rem run.sql rem This SQL script runs the Employee kprb test connect &1/&2 set echo on set serveroutput on rem show the original data in the employee table select * from employee; rem This PL/SQL block calls the annualReview procedure, which in turns rem call the Java method updatePositionSalary in Employee class to rem update the position and salary of the employee with employee number rem 101. declare eno number; ename varchar2(20); sal number; pos varchar2(20); begin eno := 101; ename := getEmpName ('&1', '&2', '&3', eno); sal := 0; pos := 'Sr. Engineer'; annualReview ('&1', '&2', '&3', eno, pos, sal, 10000); dbms_output.put_line('eno=' || eno || ' ename=' || ename || ' position=' || pos || ' salary=' || sal); end; / rem show the updated data in the employee table select * from employee; exit