#Please get the file list from product team - these files/dirs will not be #propagated during addNode. Please make sure that this list is cumulative and #contains absolute paths of files / dirs that should be excluded oracle.installer.addnode.excludeFileListFile=rdbms/install/install.excl #The following properties are added to support ORACLE_BASE in 11g oracle.installer.useORACLE_BASE=true oracle.installer.ORACLE_BASEvar=ORACLE_BASE # The following properties are added to enable OH deinstall tool oracle.install.customizedeinstall=true oracle.install.customdeinstallcommand=%ORACLE_HOME%/deinstall/deinstall # The following property will remove everything from OH during deinstall oracle.installer.removeallfiles=true # The following property is added to support the config framework for diagsetup oracle.installer.mandatorySetup=true # The following property is added to collapse component list in the Summary page oracle.installer.summary_expand_nodes=NewLangs,Global,Space,Langs # The following property is added to continue the installation in case of diagsetup failure oracle.installer.additionaltool_continue_onerror=true # This property will give the list of lib extns for which perms are to be set the default value will be =.sl,.sl.11.1 add any other file extns if needed oracle.installer.LibExtns=.sl,.sl.11.1,.so,.so.11.1,.sl.1.0,.so.1.0 # the explicit permission to be set on lib files default will be 0755 oracle.installer.LibPerms=0755