSCache detachRegion Entered" j9shr 8 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_detachRegion_Debug " OSCache detachRegion: theBlock = %p, region beings at %p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_detachRegion_Exit " OSCache cleanup Entered" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_cleanup_Exit " OSCache detach Entered" j9shr 8 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_detach_Debug " OSCache detach cache = %s, region = %p.\n" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_detach_Exit " OSCache add Entered" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_add_Exit1 " OSCache attach Entered" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_attach_Exit1 " OSCache destroy Entered" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_destroy_Exit " OSCache enterMutex Entered cachename = %s" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_enterMutex_Exit " OSCache exitMutex Entered cachename = %s" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_exitMutex_Exit " OSCache getAllCacheStatistics Entered" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_getAllCacheStatistics_Exit1 " INIT HOOK STORE CLASS: Entering hookStoreSharedClass" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_hookStoreSharedClass_exit_Noop " INIT HOOK FIND CLASS: Entering hookFindSharedClass" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_hookFindSharedClass_exit_Noop " CC compareWriteHash: Entering with hashValue=%d and cacheValue=%d" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_compareWriteHash_Updating " CC compareWriteHash: Updated writeHash field in cache with value %d" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_compareWriteHash_Exit1 " CC testAndSetWriteHash: VM %d entering with hashValue=%d, snapshot cacheValue=%x (actual cache value=%x)" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_testAndSetWriteHash_Exit1 " CC tryResetWriteHash: VM %d entering with hashValue=%d, snapshot cacheValue=%x (actual cache value=%x)" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryResetWriteHash_Exit1 " CC setWriteHash: VM %d entering with hashValue=%d, snapshot cacheValue=%x (actual cache value=%x)" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_setWriteHash_Exit " CMI testForClasspathReset: Entering..." j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_testForClasspathReset_ExitReset " CPI addItem: Adding item with path %.*s and protocol %d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CPI_addItem_ExitTooMany " CPI isSamePartitionContext: Entering to compare ClasspathItems %p and %p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPI_isSamePartitionContext_ExitNullError " CPI compare: Entering to compare ClasspathItems %p and %p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CPI_compare_ExitNullError " CPI find: Looking in ClasspathItem %p with stopAtIndex=%d" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CPI_find_ExitFound " CPI writeToAddress: Serializing ClasspathItem to address %p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CPI_writeToAddress_Exit " CPI itemAt: Requesting item at %d" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPI_itemAt_ExitError " CPI getPartition: Requesting partition" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPI_getPartition_ExitNull " CPI getPartition: Requesting context" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CPI_getModContext_ExitNull " CPI initialize: Initializing ClasspathItem id %d with %d entries, type %d, partition %s, modContext %s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CPI_initialize_Exit " shmemOpenWrapper entered, cache name = %s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_shmemOpenWrapper_Exit " RMI relocateSRP: Entering with info=%p and offset=%d" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_relocateSRP_ExitSuccess " CM relocateInvariants: Entering for ROMClass %p and relocData %p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_relocatInvariants_ExitRelocFail " CM compareROMClassWithInvariants: Entering with rc1=%p, rc2=%p, rc1RelocData=%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_compareROMClassWithInvariants_Exit1 " CM compareROMClassHeaders: Entering with rc1=%p, rc2=%p" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_compareROMClassHeaders_Exit1 " CM sortRelocationData: Sorting entries for relocData=%p" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_sortRelocationData_Exit " CM doSort: Quicksort for start=%p at index %d; end=%p at index %d" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_doSort_Exit " CM swapListItems: Swap list items %p and %p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_swapListItems_Exit " CM addNewROMImageSegment: Adding new class segment for base=%p, end=%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_addNewROMImageSegment_Exit " CM updateROMSegmentList: Updating class segment list - currentSegment=%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateROMSegmentList_Exit " CM initializeROMSegmentList: Initializing ROM image segment list" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_initializeROMSegmentList_Exit " CM storeROMClassResource: romAddress=0x%p, resourceDescriptor=0x%p, forceReplace=%d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeROMClassResource_Exit1 " CM findROMClassResource: Adding resource 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClassResource_Exit1 " RRM localHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RRM_localHashTableCreate_Exit " RRM rrmHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmHashFn_Exit " RRM rrmHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmHashEqualFn_Exit1 " RRM rrmTableAdd: Entering add with key %d for item 0x%p" j9shr 1 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableAdd_Exception1 "* RRM rrmTableAdd: hashTableAdd failed" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableAdd_Exit1 " RRM rrmTableLookup: Entering lookup with key %d" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableLookup_HashtableFind " RRM rrmTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableLookup_Exit1 " CMMI newInstance: Creating new CompiledMethodManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMMI_newInstance_Exit " CMMI initialize: Initializing CompiledMethodManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMMI_initialize_Exit " RRM storeNew: storeNew called for item at address 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RRM_storeNew_ExitTrue " RRM findResource: Looking for resource for ROMAddress 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RRM_find_Exit " SMI localHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_SMI_localHashTableCreate_Exit " SMI scHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scHashFn_Exit " SMI scHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scHashEqualFn_Exit1 " SMI scTableAdd: Entering add with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr 1 1 5 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scTableAdd_Exception1 "* SMI scTableAdd: hashTableAdd failed" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scTableAdd_Exit1 " SMI scTableLookup: Entering lookup with name %.*s" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scTableLookup_HashtableFind " SMI scTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scTableLookup_Exit1 " SMI newInstance: Creating new ScopeManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_SMI_newInstance_Exit " SMI initialize: Initializing ScopeManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_SMI_initialize_Exit " SMI storeNew: storeNew called for item at address 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_SMI_storeNew_ExitTrue " SMI findScopeForUTF: looking for cached scope match for localScope=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_SMI_findScopeForUTF_Exit " SMI validate: Called validate with partition=0x%p and modContext=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_SMI_validate_Exit1 " CM addScopeToCache: Adding scope %.*s to cache" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_addScopeToCache_Exit_Null " CM runEntryPointChecks: Running checks to ensure all is well" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_runEntryPointChecks_Exit_Failed1 " CM addROMClassResourceToCache: romAddress=0x%p, resourceDescriptor=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_addROMClassResourceToCache_Exit_Null " M initializeHashTable: Entering for Manager of %s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_initializeHashTable_Exit " M tearDownHashTable: Entering for Manager of %s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_tearDownHashTable_Exit " M startup: Starting up Manager of %s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_startup_Exit1 " M cleanup: Cleaning up Manager of %s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_cleanup_Exit " M reset: Resetting Manager of %s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_reset_Exit " RMI localInitializePools: Initializing ROMClassManager pools" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_localInitializePools_ExitFailed " RMI localTearDownPools: Cleaning up ROMClassManager pools" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_localTearDownPools_Exit " CMI localInitializePools: Initializing ClasspathManager pools" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localInitializePools_Exit " CMI localTearDownPools: Cleaning up ClasspathManager pools" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localTearDownPools_Exit " INIT HOOK STORE AOT: Entering j9shr_storeCompiledMethod" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_storeCompiledMethod_exit_Noop " INIT HOOK FIND AOT: Entering j9shr_findCompiledMethod" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_findCompiledMethod_exit_Noop " INIT HOOK STORE DATA: Entering j9shr_storeSharedData with key=%.*s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_storeSharedData_exit_Noop " INIT HOOK FIND DATA: Entering j9shr_findSharedData with key=%.*s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_findSharedData_exit_Noop " CM addByteDataToCache: Entering with localBDM=0x%p, tokenKey=0x%p, data=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_addByteDataToCache_Exit_Null " CM storeSharedData: Entering with key=%.*s, data=0x%p" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeSharedData_FoundExisting " CM storeSharedData: The exact same data already exists for this key" j9shr 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeSharedData_NoSCM "* CM storeSharedData: Cannot access ScopeManager" j9shr 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeSharedData_NoMem "* CM storeSharedData: Cannot allocate memory for string buffer" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeSharedData_CannotAddScope " CM storeSharedData: Cannot add new Scope to the cache" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeSharedData_Exit1 " CM findSharedData: Entering with key=%.*s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_findSharedData_Exit1 " BDMI localHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_localHashTableCreate_Exit " BDMI bdHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdHashFn_Exit " BDMI scHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdHashEqualFn_Exit1 " BDMI bdTableAdd: Entering add with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr 1 1 5 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdTableAdd_Exception1 "* BDMI bdTableAdd: hashTableAdd failed" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdTableAdd_Exit1 " BDMI bdTableLookup: Entering lookup with name %.*s" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdTableLookup_HashtableFind " BDMI bdTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdTableLookup_Exit1 " BDMI newInstance: Creating new ByteDataManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_newInstance_Exit " BDMI initialize: Initializing ByteDataManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_initialize_Exit " BDMI storeNew: storeNew called for item at address 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_storeNew_ExitTrue " CMI localPostStartup: Starting ClasspathManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localPostStartup_Exit1 " CMI localPostCleanup: Cleaning up ClasspathManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localPostCleanup_Exit " CMMI existsCachedCodeForROMMethod: Entering for ROMMethod %p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CM_existsCachedCodeForROMMethod_Exit1 " SH_OSCachemmap::SH_OSCachemmap: Entering cache name = %s, cache size = %zu, numSems = %zd, create flags = 0x%zx, verbose flags = 0x%zx" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_Constructor_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::initialize: Entering portLibray = %p, memForConstructor = %p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_initialize_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::finalise: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_finalise_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: Entering cache name = %s, control dir = %s, cache size = %zu, numSems = %zd, create flags = 0x%zx, verbose flags = 0x%zx, openFlags = 0x%x" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_nommap " 0, file opened" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_deleteFlagSet " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: Cache delete flag set, will close" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_fileCreated " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: File is wrong length - file created" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_goodCreateCacheHeader " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: Successfully created cache header" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_goodSetCacheLength " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: Successfully set cache length to %zu" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_badAttach " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: Failed to attach to cache" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_badSetCacheLength " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireWriteLock: Entering, lockID = %zu" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireWriteLock_BadLockID " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseWriteLock: Entering, lockID = %zu" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseWriteLock_BadLockID " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderWriteLock: Entering" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderWriteLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderWriteLock: Lock failed" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderWriteLock: Lock successful" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderWriteLock: Entering" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderWriteLock: Attempting to release lock for file handle = %zi, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderWriteLock: Unlock failed" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderWriteLock: Unlock successful" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderReadLock: Entering" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderReadLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderReadLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderReadLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderReadLock: Lock failed" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderReadLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderReadLock: Lock successful" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderReadLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderReadLock: Entering" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderReadLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderReadLock: Attempting to release lock for file handle = %zi, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderReadLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderReadLock: Unlock failed" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderReadLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderReadLock: Unlock successful" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderReadLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachWriteLock: Entering" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachWriteLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachWriteLock: Lock failed" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachWriteLock: Lock successful" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireAttachWriteLock: Entering" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireAttachWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireAttachWriteLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireAttachWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireAttachWriteLock: Lock failed" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireAttachWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireAttachWriteLock: Lock successful" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireAttachWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachWriteLock: Entering" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachWriteLock: Attempting to release lock for file handle = %zi, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachWriteLock: Unlock failed" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachWriteLock: Unlock successful" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachReadLock: Entering" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachReadLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachReadLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachReadLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachReadLock: Lock failed" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachReadLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachReadLock: Lock successful" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachReadLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachReadLock: Entering" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachReadLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachReadLock: Attempting to release lock for file handle = %zi, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachReadLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachReadLock: Unlock failed" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachReadLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachReadLock: Unlock successful" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachReadLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::getCachePathName: Entry" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_getCachePathName_badgetdir " SH_OSCachemmap::isCacheHeaderValid: Entering cache header addr = %p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCacheHeaderValid_eyecatcherFailed " size = %u _cacheSize = %zu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCacheHeaderValid_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::isCachePathName: Entering, path name = %s" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCachePathName_searching " SH_OSCachemmap::isCachePathName: Searching %s for %s" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCachePathName_no " SH_OSCachemmap::isCachePathName: Required string not found" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCachePathName_yes " SH_OSCachemmap::isCachePathName: Required string found" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCachePathName_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::createCacheHeader: Entered - cacheHeader=%p, headerLen=%d, versionData=%p" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_createCacheHeader_header " SH_OSCachemmap::createCacheHeader: Created header eyecatcher=%s, size=%u, dataStart=%d, dataLength=%d, createTime=%llu, lastAttachedTime=%llu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_createCacheHeader_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::setCacheLength: Entered, cache size = %zu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_setCacheLength_badfilesetlength " SH_OSCachemmap::setErrorr: Entered error code arg = %zd" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_setError_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::getFileMode: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_getFileMode_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::internalAttach: Entered" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_internalAttach_badfilelength " SH_OSCachemmap::attach: Entered" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_attach_alreadyattached " SH_OSCachemmap::updateLastAttachedTime: Entered" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_updateLastAttachedTime_time " SH_OSCachemmap::updateLastAttachedTime: time being updated to %lld, from %lld" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_updateLastAttachedTime_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::updateLastDetachedTime: Entered" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_updateLastDetachedTime_badacquirelock " SH_OSCachemmap::initialiseDataHeader: Entered" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_initialiseDataHeader_callinginit " SH_OSCachemmap::initialiseDataHeader: Calling init with _mapDataAddr=%p, _mapDataLength=%zu, sharedClassMinAOTSize=%zd, sharedClassMaxAOTSize=%zd, sharedClassReadWriteBytes=%zd" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_initialiseDataHeader_initialised " SH_OSCachemmap::initialiseDataHeader: Returned from init method" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_initialiseDataHeader_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::internalDetach: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_internalDetach_notattached " SH_OSCachemmap::cleanup: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_cleanup_alreadyfinalised " SH_OSCache::newInstance: Entered, memForConstructor=%p, cacheName=%s, newPersistentCacheReqd=%d" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_mmapFilepath " SH_OSCache::newInstance: mmap file path=%s" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_sysvFilepath " SH_OSCache::newInstance: sysv file path=%s" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_mmapFileExists " SH_OSCache::newInstance: mmap file exists" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_mmapFileDoesNotExist " SH_OSCache::newInstance: mmap file does not exist" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_sysvFileExists " SH_OSCache::newInstance: sysv file exists" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_sysvFileDoesNotExist " SH_OSCache::newInstance: sysv file does not exist" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_persistentReqd " SH_OSCache::newInstance: new persistent cache required" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_nonpersistentReqd " SH_OSCache::newInstance: new non-persistent cache required" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_creatingMmap " SH_OSCache::newInstance: creating mmap object at %p" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_creatingSysv " SH_OSCache::newInstance: creating sysv object at %p" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_initializingNewObject " SH_OSCache::newInstance: initializing new object" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::destroy: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_destroy_closefilefailed " SH_OSCachemmap::runExitCode: Entered" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_runExitCode_goodUpdateLastDetachedTime " SH_OSCachemmap::runExitCode: lastDetachedTime updated" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_runExitCode_badUpdateLastDetachedTime " SH_OSCachemmap::runExitCode: lastDetachedTime update failed" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_runExitCode_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::syncUpdates: Entered, start = %p, length = %zu, flags = 0x%x" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_syncUpdates_badmsync " SH_OSCachemmap::errorHandler: Entering, module = 0x%x, id = %u, printPortError = %d" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_errorHandler_printingMessage " SH_OSCachemmap::errorHandler: Printing message, verbose flags = 0x%x" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_errorHandler_printingPortMessages " SH_OSCachemmap::errorHandler: Printing port error messages" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_errorHandler_notPrintingMessage " SH_OSCachemmap::errorHandler: Not printing message, verbose flags = 0x%x" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_errorHandler_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::getCacheStats: Entered, file path = %s, returnVal addr = %p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_getCacheStats_badFileOpen " SH_OSCachemmap::openCacheFile: Entered" j9shr 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_openCacheFile_failed " >SH_OSCachemmap::openCacheFile: Failed" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_openCacheFile_exit " SH_OSCachemmap::closeCacheFile: Entered" j9shr 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_closeCacheFile_failed " >SH_OSCachemmap::closeCacheFile: Failed" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_closeCacheFile_exit " SH_OSCachemmap::deleteCacheFile: Entered" j9shr 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_deleteCacheFile_failed " >SH_OSCachemmap::deleteCacheFile: Failed" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_deleteCacheFile_exit " RRM rrmTableRemove: Entering remove with key %d" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableRemove_HashtableRemove " RRM rrmTableRemove: Done hashTableRemove. Result=%d" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableRemove_Exit1 " RRM markStale: Entering for key 0x%p and item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RRM_markStale_Exit " RMI RcLinkedListImpl::initialize: Initializing RcLinkedListImpl" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_RMI_RcLinkedListImpl_localInit_Exit " M LinkedListImpl::link: Adding link 0x%p to link 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_M_LinkListImpl_link_Exit1 " M HashLinkedListImpl::initialize: Initializing HashLinkedListImpl" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_M_HashLinkedListImpl_initialize_Exit " M HashLinkedListImpl::createLink: Creating HashLinkedListImpl link for key %.*s and item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_M_HashLinkedListImpl_createLink_Exit1 " M rcHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_M_hllHashFn_Exit " M hllHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_M_hllHashEqualFn_Exit1 " M hllTableAdd: Entering add with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr 1 1 5 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableAdd_Exception1 "* M hllTableAdd: hashTableAdd failed" j9shr 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableAdd_HashtableAdd " M hllTableAdd: hashTableAdd succeeded with rc=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableAdd_Exit1 " M hllTableLookup: Entering lookup with name %.*s" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableLookup_HashtableFind " M hllTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableLookup_Exit1 " M hllTableUpdate: Entering update with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableUpdate_Exit1 " BDMI localInitializePools: Initializing ByteDataManager pools" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_localInitializePools_ExitFailed " BDMI localTearDownPools: Cleaning up ByteDataManager pools" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_localTearDownPools_Exit " RMI relocateSRP: Entering with srpPtr=0x%p, srpOffset=%d, rcOffset=%d, twizzleBy=%d" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_relocateSRP_ExitSuccessObsolete " RMI relocateInvariants: Entering for ROMClass 0x%p, relocData 0x%p, newUTF8Block 0x%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_relocateInvariants_ExitRelocFail " CM enterStringTableMutex: PRE: Entering string table mutex" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CM_enterStringTableMutex_exit " CM exitStringTableMutex: PRE: Exiting string table mutex" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CM_exitStringTableMutex_exit " BDMI findSingleEntry: Entering with key=%.*s, dataType=%d, jvmID=%d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_findSingleEntry_ExitFound " BDMI markAllStaleForKey: Entering with key=%.*s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_markAllStaleForKey_Exit " BDMI find: Entering with key=%.*s, limitDataType=%d, includePrivateData=%d, firstItem=0x%p, descriptorPool=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_find_Exit " BDMI releasePrivateEntry: Entering with data=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_releasePrivateEntry_ExitNoop " BDMI acquirePrivateEntry: Entering with data=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_acquirePrivateEntry_ExitNoop " CC initialize: memForConstructor=%p, ctrlDirName=%s, cacheName=%s, newPersistentCacheReqd=%d, doUT=%d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_initialize_Exit " CC cleanup: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_cleanup_Exit " CC reset: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_reset_Exit " CC setCorruptCache: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setCorruptCache_Exit " CC setCacheAreaBoundaries: Entering" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setCacheAreaBoundaries_Event_prePageRounding " CC setCacheAreaBoundaries: finalSegmentStart=%p, origCacheEnd=%p, _theca->totalBytes=%d" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setCacheAreaBoundaries_Event_postPageRounding " CC setCacheAreaBoundaries: finalSegmentStart=%p, newCacheEnd=%p, _theca->totalBytes=%d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setCacheAreaBoundaries_Exit " readWriteBytes=%d" j9shr 2 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_notifyPagesRead_Entry " >CC notifyPagesRead: About to (un)protect pages with start=%p, end=%p, expectedDirection=%d, actualDirection=%d" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_notifyPagesRead_Exit " CC notifyPagesCommitted: Entering with start=%p, end=%p, expectedDirection=%d" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_notifyPagesCommitted_Exit " CC startup: Entering with cacheMemory=%p, rootName=%s, ctrlDirName=%s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_startup_Exit1 " CC next: Entering with _scan=%p" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_next_Exit " CC initBlockData: Entering with dataLen=%d, dataType=%d" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_initBlockData_Exit " CC nextEntry: Entering" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_nextEntry_Exit1 " CC doLockCache: Locking cache..." j9shr 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_doLockCache_EventWhackedToZero "* CC doLockCache: Whacking readerCount to zero" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_doLockCache_Exit " CC doUnlockCache: Unlocking cache..." j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_doUnlockCache_Exit " CC incReaderCount: PRE readerCount=%d" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CC_incReaderCount_Exit " CC decReaderCount: PRE readerCount=%d" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CC_decReaderCount_Exit " CC deleteCache: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_deleteCache_Exit " CC allocate: Entering with type=%d, len=%d, len2=%d, separateBufferSize=%d" j9shr 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CC_allocate_EventNewItem " CC allocate: Allocated new item at %p" j9shr 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CC_allocate_EventSegmentBufSet " CC allocate: Set segmentBuffer to %p" j9shr 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CC_allocate_EventReadWriteBufSet " CC allocate: Set readWriteBuffer to %p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CC_allocate_Exit " CC commitUpdate: Committing for _scan=%p, _storedMetaUsedBytes=%d, _storedSegmentUsedBytes=%d, _storedReadWriteUsedBytes=%d, _storedAOTUsedBytes=%d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_commitUpdate_Exit " CC setInternCacheHeaderFields: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setInternCacheHeaderFields_Exit " CC enterReadWriteAreaMutex: PRE enter readWrite mutex" j9shr 1 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadWriteAreaMutex_EventRebuildCacheData "* CC enterReadWriteAreaMutex: Detected termination - must rebuild cached string table" j9shr 1 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadWriteAreaMutex_EventRebuildLocalData "* CC enterReadWriteAreaMutex: Detected termination - must rebuild local string table" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadWriteAreaMutex_Exit " CC exitReadWriteAreaMutex: PRE exit readWrite mutex" j9shr 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_exitReadWriteAreaMutex_Exit " CC unprotectHeaderReadWriteArea: Entering with changeReadWrite=%d" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectHeaderReadWriteArea_Exit " CC protectHeaderReadWriteArea: Entering with changeReadWrite=%d" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CC_protectHeaderReadWriteArea_Exit " SH_OSCache::commonStartup: Entering OSCache common startup" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_commonStartup_wrongCreateFlags " CacheLifecycleManager::printSharedCache: Entry" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_printSharedCache_Exit " CacheLifecycleManager::deleteSharedCache: Entry" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_deleteSharedCache_ExitError " CacheLifecycleManager::deleteExpiredSharedCache: Entry" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_deleteExpiredSharedCache_StillAttached " CacheLifecycleManager::getCacheList: Entry" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_getCacheList_Exit " CacheLifecycleManager::findIncompatibleCachesForName: Entry - name=%s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_findIncompatibleCachesForName_Exit " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_list_caches: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_list_caches_noCaches " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_destroy_expire_cache: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu minutes=%zu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_destroy_expire_cache_noCaches " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_destroy_all_cache: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_destroy_all_cache_noCaches " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_destroy_cache: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu cacheName=%s genStart=%zu genEnd=%zu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_destroy_cache_allocFailed " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_stat_cache: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu cacheName=%s generation=%zu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_stat_cache_Exit " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_report_utility_incompatible: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu cacheName=%s utility=%s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_report_utility_incompatible_Exit " OSCache::getCacheVersionAndGen: Entry - cacheName=%s generation=%zu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_getCacheVersionAndGen_Exit " OSCache::removeCacheVersionAndGen: Entry - versionLen=%zu cacheNameWithVGen=%s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_removeCacheVersionAndGen_overflow " OSCache::getCacheDir: Entry" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_getCacheDir_j9shmem_getDir_failed " OSCache::getCachePathName: Entry - cacheNameWithVGen=%s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_getCachePathName_getValuesFromShcFilePrefixFailed " OSCache::statCache: Entry - cacheNameWithVGen=%s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_statCache_getCachePathNameFailed " OSCache::commonCleanup: Entry" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_commonCleanup_Exit " OSCache::getCacheStatistics: Entry" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_getCacheStatistics_NullResult " OSCache::checkOSCacheHeader: Entry - header=%p, versionData=%p, headerLen=%zu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_checkOSCacheHeader_differentGeneration " SH_OSCachemmap::findfirst: Entered - cacheDir=%s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_findfirst_NoFilesFound1 " SH_OSCachemmap::findnext: Entered" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_findnext_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::findclose: Entered" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_findclose_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::getCacheStats: Entered - cacheNameWithVGen=%s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_getCacheStats_removeCacheVersionAndGenFailed " SH_OSCachesysv::findfirst: Entered" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_findfirst_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::findnext: Entered - findHandle=%zu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_findnext_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::findclose: Entered" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_findclose_Exit " CM sanityWalkROMClassSegment: Entered" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_sanityWalkROMClassSegment_ExitBad " OSCache::initOSCacheHeader: Entry - header=%p, versionData=%p, headerLen=%zu" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_initOSCacheHeader_Exit " CPM notifyClasspathEntryStateChange: Entering with path=%.*s, newState=0x%u" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_notifyClasspathEntryStateChange_ExitNoop " CC protectMetadataArea: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_protectMetadataArea_Exit " CC unprotectMetadataArea: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectMetadataArea_Exit " CC getCacheCRC: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_getCacheCRC_Exit " crcValue=%u" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_startup_Exit7 " CM getCachedUTFString: Getting cached UTF string for %.*s" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_getCachedUTFString_exit1 " CM existsCachedClassForName: Entering with classname=%.*s" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_existsCachedClassForName_Exit " RMI quickRelocateInvariants: Entering with copiedROMClass=%p, relocData=%p" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_quickRelocateInvariants_Exit " CC getCacheAreaCRC: Entering with areaStart=%p, areaSize=%d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_getCacheAreaCRC_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock: Entering" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock: Lock failed" j9shr 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock: Lock successful" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock_Exit " CM resetCorruptState: Resetting corrupt cache state" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_resetCorruptState_Exit " char array objectI newInstance: Creating new CharArrayManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CAMI_newInstance_Exit " char array objectI initialize: Initializing CharArrayManager" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CAMI_initialize_Exit " INIT HOOK STORE CHAR ARRAY: Entering j9shr_storeCharArray" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_storeCharArray_exit_Noop " INIT HOOK FIND CHAR ARRAY: Entering j9shr_findCharArray" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_findCharArray_exit_Noop " M shutDown: Shutting down Manager of %s" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_shutDown_Exit " CM getExistingCharArrayClassObjectAddressOffset: Entering" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_getExistingCharArrayClassObjectAddressOffset_exitNoop " CM setCharArrayClassObjectAddressOffset: Setting with address=%p, offset=%d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_setCharArrayClassObjectAddressOffset_exitNoop " CM createNewSegment: Entering with type=%d, list=%p, baseAddress=%p, heapBase=%p, heapTop=%p, heapAlloc=%p" j9shr 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_CM_createNewSegment_Exit " RMI newInstance: Creating new ROMClassManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p. tsm=0x%p" j9shr 1 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_locateROMClass_ExceptionMultipleOrphanObsolete "* RMI locateROMClass: ERROR: Found more than one orphan ROMClass for %.*s" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_locateROMClass_FoundOrphanObsolete " RMI locateROMClass: Found an orphan ROMClass. localFoundUnmodifiedOrphan=%d" j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_RMI_locateROMClass_ExitSuccessObsolete " RMI findExisting: looking for existing ROMClass with name: %.*s. Compare with RC at 0x%p" j9shr 2 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_validate_EntryObsolete " >CMI validate: Validating found ROMClass wrapper 0x%p against classpath 0x%p with confirmed entries=%d" j9shr 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH1_commitUpdate_EntryObsolete " CC commitUpdate: committing update" j9shr 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH6_commitUpdate_ExitObsolete " CC commitUpdate: completed update - update count now %d" j9shr 2 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClass_Entry " >CM findROMClass: for class %s with classpath id %d" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClass_Event_WaitingWriteHash " CM findROMClass: waiting for another JVM to load class - waited %d times" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClass_Event_AfterWriteHash " CM findROMClass: finished waiting for other JVM to load class - known = 0x%p - foundAtIndex = %d" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClass_Event_PeekForWriteHash " CM findROMClass: peeking to see if we should use writeHash. Answer = %d." j9shr 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClass_Exit_Found " CM storeROMClass: adding class %.*s with classpath id %d at index %d" j9shr 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeROMClass_Event_ResettingWriteHash " CM storeROMClass: resetting write hash field in cache" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeROMClass_Exit_Corrupt " CMI localHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localHashTableCreate_Exit " CPI initialize: Initializing ClasspathItem id %d with %d entries, type %d" j9shr 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeROMClass_ExitFull " WalkStackFrames - walkThread=%p flags=%p" j9vrb 4 1 1 N Trc_VRB_WalkStackFrames_Exit " Create RAM class from ROM class %p in class loader %p" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_CreateRAMClassFromROMClass_Exit " cleanUpAttachedThread" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_cleanUpAttachedThread_Exit " handleUncaughtException" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_handleUncaughtException_Exit " initializeAttachedThread" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_initializeAttachedThread_Exit " internalSendExceptionConstructor" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_internalSendExceptionConstructor_Exit " printStackTrace" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_printStackTrace_Exit " runCallInMethod" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_runCallInMethod_Exit " runJavaThread" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_runJavaThread_Exit " runStaticMethod" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_runStaticMethod_Exit " sendClinit" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendClinit_Exit " found)" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendInit_Entry " >sendInit" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendInit_Exit " sendCheckPackageAccess" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendCheckPackageAccess_Exit " sendInitialize" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendInitialize_Exit " sendLoadClass" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendLoadClass_Exit " sidecarInvokeReflectConstructor" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sidecarInvokeReflectConstructor_Exit " sidecarInvokeReflectMethod" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sidecarInvokeReflectMethod_Exit " invokeReflectMethod" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_invokeReflectMethod_Exit " terminateRemainingThreads" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_terminateRemainingThreads_SystemThread " System thread still running: %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_terminateRemainingThreads_Daemon " Daemon thread still running: %p" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_terminateRemainingThreads_Exit " allocateClassLoader" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_allocateClassLoader_Exit " %p" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_freeClassLoader_Entry " >freeClassLoader(%p)" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_freeClassLoader_Exit " Attempt to change stack size from %d bytes to %d bytes. SP=%p, SOM=%p, SOM2=%p" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_TooSmall "* New stack size is too small for existing frames (%zu > %zu)" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_AllocFailed "* Unable to allocate new stack" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_Delta " Old stack = %p, new stack = %p, delta = %p slots" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_Copying " Copying from %p to %p for %p bytes" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_PoolAllocFailed "* Pool alloc failed" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_StackWalkFailed "* Stack walk failed" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_UpdateSPAndArg0EA " Update vmc SP to %p, arg0EA to %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_WalkNewStack " Walk new stack to fix pointers to stack-allocated objects" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_NewStackWalkFailed "* Stack walk failed" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_KeepingOldStack " Old stack first has references in frame %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_FreeingOldStack " Old stack has no references in any frame - freeing %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_Success " Stack copied successfully" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_Exit " Free stacks" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_freeStacks_Free " Freeing stack %p (size %zu)" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_freeStacks_Exit " %p" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_JNIEntry " >JNI frame %p, refCount = %d, frameFlags = %p, method = %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_PushCount " total pushCount = %d" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_FixRef " Setting indirect ref at %p to %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_RefFixed " Ref at %p already indirect to %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_JITCallOut " JIT JNI callout: Set savedPC at %p to old bp %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_FixArg " Setting indirect arg at %p to %p" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_JNIExit " flushBytecodeProfilingData (cursor=%p, end=%p)" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_flushBytecodeProfilingData_newBuffer " Allocated new profiling buffer at %p" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_flushBytecodeProfilingData_Exit " installProfilingBytecodes" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_installProfilingBytecodes_Exit " uninstallProfilingBytecodes" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_uninstallProfilingBytecodes_Exit " cleanupBytecodeProfilingData" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_cleanupBytecodeProfilingData_Exit " profilingBytecodeBufferFullHookRegistered" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_profilingBytecodeBufferFullHookRegistered_ThreadHookFailed "* Failed to register J9HOOK_VM_THREAD_DESTROY listener" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_profilingBytecodeBufferFullHookRegistered_ClassUnloadHookFailed "* Failed to register J9HOOK_VM_CLASSES_UNLOAD listener" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_profilingBytecodeBufferFullHookRegistered_Exit " flushForClassesUnload" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_flushForClassesUnload_Exit " objectMonitorExit (obj=%p)" j9vm 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorExit_SmartDecisionPoint " pro=%d,anti=%d" j9vm 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorExit_Exit " internalFindClass (loader=%p options=%x UTF8=%.*s Unicode=%.*ls)" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_internalFindClass_sendLoadClass " send loadClass(%.*s), stringObject: %p loader: %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_internalFindClass_sentLoadClass " sent loadClass(%.*s) --> got %p" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_internalFindClass_Exit " result=%p" j9vm 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_getMethodOrFieldID_Entry " >getMethodOrFieldID (name=%s signature=%s jclass=%p isField=%d isStatic=%d)" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_getMethodOrFieldID_dereferencedClass " class=%p (%.*s)" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_getMethodOrFieldID_Exit " result=%p" j9vm 2 1 4 N Trc_VM_exceptionHandlerSearch_Entry " >exceptionHandlerSearch" j9vm 4 1 4 N Trc_VM_exceptionHandlerSearch_Exit " Stack overflow detected in VMprCheckStackAndSend -- checkSP=%p SOM2=%p" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_VMprCheckStackAndSend_recursiveOverflow " ensureLocalCapacity(%d)" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_ensureLocalCapacity_allocateNewFrame " allocating a new frame" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_ensureLocalCapacity_allocateFailed "* frame allocate failed" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_ensureLocalCapacity_growExistingFrame " growing more space in existing frame %p" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_ensureLocalCapacity_growFailed "* frame grow failed" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_ensureLocalCapacity_Exit " result=%d" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_jniPopFrame_Entry " >jniPopFrame(type=%zx)" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_jniPopFrame_Exit " jniPushFrame(type=%zx, capacity=%zu)" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_jniPushFrame_Exit " result=%d" j9vm 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveClassRef_Entry " >resolveClassRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx)" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveClassRef_lookup " looking up class %.*s" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveClassRef_Exit " result=%p" j9vm 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveVirtualMethodRef_Entry " >resolveVirtualMethodRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx, returnAddress=%p)" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveVirtualMethodRef_lookupMethod " looked up method: %p" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveVirtualMethodRef_Exit " vTableIndex=%d" j9vm 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveStringRef_Entry " >resolveStringRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu)" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveStringRef_utf8 " utf8@%p --> %.*s" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveStringRef_Exit " string=%p" j9vm 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveStaticMethodRef_Entry " >resolveStaticMethodRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx)" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveStaticMethodRef_lookupMethod " looked up method: %p" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveStaticMethodRef_Exit " result=%p" j9vm 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveSpecialMethodRef_Entry " >resolveSpecialMethodRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx)" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveSpecialMethodRef_lookupMethod " looked up method: %p" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveSpecialMethodRef_Exit " result=%p" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_resolveInterfaceMethodRef_Entry " >resolveInterfaceMethodRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx)" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_resolveInterfaceMethodRef_lookupMethod " looked up method: %p" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_resolveInterfaceMethodRef_Exit " result=%d" j9vm 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveStaticFieldRef_Entry " >resolveStaticFieldRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx, returnAddress=%p)" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveStaticFieldRef_Exit " result=%p" j9vm 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveInstanceFieldRef_Entry " >resolveInstanceFieldRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx, returnAddress=%p)" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_resolveInstanceFieldRef_Exit " result=%d" j9vm 2 1 5 N Trc_VM_romFieldOffsetsStartDo_Entry " >romFieldOffsetsStartDo(romClass=%p, ramSuperClass=%p, flags=%x)" j9vm 4 1 5 N Trc_VM_romFieldOffsetsStartDo_earlyExit " field=%p, offset=%zx, index=%zx, instanceSize=%zx, superTotalInstanceSize=%zx" j9vm 4 1 5 N Trc_VM_romFieldOffsetsStartDo_Exit " field=%p, offset=%zx, index=%zx, instanceSize=%zx, superTotalInstanceSize=%zx" j9vm 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_romFieldOffsetsNextDo_result " romFieldOffsetsNextDo --> field=%p, offset=%zx, index=%zx" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_calculateInstanceDescription_Entry " >calculateInstanceDescription(ramClass=%p, ramSuperClass=%p, extraStorage=%p)" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_calculateInstanceDescription_taggedResult " first tagged slot of description bits = %zx" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_calculateInstanceDescription_indirectResult " first indirect slot of description bits = %zx" j9vm 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_monitorTableAt_Entry " >monitorTableAt(%p,%p,%d)" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_monitorTableAt_CacheHit_Exit " method=%p" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_getForwardedMethod_Entry " >getForwardedMethod(%p)" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_getForwardedMethod_Exit " javaLookupMethod(vmStruct %p, targetClass %p, nameAndSig %p, senderClass %p, lookupOptions %d)" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_javaLookupMethod_Name " javaLookupMethod - methodName %.*s" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_javaLookupMethod_Exit " callJNILoad(vmStruct %p, slHandle %d, fnName %s, defaultResult %d)" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_callJNILoad_Event1 " callJNILoad found %s in %d" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_callJNILoad_Exit " sendSubstring" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendSubstring_Exit " sendCompleteInitialization" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendCompleteInitialization_Exit " allocateMemorySegmentInList list=%p size=%u type=%x)" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_allocateMemorySegmentInList_EntryAllocFailed "* Failed to allocate memory segment in list %p (type = %x)" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_allocateMemorySegmentInList_AllocFailed "* Failed to allocate memory for segment in list %p (size=%u type=%x)" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_allocateMemorySegmentInList_Alloc " allocateMemorySegmentInList %p (%p-%p type=%x)" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_allocateMemorySegmentInList_Exit " sendVerify" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_checkRomClassForError_ErrorFound " checkRomClassForError found error at %x" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_Entry " >j9RegisterJXE vm=%p imageHeader=%p jxePointer=%p jxeAlloc=%p classLoader=%p filename=%s flags=%x beforeBootstrap=%d" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_NewJXEDescriptor " j9RegisterJXE new descriptior=%p created" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_Exit " romClassLoadFromCookie vmStruct=%p clsName=%p clsNameLength=%d romClassBytes=%p romClassLength=%d classLoader=%p protectionDomain=%p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_NormalJXE " romClassLoadFromCookie NormalJXE class name = %.*s" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_JXE " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR JXE %.*s" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_JXE_ExistingJXE " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Existing JXE jxeDesc=%p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_JXE_LoadedNewJXE " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Loaded new JXE romImageHeader=%p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_Class " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Class %.*s" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_Class_RequestJXELoad " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Class Request to load %s" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_Class_LoadJXERequestFailed "* romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Class Load JXE Request Failed %s" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_Class_ClassLoaded " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Class loaded loadedClass=%p romClass=%p" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_Exit " publicFlags & J9_PUBLIC_FLAGS_VM_ACCESS" j9vm 0 1 1 N Assert_VM_mustNotHaveVMAccess " 0 == ((P1)->publicFlags & J9_PUBLIC_FLAGS_VM_ACCESS)" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_classLoaderRegisterLibrary_Entry " >classLoaderRegisterLibrary(loader=%p, name=%s, decorate=%zu)" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_classLoaderRegisterLibrary_Noop " lookupJNIID -- isField=%zu" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_lookupJNIID_FoundExisting " found existing ID: %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_lookupJNIID_CreatedFieldID " created J9JNIFieldID %p for %.*s.%.*s, offset=%zu" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_lookupJNIID_CreatedMethodID " created J9JNIMethodID %p for %.*s.%.*s%.*s, vTableIndex=%zu" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_lookupJNIID_Exit " J9RegisterAsyncEvent eventHandler=%p userData=%p" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_J9RegisterAsyncEvent_Exit " J9UnregisterAsyncEvent handlerKey=%zd" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_J9UnregisterAsyncEvent_Exit " J9SignalAsyncEvent targetThread=%p handlerKey=%zd" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_J9SignalAsyncEvent_Exit " J9CancelAsyncEvent targetThread=%p handlerKey=%zd" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_J9CancelAsyncEvent_Exit " dispatchAsyncEvents asyncEventFlags=%p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_dispatchAsyncEvents_callEventHandler " call event handler: handlerKey=%zd eventHandler=%p userData=%p" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_dispatchAsyncEvents_Exit " cancelLockReservation(object=%p)" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_cancelLockReservation_reservationOwner " reservation owner is %p" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_cancelLockReservation_Exit " JNI MonitorEnter(obj=%p)" j9vm 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_JNI_monitorEnter_Exit " JNI MonitorExit(obj=%p)" j9vm 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_JNI_monitorExit_Exit " objectMonitorEnterBlocking" j9vm 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_reservedOnEntry " Monitor was reserved on entry to function. Cancelling reservation." j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_monitorTableAtFailed "* Failed to allocate monitor in objectMonitorEnterBlocking." j9vm 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_alreadyInflated " Monitor was already inflated. Current thread now owns inflated monitor." j9vm 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_tryAcquireVMAccessFailed " tryAcquireVMAccess failed. Restarting." j9vm 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_reservedInLoop " Monitor was reserved while running function. Cancelling reservation." j9vm 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_gotFlatLockInLoop " Monitor was released while running function. Current thread now own flat lock." j9vm 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_Exit " checkVisibility from %p to %p modifiers=%zx" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_checkVisibility_Failed "* checkVisibility from %p (%.*s) to %p (%.*s) modifiers=%zx failed" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_checkVisibility_Exit " resolveKnownClass(index=%zu)" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_resolveKnownClass_Exit " cleanUpClassLoadersStart" j9vm 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_cleanUpClassLoadersStart_Exit " cleanUpClassLoadersEnd" j9vm 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_cleanUpClassLoadersEnd_Exit " cleanUpClassLoaders - cleaning up classloader %p" j9vm 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_cleanUpClassLoaders_Exit " j9RegisterJXE vm=%p imageHeader=%p jxePointer=%p jxeAlloc=%p sharedLibraryDescriptor=%x classLoader=%p filename=%s flags=%x beforeBootstrap=%d" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_classsupport_contendThreadsRecordMissing "* contendingThreads missing entry for class %.*s loader %p" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_classsupport_contendThreadsAddFail "* contendingThreads: could not add class %.*s loader %p" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_OOM1 "* j9RegisterJXE Out of Memory trying to register jxe pointer %p" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_OOM2 "* j9RegisterJXE Out of Memory trying to register jxe pointer %p" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_OOM3 "* j9RegisterJXE Out of Memory trying to register jxe pointer %p" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_AOT_Failed "* j9RegisterJXE AOT Registration failed trying to register jxe pointer %p" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterAOT_Entry " >j9RegisterAOT vm=%p imageHeader=%p description=%p beforeBootstrap=%d" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterAOT_Exit " setCurrentException index=%d constructorIndex=%d detailMessage=%p" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_ClassNotLoaded "* setCurrentException: java.lang.Class not loaded, abort" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_NoCachedOOM "* setCurrentException: no cached OutOfMemoryError, abort" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_UnableToLoadExceptionClass "* setCurrentException: unable to load exception class" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_NoExceptionPending "* setCurrentException: no exception pending after failed load, throw OutOfMemoryError" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_UnableToAllocateException "* setCurrentException: unable to allocate exception, throw OutOfMemoryError" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_ExceptionDuringConstructor "* setCurrentException: exception during constructor" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_Exit " setCurrentExceptionUTF exceptionNumber=%d detailUTF=%s" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentExceptionUTF_StringAllocFailed "* setCurrentExceptionUTF: String allocation failed" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentExceptionUTF_Exit " >setCurrentExceptionUTF" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableRemoveThreadNull " 0X%p loader %p contendedLoadTableRemoveThread count %d" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableRemoveThread " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s contendedLoadTableRemoveThread count %d" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableAddThread " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s contendedLoadTableAddThread existing_count %d" j9vm 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_findFieldInClass_Entry " >class %p findFieldInClass field=%.*s signature=%.*s" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_findFieldInClass_NoIndex " >couldn't build field index - fall back to linear search" j9vm 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_findFieldInClass_Exit " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s arbitratedLoadClass enter className" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_arbitratedLoadClass_callLoadClass " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s arbitratedLoadClass calling callLoadClass" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_arbitratedLoadClass_notify " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s arbitratedLoadClass notify" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableAddThreadExit " <0X%p loader %p contendedLoadTableAddThread className %.*s count %d" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_arbitratedLoadClass_exit " <0X%p loader %p class %.*s arbitratedLoadClass exit foundClass %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_arbitratedLoadClass_retry " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s arbitratedLoadClass retry" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableDelete_notFound " 0X%p loader %p class unknown contendedLoadTableDelete" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableDelete_entry " 0X%p class %.*s contendedLoadTableDelete record" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_createFieldTable_Entry " >createFieldTable entry clazz %p length %d" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_createFieldTable_Exit " < createFieldTable exit clazz %p J9FieldTable %p fieldList %p length %d" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_findFieldInTable_Entry " >class %p findFieldInTable entry field=%.*s signature=%.*s" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_findFieldInTable_Exit " fieldIndexTablePurge fieldIndexTableEntry %p J9FieldTable %p fieldList %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_fieldIndexTableNew " fieldIndexTableNew table %p" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_fieldIndexTableAdd " fieldIndexTableAdd vm->fieldIndexTable %p ramClass %p J9FieldTable %p" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_tryAcquireExclusiveVMAccess_checkForContention " tryEnterExclusiveVMAccess exclusiveAccessState=%zu" j9vm 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_internalCreateRAMClassFromROMClass_createRAMMethod " %.*s.%.*s%.*s %p" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_sharedZipCacheNoEnvFailure "* VMI sharedZipCacheNoEnvFailure: (%d) %s" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_sharedZipCacheAllocFailure "* VMI sharedZipCacheAllocFailure: (%d bytes) %s" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_sharedZipCacheCopyFailure "* VMI sharedZipCacheCopyFailure: %s" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_sharedZipCacheFindSharedDataFailed "* VMI sharedZipCacheFindSharedDataFailed: (%d) %s (%s)" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_sharedZipCacheStoreSharedDataFailed "* VMI sharedZipCacheStoreSharedDataFailed: %s (%s)" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_createdSharedZipCache " VMI createdSharedZipCache: %s (%s)" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_useSharedZipCache " VMI useSharedZipCache: %s (%s)" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_virtualRAMClassAlloc " virtual RAM class baseAddress 0x%x" j9vm 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_charArrayVTableOffset "* SC[] vTable offset mismatch 0x%x" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_charArrayRAMClass " SC[] char[] class 0x%x" j9vm 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendInitCause_Entry " >sendInitCause" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendInitCause_Exit " loader %p class %.*s attemptDynamicClassLoad entry" j9vm 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_internalFindClass_attemptDynamicClassLoadCheckMemory " attemptDynamicClassLoad check memory" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_internalFindClass_attemptDynamicClassLoad_exit " createJavaLangString entry data %.*s stringFlags 0x%0x" j9vm 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_createJavaLangString_Exit " sendThreadCleanup" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendThreadCleanup_Exit " SenderClass: %.*s TargetClass: %.*s badMemberModifier: 0x%x" j9vm 0 2 1 N Trc_VM_illegalAccessMessage_No_Alloc_Buf " Memory allocation failed" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_illegalAccessMessage_Exit " Attempting to acquire exclusive VM access." j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_ExclusiveAccessHeldByAnotherThread " Exclusive Access is held by another thread, placing this thread in the queue." j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_QueueEmpty " Queue is empty, placing this thread at head." j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_QueueNonEmpty " Queue is non-empty (%p) placing this thread at the tail." j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_WaitingOnMutex " Thread is waiting on public flags mutex." j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_GrantingExclusiveAccessFirst " First thread to try for exclusive access. Setting the exclusive access state to J9_XACCESS_PENDING" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_GrantingExclusiveAccess " Thread is woken up from waiting, exclusive access being handed off to this thread. Changing state to J9_XACCESS_HANDED_OFF." j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_PostedHaltRequest " Posted Halt request to %d threads." j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_WaitingForResponses " Waiting for %d thread halt responses." j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_ChangingStateExclusive " Changing exclusiveAccessState to J9_XACCESS_EXCLUSIVE." j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_Exit " Releasing exclusive VM Access" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_releaseExclusiveVMAccess_QueueNonEmpty " Queue is non-empty (%p), setting halt flag on current thread, changing exclusiveAccessState to J9_XACCESS_HANDING_OFF" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_releaseExclusiveVMAccess_QueueNonEmpty2 " Exclusive VM Access queue is non-empty (%p), dequeuing thread and notifying public flags mutex" j9vm 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_releaseExclusiveVMAccess_QueueEmpty " Exclusive VM Access queue is empty, resetting exclusive access state and notifying all halted threads. Changing exclusiveAccessState to J9_XACCESS_NONE." j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_releaseExclusiveVMAccess_Exit " Releasing (non-exclusive) VM Access" j9vm 0 1 9 N Trc_VM_internalReleaseVMAccessNoMutex_ThreadIsHalted " Thread is halted for exclusive" j9vm 4 1 9 N Trc_VM_internalReleaseVMAccessNoMutex_Exit " JNIinv DestroyJavaVM javaVM=%p" j9vm 4 1 2 N Trc_JNIinv_DestroyJavaVM_alreadyShutdown_Exit " protectedDestroyJavaVM" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_StartingThreadWait " protectedDestroyJavaVM waiting for Java threads to stop" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_FinishedThreadWait " protectedDestoryJavaVM all Java threads have stopped" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_vmCleanupDone " protectedDestroyJavaVM protectedDestroyJavaVM vmCleanup complete" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_vmShutdownHookFired " protectedDestroyJavaVM VM Shutting Down Hook Fired" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_HeapManagementShutdown " protectedDestroyJavaVM GC HeapManagement Shutdown" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_vmShutdownDone " protectedDestroyJavaVM vmShutdown returned" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_CallingExitHookSecondary " protectedDestroyJavaVM calling exitHook secondary path" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_terminateRemainingThreadsFailed " protectedDestroyJavaVM terminateRemainingThreads failed" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_CallingExitHook " protectedDestroyJavaVM calling exitHook" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_stringTableCacheHit " String table cache hit %p" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_stringTableCacheMiss " String table cache miss %p" j9vm 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_initializeRAMClass_Start " Creating RAMClass Start %.*s classLoader %p" j9vm 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_initializeRAMClass_End " Creating RAMClass End %.*s size %d classLoader %p" j9vm 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendLifecycleEventCallback_Entry " >sendLifecycleEventCallback(vmStruct %p, slHandle %d, fnName %s, defaultResult %d)" j9vm 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendLifecycleEventCallback_Event1 " sendLifecycleEventCallback found %s in %d" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendLifecycleEventCallback_Exit " sendFromMethodDescriptorString" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendFromMethodDescriptorString_Exit " addToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch path %s" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_addToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch_Exit " addToSystemClassLoaderSearch %s" j9vm 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_addToSystemClassLoaderSearch_Exit "