Rem Rem s0902000.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem s0902000.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script upgrades an 9.2.0.X schema to 10. Rem This script should be run as SYS on an 9.2.0 ctxsys schema Rem No other users or schema versions are supported. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rpalakod 08/09/09 - autooptimize Rem gkaminag 08/02/04 - deprecation of connect Rem ekwan 10/06/03 - 3161706: grant select on HIST_HEAD AND COLTYPE Rem surman 09/04/03 - 3101316: Update duc$ for drop user cascade Rem gkaminag 08/19/03 - allow ctxsys to admin ctxapp Rem gkaminag 02/05/03 - priv problem Rem gkaminag 01/24/03 - security changes Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> grant select on SYS.CCOL$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.CDEF$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.COL$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.CON$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.ICOL$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.LOB$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.LOB$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.LOBFRAG$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.LOBFRAG$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.PARTOBJ$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_INDEXTYPES to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.HIST_HEAD$ to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.COLTYPE$ to ctxsys; update sys.registry$ set invoker# = 0 where cname = 'Oracle Text'; commit; rem this is not a mistake -- the number of system privs that rem constitute "all privileges" is different from version to rem version of the database. If you try to revoke all privs from rem a ctxsys that was created in 9.2 (137 privs) you get an error rem because all privs in 10i is 147 privs. rem so to get around the error, we grant then revoke. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO CTXSYS; REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM CTXSYS; REVOKE DBA FROM CTXSYS; grant create session, alter session, create view, create synonym, resource, create public synonym, drop public synonym to ctxsys; grant ctxapp to ctxsys with admin option; grant create job to ctxsys; grant manage scheduler to ctxsys; REM Support DROP USER CASCADE DELETE FROM sys.duc$ WHERE owner = 'CTXSYS' AND pack = 'CTX_ADM' AND proc = 'DROP_USER_OBJECTS' AND operation# = 1; INSERT INTO sys.duc$ (owner, pack, proc, operation#, seq, com) VALUES ('CTXSYS', 'CTX_ADM', 'DROP_USER_OBJECTS', 1, 1, 'Drops any Text objects for this user'); COMMIT;