Rem rem $Header: ctx_src_2/src/dr/admin/dr0ddl.pkh /st_ctx_11.2.0/4 2011/06/15 00:46:52 rkadwe Exp $ rem rem Copyright (c) 1991, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. rem All rights reserved. rem NAME rem CTX_DDL.pkb - DRD text index services rem DESCRIPTION rem This package contains the client side services that allow the client rem to define and control the text index. rem rem NOTES rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem gauryada 05/31/11 - Backport snippet support for result set rem interface rem rkadwe 04/19/11 - Btree Backed SDATA rem hsarkar 03/24/11 - Date and Pattern Stopclass project rem rpalakod 12/01/10 - section specific attributes rem rpalakod 11/16/10 - Bug 10276515 rem rkadwe 05/30/10 - Bug 9700805 rem rkadwe 05/17/10 - XbranchMerge rkadwe_bug-9688770 from rem st_ctx_11.1.2.2 rem rkadwe 05/15/10 - Remove map_languages() rem rkadwe 04/15/10 - Activate Direct Path Loading rem rkadwe 04/15/10 - XbranchMerge rkadwe_ctx_ddl_updslx from rem st_ctx_11.1.2.2 rem rkadwe 04/13/10 - ctx_ddl.update_sub_lexer rem rkadwe 03/23/10 - XbranchMerge rkadwe_bug-8429026 from main rem rpalakod 03/09/10 - optimize rearchitecture rem rpalakod 03/03/10 - Bug 9442793 rem rpalakod 03/01/10 - rmd rem rkadwe 02/23/10 - Document Level Lexer rem rkadwe 12/15/09 - Add ctx_ddl.alter_index() rem igeller 12/04/09 - bug 8918625: Adding split_dollari() rem igeller 09/16/09 - adding split_dollari() for bug 8918625 rem rkadwe 08/26/09 - Bug 8837048 rem rkadwe 08/09/09 - zone_to_field rem nenarkhe 08/04/09 - mvdata update operations rem rpalakod 07/17/09 - autooptimize rem rpalakod 05/22/09 - Backport rpalakod_bug-8530877 from main rem rkadwe 05/21/09 - XbranchMerge rkadwe_split_zone_tokens from main rem rpalakod 05/21/09 - Add optlevel merge rem nenarkhe 04/21/09 - update_mvdata_set rem rkadwe 04/09/09 - split_zone_tokens rem rkadwe 12/04/08 - updata_sdata added rem wclin 10/10/08 - add allow_remove flag for mdata rem nenarkhe 09/10/08 - add add_mvdata_section() rem rigandhi 06/06/06 - name search rem ymatsuda 02/17/06 - tag backed sdata section rem yucheng 12/21/05 - recreate index online phase 3 rem gkaminag 10/16/05 - mdata column rem yucheng 10/14/05 - add recreate_index_online rem gkaminag 10/13/05 - incremental indexing enhancements rem gkaminag 09/30/05 - cdi indexing rem gkaminag 05/13/05 - add optlevel_rebuild rem gkaminag 11/24/03 - copy policy rem yucheng 10/22/03 - add replace_index_metadata rem smuralid 10/09/03 - sync_index: eliminate 'direct_path' param rem gkaminag 10/20/03 - mdata phase 2 rem gkaminag 10/23/03 - optimize type rem gkaminag 09/16/03 - mdata rem smuralid 04/21/03 - sync_index: new parameter 'direct_path' rem gkaminag 11/04/02 - add optlevel for token rem gkaminag 07/02/02 - security overhaul phase 2 rem gkaminag 01/15/02 - parallel full optimize for context index. rem gkaminag 01/11/02 - extend optimize_index with token_type. rem gkaminag 10/23/01 - create_policy. rem yucheng 10/12/01 - parallel sync rem gkaminag 08/15/00 - partition support in sync rem gkaminag 08/03/00 - add memory parameter to sync_index rem ehuang 07/17/00 - rm add_xml_section rem salpha 06/26/00 - ctxrule implementation rem ehuang 05/17/00 - xml section rem wclin 03/09/00 - support single token optimization rem gkaminag 02/21/00 - implement ctxcat type rem gkaminag 11/01/99 - multi stoplist rem gkaminag 07/14/99 - add PL/SQL index optimization rem gkaminag 06/11/99 - attribute sections rem gkaminag 06/07/99 - multi-lingual lexer rem gkaminag 05/25/99 - stop sections rem ehuang 04/08/99 - add sync_index rem gkaminag 07/30/98 - increase max field sections to 64 rem gkaminag 07/09/98 - remove optimize rem gkaminag 07/09/98 - add unset_attribute rem gkaminag 06/05/98 - sentpara sections rem gkaminag 05/30/98 - field section visibility rem ehuang 05/18/98 - add add_field_section rem gkaminag 05/04/98 - remove sync rem gkaminag 04/17/98 - new stopword types rem ehuang 03/30/98 - no more policy rem gkaminag 04/02/98 - section groups now have type rem gkaminag 03/24/98 - section group table column name changes rem gkaminag 03/12/98 - use driobj rem ehuang 03/06/98 - 8.1 preference system API rem ehuang 02/27/98 - add stoplist management procedures rem gkaminag 02/24/98 - new dml queue rem syang 02/23/98 - move cartridge routines to dr0idx rem syang 02/19/98 - start_index interface change rem syang 02/17/98 - return err msg to cartridge rem syang 01/14/98 - add start_index, wrapup_index rem gkaminag 12/08/97 - 8.1 create or replace package CTX_DDL authid current_user as OPTLEVEL_FAST constant varchar2(4) := 'FAST'; OPTLEVEL_FULL constant varchar2(4) := 'FULL'; OPTLEVEL_TOKEN constant varchar2(5) := 'TOKEN'; OPTLEVEL_TOKEN_TYPE constant varchar2(10) := 'TOKEN_TYPE'; OPTLEVEL_REBUILD constant varchar2(7) := 'REBUILD'; OPTLEVEL_MERGE constant varchar2(5) := 'MERGE'; MAXTIME_UNLIMITED constant number := 2147483647; LOCK_WAIT constant number := 0; LOCK_NOWAIT constant number := 1; LOCK_NOWAIT_ERROR constant number := 2; TYPE split_rec is RECORD( new_sec varchar2(64) default NULL, idval varchar2(100) default NULL ); TYPE sec_rec is RECORD( secname varchar2(500) default NULL, sectag varchar2(500) default NULL ); TYPE split_tab is table of split_rec index by binary_integer; TYPE sec_tab is table of sec_rec index by binary_integer; -- bug 9442793: flag for implicit commit preference_implicit_commit boolean := TRUE; -- -- Public procedure prototypes -- /*---------------------------- create_preference ----------------------------*/ /* NAME create_preference DESCRIPTION A preference is created to customized a tile (framework object). A preference references a framework object. It describes how a referenced object is to be customized. This procedure validates the preference attribute settings and raise an exveption if incorrect attribute settings are found. ARGUMENTS preference_name - preference name, this is structured as [OWNER.]PREFERENCE_NAME object_name - object name NOTES a) this procedure clears out the list of attributes created (by calling the set_attribute()) prior to calling this procedure. EXCEPTIONS RETURNS none */ procedure create_preference( preference_name in varchar2, object_name in varchar2); /*---------------------------- drop_preference ----------------------------*/ /* NAME drop_preference DESCRIPTION delete the preference specified in 'name' from TexTile dictionary. This procedure will raise an exception if the preference is referenced in any policy. ARGUMENTS name - preference name NOTES NONE EXCEPTIONS */ procedure drop_preference(preference_name in varchar2 ); /*---------------------------- set_attribute ----------------------------*/ /* NAME set_attribute DESCRIPTION add an item into the attribute name/value buffer for preference creation. The caller calls this procedure to set value for a named preference attribute. the create_preference() procedure make used of all values set by this procedure when creating the preference. The attribute name/value buffer is cleaned up once the preference is created. ARGUMENTS name - preference attribute name value - the attribute value NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ procedure set_attribute(preference_name in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2, attribute_value in varchar2); /*-------------------------- unset_attribute ----------------------------*/ procedure unset_attribute(preference_name in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2); /*---------------------------- set_section_attribute -----------------------*/ /* NAME set_section_attribute DESCRIPTION add a section specific attribute ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name section_name - section name attribute_name - section attribute name attribute_value - section attribute value NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ procedure set_section_attribute(group_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2, attribute_value in varchar2); /*-------------------------- unset_section_attribute -----------------------*/ procedure unset_section_attribute(group_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2); /*-------------------- create_section_group ---------------------------*/ /* NAME create_section_group DESCRIPTION create a new section group. * section group name is unique within an owner. * Only CTXAPP and CTXADMIN users can create a section group. ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name , [user.]section_group_name group_type - section group type ( from ctx_classes ) NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE create_section_group( group_name in varchar2 , group_type in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- drop_section_group ---------------------------*/ /* NAME drop_section_group DESCRIPTION drop a new group. Only CTXAPP and CTXADMIN can drop a section group, moreover, they can only drop their own section group. ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE drop_section_group( group_name in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- add_zone_section ---------------------------*/ /* NAME add_zone_section DESCRIPTION add a new section. * tag is unique within a section group * section names are not unique within a section group. this allows defining multiple patterns for the same logical section, makeing the details transparent to searches. * no field and zone section name within a section group should be the same ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_name - section name tag - the pattern which marks the start of a section NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_zone_section( group_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, tag in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- add_field_section -------------------------*/ /* NAME add_field_section DESCRIPTION add a new field section. * tag is unique within a section group * at most 16 unique field sections with a section group * no field and zone section name within a section group should be the same ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_name - section name tag - the pattern which marks the start of a section NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_field_section( group_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, tag in varchar2, visible in boolean default FALSE ); /*-------------------- add_special_section ---------------------------*/ /* NAME add_special_section DESCRIPTION add a special section to the group special sections are not detected by tags. Instead, they are detected automatically in the document text. ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_name - the special section to add NOTES The following are valid special sections: for all types: SENTENCE PARAGRAPH EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_special_section( group_name in varchar2 , section_name in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- add_stop_section -----------------------------*/ /* NAME add_stop_section DESCRIPTION add a stop section to the group stop sections can be added only to the auto sectioner. They denote those tags which should not be indexed. ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name tag - the tag to stop NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_stop_section( group_name in varchar2 , tag in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- add_attr_section -----------------------------*/ /* NAME add_attr_section DESCRIPTION add an attribute section to the group attr sections can be added only to the xml sectioner. They denote attributes whose text should be indexed ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_name - section name tag - the tag to index -- MUST be in form TAG@ATTR NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_attr_section( group_name in varchar2 , section_name in varchar2 , tag in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- add_mdata_section -------------------------*/ /* NAME add_mdata_section DESCRIPTION add a new mdata section. * tag is unique within a section group * at most 99 unique mdata sections with a section group * no section name unique within a section group ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_name - section name tag - the pattern which marks the start of a section read_only - TRUE if calling remove_mdata() for this particlar mdata section is allowed. The trade-off here is that query will run a bit faster if this is set to FALSE. NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_mdata_section( group_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, tag in varchar2, read_only in boolean default FALSE ); /*-------------------- add_ndata_section -------------------------*/ /* NAME add_ndata_section DESCRIPTION add a new ndata section. * tag is unique within a section group * at most 99 unique ndata sections with a section group * no section name unique within a section group ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_name - section name tag - the pattern which marks the start of a section NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_ndata_section( group_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, tag in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- add_mvdata_section -------------------------*/ /* NAME add_mvdata_section DESCRIPTION add a new mvdata section. * tag is unique within a section group * at most 100 unique mvdata sections with a section group * no section name unique within a section group ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_name - section name tag - the pattern which marks the start of a section datatype - datatype of the section NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_mvdata_section( group_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, tag in varchar2, datatype in varchar2 default NULL ); /*-------------------- add_sdata_section -------------------------*/ /* NAME add_sdata_section DESCRIPTION add a new sdata section. * tag is unique within a section group * at most 99 unique sdata sections with a section group * no section name unique within a section group ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_name - section name tag - the pattern which marks the start of a section datatype - datatype of the section NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_sdata_section( group_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, tag in varchar2, datatype in varchar2 default NULL ); /*-------------------- add_sdata_column -------------------------*/ /* NAME add_sdata_column DESCRIPTION map the specified FILTER BY or ORDER BY column name to an SDATA section ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_name - SDATA section name column_name - column name. NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_sdata_column( group_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, column_name in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- update_sdata -----------------------------*/ /* NAME update_sdata DESCRIPTION update sdata section value ARGUMENTS idx_name - index name section_name - SDATA section name sdata_value - sdata value sdata_rowid - rowid part_name - partition name NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE update_sdata( idx_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, sdata_value in sys.anydata, sdata_rowid in rowid, part_name in varchar2 default NULL ); /*-------------------- update_mvdata_set -----------------------------*/ /* NAME update_mvdata_set DESCRIPTION update mvdata section values as a set at document level ARGUMENTS idx_name - index name section_name - MVDATA section name mvdata_values - mvdata values mvdata_rowids - rowids to be updated part_name - partition name NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE update_mvdata_set( idx_name in varchar2 default NULL, section_name in varchar2 default NULL, mvdata_values in sys.odcinumberlist, mvdata_rowids in sys.odciridlist, part_name in varchar2 default NULL ); /*-------------------- insert_mvdata_values -----------------------------*/ /* NAME insert_mvdata_values DESCRIPTION insert mvdata section values in a list of documents ARGUMENTS idx_name - index name section_name - MVDATA section name mvdata_value - mvdata values mvdata_rowid - rowids to be updated part_name - partition name NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE insert_mvdata_values( idx_name in varchar2 default NULL, section_name in varchar2 default NULL, mvdata_values in sys.odcinumberlist, mvdata_rowids in sys.odciridlist, part_name in varchar2 default NULL ); /*-------------------- delete_mvdata_values -----------------------------*/ /* NAME delete_mvdata_values DESCRIPTION delete mvdata section values ARGUMENTS idx_name - index name section_name - MVDATA section name mvdata_values - mvdata values mvdata_rowids - rowid to be updated part_name - partition name NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE delete_mvdata_values( idx_name in varchar2 default NULL, section_name in varchar2 default NULL, mvdata_values in sys.odcinumberlist, mvdata_rowids in sys.odciridlist, part_name in varchar2 default NULL ); /*-------------------- add_mdata_column -------------------------*/ /* NAME add_mdata_column DESCRIPTION map the specified FILTER BY or ORDER BY column name to an MDATA section ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_name - MDATA section name column_name - column name. NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_mdata_column( group_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, column_name in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- remove_section ---------------------------*/ /* NAME remove_section DESCRIPTION remove section/s from a section group. * delete all sections with sec_name in section group 'grp_name'. * Only CTXAPP and CTXADMIN can drop a section, moreover, they can only drop their own sections. ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_name - section name , [user.]section_name NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE remove_section( group_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- remove_section ---------------------------*/ /* NAME remove_section DESCRIPTION remove a section from a section group. * Only CTXAPP and CTXADMIN can drop a section, moreover, they can only drop their own sections. ARGUMENTS group_name - section group name, [user.]section_group_name section_id - section id, [user.]section_name NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE remove_section( group_name in varchar2, section_id in number ); /*-------------------- create_stoplist --------------------------*/ /* NAME create_stoplist DESCRIPTION create a new stoplist ARGUMENTS stoplist_name - name of the stoplist stoplist_type - type of stoplist NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE create_stoplist( stoplist_name in varchar2, stoplist_type in varchar2 default 'BASIC_STOPLIST' ); /*-------------------- drop_stoplist --------------------------*/ /* NAME drop_stoplist DESCRIPTION delete a stoplist ARGUMENTS stoplist_name - name of the stoplist NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE drop_stoplist( stoplist_name in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- add_stopword --------------------------*/ /* NAME add_stopword DESCRIPTION add a stopword to a stoplist ARGUMENTS stoplist_name - name of the stoplist stopword - stopword to be added language - language of the stopword (for MULTI_STOPLIST only) language_dependent - language or user defined symbol NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_stopword( stoplist_name in varchar2, stopword in varchar2, language in varchar2 default NULL, language_dependent in boolean default TRUE ); /*-------------------- add_stoptheme --------------------------*/ /* NAME add_stoptheme DESCRIPTION add a stoptheme to a stoplist ARGUMENTS stoplist_name - name of the stoplist stoptheme - stoptheme to be added NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_stoptheme( stoplist_name in varchar2, stoptheme in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- add_stopclass --------------------------*/ /* NAME add_stopclass DESCRIPTION add a stopclass to a stoplist ARGUMENTS stoplist_name - name of the stoplist stopclass - stopclass to be added NOTES currently only the stopclass NUMBERS is supported */ PROCEDURE add_stopclass( stoplist_name in varchar2, stopclass in varchar2, stoppattern in varchar2 default NULL ); /*-------------------- remove_stopword --------------------------*/ /* NAME remove_stopword DESCRIPTION remove a stopword from a stoplist ARGUMENTS stoplist_name - name of the stoplist stopword - stopword to be removed language - language of the stopword (for MULTI_STOPLIST only) NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE remove_stopword( stoplist_name in varchar2, stopword in varchar2, language in varchar2 default NULL ); /*-------------------- remove_stoptheme --------------------------*/ /* NAME remove_stoptheme DESCRIPTION remove a stoptheme from a stoplist ARGUMENTS stoplist_name - name of the stoplist stoptheme - stoptheme to be removed NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE remove_stoptheme( stoplist_name in varchar2, stoptheme in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- remove_stopclass --------------------------*/ /* NAME remove_stopclass DESCRIPTION remove a stopclass from a stoplist ARGUMENTS stoplist_name - name of the stoplist stopclass - stopclass to be removed NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE remove_stopclass( stoplist_name in varchar2, stopclass in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- add_sub_lexer ---------------------------*/ /* NAME add_sub_lexer DESCRIPTION add a sub lexer to a multi-lexer preference ARGUMENTS lexer_name - name of the multi-lingual lexer preference language - language of the sub-lexer sub_lexer - name of the sub-lexer preference for this language alt_value - alternate value for the language language_dependent - language or user defined symbol NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_sub_lexer( lexer_name in varchar2, language in varchar2, sub_lexer in varchar2, alt_value in varchar2 default null, language_dependent in boolean default TRUE ); /*-------------------- remove_sub_lexer ---------------------------*/ /* NAME remove_sub_lexer DESCRIPTION remove a sub lexer from a multi-lexer preference ARGUMENTS lexer_name - name of the multi-lingual lexer preference language - language of the sub-lexer NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE remove_sub_lexer( lexer_name in varchar2, language in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- update_sub_lexer ---------------------------*/ /* NAME update_sub_lexer DESCRIPTION update a sub lexer in a multi-lexer preference ARGUMENTS lexer_name - name of the multi-lingual lexer preference language - language of the sub-lexer sub_lexer - name of the sub-lexer preference for this language NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE update_sub_lexer( lexer_name in varchar2, language in varchar2, sub_lexer in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- sync_index --------------------------*/ /* NAME sync_index DESCRIPTION sync index ARGUMENTS idx_name - index name memory - index memory part_name - index partition name parallel_degree - parallel degree direct_path - direct path loading NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE sync_index( idx_name in varchar2 default NULL, memory in varchar2 default NULL, part_name in varchar2 default NULL, parallel_degree in number default 1, maxtime in number default NULL, locking in number default LOCK_WAIT, direct_path in boolean default false ); /*-------------------- optimize_index --------------------------*/ /* NAME optimize_index DESCRIPTION optimize index ARGUMENTS idx_name - index name optlevel - optimization level -- FAST or FULL maxtime - max optimization time, in minutes, for FULL optimize token - text token string to optimize, for TOKEN optimize note token types 1, 2, 5, 7, and 8 are case-sensitive. part_name - index partition name token_type - for TOKEN optimize only, the type of the token to optimize (default value: 0). For name to type resolution, see ctx_report.token_type parallel_degree - the degree of parallelism for this optimize. NOTE: parallel optimize is supported ONLY for FULL optimize, on CONTEXT indexes. Any other conditions will produce an error message. background - slow down in presence of sync_index or query NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE optimize_index( idx_name in varchar2, optlevel in varchar2, maxtime in number default null, token in varchar2 default null, part_name in varchar2 default null, token_type in number default null, parallel_degree in number default 1, memory in varchar2 default null, background in boolean default FALSE ); /*-------------------- split_dollari --------------------------*/ /* NAME split_dollari DESCRIPTION split the $I table ARGUMENTS idx_name - index name part_name - index partition name mapping_tab - the name of the table that contains the mapping of rowids to partition name that will contain the document from that row name_prefix - the prefix used for naming the output $I tables. The name will be concatenation of name_prefix, '_', and part_name if the part_name='NULL', the name_prefix will be the name of the output table. NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE split_dollari( idx_name in varchar2, part_name in varchar2, mapping_tab in varchar2, name_prefix in varchar2, tspace in varchar2 default null ); /*-------------------- create_index_set ---------------------------*/ /* NAME create_index_set DESCRIPTION create a new index set. * index set name is unique within an owner. * Only CTXAPP users and CTXSYS can create an index set. ARGUMENTS set_name - index set name. syntax allowed. NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE create_index_set( set_name in varchar2 ); /*------------------------------ add_index ---------------------------------*/ /* NAME add_index DESCRIPTION add a new index to an index set. * column list is unique within an index set * at most 100 indexes in an index set ARGUMENTS set_name - index set name column_list - column list for the index storage_clause - index storage clause NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE add_index( set_name in varchar2, column_list in varchar2, storage_clause in varchar2 default null ); /*-------------------- remove_index ---------------------------*/ /* NAME remove_index DESCRIPTION remove index with the specified column list from an index set. ARGUMENTS set_name - index set name column_list - index column list NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE remove_index( set_name in varchar2, column_list in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- drop_index_set ---------------------------*/ /* NAME drop_index_set DESCRIPTION drop an index set. ARGUMENTS set_name - index set name NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE drop_index_set( set_name in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- create_policy ---------------------------*/ /* NAME create_policy DESCRIPTION create a policy. ARGUMENTS policy_name - the name for the new policy filter - the filter preference to use section_group - the section group to use lexer - the lexer preference to use stoplist - the stoplist preference to use wordlist - the wordlist preference to use NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE create_policy( policy_name in varchar2, filter in varchar2 default NULL, section_group in varchar2 default NULL, lexer in varchar2 default NULL, stoplist in varchar2 default NULL, wordlist in varchar2 default NULL ); /*-------------------- update_policy ---------------------------*/ /* NAME update_policy DESCRIPTION update a policy. Replaces the preferences of the policy. arguments left null will not be replaced. ARGUMENTS policy_name - the name for the policy filter - the new filter preference to use section_group - the new section group to use lexer - the new lexer preference to use stoplist - the new stoplist preference to use wordlist - the new wordlist preference to use NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE update_policy( policy_name in varchar2, filter in varchar2 default NULL, section_group in varchar2 default NULL, lexer in varchar2 default NULL, stoplist in varchar2 default NULL, wordlist in varchar2 default NULL ); /*-------------------- copy_policy ---------------------------*/ /* NAME copy_policy DESCRIPTION create a policy which is a metadata copy of an existing policy or index. ARGUMENTS source_policy - the source policy policy_name - the new policy NOTES currently the owner of the old and new policies must be the same */ PROCEDURE copy_policy( source_policy in varchar2, policy_name in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- drop_policy ---------------------------*/ /* NAME drop_policy DESCRIPTION drop a policy. ARGUMENTS policy_name - the name of the policy NOTES EXCEPTIONS */ PROCEDURE drop_policy( policy_name in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- add_mdata ---------------------------*/ /* NAME add_mdata DESCRIPTION add mdata values to existing documents */ PROCEDURE add_mdata( idx_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, mdata_value in varchar2, mdata_rowid in rowid, part_name in varchar2 default null ); PROCEDURE add_mdata( idx_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, mdata_values in sys.odcivarchar2list, mdata_rowids in sys.odciridlist, part_name in varchar2 default null ); /*-------------------- remove_mdata ---------------------------*/ /* NAME remove_mdata DESCRIPTION remove mdata values from existing documents */ PROCEDURE remove_mdata( idx_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, mdata_value in varchar2, mdata_rowid in rowid, part_name in varchar2 default null ); PROCEDURE remove_mdata( idx_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, mdata_values in sys.odcivarchar2list, mdata_rowids in sys.odciridlist, part_name in varchar2 default null ); PROCEDURE replace_index_metadata( idx_name in varchar2, parameter_string in varchar2 ); /*-------------------- populate_pending ---------------------------*/ /* NAME populate_pending DESCRIPTION loads the DML pending queue with all base table rowids intended to be used after a create index ... NOPOPULATE */ PROCEDURE populate_pending( idx_name in varchar2, part_name in varchar2 default null ); PROCEDURE recreate_index_online( idx_name in varchar2, parameter_string in varchar2 default null, parallel_degree in number default 1, partition_name in varchar2 default null ); PROCEDURE create_shadow_index( idx_name in varchar2, parameter_string in varchar2 default null, parallel_degree in number default 1 ); PROCEDURE exchange_shadow_index( idx_name in varchar2, partition_name in varchar2 default null ); procedure drop_shadow_index( idx_name varchar2 ); /*-------------------- split_zone_tokens ---------------------------*/ /* NAME split_zone_tokens DESCRIPTION To move contents of a zone section to one or more zone sections */ PROCEDURE split_zone_tokens( idx_name in varchar2, part_name in varchar2 default null, source_section in varchar2, split_map in split_tab ); /*-------------------- zone_to_field ---------------------------*/ /* NAME zone_to_field DESCRIPTION Migrate from zone to field sections */ PROCEDURE zone_to_field( idx_name in varchar2, part_name in varchar2 default null, lex_pref in varchar2, storage_pref in varchar2, attr_val_tab in varchar2, zone_sec_list in sec_tab, fld_sec_list in sec_tab ); /*--------------------------- add_auto_optimize -------------------*/ procedure add_auto_optimize( idx_name in varchar2, part_name in varchar2 default null, optlevel in varchar2 default ctx_ddl.optlevel_merge ); /*--------------------------- remove_auto_optimize -------------------*/ procedure remove_auto_optimize( idx_name in varchar2, part_name in varchar2 default null ); /*-------------------------- alter_index ---------------------------------*/ procedure alter_index( idx_name in varchar2, parameters in varchar2 ); PROCEDURE add_sdata( idx_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, sdata_value in varchar2, sdata_rowid in rowid, part_name in varchar2 default null ); PROCEDURE remove_sdata( idx_name in varchar2, section_name in varchar2, sdata_value in varchar2, sdata_rowid in rowid, part_name in varchar2 default null ); END ctx_ddl; /