Rem Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem wwv_flow_val.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Access library SYS.WWV_FLOW_VAL_LIB Rem Rem NOTES Rem Hard-coded reference to schema name, e.g., FLOWS_020100 must be maintained for each release Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem lvbcheng 09/06/2005 - Created Rem sspadafo 10/25/2005 - Split into separate spec and body files Rem mhichwa 12/08/2005 - Removed references to product name Rem jkallman 01/23/2006 - Adjust flows_020100 references to flows_020200 Rem jkallman 09/29/2006 - Adjust flows_020200 references to flows_030000 Rem jkallman 08/02/2007 - Change FLOWS_030000 references to FLOWS_030100 Rem jkallman 09/09/2008 - Change FLOWS_030100 references to APEX_030200 create or replace package SYS.WWV_FLOW_VAL authid current_user as /*********************************/ /* return values for verify_user */ /*********************************/ valid_user CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 0; invalid_user CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 1; null_input CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := -1; /******************************/ /* exceptions for verify_user */ /******************************/ invalid_caller exception; /* this exception is raised if the user is not allowed to call this package */ internal_error exception; /* this exception is raised only in unusual situations (i.e., out of memory, database down) */ account_locked exception; /* this exception is raised if the account is locked */ password_expired exception; /* this exception is raised if the password has expired */ /***********************/ /* exception constants */ /***********************/ invalid_caller_errcode CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER:= -32058; internal_error_errcode CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER:= -600; account_locked_errcode CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER:= -28000; password_expired_errcode CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER:= -28001; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_caller, -32058); PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(internal_error, -600); PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(account_locked, -28000); PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(password_expired, -28001); function verify_user(username IN varchar2 character set any_cs, password IN varchar2 character set any_cs) return PLS_INTEGER; /* DESCRIPTION: Verify that the username and password pair is valid. PARAMETERS: username (IN) - username to be validated. Blank padded usernames are not valid. Thus, 'SCOTT ' is not equal to 'SCOTT'. password (IN) - password to be validated. Blank padded usernames are not valid. Thus, 'TIGER ' is not equal to 'TIGER'. USAGE NOTES: This package can only be called by the user FLOWS_xxxxxx (product release-specific) Any other caller will be rejected. SECURITY: TBD */ end WWV_FLOW_VAL; / show errors create or replace library SYS.WWV_FLOW_VAL_LIB trusted is static / grant execute on WWV_FLOW_VAL to apex_030200 /