#!/usr/bin/perl # # hasdConfig.pl # # Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # hasdConfig.pl # # DESCRIPTION # # # NOTES # # Usage: # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # smatpadi 01/24/11 - Merge 11.2 stpl change (strip FQDN) # sujkumar 01/04/10 - create generic crf.ora so that multiple instances # of pcwstart can generate its crf.ora # sujkumar 12/03/09 - Create config and db in symlink -> has_work/crf # sujkumar 11/16/09 - Create dirs and files in has_work in test env # anutripa 11/10/09 - Add run directories for IPD-OS # sujkumar 10/06/09 - Add changes for IPD/OS # jleys 12/10/08 - Fix olr info to allow emulated hosts # jleys 12/09/08 - Remove creation of config files, added for upgrade # only # jleys 11/29/08 - Create config files if they do not exist # jleys 11/16/08 - Use use for crsconfig_lib # jleys 10/30/08 - Read params from params file # jleys 04/02/08 - Move guts to crsconfig_lib.pm # dpham 06/27/08 - add trace options & rerout to trace file (bug 6903750) # priagraw 04/11/08 - add gipc resource # jleys 04/01/08 - Disable reboot in dev mode # hkanchar 04/01/08 - Fix bug#6933794 # hkanchar 03/27/08 - Update Copyright info # minzhu 03/24/08 - change asm owner # hkanchar 03/24/08 - Add Daemontype as the base type # hkanchar 03/24/08 - Use info from types # minzhu 03/21/08 - add an attr for cssd users # minzhu 03/03/08 - move attr to type file # smurala 02/21/08 - no group on windows # ahabbas 02/19/08 - add the ability to detect Multi-node emu # spommere 02/13/08 - remove tdf file after use # spommere 02/08/08 - create tdf in host-specific directory # smurala 01/16/08 - fix for windows # hkanchar 01/28/08 - Reenable ctssd # averhuls 01/23/08 - Add the usm resource. # agusev 01/11/08 - temporarily removed auto_start of ctssd # ysharoni 12/15/07 - add mdns, gpnp resources, port fixes # ysharoni 12/13/07 - add mdns, gpnp resources, port fixes # diguma 12/14/07 - changing the restart attempts for cssd # hkanchar 12/07/07 - Add register type ASM # minzhu 11/12/07 - verify cssd.type # minzhu 11/09/07 - add ACL for cssdagent # minzhu 11/08/07 - change to cssuser # minzhu 10/26/07 - enable cssdagent excu # agusev 11/29/07 - set CHECK_INTERVAL to 0 for cssd to turn off the # check action # hkanchar 10/29/07 - Use orarootagent and oraagent # rvenkate 10/22/07 - add asm resource # smurala 10/05/07 - bug_6445862 # smurala 08/22/07 - set auto_start for cssd to always # minzhu 08/09/07 - enable cssdagent # gdbhat 08/20/07 - Change the call signature for resource types # gdbhat 08/09/07 - Add support for SIHA(HAS) # hkanchar 08/08/07 - Remove start dep of crsd on evmd # samjo 08/01/07 - Add CTSS resource # hkanchar 06/29/07 - Update daemon.type location # jtellez 06/27/07 - fix bug 6153308 # smurala 06/06/07 - Separate users for css, crs, evm # hkanchar 05/11/07 - Update types for oradaemonagent # rajayar 04/03/07 - replace username with $OWNER # rajayar 03/22/07 - register crsd, cssd and evmd # rajayar 03/16/07 - register cssd, crsd and evmd resources # jtellez 03/12/07 - add creation of crs daemons # rajayar 02/13/07 - removed dummy type creation # sowong 02/13/07 - remove type creation for siha # jtellez 02/07/07 - fix runCommand # jtellez 02/07/07 - separate command from args in runCommand # jtellez 02/06/07 - massage paths # jtellez 02/04/07 - add service # rajayar 02/03/06 - Creation # jtellez 02/02/07 - Renamed and moved # use strict; use Getopt::Long; use English; use Env; use POSIX; use Sys::Hostname; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Basename; push @INC, dirname ($0); use crsconfig_lib; use ConfigTest; my $CRSCFG_TRACE_FILE; my $rc = 0; my $mode; # has / crs -- mandatory arg my $owner; # user /owner of the daemons --mandatory arg.. my $grp; # user pgroup my $pusr; # privileged user in case of shiphome / current user in case of ADE my $hostname; GetOptions('mode:s' => \$mode, 'owner:s' => \$owner, 'grp:s' => \$grp, 'pusr:s' => \$pusr, 'host=s' => \$hostname, 'debug' => \$DEBUG ); # Strip FQDN $hostname=~s/\..*$//; if ($mode eq "" || $owner eq "" || $pusr eq "") { print_usage(); $rc = 1; } else { my $is_siha; if ($mode eq "has") { $is_siha = TRUE; } # Replace functions in the crsconfig_lib symbol table with test env # friendly functions ConfigTest::ModifySymbols(); my $ORACLE_USER = $ENV{'ORACLE_USER'}; my $superuser = check_SuperUser (); my $userdir = $superuser; if (!$superuser || $OSNAME eq "MSWin32") { $userdir = $ORACLE_USER; } my %param_override = ( DIRPREFIX => catfile($ENV{'T_HAS_WORK'}, $userdir) ); my $params_file = catfile($ENV{'T_HAS_WORK_GLOBAL'}, 'crsconfig_params'); my $osdparams = catfile($ENV{'T_HAS_WORK_GLOBAL'}, 's_crsconfig_defs'); if (! -e $params_file) { my $template = catfile($ENV{'SRCHOME'}, 'has', 'install', 'crsconfig', 'crsconfig_params.sbs'); CreateConfigFile($template, $params_file, \%param_override); } if (! -e $osdparams) { my $template = catfile($ENV{'SRCHOME'}, 'has', 'lib', 's_crsconfig_defs'); CreateConfigFile($template, $osdparams, \%param_override); } $CRSCFG_TRACE_FILE = catfile($ENV{'T_HAS_WORK'}, "hasdconfig_${hostname}_$PID.log"); my $cfg = crsconfig_lib->new(paramfile => $params_file, osdfile => $osdparams, IS_SIHA => $is_siha, crscfg_trace => TRUE, crscfg_trace_file => $CRSCFG_TRACE_FILE, HAS_USER => $superuser, HOST => $hostname, s_run_as_user_v2p => \&ConfigTest::run_as_user, s_run_as_user2_v2p => \&ConfigTest::run_as_user2, DEBUG => 1 ); if ($cfg->platform_family eq 'unix') { $cfg->params('OLRLOC', 'olr.loc.' . $cfg->HOST); $cfg->params('OLRCONFIG', catfile($cfg->params('OLRCONFIGDIR'), $cfg->params('OLRLOC'))); } my $bdbloc; # no verification in ade, just create dirs $bdbloc = catfile($ENV{'T_HAS_WORK'},"crf","db","$hostname"); my $crfconfig; my $tmpcrfconfig; $crfconfig = catfile($ENV{'T_HAS_WORK'},"crf","admin","crf${hostname}.ora"); $tmpcrfconfig = crf_config_generate($hostname, $bdbloc, $cfg->params('ORACLE_OWNER'), $cfg->params('NODE_NAME_LIST')); copy_file($tmpcrfconfig, $crfconfig); $crfconfig = catfile($ENV{'T_HAS_WORK'},"crf","admin","crf.ora"); if (!-f $crfconfig) { # generic config file, if does not exists then make one copy copy_file($tmpcrfconfig, $crfconfig); } unlink $tmpcrfconfig; configure_hasd($mode, $hostname, $owner, $pusr, $grp); } exit $rc; #----------------------------( print_usage )-----------------------------# # # # FUNCTION: print_usage # # # # PURPOSE: Prints the usage message for this program # # # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub print_usage() { print "USAGE: $PROGRAM_NAME [-mode has|crs -owner -grp -pusr ]\n"; }