# ############################################################################ ########################### Read Only Properties ########################### ############################################################################ # #@modifiable=false # #@category=Installation # #@advanced=false # # # This string is used by the agent to determine which algorithm to use for encrypted data # The string value will be same as the release version # #@description=Agent Version agentVersion= # # emd Root directory(read-only location). Metrics should not create files # under this directory # #@description=EMD Root directory # emdRoot=/oracle/EPP/11203 # # agent Root directory(writeable). # Use this property to base any temporary file creation. # #@description=Agent Root directory # agentStateDir=/oracle/EPP/11203 # perl executable directory # #@description=Perl Home to be used. #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # perlBin=/oracle/EPP/11203/perl/bin # # script directory # #@description=Path of scripts directory # scriptsDir=/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/admin/scripts # # EMD main servlet URL # #@description=EMD URL #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # EMD_URL=http://%HOSTNAME%:%EM_SERVLET_PORT%/emd/main/ # # OMS Upload URL # # if there is no receiving OMS or if you wish to disable the UploadManager # please set this value to empty or comment out below line # #@description=Repository URL #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # REPOSITORY_URL=http://%EM_REPOS_HOST%:%EM_UPLOAD_PORT%/em/upload/ # #The following properties are advanced read-only properties # #@advanced=true # # # The location of the file that contains the root certificate. # #@description=The location of the file that contains the root certificate #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # emdRootCertLoc=/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/config/b64LocalCertificate.txt internetCertLoc=/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/config/b64InternetCertificate.txt # # The download URL for the EMD Oracle Wallet and its local file location. # # Note: Ensure that this URL references a valid port number at which the # console is available on http # #@description=The download URL for the EMD Oracle Wallet and its local file location # emdWalletSrcUrl=http://%EM_REPOS_HOST%:%EM_HTTP_PORT%/em/wallets/emd emdWalletDest=/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/config/server # # Chronos root directory # #@description=Chronous Root directory # chronosRoot=/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/emd/chronos # # other optional parameters for perl tracing # # EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_DIR default to $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/log #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= #EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_DIR= # # # Classpath for host config collection # VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you change the host config classpath entries in this section, you HAVE # to change the HOST_CONFIG_TEST_CLASSPATH entry in the utl/emdwqaenv file too. # # NOTE: if the location of log4j-core.jar is changed # make sure that appropriate changes are also made # to the CLASSPATH variable in this file if necessary # PORTING NOTE: Check OUI-required jar files for OUI APIs to work. They could be different on your platform. # Also, our version of xmlparserv2.jar must be compatible with the one OUI expects (both OUI and ECM use XML parser). # #@description=Classpath for the host config collection #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # hostConfigClasspath=/oracle/EPP/11203/oui/jlib/xmlparserv2.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/oui/jlib/OraInstaller.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/oui/jlib/srvm.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/oui/jlib/share.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/jlib/emcoreAgent.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/jlib/emagentRT.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/oui/jlib/orai18n-mapping.jar # JAVA HOME required for JavaExt metric calls # #@description=Java Home. #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # JAVA_HOME=/oracle/EPP/11203/jdk/jre # CLASSPATH required for JavaExt metric calls # #@description=Classpath for JavaExt metric calls #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # CLASSPATH=/oracle/EPP/11203/jdbc/lib/ojdbc5.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/lib/xmlparserv2.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/jlib/http_client.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/oc4j/j2ee/home/lib/http_client.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/lib/http_client.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/jlib/share.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/jlib/jssl-1_1.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/jlib/javax-ssl-1_1.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/jlib/ojmisc.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/jlib/repository.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/opmn/lib/optic.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/jlib/emagentRT.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/lib/dmsEmd.jar:/oracle/EPP/11203/sysman/jlib/emcoreAgent.jar # # add an additional admin path from which the agent will read additional # target metadata. The specified path should have the mandatory 4 directories # under it. 1. metadata 2. scripts 3. default_collection 4. discover # #@description=Additional admin path from which the agent will read additional metadata. #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # #altAdminPath=<additional admin path> #@category=Runtime Settings # # To enable the metric browser, uncomment the following line # This is a reloadable parameter # #@description=Enable the metric browser at /emd/browser/main #@valueType=Boolean #@LOV=false;true #@default=false # #enableMetricBrowser=true # # These are the optional Java flags for the in-process Java # Native Interface (JNI) # #@description=Optional java falgs for the inprocess Java Native Interface. #@LOV= # agentJavaDefines=-Doracle.dms.refresh.wait.time=1000 -DUrlTiming.UseJSSE=true -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=1800 -Djava.awt.headless=true # # this is the java option # #@description=Java options # #JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx128m #JAVA_OPTIONS=-Djava.awt.headless=true # # Agent version compatible flag. # it can be set to force the agent to behave like a older version of agent # #@description=Agent version compatible flag # #AGENT_COMPATIBLE_VERSION=4.1 # # Proxy settings used for fetchlets. not applicable for uploader. # #@description=Proxy settings used for the fetchlets. #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # #proxyHost=www-proxy.example.com #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=80 # #proxyPort=80 #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default=example.com # #dontProxyFor=.example.com # # If it is necessary to go through an http proxy server to get to the # repository, uncomment the following two lines # #@description=Proxy settings to go thru a http prixy server to get to the repository. #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # #REPOSITORY_PROXYHOST= #REPOSITORY_PROXYPORT= #REPOSITORY_PROXYREALM=%EM_REPOS_PROXYREALM% #REPOSITORY_PROXYUSER=%EM_REPOS_PROXYUSER% #REPOSITORY_PROXYPWD=%EM_REPOS_PROXYPWD% # # Uncomment this line if you wish EM to collect disk statistics of all disks # mounted on the box # #@description=EM will collect disk statistics of all disks when this falg is true. #@valueType=Boolean #@LOV=false;true #@default=true # #EM_MONITOR_ALL_DISKS=true # # This parameter controls the number of lines from the nohup file that get sent # up to the repository when the agent bounces. This value is defaulted to 15 in # the agent code. The maximum allowed value is 200. # #@description=The number of lines from the nohup file that get sent to the repository when agent bounces. #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=15 # #nohupLastRunLines=15 # # This property is used by the snmp receivlet module of the agent # to listen for snmp traps on udp/ip. If this prperty is not defined # then emd port will be used to listen for traps # #@description=Port on which snmp receivelet module of the targets listens for snmp traps. #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default= # #SnmpRecvletListenNIC=3002 # # The script to run if disk space usage exceeds parameters or if certain other # error conditions occur. # #@description=Script to run if disk space usage exceeds parameters or if some other error occurs. #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # #emdFailureScript=emdfail.command # # The email address for out-of-band notifications # #@description=Agent email settings #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # emd_email_address= emd_email_gateway= # # The return email address for out-of-band notifications # #@description=Return email address emd_from_email_address= # # Whether the EMD should listen on all NICs on the current host (the default) # or just the NIC associated with the hostname in EMD_URL # #@description=Agent will listen on all NICs #@valueType=Boolean #@LOV=false;true #@default=true #@migrate=source # AgentListenOnAllNICs=TRUE # # The health monitor executes callbacks in a separate thread. if for some # reason the threads spawned from health monitor to execute callbacks are # hung, the agent could run out of resource and freeze. # so when the current thread count spawned from the Health monitor reaches # this limit, the agent is bounced. the default is set to 5. # #@description=Maximum number of that can be spawned from health monitor after which agent is bounced. #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=5 # #MaxHealthMonitorThreads=5 # # # when enabled, will combine the metrics with same interval together. # this use less thread on the system. Default value is 5 # #@description=The agent clubs together collections with similar intervals and runs them in sequence. #MaxItemsPerThread=5 # SSL session cache flag #@description=SSK session cache falg #@valueType=Boolean #@LOV=false;true #@default=false # SSLSessionCache=FALSE # Whether Common Name in the certificate contains wild card ( *.example.com e.g. ) #@description=Enable certificate Common Name wile card match #@valueType=Boolean #@LOV=false;true #@default=false # #EnableCNWildCard=true # This parameter enables/disables SSLV2 when agent listening as a server # Need to restart agent to pick up the change #@description=Enable or disable SSLV2 in agent listener, requires agent restart #@valueType=Boolean #@LOV=false;true #@default=true # #DisableSSLV2=false # This parameter sets the allowed cipher suites, seperated by ':' # If not specified, the default list is: # SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 # SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA # SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA # SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA # SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 # SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA # # the supported list is: # SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA # SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA # SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 # SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA # SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 # SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA # SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA # SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA # SSL_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA # SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 # SSL_DH_anon_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA #@description=list of allowed cipher suites #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # #SSLCipherSuites= #Signals that users want to ignore. #It can be one or combination of SIGTERM, SIGINT # The signals can listed with ',' as delimiter. # #@description=Signals that user wants to ignore #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # #IgnoreSignals= # # dynamicPropReComputeMaxTries --> maximum number of reties for calculating failed # dynamic properties. The default value is 4 retires. #@description=Number of recompute tries for critical dynamic properties #@valueType=Int #@default=4 #dynamicPropReComputeMaxTries=4 #The number of threads that are evaluating dynamic properties in parallel propComputeParallelization=10 # #Do not even show these to the UI # #@internal=true #@category= # # # This string is used by the agent to connect to remote targets # ***IMPORTANT*** Do not change the contents of this setting. Only the # install should modify this value. # #@description=Agent Seed #@valueType=String #@LOV= #@default= # agentSeed=439003824 # # To disable Remote operations (non-reachable agent) uncomment the following # line: # #@description= #disableRemoteOperations=true # # This property is NO LONGER USED for host config collection (instead, hostConfigClasspath is used). # If noone else uses it, it can be removed. # ouiLoc=/oracle/EPP/11203/oui # This parameter enables/disables the eons receivelet from subscribing for eons events # Need to restart agent to pick up the change #@description=Enable or disable eons receivelet in agent , requires agent restart #@valueType=Boolean #@LOV=false;true #@default=false # disableEonsRcvlet=false # ############################################################################ ########################### Modifiable Properties ########################## ############################################################################ # #@modifiable=true # # #### Tracing related properties # #@category=Tracing # # #@advanced=false # # emagent perl tracing levels # supported levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR # default level is WARN # #@description=Tracing setting for perl tracing. #@valueType=String #@LOV=ERROR;WARN;INFO;DEBUG #@default=WARN # EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_LEVEL=WARN # # this section define the logging level for each component, # it is "reloadable", you can change the level at runtime to reset # the logging level, but if you remove the line, it will not be # changed. # #@description=Tracing Levels for agent subcomponent. #@valueType=String #@LOV=FATAL;ERROR;WARN;INFO;DEBUG;DEVTRC #@default=WARN # tracelevel.main=WARN #tracelevel.emSDK.xml=WARN #tracelevel.emSDK.utl=WARN #tracelevel.Dispatcher=WARN #tracelevel.ThreadPool=WARN #tracelevel.pingManager=WARN #tracelevel.collector=WARN #tracelevel.http=WARN #tracelevel.http.client=WARN #tracelevel.browser=WARN #tracelevel.ssl=WARN #tracelevel.ssl.io=WARN #tracelevel.blackouts=WARN #tracelevel.upload=WARN #tracelevel.command=WARN #tracelevel.reload=WARN #tracelevel.scheduler=WARN #tracelevel.HealthMonitor=WARN #tracelevel.Authentication=WARN #tracelevel.metadata=WARN #tracelevel.targets=WARN #tracelevel.TargetManager=WARN #tracelevel.engine=WARN #tracelevel.javaproc=WARN #tracelevel.vpxoci=WARN #tracelevel.javavm=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.os=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.osline=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.oslinetok=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.snmp=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.UDM=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.PropsFromAssocTgt=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.sql=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.url=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.urllines=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.urllinetoken=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.URLTiming=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.OJMX=WARN #tracelevel.emd.fetchlets.JMX.generic=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.propEcho=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.readFromFile=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.readMultFromFile=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.throwable=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.resourceGrab=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.statusHang=WARN #tracelevel.fetchlets.emSDK=WARN #tracelevel.recvlets=WARN #tracelevel.recvlets.aq=WARN #tracelevel.recvlets.snmp=WARN #tracelevel.recvlets.http=WARN #tracelevel.recvlets.jni=WARN #tracelevel.recvlets.eons=WARN #tracelevel.credproviders=WARN #tracelevel.utl=WARN #tracelevel.NLS=WARN #tracelevel.util.dates=WARN #tracelevel.util.emdprops=WARN #tracelevel.util.files=WARN #tracelevel.util.fileops=WARN #tracelevel.resman.socket=WARN #tracelevel.resman.process=WARN #tracelevel.ResMonitor=WARN #tracelevel.emtgtctl=WARN #tracelevel.ojmxtool=WARN ## Advanced Tracing related properties #@advanced=true # EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_FILESIZE default to 5M #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=5 # #EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_FILESIZE=5 # # When set to true, the emd.log and emd.trc file will be appended by a pid # For example: # emd_15789.log # emd_15789.trc # # By default, it is not set for regression test purpose. # # After installed, please uncomment this line because when EMD is restarted, # previous log information will be lost if not set to true. # #@description=Create log files with PID in the file names #@valueType=Boolean #@LOV=false;true #@default=true # #LogFileWithPID=true # Default log file maximum size before rolling in Kilobytes # #@description=log file maximum size before rolling in Kilobytes #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=4096 # LogFileMaxSize=4096 # Maximum number of log file roll files to maintain before deletion # #@description=Maximum number of log file roll files to maintain before deletion #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=4 # LogFileMaxRolls=4 # Default trace file maximum size before rolling in Kilobytes # #@description=trace file maximum size before rolling in Kilobytes #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=4096 # TrcFileMaxSize=4096 # Maximum number of trace file roll files to maintain before deletion # #@description=Maximum number of trace file roll files to maintain before deletion #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=4 # TrcFileMaxRolls=4 # #### Schedule and Timeout # #@category=Schedules and Timeouts # #@advanced=false # Interval at which agent uploads accumulated data files # #@description=Interval at which agent uploads accumulated data files #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default= # UploadInterval=15 # Time out for the Agent to think that the access to the database could be # hung. The Agent would not allow more threads to go and hang with a database # if any one access to the database does not return within DbHangTimeout # seconds. # The more the timeout more the possibility of allowing more threads # to be hung in the EMD with a bad database.it is specified in seconds. # #@description=Timeout for the agent to think that access to the databse could be hung. #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=200 # #DbHangTimeout=200 ## Advanced Schedule and Timeout related properties #@advanced=true # # # Maximum amount of time, in seconds, upload will wait for response from # repository before timing out. # 0 means infinite. # #@description= #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=1800 # UploadTimeout=1800 # If an upload fails, we want to backoff by UploadFailBackoff # percentage more each time for each successive upload failure # e.g. if we start the retry at 1 minute. If we fail in our next # upload attempt, we try again 1minute 12 seconds later etc. # #@description=On Upload failure, the next upload will be backed of by UploadFailBackoff percent more. #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=20 # UploadFailBackoffPct= 20 # # How big the file the collector will upload (in KB) # the actual file size could be slightly bigger. # This is only a guidance. # #@description= #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=2048 # UploadFileSize=2048 # # The maximum number of megabytes(MB) the upload manager will support in the # upload directory before temporarily disabling collections, logging and tracing # #@description= #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=50 # UploadMaxBytesXML=50 # # The maximum number of files the upload manager will support in the # upload directory before temporarily disabling collections, logging and tracing # #@description= #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=5000 # UploadMaxNumberXML=5000 # # The maximum amount (%) of disk space that can be used on the EMD filesystem # before the following is disabled: # - Collection of data (upload manager) # - Logging and tracing #@description= #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=98 # UploadMaxDiskUsedPct=98 # # The amount (%) of disk space that can be used on the EMD filesystem # before the following is re-enabled after being disabled previously: # - Collection of data (upload manager) # - Logging and tracing #@description= #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=95 # UploadMaxDiskUsedPctFloor=95 # # How long, in minutes, upload manager waits until it schedules recount # of the XML files in upload directory (defaults to 60 mins) # #@description= #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=60 # UploadFileRecountInterval=60 # # The interval (in seconds) after which an upload attempt is retried # owing to an upload already in progression # #@description= #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=5 # #UploadRetryInterval=5 # # How long (in secs) until a remote operation sumbitted via the dispatcher can # take before the agent in bounced by the watchdog. This timeout applied to only # those operation which ought to finish within a certain interval of time # #@description=Timeout for a remote operation submitted via the dispatcher #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=300 # RemoteAPITimeout=300 # The following three properties are for HTTP timeout # Timeout value for reading Http primary header, default is 30 seconds. # #@description=Timeout for reading the HTTP primary header #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=30 # httpTimeoutPrimaryHeader=30 # Timeout value for reading http secondary headers, default is 30 seconds #@description=Timeout for reading the HTTP secondary headers. httpTimeoutSecondaryHeaders=30 # Timeout value for reading http body, default is 60 seconds. #@description=Timeout for reading the HTTP body. #@default=60 httpTimeoutBody=60 # Timeout used by ping manager for socket connect and read #@description=Timeout used by the ping manager for socket connect and read #@default=30 #PingTimeout=30 # # Timeout for ping operation. # HealthMonitor will abort the EMD process and bounce the agent if # PingManager does not finish a ping request within PingMaxTime minutes # Watchdog will also try to bounce the agent if last ping attempt was more than # 2 * PingMaxTime minutes ago in case HealthMonitor wasn't able to # bounce agent for some reason # the default value is 15 Min # #@description=Timeout in minutes for Ping operation.Used by watchdog and HealthMonitor #@default=15 #PingMaxTime=15 # # Number of attempts by the HealthMonitor when a ping request to the OMS # times out, before finally shutting down the EMD process. # Default is 3 times # #@description=Number of attempts by health monitor when a ping request times out. #@default=3 #PingHangMaxAttempts=3 # # This parameter controls the maximum duration (in seconds) allowed for a host # monitoring operation performed by nmupm. The default is 15 seconds. # You can increase this if the monitored box has lots of disks, and nmupm # timeout errors occur. # #@description=Maximum duration in seconds allowed for a host monitoring operation performed by nmupm. #@default=15 #NMUPM_TIMEOUT=15 # # This parameter controls the maximum duration (in minutes) allowed for *any* # collection to take to execute. The default is 720 minutes (12 hours), and it # is strongly recommended that this value not be set to less than 60. # #@description=Maximum duration in mins allowed for any collection to take to execute. #@default=720 #HungCollectionTimeout=720 # # This parameter control how long we allow scheduler failed to create thread # If the scheduler keep failing for more than this number of minutes, the agent # will exit. Unit= Minute. # #@description=Timeout after which the agent will exit if the scheduler keeps failing. #@default=20 #CannotScheduleThreadTimeout=20 # # This parameter provides the number of seconds the AQ recvlet will # wait after first subscribing to the alert queue for all # pre-subscription alerts to be updated in the dba_outstanding_alerts view # #@description= #@default=30 #queuePropagateWait=30 # # This parameter provides the number of seconds a discard-state request # will wait for an AQ recvlet thread to either complete or defer (if the # target database is not currently up) the request. # #@description= #@default=30 #queueDiscardWait=30 # Timeout value after which the Agent Status reflects that the Agent has stopped accepting all incoming connections # The default value is set equal to 5 mins. # #@description=Timeout in mins after which agent status reflects that the agent has stopped accepting all incoming connections. #@default=5 #BlockedIncomingReqWarnDelay=5 # #Timeout for Dynamic property evaluation. This is provided in seconds. #The dynamicPropsComputeTimeout value applies to all target types unless if a #target type specific value is provided using the #dynamicPropsComputeTimeout_<targetType>= syntax # #@description=Timeout for Dynamic property evaluation. #@default=30 #dynamicPropsComputeTimeout=30 #Requested by RAC team in bug 4423072 #@description=Timeout used for Dynamic property evaluation of RAC Targets. #@default=120 dynamicPropsComputeTimeout_rac_database=120 #@description=Timeout used for Dynamic property evaluation of cluster Targets. #@default=120 dynamicPropsComputeTimeout_cluster=120 #@description=Timeout used for Dynamic property evaluation of has Targets. #@default=120 dynamicPropsComputeTimeout_has=120 #bug 4595094 #@description=Timeout used for Dynamic property evaluation of Database Targets. #@default=120 dynamicPropsComputeTimeout_oracle_database=120 #bug 5016243 #@description=Timeout used for Dynamic property evaluation of OC4J Targets. #@default=120 dynamicPropsComputeTimeout_oc4jjvm=120 #bug 5638037 #@description=DynamicProperty evaluation timeout value of Microsoft SQL Server #@default=120 dynamicPropsComputeTimeout_microsoft_sqlserver_database=120 #bug 7282751 (7309413 for 11.2) #@description=DynamicProperty evaluation timeout value of Host targets #@default=120 dynamicPropsComputeTimeout_host=120 #bug 8322172 #@description=DynamicProperty evaluation timeout value of ASM targets #@default=120 dynamicPropsComputeTimeout_osm_instance=120 # #### Scalability related properties # #@category=Scalability #@advanced=false # # This parameter indicates the thread model to use. uncomment one of the # following ThreadPoolModel line to indicate the model, agent need to use. # SMALL if number of targets is less than 11. # MEDIUM if number of targets is from 11 to 50. # LARGE if number of targets is greater than 50. # This parameter can be overriden by 'MaxThreads' which indicates the maximum # number of threads that CEMD can have running at any point of time. User can # mostly use the other parameter ThreadPoolModel to indicate what model for the # agent to use. # #@description=Thread model to be used. #@valueType=String #@LOV=SMALL;MEDIUM;LARGE #@default= # # ThreadPoolModel = SMALL # ThreadPoolModel = MEDIUM # ThreadPoolModel = LARGE # #@advanced=true # This parameter indicates the stack size, threads have to be created with. # we can set it to 0 to use the OS default value. # # In some version of solaris(such as 2.9 ) specify a stack size may cause Java Hotspot warning # when JVM is used. # #@description=Stack size that threads are to be created with. #@valueType=Int #@LOV= #@default=0 # NormalThreadStackSize=0 # # Limit the max number of incoming http connections. If we reach this # number, no more incoming http request can be acceptedi, except the # shutdown request from emctl # # the default value is 25 # #@description=Maximum number of incoming http connections. #@default=25 #MaxInComingConnections=25 # # The maximum number of Processes can be created. This include Job process and # process created for collection threads. If we reach this limit, new processes # will not be created, Collection will be delayed until the outstanding threads # are below this number again. # # the default value is maximum of File descriptors / 4 # #@description=Maximum number of Processes that can be created. #@default=64 #MaxSpawnedProcesses=64 # # The Max OCI session agent will create for a target.( Include Active + Idle) # #@description=Maximum OCI session agent will create for a target. #@default=7 #MaxOCIConnectionPerTarget=7 # # The interval for cleaning up idle connections in the pool # #@description=The interval for cleaning up idle connections in the pool #@default=60 #OCIPoolCleanupInterval=60 ################################ # #@category=Runtime Settings #@description= #@modifiable=true #@advanced=true #@valueType=STRING #@LOV= #@default= # # Put all additional properties here # # NOTE: NO PROPERTY METADATA AFTER THIS LINE!!! # PLEASE PUT THEM INTO PROPERTY SECTION (READ ONLY OR MODIFIABLE PROPS ################################