rem Copyright (c) 1997, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. rem All rights reserved. rem NAME rem dripref.pkh - DR Internal PREFerence management rem DESCRIPTION rem This package contains internal code to create, manage, and drop rem preferences. rem rem NOTES rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem rkadwe 05/16/11 - Btree Backed SDATA API rem ssethuma 05/08/11 - Section specific stoplist rem surman 02/12/10 - 9364581: Add new_sdata_section and rem surman 12/09/08 - 7540290: binary_integer to number rem gkaminag 08/22/05 - all_prefs flag to copt_preferences rem gkaminag 11/24/03 - copy policy rem surman 09/08/03 - 3101316: Add drop_user_preferences rem gkaminag 12/06/02 - security for classification rem gkaminag 07/02/02 - security phase 2 rem gkaminag 06/11/02 - API Changes. rem gkaminag 08/09/00 - local domain partition support rem ehuang 06/20/00 - change get_default_section rem ehuang 12/22/99 - add index owner to set_preferences rem gkaminag 11/02/99 - rem gkaminag 06/09/99 - language column checking rem ehuang 09/16/98 - bug 726897 rem ehuang 09/14/98 - bug 726898 rem syang 04/15/98 - add rpl_preference rem ehuang 03/30/98 - policy->index rem dyu 03/20/98 - security check rem gkaminag 03/18/98 - pref system phase 4 rem ehuang 03/04/98 - 8.1 preference system change rem gkaminag 12/08/97 - add datastore_direct rem gkaminag 04/17/97 - add check_sg_usage rem gkaminag 04/11/97 - creation create or replace package dripref as /*--------------------------- get_oat_id -------------------------*/ /* NAME get_oat_id DESCRIPTION given a class and object id and an attribute name, return oat_id */ function get_oat_id( class_id in binary_integer, object_id in binary_integer, att_name in varchar2 ) return binary_integer; /*--------------------------- get_obj_info -------------------------*/ /* NAME get_obj_info DESCRIPTION given an object name, selects the object information and return the data as a record */ function get_obj_info( object_name in varchar2 ) return dr_def.obj_rec; /*--------------------------- get_pref_info -------------------------*/ /* NAME get_pref_info DESCRIPTION given a preference name, selects the preference information and returns the data as a record. */ function get_pref_info( pre_name in varchar2, new_pref in boolean default false, check_own in boolean default false ) return dr_def.pref_rec; /*---------------------------- create_preference ----------------------------*/ /* NAME create_preference DESCRIPTION this procedure create a preference for the framework object whose name is specified in 'object_name'. ARGUMENTS preference_name - preference name, this can be structured as [OWNER.]PREFERENCE_NAME object_name - name of the object to apply the preference to. */ procedure create_preference( preference_name in varchar2, object_name in varchar2); /*---------------------------- drop_preference ----------------------------*/ /* NAME drop_preference DESCRIPTION delete the preference specified in 'name' from TexTile dictionary. ARGUMENTS name - preference name */ procedure drop_preference(preference_name in varchar2 ); /*--------------------------- drop_user_preferences ----------------------*/ /* NAME drop_user_preferences DESCRIPTION deletes all preferences for the given user from the Text dictionary. If the user is null, then preferences from all dropped users will be deleted (called by ctx_adm.recover). ARGUMENTS user_name */ procedure drop_user_preferences(user_name in varchar2 := null); /*------------------------------ set_attribute ---------------------------*/ /* NAME set_attribute DESCRIPTION set the specified attribute in the specified preference to the provided value. if a setting for this attribute already exists, this will override the old value for that attribute ARGUMENTS */ procedure set_attribute( preference_name in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2, attribute_value in varchar2 ); /*---------------------------- unset_attribute ---------------------------*/ /* NAME unset_attribute DESCRIPTION remove the value for the specified attribute in the specified preference ARGUMENTS */ procedure unset_attribute( preference_name in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2 ); /*========================================================================*/ /*========================================================================*/ /* INDEXING */ /*========================================================================*/ /*========================================================================*/ /*--------------------------- set_preferences -------------------------*/ /* NAME set_preferences - Check all preferences used in a policy */ procedure set_preferences( idx_owner in varchar2, idx_id in number, idx_langcol in varchar2, prefnames in DR_DEF.NAME_TAB, new_sdata_section out boolean, ia in sys.ODCIIndexInfo default NULL ); /*--------------------------- rpl_preferences -------------------------*/ /* NAME rpl_preferences - replace preferences used in an index with the supplied ones */ procedure rpl_preferences( idx_owner in varchar2, idx_id in number, idx_langcol in varchar2, prefnames in DR_DEF.NAME_TAB, alt_I out boolean, new_sdata_section out boolean ); /*--------------------------- copy_preferences -------------------------*/ /* NAME copy_preferences - copy prefs from one index to another */ procedure copy_preferences( source_idx_id in number, dest_idx_id in number, all_prefs in boolean default FALSE ); /*--------------------------- get_default_filter ------------------*/ /* NAME get_default_filter DESCRIPTION get the default value for the filter preference */ function get_default_filter( p_dstore_pref in varchar2, p_coltype in number ) return varchar2; /*--------------------------- add_partition_storage ---------------*/ /* NAME add_partition_storage DESCRIPTION add a storage clause for the partition */ procedure add_partition_storage( p_idx_id in number, p_part_id in number, p_storage_pref in varchar2 ); /*--------------------------- remove_partition_storage -----------*/ /* NAME remove_partition_storage DESCRIPTION remove storage class values for the partition */ procedure remove_partition_storage( p_idx_id in number, p_part_id in number ); /*--------------------------- get_attribute_value ------------------*/ /* NAME get_attribute_value DESCRIPTION given a preference record and an attribute name, returns the value of the attribute in the preference. used from drival. */ function get_attribute_value( pre_rec dr_def.pref_rec, attribute_name varchar2 ) return varchar2; /*========================================================================*/ /*========================================================================*/ /* AFTER-INDEXING REPORT */ /*========================================================================*/ /*========================================================================*/ /*--------------------------- get_index_values ---------------------------*/ /* get the values for the class for the index */ PROCEDURE get_index_values( p_idx_id in number, p_cla_id in binary_integer, o_ixv in out nocopy dr_def.ixv_tab ); /*--------------------------- get_sub_index_values -----------------------*/ /* get the sub-values for the class for the index */ PROCEDURE get_sub_index_values( p_idx_id in number, p_cla_id in binary_integer, p_sub_grp in binary_integer, o_ixv in out nocopy dr_def.ixv_tab ); /*========================================================================*/ /*========================================================================*/ /* CLASSIFICATION */ /*========================================================================*/ /*========================================================================*/ /*---------------------------- GetPrefClaObj -----------------------------*/ procedure GetPrefClaObj( p_preid in number, o_claid out number, o_objid out number ); /*---------------------------- GetObjDefault -----------------------------*/ procedure GetObjDefault( p_oatid in number, o_default out varchar2 ); /*---------------------------- OpenPrefValue ------------------------------*/ procedure OpenPrefValue( p_preid in number ); /*---------------------------- NextPrefValue ------------------------------*/ function NextPrefValue( o_value out varchar2, o_oatid out number ) return binary_integer; end dripref; /