set define '^' set concat on set concat . set verify off Rem Rem Application Express 3.2.1 patch Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem jkallman 03/02/2009 - Created Rem sathikum 03/11/2009 - Added patch script for bug #8320185 Rem hfarrell 03/12/2009 - Added patch script for bug #8331010 Rem hfarrell 03/16/2009 - Added patch script for bug #8338787 Rem sspadafo 03/22/2009 - Addded directives to compile .sql and .plb files for bug 8352574 Rem hfarrell 03/23/2009 - Added patch script for bug #8349919 Rem sspadafo 03/26/2009 - Added directives to compile files for bug 8370221 (sw_util.plb, generate_table_api.plb) Rem sathikum 03/26/2009 - added patch script for bug #8358834 and also compiling wwv_mig_frm_utilities.sql & plb which is related to the bug Rem jkallman 03/27/2009 - Added htmldb_util.plb (Bug 8355079) Rem msewtz 04/01/2009 - Added patch script for bug #8320124 Rem sspadafo 04/06/2009 - Added directive to compile wwv_flow_calendar3.plb for bug 8352574 Rem sspadafo 04/08/2009 - Added directive to compile patch_8354310.sql Rem sspadafo 04/08/2009 - Added directive to compile patch_8417472.sql Rem jkallman 04/08/2009 - Added prov.plb Rem pawolf 04/08/2009 - Added patch script for bug #8415325 Rem sspadafo 04/09/2009 - Added directive to compile wwv_flow_fnd_developer_api.plb for bug 8422688 Rem jkallman 04/09/2009 - Update version check Rem jkallman 04/13/2009 - Added patch_8416002.sql Rem hfarrell 04/14/2009 - Added patch script for bug #8330936 Rem cbcho 04/15/2009 - Added wwv_flow_worksheet_expr.plb for bug #8347332 Rem jstraub 04/15/2009 - Added patch script for bug #8432829 Rem sspadafo 04/15/2009 - Added directives to compile wwv_dbms_sql.plb/wwv_dbms_sql_noroles.plb for bug 8431814 Rem jstraub 04/15/2009 - Added patch script for bug #8371342 Rem sspadafo 04/20/2009 - Added directive to compile wwv_flow_sample_app.plb for bug 8329301 Rem jkallman 04/24/2009 - Added trigger wwv_biu_flow_companies Rem sspadafo 04/26/2009 - Added directive to compile custom_auth_std.plb (Bug 8461706) Rem sspadafo 04/26/2009 - Added grants to product schema for dbms_random, dbms_obfuscation_toolkit (Bug 8466721) Rem sspadafo 04/27/2009 - Added directive to compile wwv_flow_fnd_user_api.plb for bug 8466935 Rem cbcho 04/28/2009 - Added wwv_flow_copy_page.plb (Bug 8460439) Rem hfarrell 05/06/2009 - Added patch script for bug #8486277 Rem jkallman 05/06/2009 - Added view apex_application_page_ir_col (Bug 8494970) Rem jkallman 05/15/2009 - Removed view apex_application_page_ir_col, add apex_views.sql (Bug 8494970) Rem jkallman 05/19/2009 - Added trigger WWV_FLOW_SESSIONS$_T1 and flowc.plb (Bug 8530955) Rem jkallman 05/19/2009 - Delete any orphaned rows in wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts and wwv_flow_debug (Bug 8530955) Rem jkallman 05/20/2009 - Add synonyms for APEX_UI_DEFAULT Rem pawolf 05/20/2009 - Fixed Javascript bug in IE for charts (bug 8534848) Rem jkallman 05/26/2009 - Move dev-only files from corepatch.sql to devpatch.sql Rem jkallman 05/28/2009 - Added patch_8551429.sql Rem jkallman 06/05/2009 - Added crypt.plb (Bug 8573453) Rem jkallman 06/09/2009 - Added patch_8567600.sql and patch_8567757.sql Rem jkallman 07/20/2009 - Added spell.plb, flowu.plb, api.plb Rem jkallman 10/07/2009 - Added patch_8965292.sql Rem jstraub 11/13/2009 - Added directive to compile gen_api_pkg.plb Rem jkallman 12/18/2009 - Added support for alter session set current_schema = APEX_030200; begin wwv_flow_security.g_security_group_id := 10; end; / Rem check that the release we're attempting to patch is or or or set termout off column release new_val release1 select decode(wwv_flows_release,'','dontexit','','dontexit','','dontexit','','dontexit','exit') release from dual; set termout on set serveroutput on WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL.SQLCODE ROLLBACK begin if '^release1' = 'exit' then dbms_output.put_line(chr(13)||chr(10)); dbms_output.put_line('Error:'); dbms_output.put_line('This script can only be used to patch release or or or'); dbms_output.put_line(chr(13)||chr(10)||chr(13)||chr(10)); execute immediate('invalid sql statement to force exit'); end if; end; / WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE exec dbms_registry.loading('APEX','Oracle Application Express'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Direct, rerunnable DDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace trigger wwv_biu_flow_companies before insert or update on wwv_flow_companies for each row begin if :new.provisioning_company_id = 20 and :new.short_name not in ('ORACLE','COM.ORACLE.APEX.APPLICATIONS') then raise_application_error(-20001,wwv_flow_lang.system_message('TRIGGER.SGID_RESERVED')); end if; if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_id.next_val; end if; :new.short_name := upper(:new.short_name); end; / create or replace trigger WWV_FLOW_SESSIONS$_T1 BEFORE delete on WWV_FLOW_SESSIONS$ for each row begin delete from wwv_flow_debug where id =; delete from wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts where session_id =; -- update wwv_flow_companies set last_login = trunc(:old.CREATED_ON) where provisioning_company_id = :old.security_group_id and (last_login < trunc(:old.CREATED_ON) or last_login is null); end; / create or replace synonym APEX_030200.APEX_UI_DEFAULT for APEX_030200.WWV_FLOW_HINT / create or replace public synonym APEX_UI_DEFAULT for APEX_030200.APEX_UI_DEFAULT / begin execute immediate 'drop public synonym WWV_FLOW_DML'; exception when others then if sqlcode <> -1432 then raise; end if; end; / --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compilation of package specifications (of the form @^PREFIX.core/foo.sql --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @^PREFIX.core/flows_release.sql @^PREFIX.core/wwv_flow_assert.sql ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compilation of package bodies (of the form @^PREFIX.core/foo.plb ------------------------------------------------------------------- @^PREFIX.core/wwv_flow_assert.plb @^PREFIX.core/flow_dml.plb @^PREFIX.core/wwv_flow_form_control.plb @^PREFIX.core/flow.plb @^PREFIX.core/prov.plb @^PREFIX.core/sw_api.plb @^PREFIX.core/sw_util.plb @^PREFIX.core/wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.plb @^PREFIX.core/wwv_flow_upgrade.plb @^PREFIX.core/sw_util.plb @^PREFIX.core/htmldb_util.plb @^PREFIX.core/wwv_flow_calendar3.plb @^PREFIX.core/wwv_flow_fnd_developer_api.plb @^PREFIX.core/wwv_flow_worksheet_expr.plb @^PREFIX.core/wwv_flow_sample_app.plb @^PREFIX.core/custom_auth_std.plb @^PREFIX.core/wwv_flow_fnd_user_api.plb @^PREFIX.core/flowc.plb @^PREFIX.core/wwv_flow_worksheet.plb @^PREFIX.core/crypt.plb @^PREFIX.core/spell.plb @^PREFIX.core/flowu.plb @^PREFIX.core/api.plb @^PREFIX.core/gen_api_pkg.plb @^PREFIX.core/apex_views.sql ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compilation of development package specifications and bodies ------------------------------------------------------------------- column thescript new_val script set termout off select decode(count(*),0,'patch_8417472.sql','devpatch.sql') thescript from wwv_flows where id = 4000; set termout on @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/^script -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Patch files (of the form @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_1234567.sql -------------------------------------------------------------------- @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8320185.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8331010.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8338787.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8349919.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8358834.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8320124.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8354310.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8417472.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8415325.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8416002.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8330936.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8432829.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8371342.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8466721.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8486277.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8551429.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8567757.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8567600.sql @^PREFIX.patches/3.2.1/patch_8965292.sql delete from wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts r where r.session_id is not null and r.session_id not in (select id from wwv_flow_sessions$) / delete from wwv_flow_debug where id not in (select id from wwv_flow_sessions$) / commit / create or replace public synonym APEX_APPLICATION_TRANS_MAP for APEX_030200.APEX_APPLICATION_TRANS_MAP / -- -- Compile the version of sys.wwv_dbms_sql that uses logon roles if XE or or greater -- column :thescript new_val script NOPRINT variable thescript varchar2(35) begin if wwv_flow_utilities.db_version_is_at_least('') or wwv_flow_utilities.db_edition_is_xe then :thescript := 'wwv_dbms_sql.plb'; else :thescript := 'wwv_dbms_sql_noroles.plb'; end if; end; / select :thescript from dual; @^PREFIX.core/^script begin dbms_utility.compile_schema( 'APEX_030200',FALSE ); end; / prompt ...Adjust internal application version column flow_version new_val version set termout off select wwv_flows_release flow_version from dual where rownum = 1; set termout on update wwv_flows set flow_version = '&PRODUCT_NAME. ' || '^version' where id between 4000 and 4999 / update wwv_flows set flow_version = '&PRODUCT_NAME. ' where id between 4550 and 4559 / update wwv_flows set flow_version = '&PRODUCT_NAME. ' where id between 4400 and 4409 / commit / prompt ...Validating Application Express exec sys.validate_apex; -- Set the preference to indicate this is a patched instance begin wwv_flow_platform.set_preference('APEX_3_2_1_00_11_PATCH',to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD_HH24-MI-SS')); end; / commit / exec dbms_registry.loaded('APEX','^version'); alter session set current_schema = SYS; exec validate_apex;