Rem Rem $Header: ctx_src_2/src/dr/admin/u1100000.sql /main/21 2010/05/09 21:34:36 wclin Exp $ Rem Rem u1100000.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem u1100000.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem upgrade ctxsys from 11.0.0.X to Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script upgrades a 11.0.0.X ctxsys data dictionary to Rem This script should be run as ctxsys on an 11.0.0.X ctxsys schema Rem (or as SYS with ALTER SESSION SET SCHEMA = CTXSYS) Rem No other users or schema versions are supported. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rpalakod 04/30/10 - Split off to changes Rem rkadwe 04/04/10 - Document Level Lexer Rem ssethuma 03/30/10 - XbranchMerge ssethuma_bug-9048930 from main Rem nenarkhe 08/25/09 - ctx_tree Rem rpalakod 08/17/09 - Bug 8809055 Rem rpalakod 08/11/09 - dup_val_on_index Rem rpalakod 08/09/09 - autooptimize Rem rpalakod 02/18/09 - change name of near_realtime Rem rpalakod 02/05/09 - nrtidx api Rem nenarkhe 01/22/09 - mvdata section Rem rpalakod 01/07/09 - separate_offsets Rem rpalakod 01/05/09 - big io Rem igeller 10/07/08 - bug 7353283, add bigram japanese lexer attribute Rem shorwitz 06/18/08 - Bug 4198410: Add new languages Rem rpalakod 02/06/08 - Bug 6798472: ent-ext views show all users data Rem rpalakod 01/22/08 - Reduce maximum entity length to 512 Rem rpalakod 01/12/08 - Entity Extraction Rem wclin 09/27/07 - allow special section in auto section group Rem gkaminag 10/10/05 - gkaminag_fixlrg_051010 Rem gkaminag 10/10/05 - Created Rem REM REM IF YOU ADD ANYTHING TO THIS FILE REMEMBER TO CHANGE DOWNGRADE SCRIPT REM REM =================================================================== REM Bug 9048930 REM =================================================================== update dr$index_cdi_column set cdi_column_name = '"' || cdi_column_name || '"' where regexp_instr(cdi_column_name, '^["](.+)["]$') != 1; commit; REM ======================================================================== REM ALOW SPECIAL SECTION FOR AUTO_SECTION_GROUP REM ======================================================================== begin insert into dr$object_attribute values (50703, 5, 7, 3, 'SPECIAL', '', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'NONE', null, null, 'N'); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / REM ======================================================================== REM Enable bigram preference attribute for Japanese Lexer REM ======================================================================== begin insert into dr$object_attribute values (60210, 6, 2, 10, 'BIGRAM', 'Use a bigram lexer', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / REM ======================================================================== REM Enable big_io preference attribute for basic_storage REM ======================================================================== begin insert into dr$object_attribute values (90110, 9, 1, 10, 'BIG_IO', null, 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / REM ======================================================================== REM Enable separate_offsets preference attribute for basic_storage REM ======================================================================== begin insert into dr$object_attribute values (90111, 9, 1, 11, 'SEPARATE_OFFSETS', null, 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / REM ======================================================================== REM Enable $M storage clause preference attribute for basic_storage REM ======================================================================== begin insert into dr$object_attribute values (90112, 9, 1, 12, 'MV_TABLE_CLAUSE', '', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'NONE', null, 500, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (50212, 5, 2, 12, 'MVDATA', '', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'NONE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (50312, 5, 3, 12, 'MVDATA', '', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'NONE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (50512, 5, 5, 12, 'MVDATA', '', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'NONE', null, null, 'N'); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / REM ======================================================================== REM Enable near_realtime preference attribute for basic_storage REM ======================================================================== begin insert into dr$object_attribute values (90113, 9, 1, 13, 'STAGE_ITAB', null, 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (90114, 9, 1, 14, 'G_TABLE_CLAUSE', '', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'NONE', null, 500, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (90115, 9, 1, 15, 'G_INDEX_CLAUSE', '', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'NONE', null, 500, 'N'); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / REM ======================================================================== REM ENTITY EXTRACTION REM ======================================================================== begin insert into dr$object values (9, 4, 'ENTITY_STORAGE', 'entity extraction storage', 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (90401, 9, 4, 1, 'INCLUDE_DICTIONARY', 'include oracle supplied dictionary', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'TRUE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (90402, 9, 4, 2, 'INCLUDE_RULES', 'include oracle supplied rules', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'TRUE', null, null, 'N'); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / begin dr$temp_crepref('ENTITY_STORAGE_DR', 'ENTITY_STORAGE'); dr$temp_setatt('ENTITY_STORAGE_DR', 'INCLUDE_DICTIONARY','1'); dr$temp_setatt('ENTITY_STORAGE_DR', 'INCLUDE_RULES','1'); dr$temp_crepref('ENTITY_STORAGE_D', 'ENTITY_STORAGE'); dr$temp_setatt('ENTITY_STORAGE_D', 'INCLUDE_DICTIONARY','1'); dr$temp_setatt('ENTITY_STORAGE_D', 'INCLUDE_RULES','0'); dr$temp_crepref('ENTITY_STORAGE_R', 'ENTITY_STORAGE'); dr$temp_setatt('ENTITY_STORAGE_R', 'INCLUDE_DICTIONARY','0'); dr$temp_setatt('ENTITY_STORAGE_R', 'INCLUDE_RULES','1'); dr$temp_crepref('ENTITY_STORAGE', 'ENTITY_STORAGE'); dr$temp_setatt('ENTITY_STORAGE', 'INCLUDE_DICTIONARY','0'); dr$temp_setatt('ENTITY_STORAGE', 'INCLUDE_RULES','0'); dr$temp_crepref('DEFAULT_EXTRACT_LEXER', 'AUTO_LEXER'); dr$temp_setatt('DEFAULT_EXTRACT_LEXER', 'ALTERNATE_SPELLING', '0'); dr$temp_setatt('DEFAULT_EXTRACT_LEXER', 'BASE_LETTER', '0'); dr$temp_setatt('DEFAULT_EXTRACT_LEXER', 'MIXED_CASE', '1'); end; / begin insert into dr$parameter (par_name, par_value) values ('DEFAULT_EXTRACT_LEXER', 'CTXSYS.DEFAULT_EXTRACT_LEXER'); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / REM Entity Extraction Tables and Views REM entity extraction upgrade is also run in u1002000.sql so we need to REM catch duplicate errors declare errnum number; begin execute immediate(' create table dr$user_extract_rule( erl_pol_id number(38), erl_rule_id integer, erl_language varchar2(30), erl_rule varchar2(512), erl_modifier varchar2(8), erl_type varchar2(4000), erl_status number, erl_comments varchar2(4000), primary key (erl_pol_id, erl_rule_id))'); exception when others then errnum := SQLCODE; if (errnum = -00955) then null; else raise; end if; end; / declare errnum number; begin execute immediate(' create table dr$user_extract_stop_entity( ese_pol_id number(38), ese_name varchar2(512), ese_type varchar2(30), ese_status number, ese_comments varchar2(4000), unique (ese_pol_id, ese_name, ese_type))'); exception when others then errnum := SQLCODE; if (errnum = -00955) then null; else raise; end if; end; / declare errnum number; begin execute immediate(' create table dr$user_extract_entdict ( eed_polid number, eed_entid number, eed_lang varchar2(30), eed_mention varchar2(512), eed_type varchar2(3000), eed_normid number, eed_altcnt number, eed_status number, primary key (eed_polid, eed_entid, eed_normid))'); exception when others then errnum := SQLCODE; if (errnum = -00955) then null; else raise; end if; end; / declare errnum number; begin execute immediate(' create table dr$user_extract_tkdict ( etd_polid number, etd_txt varchar2(128), etd_soe number, etd_eoe number, etd_bigram number, etd_status number, primary key (etd_polid, etd_txt))'); exception when others then errnum := SQLCODE; if (errnum = -00955) then null; else raise; end if; end; / create or replace view drv$user_extract_rule as select * from dr$user_extract_rule where erl_pol_id = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX', 'IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert, update, delete on drv$user_extract_rule to public; create or replace view ctx_user_extract_rules as select i.idx_name erl_policy_name, e.erl_rule_id erl_rule_id, e.erl_language erl_language, e.erl_rule erl_rule, e.erl_modifier erl_modifier, e.erl_type erl_type, decode(e.erl_status, 0,'not compiled', 1, 'to be deleted', 2, 'compiled') erl_status, e.erl_comments erl_comments from dr$user_extract_rule e, dr$index i where i.idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and e.erl_pol_id = i.idx_id; create or replace public synonym ctx_user_extract_rules for ctxsys.ctx_user_extract_rules; grant select on ctx_user_extract_rules to public; create or replace view drv$user_extract_stop_entity as select * from dr$user_extract_stop_entity where ese_pol_id = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX', 'IDXID') with check option; grant select,insert,update,delete on drv$user_extract_stop_entity to public; create or replace view ctx_user_extract_stop_entities as select i.idx_name ese_policy_name, e.ese_name ese_name, e.ese_type ese_type, decode(e.ese_status, 0,'not compiled', 1, 'to be deleted', 2, 'compiled', 3, 'subset') ese_status, e.ese_comments ese_comments from dr$user_extract_stop_entity e, dr$index i where i.idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and e.ese_pol_id = i.idx_id; create or replace public synonym ctx_user_extract_stop_entities for ctxsys.ctx_user_extract_stop_entities; grant select on ctx_user_extract_stop_entities to public; create or replace view drv$user_extract_tkdict as select * from dr$user_extract_tkdict where etd_polid = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX', 'IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert, update, delete on drv$user_extract_tkdict to public; create or replace view drv$user_extract_entdict as select * from dr$user_extract_entdict where eed_polid = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX', 'IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert, update, delete on drv$user_extract_entdict to public; create or replace view ctx_extract_policies as select i.idx_name epl_name, epl_owner from dr$index i, sys.user$ u where INSTR(i.idx_option, 'E') > 0 and i.idx_owner# = u.user#; create or replace view ctx_extract_policy_values as select /*+ ORDERED */ idx_name epv_policy_name, epv_policy_owner, cla_name epv_class, obj_name epv_object, oat_name epv_attribute, decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(ixv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, ixv_value)) epv_value from dr$index, sys.user$ u, dr$index_value, dr$object_attribute, dr$object, dr$class, dr$object_attribute_lov where ixv_sub_group = 0 and ixv_value = nvl(oal_value, ixv_value) and oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and oat_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = obj_cla_id and oat_obj_id = obj_id and (cla_name = 'STORAGE' or cla_name = 'LEXER') and cla_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = cla_id and ixv_oat_id = oat_id and idx_id = ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = u.user# and INSTR(idx_option, 'E') > 0; create or replace view ctx_user_extract_policies as select i.idx_name epl_name from dr$index i where INSTR(i.idx_option, 'E') > 0 and i.idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID'); create or replace public synonym ctx_user_extract_policies for ctxsys.ctx_user_extract_policies; grant select on ctx_user_extract_policies to public; create or replace view ctx_user_extract_policy_values as select /*+ ORDERED */ idx_name epv_policy_name, cla_name epv_class, obj_name epv_object, oat_name epv_attribute, decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(ixv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, ixv_value)) epv_value from dr$index, dr$index_value, dr$object_attribute, dr$object, dr$class, dr$object_attribute_lov where ixv_sub_group = 0 and ixv_value = nvl(oal_value, ixv_value) and oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and oat_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = obj_cla_id and oat_obj_id = obj_id and (cla_name = 'STORAGE' or cla_name = 'LEXER') and cla_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = cla_id and ixv_oat_id = oat_id and idx_id = ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and INSTR(idx_option, 'E') > 0; create or replace public synonym ctx_user_extract_policy_values for ctxsys.ctx_user_extract_policy_values; grant select on ctx_user_extract_policy_values to public; / REM ======================================================================= REM Add new language names REM ======================================================================= begin insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'ASSAMESE', 47, 'Assamese'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'CYRILLIC_KAZAKH', 48, 'Cyrillic Kazakh'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'CYRILLIC_SERBIAN', 49, 'Cyrillic Serbian'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'CYRILLIC_UZBEK', 50, 'Cyrillic Uzbek'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'GUJARATI', 51, 'Gujarati'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'HINDI', 52, 'Hindi'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'KANNADA', 53, 'Kannada'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'LATIN_SERBIAN', 54, 'Latin Serbian'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'LATIN_UZBEK', 55, 'Latin Uzbek'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'MACEDONIAN', 56, 'Macedonian'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'MALAYALAM', 57, 'Malayalam'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'MARATHI', 58, 'Marathi'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'ORIYA', 59, 'Oriya'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'PUNJABI', 60, 'Punjabi'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'TAMIL', 61, 'Tamil'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60117, 'TELUGU', 62, 'Telugu'); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / REM =================================================================== REM WILDCARD_MAXTERMS REM =================================================================== update dr$object_attribute set oat_val_min = 0 where oat_id = 70106; commit;