" G  q} Pd`efijklEn{opqDatabase Scannerfailed to allocate memory size of %d failed to release memory failed to release memory, null pointer given failed to parse BOUNDARIES parameter failed to parse SPLIT parameter Character set migration utility schema not installed Character set migration utility schema not compatible failed to parse USERID failed to get RDBMS version database version not supported user %s is not allowed to access data dictionary rPsztuvw x+yNzp{|}failed to get database character set name invalid character set name %s failed to reset NLS_LANG or NLS_NCHAR parameter failed to clear previous scan log failed to save command parameters failed to save scan start time failed to enumerate tables to scan failed to save scan complete time failed to create scan report failed to check if user %s exist user %s not found failed to check if table %s.%s exists ~Vl">Wptable %s.%s not found user %s does not have DBA privilege failed to get server version string query cannot be used in ALL or USER scan mode failed to initialize semaphore failed to spawn scan process %d failed to destroy semaphore failed to wait semaphore failed to post semaphore failed to scan table (tid=%d, oid=%d) failed to save table scan start time failed to get table information failed to get column attributes Pk +V~failed to scan table %s.%s failed to save scan result for columns failed to save scan result for table unexpected data truncation failed to enumerate table failed to enumerate user tables failed to enumerate all tables failed to enumerate character type columns failed to create list of tables to scan failed to split tables for scan failed to get total number of tables to scan failed to retrieve list of tables to scan Ju(L}failed to retrieve index defined on column failed to open summary report file failed to report scan elapsed time failed to report database size information failed to report scan parameters failed to report overall summary failed to report conversion summary failed to report conversion per table and column failed to open exception report file failed to report individual exceptions failed to retrieve size of tablespace %s DrTsfailed to retrieve free size of tablespace %s failed to retrieve total size of tablespace %s failed to retrieve used size of the database scanner capture data not available TOCHAR or TONCHAR parameter not specified. failed to enumerate user tables in bitmapped tablespace failed to retrive max LOB size failed to check if column %s.%s.%s exists column %s.%s.%s not found failed to check the index on the csm$columns table