set define '^' Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem jkallman 10/07/2009 - Created begin wwv_flow_security.g_security_group_id := 10; wwv_flow.g_import_in_progress := true; for c1 in (select owner from dba_tables where table_name = 'WWV_FLOW_STEPS' and owner in ('FLOWS_010500','FLOWS_010600','FLOWS_020000','FLOWS_020100','FLOWS_020200','FLOWS_030000','FLOWS_030100','APEX_030200')) loop -- execute immediate 'delete from ' || c1.owner || '.wwv_flow_steps where security_group_id = 10 and flow_id between 4000 and 4009 and id >= 441 and id < 442'; end loop; -- commit; -- wwv_flow.g_import_in_progress := false; end; /