Rem Rem $Header: ctx_src_2/src/dr/admin/ctxdbmig.sql /st_ctx_11.2.0/1 2011/05/16 21:57:00 rpalakod Exp $ Rem Rem ctxdbmig.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ctxdbmig.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem runs as SYS Rem Rem performs the upgrade of context from all prior releases Rem supported for upgrade (806, 817, 901 and 920 for 10i). Rem It first runs a 'u' script to upgrade the tables and types Rem and then load in the new package specifications, views and Rem package and type bodies..etc. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rpalakod 04/29/11 - Backport rpalakod_bug-11651942 from main Rem rpalakod 02/08/10 - Bug 9310235 Rem rpalakod 08/03/09 - autooptimize Rem rpalakod 01/15/09 - bug 6791488 Rem rpalakod 06/07/08 - 11.2 Rem gkaminag 10/16/05 - Rem surman 08/23/05 - 4472797: Call ctxpatch Rem gkaminag 10/07/04 - val proc to sys Rem gkaminag 03/18/04 - version Rem gkaminag 02/13/03 - avoid calling upgraded if nothing has been done Rem mfaisal 01/15/03 - restore schema Rem ehuang 12/12/02 - add parameters Rem gkaminag 11/26/02 - add call to check_server_instance Rem ehuang 11/11/02 - Rem ehuang 09/23/02 - add missing quote Rem ehuang 07/09/02 - Rem ehuang 06/17/02 - ehuang_component_upgrade Rem ehuang 06/11/02 - Created Rem Rem ensure that we are in an expected state WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; EXECUTE dbms_registry.check_server_instance; WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; Rem =========================================== Rem Make sure we are in SYS schema Rem =========================================== ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = SYS; Rem =========================================== Rem Make sure ctxsys has all required Rem privileges. Taken from ctxsys.sql Rem =========================================== grant select on sys.v_$session to ctxsys with grant option; grant create public synonym to ctxsys; grant drop public synonym to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.GV_$DB_OBJECT_CACHE to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.ARGUMENT$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_COLL_TYPES to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_CONSTRAINTS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_CONS_COLUMNS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_DB_LINKS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_INDEXTYPES to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_JOBS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_JOBS_RUNNING to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_OBJECTS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_OBJECTS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_ROLES to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_ROLE_PRIVS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_SYNONYMS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_SYS_PRIVS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_TABLES to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_TAB_COLUMNS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_TAB_COLS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_TAB_PRIVS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_TYPE_ATTRS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_USERS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.GV_$PARAMETER to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.HIST_HEAD$ to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.COL$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.COLTYPE$ to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.IND$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.INDPART$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.LOB$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.LOBFRAG$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.OBJ$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.PARTOBJ$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.SYN$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.SYSAUTH$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.TAB$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.TABPART$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.TS$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.USER$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.USER$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.VIEW$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.V_$PARAMETER to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.V_$RESOURCE to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on dba_types to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.V_$THREAD to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.CDEF$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.CON$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.CCOL$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.ICOL$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.snap$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on v_$db_pipes to ctxsys; grant execute on dbms_pipe to ctxsys; grant execute on dbms_lock to ctxsys; grant execute on dbms_registry to ctxsys; grant create job to ctxsys; grant manage scheduler to ctxsys; Rem =========================================== Rem set current schema Rem =========================================== ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = CTXSYS; Rem =========================================== Rem setup component script filname variable Rem =========================================== COLUMN :SCRIPT_NAME NEW_VALUE comp_file NOPRINT Variable script_name varchar2(50) Rem =========================================== Rem select upgrade script to run Rem =========================================== Begin If (substr(dbms_registry.version('CONTEXT'), 1, 5) = '8.1.7') then :script_name := '@ctxu817.sql'; elsif (substr(dbms_registry.version('CONTEXT'), 1, 5) = '9.0.1') then :script_name := '@ctxu901.sql'; elsif (substr(dbms_registry.version('CONTEXT'), 1, 5) = '9.2.0') then :script_name := '@ctxu920.sql'; elsif (substr(dbms_registry.version('CONTEXT'), 1, 6) = '10.1.0') then :script_name := '@ctxu1010.sql'; elsif (substr(dbms_registry.version('CONTEXT'), 1, 6) = '10.2.0') then :script_name := '@ctxu1020.sql'; elsif (substr(dbms_registry.version('CONTEXT'), 1, 6) = '11.1.0') then :script_name := '@ctxu1100.sql'; elsif (substr(dbms_registry.version('CONTEXT'), 1, 6) = '11.2.0') then :script_name := '@ctxu1120.sql'; else :script_name := '?/rdbms/admin/nothing.sql'; end if; end; / Rem set to upgrading begin if (upper(:script_name) not like '%NOTHING%') then dbms_registry.upgrading('CONTEXT','Oracle Text','validate_context', 'CTXSYS'); end if; end; / select :script_name from dual; @&comp_file Rem ==================================================== Rem reset schema just in case the last script changed it Rem ==================================================== ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = CTXSYS; begin if (upper(:script_name) not like '%NOTHING%') then dbms_registry.upgraded('CONTEXT'); end if; end; / Rem ==================================================== Rem call ctxpatch.sql to upgrade to latest patch set Rem This will also call validate_context Rem ==================================================== @@ctxpatch Rem =========================================== Rem reset current schema Rem =========================================== ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = SYS;