SET DEFINE '^' SET VERIFY OFF PROMPT ...wwv_mig_frm_load_xml.sql Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2003 - 2008. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem wwv_mig_frm_load_xml.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Load Forms tables through XMLDOM method Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem ashiverm 09/15/2008 - Created Rem hfarrell 09/30/2008 - Moved global variables and display_load_confirm and display_load_info functions from original loading package, wwv_mig_frm_load.sql Rem hfarrell 10/15/2008 - Added function is_valid_forms_xml, to check uploaded file is a valid Forms Module XML file Rem hfarrell 10/17/2008 - Changed comment on is_valid_forms_xml function to refer to tag instead of tag CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE wwv_mig_frm_load_xml AS g_security_grp_id number := 10; g_xmlns varchar2(255) := 'xmlns=""'; g_project_id number := 0; g_file_id number := 0; g_sqlerr varchar2(4000) := null; TYPE col_name_arr IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(30) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(30); -- Get all the attributes of xml file which are associated with input table's column names -- as mapped in wwv_mig_frm_xmltagtablemap table FUNCTION get_forms_column_name ( p_table_name VARCHAR2 ) RETURN col_name_arr; -- create function to check for the tag in the export file FUNCTION is_valid_forms_xml ( p_file_id in number, p_project_id in number, p_security_group_id in number) return boolean; -- Load all the forms' table, based on the input Node Element & parent Tag name PROCEDURE load_all_nodes ( p_file_id IN NUMBER ); -- Display Loaded File confirmation on Wizard Confirmation Page procedure display_load_confirm ( p_project_id in number, p_date_time_format in varchar2 ); -- Display Loaded File information on Wizard Confirmation Page procedure display_load_info ( p_project_id in number, p_date_time_format in varchar2 ); END wwv_mig_frm_load_xml; / SHOW ERRORS /