set define '^' set verify off create or replace function wwv_flow_lov_used_on_pages ( p_flow_id in number, p_lov_name in varchar2, p_lov_id in number) return varchar2 -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1999. All Rights Reserved. -- -- DESCRIPTION -- List multiple columns as a single column -- -- SECURITY -- -- NOTES -- -- RUNTIME DEPLOYMENT: YES -- -- jstraub 11/05/2003 - Added union with LOV's referenced in wwv_flow_region_report_column -- jstraub 11/05/2003 - Added constraining by flow_id to union query, so tranlated flow_step_id's do not appear is s varchar2(32767) := null; r varchar2(4000) := null; begin for c1 in (select flow_step_id from wwv_flow_step_items where flow_id = p_flow_id and named_lov = p_lov_name union select a.page_id flow_step_id from wwv_flow_page_plugs a, wwv_flow_region_report_column b, wwv_flow_lists_of_values$ c where = b.region_id and = b.named_lov and a.flow_id = p_flow_id and = p_lov_id order by 1 ) loop s := s||' '||c1.flow_step_id; end loop; if length(r) > 3997 then r := ltrim(substr(s,1,3997))||'...'; else r := ltrim(substr(s,1,4000)); end if; return r; end wwv_flow_lov_used_on_pages; / show errors