Rem rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. rem All rights reserved. rem NAME rem dr0repor.pkh rem DESCRIPTION rem This package contains reporting utilities rem rem NOTES rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem gauryada 05/31/11 - Backport snippet support for resultset interface rem igeller 06/11/10 - Adding mvdata type to token_type rem rpalakod 11/02/09 - Bug 9078341 rem ymatsuda 03/14/07 - ndata section rem skabraha 06/08/06 - add parameter stat_type to index_stats rem ekwan 08/06/03 - Bug 3007647: support token_type=604 rem ehuang 04/15/03 - rem ehuang 03/24/03 - xml support rem qxiao 02/07/03 - add query log analysis rem gkaminag 07/22/02 - security phase 2 rem gkaminag 01/14/02 - typo. rem gkaminag 01/09/02 - add token_type. rem gkaminag 12/17/01 - add token_info. rem gkaminag 10/23/01 - policy support. rem gkaminag 10/03/01 - Merged gkaminag_ctx_report_011002 rem gkaminag 10/02/01 - creation create or replace package ctx_report authid current_user as -- constants FMT_TEXT constant varchar2(10) := 'TEXT'; FMT_XML constant varchar2(10) := 'XML'; -- type declaration type query_record is record(times number, query varchar2(4000)); type query_table is table of query_record index by binary_integer; /*--------------------------- query_log_summary -----------------------------*/ /* NAME query_log_summary - get the most(least) frequent queries from the query log file DESCRIPTION This version of query_summary returns the results into a PL/SQL table ARGUMENTS logfile (IN) the name of query log file indexname (IN) the name of the context index, the default is null which will return result for all context indexes result_table (IN OUT) query_table to which to write the result row_num (IN) the number of queries you want most_freq (IN) whether you want the most frequent or least frequent quries */ procedure query_log_summary( logfile in varchar2, indexname in varchar2 default null, result_table in out nocopy query_table, row_num in number default 50, most_freq in boolean default true, has_hit in boolean default true ); /*--------------------------- describe_index --------------------------------*/ /* NAME describe_index DESCRIPTION create a report describing the index. This includes the settings of the index meta-data, the indexing objects used, the settings of the attributes of the objects, and index partition descriptions, if any ARGUMENTS index_name (IN) the name of the index to describe report (IN OUT) CLOB locator to which to write the report report_format (IN) report format NOTES if report is NULL, a session-duration temporary CLOB will be created and returned. It is the caller's responsibility to free this temporary CLOB as needed. report clob will be truncated before report is generated, so any existing contents will be overwritten by this call */ procedure describe_index( index_name in varchar2, report in out nocopy clob, report_format in varchar2 DEFAULT FMT_TEXT ); function describe_index( index_name in varchar2, report_format in varchar2 DEFAULT FMT_TEXT ) return clob; /*--------------------------- describe_policy -------------------------------*/ /* NAME describe_policy DESCRIPTION create a report describing the policy. This includes the settings of the policy meta-data, the indexing objects used, the settings of the attributes of the objects. ARGUMENTS policy_name (IN) the name of the policy to describe report (IN OUT) CLOB locator to which to write the report report_format (IN) report format NOTES if report is NULL, a session-duration temporary CLOB will be created and returned. It is the caller's responsibility to free this temporary CLOB as needed. report clob will be truncated before report is generated, so any existing contents will be overwritten by this call */ procedure describe_policy( policy_name in varchar2, report in out nocopy clob, report_format in varchar2 DEFAULT FMT_TEXT ); function describe_policy( policy_name in varchar2, report_format in varchar2 DEFAULT FMT_TEXT ) return clob; /*-------------------------- create_index_script ----------------------------*/ /* NAME create_index_script DESCRIPTION create a SQL*Plus script which will create a text index that duplicates the named text index. ARGUMENTS index_name (IN) the name of the index report (IN OUT) CLOB locator to which to write the script prefname_prefix (IN) optional prefix to use for preference names NOTES the created script will include creation of preferences identical to those used in the named text index if report is NULL, a session-duration temporary CLOB will be created and returned. It is the caller's responsibility to free this temporary CLOB as needed. report clob will be truncated before report is generated, so any existing contents will be overwritten by this call if prefname_prefix is omitted or NULL, index name will be used prefname_prefix follows index length restrictions */ procedure create_index_script( index_name in varchar2, report in out nocopy clob, prefname_prefix in varchar2 default null ); function create_index_script( index_name in varchar2, prefname_prefix in varchar2 default null ) return clob; /*-------------------------- create_policy_script ---------------------------*/ /* NAME create_policy_script DESCRIPTION create a SQL*Plus script which will create a text policy that duplicates the named text policy. ARGUMENTS policy_name (IN) the name of the policy report (IN OUT) CLOB locator to which to write the script prefname_prefix (IN) optional prefix to use for preference names NOTES the created script will include creation of preferences identical to those used in the named text policy if report is NULL, a session-duration temporary CLOB will be created and returned. It is the caller's responsibility to free this temporary CLOB as needed. report clob will be truncated before report is generated, so any existing contents will be overwritten by this call if prefname_prefix is omitted or NULL, policy name will be used prefname_prefix follows policy length restrictions */ procedure create_policy_script( policy_name in varchar2, report in out nocopy clob, prefname_prefix in varchar2 default null ); function create_policy_script( policy_name in varchar2, prefname_prefix in varchar2 default null ) return clob; /*--------------------------- index_size --------------------------------*/ /* NAME index_size DESCRIPTION create a report showing the internal objects of the text index or text index partition, and their tablespaces, allocated, and used sizes ARGUMENTS index_name (IN) the name of the index to describe report (IN OUT) CLOB locator to which to write the report part_name (IN) the name of the index partition (optional) report_format (IN) report format NOTES if part_name is NULL, and the index is a local partitioned text index, then all objects of all partitions will be displayed. If part_name is provided, then only the objects of a particular partition will be displayed. if report is NULL, a session-duration temporary CLOB will be created and returned. It is the caller's responsibility to free this temporary CLOB as needed. report clob will be truncated before report is generated, so any existing contents will be overwritten by this call */ procedure index_size( index_name in varchar2, report in out nocopy clob, part_name in varchar2 default null, report_format in varchar2 DEFAULT FMT_TEXT ); function index_size( index_name in varchar2, part_name in varchar2 default null, report_format in varchar2 DEFAULT FMT_TEXT ) return clob; /*--------------------------- index_stats --------------------------------*/ /* NAME index_stats DESCRIPTION create a report showing various calculated statistics about the text index ARGUMENTS index_name (IN) the name of the index to describe report (IN OUT) CLOB locator to which to write the report part_name (IN) the name of the index partition frag_stats (IN) calculate fragmentation statistics? list_size (IN) number of elements in each compiled list report_format (IN) report format stat_type (IN) Specify teh estimated query stats to output NOTES this procedure will fully scan the text index tables, so it may take a long time to run for large indexes if the index is a local partitioned index, then part_name MUST be provided. INDEX_STATS will calculate the statistics for that index partition. if report is NULL, a session-duration temporary CLOB will be created and returned. It is the caller's responsibility to free this temporary CLOB as needed. report clob will be truncated before report is generated, so any existing contents will be overwritten by this call if frag_stats is FALSE, the report will not show any statistics relating to size of index data. However, the operation should take less time and resources to calculate the token statistics. list_size has a maximum value of 1000 index_stats will create and use a session-duration temporary table, which will be created in CTXSYS temp tablespace. */ procedure index_stats( index_name in varchar2, report in out nocopy clob, part_name in varchar2 default null, frag_stats in boolean default TRUE, list_size in number default 100, report_format in varchar2 DEFAULT FMT_TEXT, stat_type in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ); /*--------------------------- token_info --------------------------------*/ /* NAME token_info DESCRIPTION create a report showing the information for a token, decoded ARGUMENTS index_name (IN) the name of the index report (IN OUT) CLOB locator to which to write the report token (IN) the token text token_type (IN) the token type part_name (IN) the name of the index partition raw_info (IN) include a hex dump of the index data decoded_info (IN) decode and include docid and offset data resolve_docids (IN) resolve docids to rowids? report_format (IN) report format NOTES this procedure will fully scan the info for a token, so it may take a long time to run for really large tokens. if the index is a local partitioned index, then part_name MUST be provided. TOKEN_INFO will apply to just that index partition. if report is NULL, a session-duration temporary CLOB will be created and returned. It is the caller's responsibility to free this temporary CLOB as needed. report clob will be truncated before report is generated, so any existing contents will be overwritten by this call token may be case-sensitive, depending on the passed-in token type. THEME, ZONE, ATTR, PATH, and PATH ATTR tokens are case-sensitive. Everything else gets passed through the lexer, so if the index's lexer is case-sensitive, the token input is case-sensitive. if raw_info is TRUE, the report will include a hex dump of the raw data in the token_info column if decoded_info is FALSE, ctx_report will not attempt to decode the token information. This is useful when you just want a dump of data. To facilitate inline invocation, the boolean arguments are varchar2 in the function variant. You can pass in 'Y', 'N', 'YES', 'NO', 'T', 'F', 'TRUE', or 'FALSE' */ procedure token_info( index_name in varchar2, report in out nocopy clob, token in varchar2, token_type in number, part_name in varchar2 default null, raw_info in boolean default FALSE, decoded_info in boolean default TRUE, report_format in varchar2 DEFAULT FMT_TEXT ); function token_info( index_name in varchar2, token in varchar2, token_type in number, part_name in varchar2 default null, raw_info in varchar2 default 'N', decoded_info in varchar2 default 'Y', report_format in varchar2 DEFAULT FMT_TEXT ) return clob; function offset_info( index_name in varchar2, docid in varchar2, token_type in number, part_name in varchar2 default null, raw_info in varchar2 default 'N', decoded_info in varchar2 default 'Y', report_format in varchar2 DEFAULT FMT_TEXT ) return clob; /*--------------------------- token_type --------------------------------*/ /* NAME token_type DESCRIPTION this is a helper function which translates an English name into a numeric token type. This is suitable for use with token_info, or any other CTX API which takes in a token_type. ARGUMENTS index_name (IN) the name of the index type_name (IN) an English name for token_type NOTES the following is legal input. All input is case-insensitive. input meaning type returned ------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------- TEXT normal text token 0 THEME theme token 1 ZONE SEC zone section 2 ATTR TEXT text that occurs in an attribute 4 ATTR SEC attribute section 5 PREFIX prefix token 6 PATH SEC path section 7 PATH ATTR path attribute section 8 STEM stem form token 9 ATTR TEXT PREFIX prefix token occuring in attribute 604 ATTR TEXT STEM stem token occuring in attribute 904 FIELD TEXT text token in field section 16-79 FIELD PREFIX prefix token in field section 616-916 FIELD STEM stem token in field section 916-979 NDATA token in ndata section 200-299 MVDATA mvdata value in mvdata section 300-399 MDATA mdata value in mdata section 400-499 example: typenum := ctx_report.token_type('myindex', 'field author text'); For FIELD types, the index meta-data needs to be read, so if you are going to be calling this a lot for such things, you might want to consider caching the values in local variables rather than calling token_type over and over again. The constant types (0 - 9) also have constants in this package defined. */ function token_type( index_name in varchar2, type_name in varchar2 ) return number; TOKEN_TYPE_TEXT constant number := 0; TOKEN_TYPE_THEME constant number := 1; TOKEN_TYPE_ZONE_SEC constant number := 2; TOKEN_TYPE_ATTR_TEXT constant number := 4; TOKEN_TYPE_ATTR_SEC constant number := 5; TOKEN_TYPE_PREFIX constant number := 6; TOKEN_TYPE_PATH_SEC constant number := 7; TOKEN_TYPE_PATH_ATTR constant number := 8; TOKEN_TYPE_STEM constant number := 9; TOKEN_TYPE_ATTR_TXT_PFIX constant number := 604; TOKEN_TYPE_ATTR_TXT_STEM constant number := 904; /*--------------------------- validate_index -------------------------------*/ /* validate_index - write corrupt tokens to log file */ procedure validate_index(index_name in varchar2, part_name in varchar2 default null); end ctx_report; /