Rem Rem $Header: u0900010.sql 24-jan-2003.12:11:53 ehuang Exp $ Rem Rem u0900010.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2000, 2003, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem u0900010.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script upgrades an 9.0.1.X ctxsys data dictionary to Rem This script should be run as ctxsys on an 9.0.1 ctxsys schema Rem (or as SYS with ALTER SESSION SET SCHEMA = CTXSYS) Rem No other users or schema versions are supported. Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ehuang 01/24/03 - Rem gkaminag 11/26/02 - increase size of version string Rem ehuang 10/10/02 - call current directory Rem ehuang 06/12/02 - add registry. Rem gkaminag 02/19/02 - bug 2232407. Rem mfaisal 02/03/02 - inso_filter timeout_type Rem daliao 01/31/02 - add classification update Rem gkaminag 01/17/02 - update Rem gkaminag 01/08/02 - call dbms_registry.valid. Rem yucheng 01/11/02 - create online pending table Rem gkaminag 12/17/01 - bug 2154029. Rem gkaminag 12/05/01 - change name in upgrading.... Rem salpha 11/20/01 - need to change default theme lexer for ctxcat Rem gkaminag 11/20/01 - policy name to default_policy_oracontains. Rem mfaisal 10/24/01 - user-defined lexer Rem gshank 10/22/01 - Stem Indexing Rem gkaminag 10/23/01 - policy. Rem wclin 09/25/01 - ctxxpath Rem gkaminag 10/08/01 - component registry. Rem ehuang 09/29/01 - URITypeIndexing. Rem gkaminag 08/08/01 - creation REM ======================================================================== REM all existing ctxcat index created with default/theme lexer, need to set REM index_themes=no REM ======================================================================== update dr$index_value set ixv_value = '0' where (ixv_oat_id = 60113 or ixv_sub_oat_id=60113) and ixv_idx_id in (select idx_id from dr$index where idx_type=1); REM ======================================================================== REM dr$unindexed REM ======================================================================== PROMPT ... creating table dr$unindexed create table dr$unindexed ( unx_idx_id number, unx_ixp_id number, unx_rowid rowid, constraint drc$unx_key primary key (unx_idx_id, unx_ixp_id, unx_rowid) ) organization index; REM ======================================================================== REM dr$pending REM ======================================================================== alter table dr$pending add (pnd_lock_failed char(1)); update dr$pending set pnd_lock_failed = 'N'; commit; REM ======================================================================== REM new view definitions REM ======================================================================== create or replace view ctx_section_groups as select sgp_owner, sgp_name, obj_name sgp_type from dr$section_group, dr$object, dr$class, sys.user$ u where sgp_obj_id = obj_id and obj_system = 'N' and obj_cla_id = cla_id and cla_name = 'SECTION_GROUP' and sgp_owner# = u.user# / create or replace view ctx_user_section_groups as select sgp_name, obj_name sgp_type from dr$section_group, dr$object, dr$class where sgp_obj_id = obj_id and obj_system = 'N' and obj_cla_id = cla_id and cla_name = 'SECTION_GROUP' and sgp_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / REM ======================================================================== REM BASIC LEXER - INDEX STEM REM ======================================================================== delete from dr$object_attribute where oat_id = 60120; delete from dr$object_attribute_lov where oal_oat_id = 60120; insert into dr$object_attribute values (60120, 6, 1, 20, 'INDEX_STEMS', 'Language for indexing stemmer', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', 'NONE', null, null, 'Y'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60120, 'NONE', 0, 'Do not index stems'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60120, 'ENGLISH', 1, 'English (inflectional)'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60120, 'DERIVATIONAL', 2, 'English (derivational)'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60120, 'DUTCH', 3, 'Dutch'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60120, 'FRENCH', 4, 'French'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60120, 'GERMAN', 5, 'German'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60120, 'ITALIAN', 6, 'Italian'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60120, 'SPANISH', 7, 'Spanish'); commit; REM ======================================================================== REM USER LEXER REM ======================================================================== delete from dr$object where obj_cla_id = 6 and obj_id = 10; delete from dr$object_attribute where oat_id = 61001; delete from dr$object_attribute where oat_id = 61002; delete from dr$object_attribute_lov where oal_oat_id = 61002; delete from dr$object_attribute where oat_id = 61003; insert into dr$object values (6, 10, 'USER_LEXER', 'user-defined lexer', 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (61001, 6, 10, 1, 'INDEX_PROCEDURE', 'name of the indexing stored procedure', 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'REQUIRED', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (61002, 6, 10, 2, 'INPUT_TYPE', 'datatype of the input arguments of indexing stored procedure', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', 'CLOB', null, null, 'Y'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (61002, 'CLOB', 1, 'CLOB'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (61002, 'VARCHAR2', 2, 'VARCHAR2'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (61003, 6, 10, 3, 'QUERY_PROCEDURE', 'name of the query stored procedure', 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 'S', 'REQUIRED', null, null, 'N'); commit; REM ======================================================================== REM NULL LEXER REM ======================================================================== delete from dr$object where obj_cla_id = 6 and obj_id = 9; delete from dr$preference where pre_cla_id = 6 and pre_obj_id = 9; insert into dr$object values (6, 9, 'NULL_LEXER', 'special lexer for use in ctxxpath indexes only', 'Y'); begin dr$temp_crepref('NULL_LEXER','NULL_LEXER'); end; / REM ======================================================================== REM CTXXPATH_SECTION_GROUP REM ======================================================================== delete from dr$object where obj_cla_id = 5 and obj_id = 9; delete from dr$section_group where sgp_obj_id = 9; delete from dr$parameter where par_name = 'DEFAULT_CTXXPATH_STORAGE'; insert into dr$object values (5, 9, 'CTXXPATH_SECTION_GROUP', 'special section group for ctxxpath indexes only', 'Y'); begin dr$temp_cresg('CTXXPATH_SECTION_GROUP','CTXXPATH_SECTION_GROUP'); end; / insert into dr$parameter (par_name, par_value) values ('DEFAULT_CTXXPATH_STORAGE', 'CTXSYS.DEFAULT_STORAGE'); commit; REM ======================================================================== REM BASIC_WORDLIST preference REM ======================================================================== begin dr$temp_crepref('BASIC_WORDLIST','BASIC_WORDLIST'); end; / REM ======================================================================== REM URITYPE DATATYPE REM ======================================================================== delete from dr$object where obj_cla_id = 2 and obj_id = 6; delete from dr$preference where pre_cla_id = 2 and pre_obj_id = 6; insert into dr$object values (2, 6, 'URITYPE_DATATYPE', '', 'Y'); begin dr$temp_crepref('URITYPE_DATATYPE','URITYPE_DATATYPE'); end; / REM ======================================================================== REM INSO FILTER REM ======================================================================== delete from dr$object_attribute where oat_id = 40503; delete from dr$object_attribute_lov where oal_oat_id = 40503; insert into dr$object_attribute values (40503, 4, 5, 3, 'TIMEOUT_TYPE', 'Time-out type', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', 'HEURISTIC', null, null, 'Y'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (40503, 'HEURISTIC', 1, 'Heuristic'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (40503, 'FIXED', 2, 'Fixed'); commit; REM ======================================================================== REM DR$POLICY_TAB REM ======================================================================== CREATE TABLE dr$policy_tab ( plt_policy CHAR(1), plt_langcol CHAR(1) ); GRANT select ON dr$policy_tab to public; commit; REM ======================================================================== REM dr$online_pending REM ======================================================================== create table dr$online_pending ( onl_cid number not null, onl_rowid varchar(18) not null, onl_indexpartition varchar(30) default null, primary key (onl_cid, onl_rowid) ) organization index storage (freelists 10); REM ======================================================================== REM CTX_VERSION REM ======================================================================== create or replace function dri_version return varchar2 is begin return ''; end; / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_version AS select '' ver_dict, substr(dri_version,1,10) ver_code from dual; REM ======================================================================== REM classification REM ======================================================================== insert into dr$class values (99, 'CLASSIFIER', 'classification preferences', 'N'); insert into dr$object values (99, 1, 'RULE_CLASSIFIER', 'rule based classifier', 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (990101, 99, 1, 1, 'THRESHOLD', 'Minimum confidence level (in percentage) for rule generation for all classes', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', '50', 1, 100, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (990102, 99, 1, 2, 'MAX_TERMS', 'Maximum number of terms in one class', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', '100', 20, 2000, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (990103, 99, 1, 3, 'MEMORY_SIZE', 'Typical memory size in MB', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', '500', 10, 2000000, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (990104, 99, 1, 4, 'NT_THRESHOLD', 'minimum term occurring frequency (in the fraction of total number of do cuments)', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'F', '0.001', 0, 0.90, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (990105, 99, 1, 5, 'TERM_THRESHOLD', 'Threshold value (in percentage) for term selection in one class', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', '10', 0, 100, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (990106, 99, 1, 6, 'TREENUM', 'Number of trees built for one class', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', '1', 1, 10, 'N'); begin dr$temp_crepref('DEFAULT_CLASSIFIER','RULE_CLASSIFIER'); end; / insert into dr$parameter (par_name, par_value) values ('DEFAULT_CLASSIFIER', 'CTXSYS.DEFAULT_CLASSIFIER'); commit; REM ======================================================================== REM default policy REM ======================================================================== REM MOVED TO CTXU817, CTXU901