package jmxserv; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import; import; import oracle.aurora.vm.OracleRuntime; public class OJVM extends StandardMBean implements common.OJVMMBean { public OJVM() throws NotCompliantMBeanException { super(common.OJVMMBean.class); } public void exitSession(int status) { OracleRuntime.exitSession(status); } public void exitCall(int status) { OracleRuntime.exitCall(status); } public boolean inEndOfCall() { return OracleRuntime.inEndOfCall(); } // read-only attribute. Valid values are "Linux Port" or "Windows Port" public String getPlatform() { switch (OracleRuntime.getPlatform()) { case OracleRuntime.WINDOWS_PORT: return "Windows Port"; case OracleRuntime.LINUX_PORT: return "Linux Port"; default: return "Uknown"; } } public boolean definePackage(String name) { return OracleRuntime.definePackage(name); } // correspond to public void setCallExitPolicy(int policy) public void exitCallWhenMainThreadTerminates() { OracleRuntime.setCallExitPolicy(OracleRuntime.EXIT_CALL_WHEN_MAIN_THREAD_TERMINATES); } public void exitCallWhenAllNonDaemonThreadsTerminate() { OracleRuntime.setCallExitPolicy(OracleRuntime.EXIT_CALL_WHEN_ALL_NON_DAEMON_THREADS_TERMINATE); } public void exitCallWhenAllThreadsTerminate() { OracleRuntime.setCallExitPolicy(OracleRuntime.EXIT_CALL_WHEN_ALL_THREADS_TERMINATE); } // one of "ExitCallWhenMainThreadTerminates" "ExitCallWhenAllNonDaemonThreadsTerminate" "ExitCallWhenAllThreadsTerminate" public String getCallExitPolicy() { switch (OracleRuntime.getCallExitPolicy()) { case OracleRuntime.EXIT_CALL_WHEN_MAIN_THREAD_TERMINATES: return "ExitCallWhenMainThreadTerminates"; case OracleRuntime.EXIT_CALL_WHEN_ALL_NON_DAEMON_THREADS_TERMINATE: return "ExitCallWhenAllNonDaemonThreadsTerminate"; case OracleRuntime.EXIT_CALL_WHEN_ALL_THREADS_TERMINATE: return "ExitCallWhenAllThreadsTerminate"; default: return "Unknown"; } } // boolean writeable attribute // corresponds to OracleRuntime.getThreadTerminationPolicy public boolean getForceActiveThreadTherminationAtCallEnd() { return OracleRuntime.getThreadTerminationPolicy(); } public void setForceActiveThreadTherminationAtCallEnd(boolean val) { OracleRuntime.setThreadTerminationPolicy(val); } // long writeable attribute public long getMaxMemorySize() { return OracleRuntime.getMaxMemorySize(); } public void setMaxMemorySize(long maxSize) { OracleRuntime.setMaxMemorySize(maxSize); } // long writeable attribute public long getMaxRunspaceSize() { return OracleRuntime.getMaxRunspaceSize(); } public void setMaxRunspaceSize(long maxSize) { OracleRuntime.setMaxRunspaceSize(maxSize); } // long read-only attribute public long getMaxSessionSize() { return OracleRuntime.getMaxSessionSize(); } // long read-only attribute public long getSessionSoftLimit() { return OracleRuntime.getSessionSoftLimit(); } // long read-only attribute public long getSessionSize() { return OracleRuntime.getSessionSize(); } // long writeable attribute public long getNewspaceSize() { return OracleRuntime.getNewspaceSize(); } public void setNewspaceSize(long size) { OracleRuntime.setNewspaceSize(size); } // boolean writeable attribute // corresponds to OracleRuntime's newspaceEnabled, enableNewspace. public boolean getNewspaceEnabled() { return OracleRuntime.newspaceEnabled();} public void setNewspaceEnabled(boolean enable) { OracleRuntime.enableNewspace(enable); } // byte writeable attribute public byte getNewspaceMaxGeneration() { return OracleRuntime.getNewspaceMaxGeneration(); } public void setNewspaceMaxGeneration(byte arg) { OracleRuntime.setNewspaceMaxGeneration(arg); } // byte read-only attribute public byte getMinNewspaceTenurePolicy() { return OracleRuntime.minNewspaceTenurePolicy; } // byte read-only attribute public byte getDefaultNewspaceTenurePolicy() { return OracleRuntime.defaultNewspaceTenurePolicy; } // byte writeable attribute // corresponds to OracleRuntime's setNewspaceTenurePolicy, getNewspaceTenurePolicy public byte getNewspaceTenureGeneration() { return OracleRuntime.getNewspaceTenurePolicy(); } public void setNewspaceTenureGeneration(byte arg) { OracleRuntime.setNewspaceTenurePolicy(arg); } // long writeable attribute public long getSessionGCThreshold() { return OracleRuntime.getSessionGCThreshold(); } public void setSessionGCThreshold(long size) { OracleRuntime.setSessionGCThreshold(size); } // corresponds to OracleRuntime.getSessionGCPolicy returns one of // "do SGC at end of call", "do not SGC at end of call", " use SGC threshold", or // "tracking SGC threshold". public String getSessionGCPolicy() { switch (OracleRuntime.getSessionGCPolicy()) { case OracleRuntime.doSGCEndOfCall: return "do SGC at end of call"; case OracleRuntime.doNotSGCEndOfCall: case -2: // eoapag.h says it is internal version of "force off", or OracleRuntime.doNotSGCEndOfCall return "do not SGC at end of call"; case OracleRuntime.useSGCThreshold: return "use SGC threshold"; case OracleRuntime.trackingSGCThreshold: return "tracking SGC threshold"; default: return "unknown: " + OracleRuntime.getSessionGCPolicy(); } } static String OKString = "Operation Completed Successfully"; static private String reformat (Exception e) { String text = ""+e; int idx; while ((idx = text.indexOf(": ")) > -1) { String newtext = text.substring(0, idx) + ":\n" + text.substring(idx+2); text = newtext; } while ((idx = text.indexOf(") ")) > -1) { String newtext = text.substring(0, idx) + ")\n" + text.substring(idx+2); text = newtext; } while ((idx = text.indexOf(". ")) > -1) { String newtext = text.substring(0, idx) + ".\n" + text.substring(idx+2); text = newtext; } return text; } // correspond to OracleRuntime.setSessionGCPolicy // correspond to OracleRuntime.setSessionGCPolicy public String doSGCEndOfCall() { try { OracleRuntime.setSessionGCPolicy(OracleRuntime.doSGCEndOfCall); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } public String doNotSGCEndOfCall() { try { OracleRuntime.setSessionGCPolicy(OracleRuntime.doNotSGCEndOfCall); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } public String useSGCThreshold() { try { OracleRuntime.setSessionGCPolicy(OracleRuntime.useSGCThreshold); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } public String trackingSGCThreshold() { try { OracleRuntime.setSessionGCPolicy(OracleRuntime.trackingSGCThreshold); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } // int writeable attribute public int getThreadStackSize() { return OracleRuntime.getThreadStackSize();} public void setThreadStackSize(int size) { OracleRuntime.setThreadStackSize(size); } // int read-only attribute public int getJavaStackSize() { return OracleRuntime.getJavaStackSize(); } public Class loadedClass(ClassLoader loader, String name) { return OracleRuntime.loadedClass(loader, name); } public String intern(String str) { try { return OracleRuntime.intern(str); } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } // long writeable attribute public long getInternTableMaxSize() { return OracleRuntime.getInternTableMaxSize(); } public void setInternTableMaxSize(long size) { OracleRuntime.setInternTableMaxSize(size); } // long read-only attribute public long getInternTableSize() { return OracleRuntime.getInternTableSize(); } // long read-only attribute public long getJavaPoolSize() { return OracleRuntime.getJavaPoolSize(); } public int memcode(Object obj) { return OracleRuntime.memcode(obj); } public String dumpAllHeaps(String pathname) throws { try { OracleRuntime.dumpAllHeaps(pathname); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } public String dumpJITSymbolsForVTune(String filename) throws { try { OracleRuntime.dumpJITSymbolsForVTune(filename); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } public String nop(Object obj) { try { OracleRuntime.nop(obj); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } public int memtype(Object obj) { return OracleRuntime.memtype(obj); } public Class getCallerClass() { return OracleRuntime.getCallerClass(); } // correspond to OracleRuntime's setSoftRefPolicy, getSoftRefPolicy public String getSoftRefPolicy() { switch (OracleRuntime.getSoftRefPolicy()) { case OracleRuntime.SOFTREFPOLICY_AGE: return "age soft ref policy"; case OracleRuntime.SOFTREFPOLICY_CALLS: return "calls soft ref policy"; default: return "unknown: " + OracleRuntime.getSoftRefPolicy(); } } public String ageSoftRefPolicy() { try { OracleRuntime.setSoftRefPolicy(OracleRuntime.SOFTREFPOLICY_AGE, OracleRuntime.getSoftRefPolicyValue()); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } public String callsSoftRefPolicy() { try { OracleRuntime.setSoftRefPolicy(OracleRuntime.SOFTREFPOLICY_CALLS, OracleRuntime.getSoftRefPolicyValue()); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } // long writeable attribute public long getSoftRefPolicyValue() { return OracleRuntime.getSoftRefPolicyValue(); } public void setSoftRefPolicyValue(long value) { OracleRuntime.setSoftRefPolicy(OracleRuntime.getSoftRefPolicy(), value); } public boolean loadersAreTheSame(Class cl1, Class cl2) { return OracleRuntime.loadersAreTheSame(cl1, cl2); } public String jitSomeMethods(Member methods[]) { try { int ret = OracleRuntime.jitSomeMethods(methods); return OKString + " count: " + ret; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } public String unjitSomeMethods(Member methods[], boolean[] permanent) { try { OracleRuntime.unjitSomeMethods(methods, permanent); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } public byte [] computeMD5(byte [] bits) { return OracleRuntime.computeMD5(bits); } public String emitStackTrace() { try { OracleRuntime.emitStackTrace(); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } public String startGCSpy(int port) { try { OracleRuntime.startGCSpy(port); return OKString; } catch (Exception e) { return "Operation Failed with Exception " + reformat(e); } } }