@echo off REM ########################################################################### REM # REM # $Header: EMDeploy.bat.template 15-dec-2005.21:25:45 tthakur Exp $ REM # REM # Copyright (c) 2004, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. REM # REM # PRODUCT REM # Oracle Enterprise Manager for 10.2 REM # REM # FILENAME REM # EMDeploy.bat.template REM # REM # DESCRIPTION REM # Wrapper script for emdeploy.pl REM # REM # NOTES REM # REM # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) REM # tthakur 12/14/05 - XbranchMerge tthakur_bug-4885497 from main REM # tthakur 12/14/05 - bug-4885497 REM # tthakur 05/26/05 - ORACLE_HOME fix REM # tthakur 03/17/05 - call commonenv REM # tthakur 12/03/04 - emdeploy path change REM # ktlaw 11/30/04 - ktlaw_emdeploy_ci_scripts REM # ktlaw 11/10/04 - make template REM # ktlaw 11/09/04 - ktlaw_ci_emdeploy_scripts REM # tthakur 10/27/04 - Created REM ################################################################################ REM # setlocal :while if (%1)==() goto done if %1 equ -oracle_home ( set ORACLE_HOME=%~2 shift ) shift goto while :done if not defined ORACLE_HOME ( set ORACLE_HOME=%ORACLE_HOME% ) if not defined ORACLE_HOME ( echo Please set ORACLE_HOME environment variable. goto :EOF ) set EMDW_HOME=%ORACLE_HOME% REM # source commonenv to set common variables call %EMDW_HOME%\bin\commonenv set PERL5LIB=%ORACLE_HOME%\%EMPERLOHBIN%;%ORACLE_HOME%\perl\lib;%ORACLE_HOME%\perl\lib\site_perl;%ORACLE_HOME%\perl\site\lib;%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\admin\scripts;%ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\install;%ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%PERL5LIB% set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\%EMPERLOHBIN%;%ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%PATH% perl %ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\install\emdeploy.pl %* endlocal REM Windows batch files need to use "exit" for the caller program to reap REM the exit code. Otherwise the caller always gets '0' as the exit code. REM When invoked from command-line exit forces the cmd window to close. REM Protecting it with a variable defintion if defined NEED_EXIT_CODE exit %errorlevel%