set define '^' set verify off prompt ...wwv_flow_form_control Rem NAME Rem wwv_flow_form_control.sql Rem Arguments: Rem 1: Rem 2: Rem 3: Flow user Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem cbcho 03/30/2004 - Created Rem cbcho 04/07/2004 - Removed unused parameters Rem cbcho 04/09/2004 - Added secondary key item parameters Rem cbcho 04/13/2004 - Added where clause parameter, p_item_row_cnt Rem jstraub 01/15/2008 - Removed get_next_or_prev_pk from spec (Bug 6710039) create or replace package wwv_flow_form_control as -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2004. All Rights Reserved. -- -- -- DESCRIPTION -- -- -- NOTES -- This package is used to compute form control values. -- For example, it is used to compute next or previous primary key value(s) based on given table information and current primary key value(s). -- -- SECURITY -- No grants, must be run as FLOW schema owner. -- -- NOTES -- -- INTERNATIONALIZATION -- unknown -- -- MULTI-CUSTOMER -- unknown -- -- CUSTOMER MAY CUSTOMIZE -- NO -- -- RUNTIME DEPLOYMENT: YES -- procedure get_next_or_prev_info ( p_process_sql in varchar2 default null); end wwv_flow_form_control; / show error;