@echo off REM ########################################################################### REM # REM # Copyright (c) 2001, 2003, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. REM # REM # PRODUCT REM # Oracle Enterprise Manager, Version 4.0.1 REM # REM # FILENAME REM # emutil.bat REM # REM # DESCRIPTION REM # emutil is currently used to register job types with EM REM # MODIFIED REM # rdabbott 09/04/07 - syntax fixes REM # rdabbott 08/30/07 - fix 4570966: get password from stdin REM # minfan 04/25/07 - ojdbc14 sunset REM # bram 02/27/06 - Change Copyright Version REM # smodh 02/20/06 - XbranchMerge smodh_jdbc_emcore from main REM # rdabbott 09/17/05 - rm err msg for output file generation REM # rdabbott 08/23/05 - hand merge 4230566 by ashugupt REM # ashugupt 08/10/05 - Fix 4230566 REM # rdabbott 08/11/05 - fix 4529400: host port sid, jdbc REM # skini 08/09/05 - fix 4529400: libs, command line params REM # rdabbott 08/01/05 - fix 4249800: move emutil to oracle home REM # rdabbott 07/27/04 - emdrep bin in oracle home REM # djoly 05/14/04 - Update core reference REM # dsahrawa 01/07/04 - REM # dsahrawa 01/05/04 - broken bat file now works REM # mbhoopat 12/19/03 - Fix classpath REM # vnukal 04/17/03 - vnukal_fix-sure-db-2_mainsa REM # vnukal 04/09/03 - Created REM ########################################################################### REM # setlocal set JAVA_HOME=#JAVA_HOME# set ORACLE_HOME=#ORACLE_HOME# echo Enterprise Manager echo Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. REM set CP=%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\ojdbc5dms.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14dms.jar;%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-net-ee.jar;%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-utility.jar;%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-utility.jar;%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-collation.jar;%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-net.jar;%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-internal.jar;%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-servlet.jar;%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-lcsd.jar;%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-tools.jar;%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-mapping.jar;%ORA_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-translation.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\lib\dms.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdbc\lib\nls_charset12.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\j2ee\OC4J_EM\applications\em\em\WEB-INF\classes;%ORACLE_HOME%\j2ee\OC4J_EM\applications\em\em\WEB-INF\lib\emCORE.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\j2ee\OC4J_EM\applications\em\em\WEB-INF\lib\emagentSDK.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\j2ee\OC4J_EM\applications\em\em\WEB-INF\lib\log4j-core.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\jlib\emCORE.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\jlib\emagentSDKjar;%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\jlib\log4j-core.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jlib\uix2.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\lib\xmlparserv2.jar set CP=%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\ojdbc5dms.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14dms.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-net-ee.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-utility.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-utility.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-collation.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-net.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-internal.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-servlet.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-lcsd.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-tools.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-mapping.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n-translation.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\jdbc\lib\orai18n.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oc4j\lib\dms.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdbc\lib\nls_charset12.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\j2ee\OC4J_EM\applications\em\em\WEB-INF\classes;%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\jlib\emCORE.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\jlib\emagentSDK.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\jlib\log4j-core.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\jlib\emCORE.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\jlib\emagentSDKjar;%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\jlib\log4j-core.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jlib\uix2.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\lib\xmlparserv2.jar :check_args IF a%1a == aa goto :displayHelp IF a%2a == aa goto :displayHelp IF NOT "%1" == ""register"" IF NOT "%1" == "register" goto :displayHelp IF NOT "%2" == ""jobtype"" IF NOT "%2" == "jobtype" goto :displayHelp REM check for -o flag set FILE_ONLY=0 set outfile= IF NOT "%3" == ""-o"" IF NOT "%3" == "-o" goto :get_jdbc_flag set FILE_ONLY=1 set outfile=%4 shift shift :get_jdbc_flag REM check for jdbc flag set JDBC_FLAG=0 IF NOT "%3" == ""-jdbc"" IF NOT "%3" == "-jdbc" goto :get_username IF %FILE_ONLY%==1 goto :both_o_jdbc set JDBC_FLAG=1 shift :get_username IF NOT "%3" == ""-username"" IF NOT "%3" == "-username" goto :get_password set repuser=%4 shift shift :get_password IF NOT "%3" == ""-password"" IF NOT "%3" == "-password" goto :get_alias set reppwd=%4 shift shift :get_alias IF NOT "%3" == ""-alias"" IF NOT "%3" == "-alias" goto :get_help set conndesc=%4 shift shift :get_help IF NOT "%3" == ""-help"" IF NOT "%3" == "-help" goto :get_bad_op set FULL_HELP=1 goto :usage :get_bad_op set BAD_OP=%3 set BAD_OP=%BAD_OP:~0,1% IF NOT "%BAD_OP%" == ""-"" IF NOT "%BAD_OP%" == "-" goto :get_xml_file set HELP_MSG=Unexpected option: %3 goto :displayHelp :get_xml_file IF NOT "%3" == "" goto :store_xml_file set HELP_MSG=Input filename not specified. goto :displayHelp :store_xml_file set xmlfile=%3 set basefile=%~n3 IF NOT %FILE_ONLY% == 1 set outfile=%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\%basefile%_JT.sql if "" == "%repuser%" if "" == "%reppwd%" if "" == "%conndesc%" goto :old_syntax if a%4a == aa goto :check_user_alias set HELP_MSG=Repository connection parameters can be specified by options or after the jobtype filename, but not both. goto :displayHelp :check_user_alias if defined repuser if defined conndesc goto :generate set HELP_MSG=Both -username and -alias must be supplied for secure mode. goto :displayHelp :old_syntax IF NOT a%6a == aa goto :get_old_syntax set HELP_MSG=The repository connection details must be specified. goto :displayHelp :get_old_syntax set repuser=%4 set reppwd=%5 set conndesc=%6 set DEBUG=%7 :get_h_p_s if "%8" == "" goto :generate REM convert host port sid to descriptor set REP_HOST=%6 set REP_PORT=%7 set REP_SID=%8 set DEBUG=%9 set conndesc="(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=%REP_HOST%)(Port=%REP_PORT%))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=%REP_SID%)))" :generate rem echo FILE_ONLY=%FILE_ONLY% rem echo JDBC_FLAG=%JDBC_FLAG% rem echo xmlfile=%xmlfile% rem echo basefile=%basefile% rem echo outfile=%outfile% rem echo repuser=%repuser% rem echo reppwd=%reppwd% rem echo conndesc=%conndesc% rem echo DEBUG=%DEBUG% REM generate sql file if NOT "%DEBUG%" == "" goto :run_java set DEBUG="nodebug" :run_java if %JDBC_FLAG% == 1 goto :gen_jdbc %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath %CP% oracle.sysman.emSDK.job.dtd.JobTypeHandler %xmlfile% %outfile% %DEBUG% set exitval=%errorlevel% IF %FILE_ONLY% == 1 goto :check_output_errors IF NOT %exitval% == 0 goto :gen_errors echo QUIT >> %outfile% REM commit job type to database echo Committing type to database.... if defined reppwd set login_str=-S -L %repuser%/%reppwd% if NOT defined reppwd set login_str= -L %repuser% %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\sqlplus %login_str%@%conndesc% @%outfile% set exitval=%errorlevel% goto :check_commit_error :gen_jdbc REM JDBC VERSION echo Committing type to database.... echo - using jdbc connection %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath %CP% oracle.sysman.emSDK.job.dtd.JobTypeHandler %xmlfile% -jdbc %repuser% %reppwd% %conndesc% %DEBUG% set exitval=%errorlevel% goto :check_commit_error :check_commit_error IF NOT %exitval% == 0 goto :commit_errors echo Commit to database complete goto :normalExit :commit_errors echo Errors commiting to database, exiting goto :normalExit :gen_errors rem No error message is necessary, since JobTypeHandler will generate rem it's own error message(s) rem Also, since there's no similar message on linux, this leads to difs rem echo Errors generating output file, %outfile%, exiting goto :normalExit :check_output_errors IF NOT %exitval% == 0 goto :output_errors echo Output file %outfile% saved successfully goto :normalExit :output_errors echo Error saving output file, %outfile%, exiting goto :normalExit :normalExit if defined NEED_EXIT_CODE exit %exitval% goto :EOF REM display usage :both_o_jdbc set HELP_MSG=-o is not compatible with -jdbc goto :check_error :displayHelp IF NOT "%1" == ""-help"" IF NOT "%1" == "-help" goto :check_error set FULL_HELP=1 goto :usage :check_error printf "\n" if defined HELP_MSG echo Error: %HELP_MSG% if NOT defined HELP_MSG echo Error: Incorrect command option :usage printf "\nUsage:\n" printf " emutil register jobtype [options] [connect details] \n" printf " CONNECT DETAILS:\n" printf " -username Repository login username\n" printf " -password Repository login password\n" printf " -alias Repository alias or connect descriptor\n" printf " \n" printf "\n" if "%FULL_HELP%" == "1" goto :full_help printf " Try emutil -help for more information.\n\n" if defined NEED_EXIT_CODE exit 2 goto :EOF :full_help printf "\n OPTIONS:\n" printf " -o : Output the generated PL/SQL into the specified\n" printf " file as an executable PL/SQL script. In this case, the job\n" printf " type is not registered with the repository\n" printf "\n" printf " -jdbc: Use JDBC driver to connect to the repository. This option\n" printf " is mutually exclusive to the -o option.\n\n\n" printf " Deprecated Usage:\n" printf " emutil register jobtype [options] \n" printf " [ ]\n" printf " OR\n" printf " emutil register jobtype [options] \n" printf " [ ]\n\n" if defined NEED_EXIT_CODE exit 2