#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: install/tools/deinstall/bootstrap.pl /st_install_11.2.0/2 2011/05/10 11:12:24 vkoganol Exp $ # # bootstrap.pl # # Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # bootstrap.pl - This script will first validate if the files required for deinstalling ORACLE_HOME is # present in ORACLE_HOME and bootstraps it to the location passed from shell/batch script. # This script will be run only in cases when running the deinstall tool from installed ORACLE_HOME. # # # DESCRIPTION # # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # vkoganol 05/10/11 - XbranchMerge vkoganol_bug-12433438 from main # vkoganol 05/08/11 - Correcting script name in error message # vkoganol 12/20/10 - XbranchMerge vkoganol_bug-10153797 from # st_install_11.2.0 # ssampath 06/10/10 - Recently PERL added some new directories. Fail the # tool if the file and the directory does not exist # in OH # ssampath 06/09/10 - Reuse old tmpdir location when -giclean is passed # ssampath 03/25/10 - XbranchMerge ssampath_bug-9342491 from # st_install_11. # ssampath 01/18/10 - Creation # use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Copy; use File::Find; $notRecommendedMessage = "It is not recommended to run the script directly. Execute deinstall or deinstall.bat which executes this script with right set of arguments\n"; $homeVersion = shift; if($homeVersion eq "") { print "Deinstall tool version is one of the required arguments for this perl script. $notRecommendedMessage"; exit 1; } if($homeVersion) { $ORACLE_HOME = shift @ARGV; if($ORACLE_HOME eq "") { print "The Oracle home directory is one of the required arguments for this perl script. $notRecommendedMessage"; exit 1; } } $ID = exists($ENV{ID}) ? $ENV{ID} : '/usr/bin/id'; $LSL = exists($ENV{LSL}) ? $ENV{LSL} : '/bin/ls -l'; $isWindows = ($^O =~ /.*MSWin.*/) ? 1 : 0; if ($isWindows) { $dirSep = '\\'; $pathSep = ';'; $arch = $ENV{PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE}; $bits = $ENV{PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432}; $is32Bit = (($arch eq 'x86') && ($bit eq '')) ? 1 : 0; } else { $dirSep = '/'; $pathSep = ':'; } $bootstrapDir = processTmp(); # Check if this script is run as root on Linux. If so, then error out. # This is fix for bug 5024086. if (! $isWindows) { my $id = `$ID`; $id =~ /.*?\((\w+)\).*/; $user = $1; #print "\n\$user = $user\n"; if ($user eq 'root') { print "\nERROR: You must not be logged in as root to run the deinstall tool.\n"; print " Log in as Oracle user and rerun the deinstall tool.\n"; exit 1; } } mkpath($bootstrapDir) or die "ERROR: Unable to make boot strap directory $bootstrapDir: $!\n" if(! -d $bootstrapDir); if($homeVersion) { validateOwner(); filesListCheck(); # copy contents of ORACLE_HOME/deinstall/* and jdk to the bootstrap directory my @sourceDirs = ($ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep.'deinstall',$ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep.'jdk'); my $dest = $bootstrapDir; if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) { system("xcopy /y/s/i/e/q $sourceDirs[0] $dest"); system("xcopy /y/s/i/e/q $sourceDirs[1] $dest\\jdk"); } else { system("cp -rf $sourceDirs[0]/* $dest"); system("cp -rf $sourceDirs[1] $dest"); } } # The value of TEMP location is printed to STDOUT which will be # captured by shell script. print $bootstrapDir; sub validateOwner() { # Check that user running this script is owner of Oracle Home. $homeInventory = $ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep.'inventory'; if (! $isWindows) { my $id = `$ID`; $id =~ /.*?\((\w+)\).*/; $user = $1; #print "\n\$user = $user\n"; if (-d $ORACLE_HOME) { if (-d $homeInventory) { my @lsCmdOutput = `$LSL $ORACLE_HOME`; my $inventoryOwner; foreach $lineOut (@lsCmdOutput) { chomp($lineOut); $lineOut =~ s/^\s+//; $lineOut =~ s/\s+$//; if ($lineOut =~ /.+?\s+[0-9]+\s+(.+?)\s+.*inventory/) { $inventoryOwner = $1; #print "owner = $inventoryOwner\n"; } } if ($user ne $inventoryOwner) { print "You must be the owner of this Oracle Home to deinstall/deconfigure it.\n"; exit 1; } } else { print "The home inventory does not exist on this Oracle Home: $ORACLE_HOME\n"; print "Please create '$homeInventory' as original user and rerun this script.\n"; exit 1; } } else { print "The Oracle Home '$ORACLE_HOME' does not exist.\n"; print "Please re-create the Oracle Home as original user and rerun this script.\n"; exit 1; } } } sub filesListCheck() { my $filePath; my $command; # Check to see if all the files we require for running Files List # is present in the home. If it is not present, then there is # no point in continuing further. $filePath = $ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep."deinstall".$dirSep."jlib".$dirSep."deinstall_wrapper.jar"; unless (-f $filePath) { print "\nThe deinstall file, deinstall_wrapper.jar does not exist in ORACLE_HOME, $ORACLE_HOME/deinstall/jlib directory. Hence, you cannot use deinstallation and deconfiguration tool that is installed in the home. Download stand-alone version of the tool from OTN to deconfigure and deinstall the home.\n"; exit 1; } # Extract required files from .lst $command = $ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep."jdk".$dirSep."bin".$dirSep."jar tf"; $filePath = $ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep."deinstall".$dirSep."jlib".$dirSep."deinstall_wrapper.jar"; my @fileToExtract = grep { /.*\.lst/ } `$command $filePath`; my $fileToExtract = $fileToExtract[0]; chomp($fileToExtract); #print "\n\$fileToExtract = $fileToExtract\n"; chdir($bootstrapDir) or die "ERROR: Cannot change to directory $bootstrapDir: $!\n"; $command = $ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep."jdk".$dirSep."bin".$dirSep."jar xf"; system("$command $filePath $fileToExtract"); # required_files.lst is already extracted to bootstrapDir. my $fileName = $bootstrapDir.$dirSep."mapfiles".$dirSep."required_files.lst"; #my $fileName = $ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep."deinstall".$dirSep."mapfiles".$dirSep."required_files.lst"; open(FILE, "<$fileName") or die "ERROR: Unable to open required_files.lst: $!\n"; my @files = (); while (my $file = ) { chomp($file); push(@files, $file) unless ($file =~ /\w+\.dll/ && (! $isWindows)); # if non-windows, skip .dlls } close(FILE); foreach $file (@files) { $file =~ s/\//\\/g if ($isWindows); #print "\nProcessing file $file\n"; my $compFile = 'oui'.$dirSep.'bin'.$dirSep.'ouica.properties'; next if ($file eq $compFile); # drop extraneous oui/bin/ouica.properties next if ($file =~ /.+_tmp.*/); next if ($file eq 'bin'.$dirSep.'ODBTREEVIEW.OCX' && !$is32Bit); next if ($file eq 'bin'.$dirSep.'OO4OADDIN.DLL' && !$is32Bit); next if ($file eq 'bin'.$dirSep.'OO4OCODEWIZ.DLL' && !$is32Bit); my ($fileName, $fileDir, $fileExt) = fileparse($file, '\..*'); # Correctly rename for EM template files which have been instantiated under different names if ($file =~ /\w+\.template$/) { my @fnArr = split(/\./, $fileExt); $fileName .= ".".$fnArr[1]; $file = length($fileDir) > 0 ? $fileDir.$fileName : $fileName; } push(@filesToCopy, $file); if (! -f $ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep.$file && ! -d $ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep.$file) { print "ERROR: Cannot find $file in the ORACLE_HOME $ORACLE_HOME. You must download the standalone version of the deinstall tool from OTN to deconfigure/deinstall this Oracle Home.\n"; $deinstallDir=$ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep."deinstall"; chdir($deinstallDir) or die "ERROR: Cannot change to directory $deinstallDir : $!\n"; rmtree($bootstrapDir) if (-d $bootstrapDir); exit 1; } else { createSubDirs($fileDir); my $from = $ORACLE_HOME.$dirSep.$file; my $to = $bootstrapDir.$dirSep.$fileDir; if ($isWindows) { copy($from, $to); } else { system("cp -rf $from $to"); } #print "\nCopied file $from to $to\n"; } } } sub createSubDirs { my ($input) = @_; my $intrPath = ""; #Loop through the sections foreach(split/\Q$dirSep\E/,$input) { #Add to path $intrPath .= $_ . $dirSep; #print "Create path $intrPath\n"; mkdir($intrPath) or die "ERROR: Unable to create directory $intrPath: $!\n" if(! -d $intrPath); } } sub processTmp() { my $tmpSearch = '-tmpdir'; my $giCleanSearch = '-giclean'; my $giCleanFound = 0; my ($sec, $min, $hr, $mDay, $mon, $yr, $wDay, $yDay, $dst) = localtime; my $year = $yr + 1900; my $month = $mon + 1; my $seconds = ($hr * 60 * 60) + ($min * 60) + $sec; my $noonSeconds = (12 * 60 * 60); my $amPm = ($seconds > $noonSeconds) ? 'PM' : 'AM'; my $hour = ($seconds > $noonSeconds) ? ($hr - 12) : $hr; my $dteTimeStamp = sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d%s", $year, $month, $mDay, $hour, $min, $sec, $amPm); my $defaultTmp = "/tmp"; my $tmp = ""; while ( $arg = shift @ARGV) { if(lc($arg) eq $giCleanSearch) { $giCleanFound = 1; } if(lc($arg) eq $tmpSearch) { $tmp = shift @ARGV; break ; } } if($isWindows) { $defaultTmp = $ENV{SystemDrive}.$dirSep.'temp'; } my $scratchArea = $tmp ? $tmp : ($ENV{TEMP} ? $ENV{TEMP} : $defaultTmp); if($giCleanFound) { return $scratchArea; } else { return $scratchArea.$dirSep.'deinstall'.$dteTimeStamp; } }