-- Subscript for upgrade/downgrade to call to remove system classes -- and support packages on downgrade, or upgrade them on upgrade. -- This script can not function properly in SVRMGR. The following -- lines are intended to abort the script if it is being run with -- SVRMGR, but will be interpreted simply as remarks by SQLPLUS. rem - set stoponerror on rem - udjvmrm.sql must be run with SQLPLUS, not SVRMGRL -- This script may only be called from d0x0x0x0 or jvmdbmig.sql. -- Otherwise, jvmudaction will be undefined and the following will -- abort the script. whenever sqlerror exit; /* /* ## If the following sequence results in ## SP2-0552: Bind variable "JVMUDACTION" not declared. ## followed by ## ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero ## thereby causing SQLPLUS to exit, it is because this script is ## not being run as a subscript of jvmdbmig.sql or d0x0x0x0.sql, as required. */ variable scratch varchar2(30) execute :scratch := :jvmudaction; :scratch := 'not null'; declare z number := 0; begin if :scratch is null then z := 1/z;end if;end; / whenever sqlerror continue; call initjvmaux.drp('drop table JACCELERATOR$DLLS'); call initjvmaux.drp('drop table JACCELERATOR$DLL_ERRORS'); call initjvmaux.drp('drop table JACCELERATOR$STATUS'); @@jisrm variable jvmrmaction varchar2(30) execute :jvmrmaction := 'GRADE_REMOVAL'; delete from java$rmjvm$aux; commit; @@jvmrm call initjvmaux.drp('drop table JAVA$CLASS$MD5$TABLE'); column jvmuscript new_value jvmuscript noprint; select initjvmaux.jvmuscript as jvmuscript from dual; begin if initjvmaux.registrystatus = 'DOWNGRADING' and initjvmaux.startstep('SET_REGISTRY_DOWNGRADED') then dbms_registry.downgraded('JAVAVM',substr(:jvmudsubaction,instr(:jvmudsubaction,'_',-1)+1)); initjvmaux.endstep; end if; end; / begin if initjvmaux.registrystatus = 'UPGRADING' and initjvmaux.startstep('DROP_SROS') then initjvmaux.drop_sros; initjvmaux.endstep; end if; end; / delete from java$rmjvm$aux; commit; begin if initjvmaux.registrystatus = 'UPGRADING' and initjvmaux.startstep('CLEAN_DEPENDENCIES') then initjvmaux.rollbacksetup; commit; initjvmaux.rollbackset; insert into java$rmjvm$aux (select joxftobn from x$joxfc where bitand(joxftflags,96)!=0); commit; initjvmaux.rollbackset; delete from dependency$ where d_obj# in (select obj# from java$rmjvm$aux); commit; if initjvmaux.jvmversion > '7' then initjvmaux.rollbackset; delete from dependency$ where d_obj# in (select obj# from obj$ where type#=29); commit; initjvmaux.rollbackset; update obj$ set status=5 where type#=29 and obj# not in (select obj# from java$rmjvm$aux); commit; end if; initjvmaux.rollbackcleanup; initjvmaux.endstep; end if; end; / delete from java$rmjvm$aux; commit; begin if initjvmaux.registrystatus = 'UPGRADING' and initjvmaux.startstep('FIX_DEPENDENCY_TIMESTAMPS') then initjvmaux.rollbacksetup; commit; initjvmaux.rollbackset; execute immediate 'update dependency$ set p_timestamp=(select stime from obj$ where obj#=p_obj#) where (select stime from obj$ where obj#=p_obj#)!=p_timestamp and (select type# from obj$ where obj#=p_obj#)=29 and (select owner# from obj$ where obj#=p_obj#)=0'; commit; initjvmaux.rollbackcleanup; initjvmaux.endstep; end if; end; / @@&&jvmuscript begin if initjvmaux.registrystatus = 'UPGRADING' and initjvmaux.startstep('DROP_DEPLOY_DREGS') then declare last_obj number := 0; cmd varchar2(200); cursor c(prev_obj number) is select obj#, 'drop java source '||u.name||'."'||nvl(longdbcs,o.name)||'"' from obj$ o,user$ u,javasnm$ where obj#>=prev_obj and u.user#=o.owner# and short(+)=o.name and obj# in (select /*+ no_unnest */unique(joxftobn) from x$joxfs,javasnm$ where short(+)=JOXFTDERIVEDCLASSNAME and (nvl(longdbcs,JOXFTDERIVEDCLASSNAME) like 'oracle/jaccelerator/server/%' or nvl(longdbcs,JOXFTDERIVEDCLASSNAME) like 'oracle/aurora/deploy/%')) order by obj#; cursor c2(prev_obj number) is select obj#, 'drop java class '||u.name||'."'||nvl(longdbcs,o.name)||'"' from obj$ o,user$ u,javasnm$ where obj#>=last_obj and u.user#=o.owner# and short(+)=o.name and o.type#=29 and (nvl(longdbcs,o.name) like 'oracle/jaccelerator/server/%' or nvl(longdbcs,o.name) like 'oracle/aurora/deploy/%') order by obj#; my_err number; begin loop open c(last_obj); my_err := 0; loop begin fetch c into last_obj, cmd; exit when c%NOTFOUND; exception when others then my_err := sqlcode; if my_err = -1555 then -- snapshot too old, re-execute fetch query exit; else raise; end if; end; initjvmaux.drp(cmd); end loop; close c; if my_err = 0 then exit; end if; end loop; last_obj := 0; loop open c2(last_obj); my_err := 0; loop begin fetch c2 into last_obj, cmd; exit when c2%NOTFOUND; exception when others then my_err := sqlcode; if my_err = -1555 then -- snapshot too old, re-execute fetch query exit; else raise; end if; end; initjvmaux.drp(cmd); end loop; close c2; if my_err = 0 then exit; end if; end loop; end; initjvmaux.endstep; end if; end; / -- end of the line in the downgrade case begin if :jvmudaction = 'DOWNGRADE' then initjvmaux.endaction(); end if; end; /