Rem Rem $Header: dr0itypx.sql 20-feb-2006.09:50:38 wclin Exp $ Rem Rem dr0itypx.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dr0itypx.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem wclin 02/20/06 - bug 5046136 parallel enable text operators Rem wclin 02/02/06 - rm indextype public synonyms Rem wclin 02/01/05 - remove grant exec to public for impl packages Rem gkaminag 12/04/02 - security Rem gkaminag 11/06/02 - make indextype creation dynamic for upgrade Rem ehuang 07/31/02 - operators to itype Rem ehuang 07/09/02 - Rem wclin 11/12/01 - associate statistics Rem wclin 09/25/01 - ctxxpath Rem wclin 09/25/01 - Created Rem -------------------------------------------------------------- -- CREATE FUNCTIONAL IMPLEMENTATIONS for matches operator -- ------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace package ctx_xpcontains authid current_user as function xpcontains( Colval in sys.xmltype, Text in varchar2, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out XpathIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "contains" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text LENGTH, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); end ctx_xpcontains; / create or replace operator xpcontains binding (sys.xmltype, varchar2) return number with index context, scan context XpathIndexMethods without column data using ctx_xpcontains.xpcontains ; grant execute on xpcontains to public; declare x number; begin select count(*) into x from dba_indextypes where owner = 'CTXSYS' and indextype_name = 'CTXXPATH'; if (x = 0) then execute immediate 'create indextype ctxxpath '|| 'for xpcontains(sys.xmltype, varchar2) '|| 'using XPathIndexMethods '|| ' without column data '|| ' with array dml '|| ' with rebuild online '; end if; end; / grant execute on ctxxpath to public; ASSOCIATE STATISTICS WITH INDEXTYPES ctxxpath USING TextOptStats; ASSOCIATE STATISTICS WITH PACKAGES ctx_xpcontains USING TextOptStats;