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I caught an exception, run destructors and exit CHILD: parent %d does not exist. Exiting.IBCHILD: robot_writeParentResult pid %dIBCHILD: parent %d does not exist. Exiting.IBMCHILDIBCHILD: completed writing of pixel dataICHILD: robot_keyEvent key = 0x%x, isDown = %dIBCHILD: robot_mouseWheelEvent wheelAmt = 0x%xIBMCHILD: robot_mouseButtonEvent mask = 0x%x, isPressed = %dIBCHILD: robot_mouseMove screen = %d, x = %d, y = %dICHILD: robot_setupIXTESTIBCHILD: XQueryExtension(XTest) returns major_opcode = %d, first_event = %d, first_error = %dXTEST extension not installed on this X serverICHILD: XTestQueryExtension returns event_basep = %d, error_basep = %d, majorp = %d, minorp = %dXTEST version is %d.%d IBMXTEST is 2.1 - no grab is available IBMXInputExtensionCHILD: XQueryExtension(XInput) returns major_opcode = %d, first_event = %d, first_error = %dIBMCHILD: XPointer has %d buttonsICHILD: XQueryExtension(XInput) unavailable - assuming %d mouse buttonsI!!! 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